Fifth Third Celebrates a Unique Holiday: Its 166.7 Percentennial
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) is celebrating its unique 166.7 Percentennial anniversary, marking 166.7 years since its establishment on June 17, 1858. The milestone represents the bank's name as a fraction (5/3 = 166.7%) and symbolizes their commitment to exceptional service.
Under CEO Tim Spence's leadership, the bank highlights several historic achievements, including being the first U.S. bank to establish mall branches (1954), among the first banks listed on Nasdaq (1971), and pioneering the first online-shared ATM network, JEANIE® (1977). Recent accomplishments include processing over $17 trillion in Commercial Payments volume in 2024 and growing their Wealth Management AUM by 17%.
Looking forward, Fifth Third plans to expand with over 200 new branches through 2028, primarily in Southeast markets. The bank is celebrating by distributing thank-you notes to customers and surprising some with $53 gift cards, while continuing to enhance their digital banking capabilities and in-branch experience.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) celebra il suo unico anniversario di 166,7 anni, segnando 166,7 anni dalla sua fondazione il 17 giugno 1858. Questo traguardo rappresenta il nome della banca come una frazione (5/3 = 166,7%) e simboleggia il loro impegno per un servizio eccezionale.
Sotto la guida del CEO Tim Spence, la banca evidenzia diversi traguardi storici, tra cui essere stata la prima banca statunitense a stabilire filiali nei centri commerciali (1954), tra le prime banche quotate su Nasdaq (1971) e pioniera della prima rete di bancomat online condivisi, JEANIE® (1977). Tra i recenti successi, la banca ha elaborato oltre 17 trilioni di dollari in volume di pagamenti commerciali nel 2024 e ha aumentato il proprio AUM nella gestione patrimoniale del 17%.
Guardando al futuro, Fifth Third prevede di espandersi con oltre 200 nuove filiali entro il 2028, principalmente nei mercati del sud-est. La banca sta celebrando distribuendo note di ringraziamento ai clienti e sorprendendo alcuni con carte regalo da $53, mentre continua a migliorare le proprie capacità di banking digitale e l'esperienza in filiale.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) está celebrando su único aniversario de 166.7 años, marcando 166.7 años desde su fundación el 17 de junio de 1858. Este hito representa el nombre del banco como una fracción (5/3 = 166.7%) y simboliza su compromiso con un servicio excepcional.
Bajo el liderazgo del CEO Tim Spence, el banco destaca varios logros históricos, incluyendo ser el primer banco estadounidense en establecer sucursales en centros comerciales (1954), estar entre los primeros bancos listados en Nasdaq (1971) y ser pionero en la primera red de cajeros automáticos compartidos en línea, JEANIE® (1977). Entre los logros recientes, el banco ha procesado más de $17 billones en volumen de Pagos Comerciales en 2024 y ha incrementado su AUM en Gestión de Patrimonios en un 17%.
De cara al futuro, Fifth Third planea expandirse con más de 200 nuevas sucursales para 2028, principalmente en mercados del sureste. El banco está celebrando distribuyendo notas de agradecimiento a los clientes y sorprendiendo a algunos con tarjetas de regalo de $53, mientras continúa mejorando sus capacidades de banca digital y la experiencia en sucursal.
피프스 서드 뱅크 (NASDAQ: FITB)는 1858년 6월 17일 설립된 이후 166.7년을 기념하는 독특한 166.7 퍼센테니얼 기념일을 축하하고 있습니다. 이 이정표는 은행의 이름을 분수로 나타내며 (5/3 = 166.7%) 뛰어난 서비스에 대한 헌신을 상징합니다.
CEO 팀 스펜스의 리더십 아래, 은행은 역사적인 여러 업적을 강조하고 있습니다. 그 중에는 미국 최초로 쇼핑몰 지점을 설립한 은행(1954), 나스닥에 상장된 최초의 은행 중 하나(1971), 그리고 최초의 온라인 공유 ATM 네트워크인 JEANIE®(1977)를 개척한 것이 포함됩니다. 최근 성과로는 2024년에 상업 결제량이 17조 달러를 초과 처리했으며, 자산 관리 AUM이 17% 증가했습니다.
앞으로 피프스 서드 뱅크는 2028년까지 200개 이상의 새로운 지점 확대를 계획하고 있으며, 주로 동남부 시장에 집중하고 있습니다. 은행은 고객에게 감사의 메시지를 전달하고 일부 고객에게는 53달러 기프트 카드를 제공하며, 디지털 뱅킹 기능과 지점 내 경험을 지속적으로 향상시키고 있습니다.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) célèbre son anniversaire unique de 166,7 ans, marquant 166,7 ans depuis sa création le 17 juin 1858. Ce jalon représente le nom de la banque sous forme de fraction (5/3 = 166,7%) et symbolise leur engagement envers un service exceptionnel.
Sous la direction du PDG Tim Spence, la banque met en avant plusieurs réalisations historiques, notamment le fait d'être la première banque américaine à établir des agences dans des centres commerciaux (1954), parmi les premières banques cotées au Nasdaq (1971) et d'avoir été pionnière du premier réseau de distributeurs automatiques partagés en ligne, JEANIE® (1977). Parmi les réalisations récentes, la banque a traité plus de 17 trillions de dollars en volume de paiements commerciaux en 2024 et a augmenté son AUM en gestion de patrimoine de 17%.
En regardant vers l'avenir, Fifth Third prévoit de s'étendre avec plus de 200 nouvelles agences d'ici 2028, principalement sur les marchés du sud-est. La banque célèbre en distribuant des notes de remerciement aux clients et en surprenant certains avec des cartes-cadeaux de 53 dollars, tout en continuant à améliorer ses capacités de banque numérique et l'expérience en agence.
Fifth Third Bank (NASDAQ: FITB) feiert sein einzigartiges 166,7 Prozentennial-Jubiläum, das 166,7 Jahre seit seiner Gründung am 17. Juni 1858 markiert. Dieser Meilenstein repräsentiert den Namen der Bank als Bruch (5/3 = 166,7%) und symbolisiert ihr Engagement für außergewöhnlichen Service.
Unter der Leitung von CEO Tim Spence hebt die Bank mehrere historische Errungenschaften hervor, darunter die erste US-Bank, die Filialen in Einkaufszentren eröffnet hat (1954), eine der ersten Banken, die an der Nasdaq gelistet sind (1971), und die Pionierarbeit für das erste online-geteilte Geldautomaten-Netzwerk, JEANIE® (1977). Zu den jüngsten Erfolgen gehört die Verarbeitung von über 17 Billionen Dollar im Volumen der kommerziellen Zahlungen im Jahr 2024 und ein Anstieg des AUM im Wealth Management um 17%.
Für die Zukunft plant Fifth Third, bis 2028 über 200 neue Filialen zu eröffnen, hauptsächlich in den Märkten des Südostens. Die Bank feiert, indem sie Dankesnotizen an Kunden verteilt und einige mit 53-Dollar-Geschenkkarten überrascht, während sie weiterhin ihre digitalen Bankdienstleistungen und das Filialerlebnis verbessert.
- None.
- None.
“Fewer than
From its inception, Fifth Third has thrived by keeping its customers at the center of everything the Bank does. This approach, combined with a commitment to innovation, has led to numerous trailblazing achievements.
Fifth Third was the first
In 2024, Fifth Third’s Commercial Payments business processed more than
While always striving to innovate and deliver value, Fifth Third also celebrates its customers, employees and communities through creative activations. Whether partnering with hospitals on Fifth Third Day (May 3) to surprise families of newborn babies with
For Fifth Third’s Percentennial, relationship managers and bankers will be sending “Thank You” notes to customers as appreciation for helping Fifth Third reach 166.7 years in business. Bank employees also will be out in select Southeast markets surprising customers with
Looking ahead, Fifth Third expects continued growth. The Bank announced plans to open over 200 branches through 2028, predominantly in Southeast expansion markets, and will continue to enhance digital banking capabilities and the in-branch experience through significant enhancements in its mobile app and by equipping branch employees with modern tools. By bridging the gap between digital and in-person interactions, Fifth Third continues to keep the customer at the center with personalized experiences that ensure customers can easily manage their finances anytime, anywhere.
“We are proud of our past, and this is a fun way to celebrate our legacy,” Spence said. “At the same time, we’re excited about the future we're building. With the help of our customers, our employees and our communities, it’s sure to be a future that’s a Fifth Third Better.”
About Fifth Third
Fifth Third is a bank that’s as long on innovation as it is on history. Since 1858, we’ve been helping individuals, families, businesses and communities grow through smart financial services that improve lives. Our list of firsts is extensive, and it’s one that continues to expand as we explore the intersection of tech-driven innovation, dedicated people and focused community impact. Fifth Third is one of the few
Fifth Third Bank, National Association is a federally chartered institution. Fifth Third Bancorp is the indirect parent company of Fifth Third Bank and its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ® Global Select Market under the symbol "FITB." Investor information and press releases can be viewed at Deposit and credit products provided by Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.
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Derek Cuculich (Media Relations)
Matt Curoe (Investor Relations) | 513-534-2345
Source: Fifth Third
What is Fifth Third Bank's Percentennial celebration and why is it significant?
What are Fifth Third Bank's (FITB) expansion plans for 2028?
How much transaction volume did Fifth Third's Commercial Payments process in 2024?
What major banking innovations has Fifth Third (FITB) pioneered since its founding?