Fifth Third Again Named Among ‘World’s Most Admired Companies™’ by Fortune Magazine
Fifth Third (NASDAQ: FITB) has been recognized among Fortune Magazine's World's Most Admired Companies™ for the second consecutive year. The prestigious ranking evaluates corporate reputation across more than 50 industries globally, based on a poll of over 3,700 executives, directors, and analysts conducted by Korn Ferry.
Companies are rated on nine criteria including investment value, management quality, social responsibility, and talent attraction. The selection process involves evaluating 1,500 largest U.S. and global companies by revenue.
In 2024, Fifth Third has garnered multiple accolades, including:
- 'U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank' by Euromoney
- No. 1 for Retail Banking Customer Satisfaction in Florida by JD Power
- Forbes' 'Best Customer Service'
- Global Private Banker 'Best Private Bank for High Net Worth Clients'
- Energage 'Top Workplaces USA'
Fifth Third (NASDAQ: FITB) è stata riconosciuta tra le World's Most Admired Companies™ di Fortune Magazine per il secondo anno consecutivo. Questa prestigiosa classifica valuta la reputazione aziendale in oltre 50 settori a livello globale, basandosi su un sondaggio condotto da Korn Ferry su oltre 3.700 dirigenti, direttori e analisti.
Le aziende vengono valutate su nove criteri, tra cui il valore dell'investimento, la qualità della gestione, la responsabilità sociale e l'attrazione di talenti. Il processo di selezione implica la valutazione delle 1.500 aziende più grandi degli Stati Uniti e a livello globale per fatturato.
Nel 2024, Fifth Third ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui:
- 'U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank' da Euromoney
- No. 1 per la soddisfazione del cliente nel settore bancario al dettaglio in Florida da JD Power
- 'Best Customer Service' secondo Forbes
- 'Best Private Bank for High Net Worth Clients' da Global Private Banker
- 'Top Workplaces USA' da Energage
Fifth Third (NASDAQ: FITB) ha sido reconocida entre las World's Most Admired Companies™ de Fortune Magazine por segundo año consecutivo. Este prestigioso ranking evalúa la reputación corporativa en más de 50 industrias a nivel mundial, basado en una encuesta realizada por Korn Ferry a más de 3,700 ejecutivos, directores y analistas.
Las empresas son valoradas en nueve criterios, que incluyen el valor de inversión, la calidad de gestión, la responsabilidad social y la atracción de talento. El proceso de selección implica evaluar las 1,500 empresas más grandes de EE. UU. y del mundo por ingresos.
En 2024, Fifth Third ha recibido múltiples galardones, incluyendo:
- 'U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank' por Euromoney
- No. 1 en satisfacción del cliente en banca minorista en Florida por JD Power
- 'Best Customer Service' según Forbes
- 'Best Private Bank for High Net Worth Clients' por Global Private Banker
- 'Top Workplaces USA' por Energage
Fifth Third (NASDAQ: FITB)는 포천 매거진의 World's Most Admired Companies™ 목록에 두 번째 해 연속으로 선정되었습니다. 이 권위 있는 순위는 3,700명 이상의 임원, 이사 및 분석가를 대상으로 실시한 설문 조사를 바탕으로 50개 이상의 산업 전반에 걸친 기업의 명성을 평가합니다.
기업은 투자 가치, 경영 품질, 사회적 책임, 인재 유치 등 아홉 가지 기준으로 평가됩니다. 선정 과정에는 매출 기준으로 미국 및 세계에서 가장 큰 1,500개 기업을 평가하는 것이 포함됩니다.
2024년, Fifth Third는 여러 차례의 영예를 안았습니다. 여기에는:
- Euromoney 선정 'U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank'
- JD Power의 플로리다 주 소매 은행 고객 만족도 1위
- 포브스의 'Best Customer Service'
- Global Private Banker의 'Best Private Bank for High Net Worth Clients'
- Energage의 'Top Workplaces USA'
Fifth Third (NASDAQ: FITB) a été reconnue parmi les World's Most Admired Companies™ de Fortune Magazine pour la deuxième année consécutive. Ce classement prestigieux évalue la réputation des entreprises dans plus de 50 secteurs à l'échelle mondiale, basé sur un sondage mené par Korn Ferry auprès de plus de 3 700 dirigeants, directeurs et analystes.
Les entreprises sont évaluées selon neuf critères, y compris la valeur d'investissement, la qualité de gestion, la responsabilité sociale et l'attraction des talents. Le processus de sélection implique l'évaluation des 1 500 plus grandes entreprises des États-Unis et du monde en termes de revenus.
En 2024, Fifth Third a récolté de multiples distinctions, notamment :
- 'U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank' décerné par Euromoney
- No. 1 en satisfaction client dans le secteur bancaire de détail en Floride selon JD Power
- 'Best Customer Service' selon Forbes
- 'Best Private Bank for High Net Worth Clients' par Global Private Banker
- 'Top Workplaces USA' par Energage
Fifth Third (NASDAQ: FITB) wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge in der Liste der World's Most Admired Companies™ von Fortune Magazine ausgezeichnet. Das renommierte Ranking bewertet den Unternehmensruf in über 50 Branchen weltweit, basierend auf einer Umfrage von Korn Ferry unter mehr als 3.700 Führungskräften, Direktoren und Analysten.
Unternehmen werden anhand von neun Kriterien bewertet, darunter Investitionswert, Managementqualität, soziale Verantwortung und Talentakquise. Der Auswahlprozess umfasst die Bewertung der 1.500 größten Unternehmen in den USA und weltweit nach Umsatz.
Im Jahr 2024 hat Fifth Third mehrere Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter:
- 'U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank' von Euromoney
- Platz 1 für Kundenzufriedenheit im Einzelhandelsbankwesen in Florida von JD Power
- Forbes' 'Best Customer Service'
- 'Best Private Bank for High Net Worth Clients' von Global Private Banker
- 'Top Workplaces USA' von Energage
- None.
- None.
“It is a privilege to once again be named to Fortune’s list of Most Admired Companies,” said Tim Spence, chairman, CEO, and president of Fifth Third. “This recognition highlights how we deliver strong, consistent results for shareholders; reinvest in our communities; and create a culture where employees thrive.”
The magazine’s annual ranking of corporate reputation spotlights the best-regarded companies across more than 50 industries domestically and globally.
From a list of the 1,500 largest
Fifth Third is consistently recognized as a leader among banks. In 2024, Fifth Third was named “U.S. Best Super-Regional Bank” by Euromoney, and recognized as No 1. For Retail Banking Customer Satisfaction in
About Fifth Third
Fifth Third is a bank that’s as long on innovation as it is on history. Since 1858, we’ve been helping individuals, families, businesses and communities grow through smart financial services that improve lives. Our list of firsts is extensive, and it’s one that continues to expand as we explore the intersection of tech-driven innovation, dedicated people and focused community impact. Fifth Third is one of the few
Fifth Third Bank, National Association is a federally chartered institution. Fifth Third Bancorp is the indirect parent company of Fifth Third Bank and its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ® Global Select Market under the symbol "FITB." Investor information and press releases can be viewed at Deposit and credit products provided by Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.
From Fortune, ©2025 Fortune Media IP Limited. All rights reserved. Used under license. Fortune is a registered trademark and Fortune World’s Most Admired Companies™ is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited and are used under license. Fortune and Fortune Media IP Limited are not affiliated with, and do not endorse the products or services of Fifth Third Bank.
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Derek Cuculich (Media Relations)
Matt Curoe (Investor Relations) | 513-534-2345
Source: Fifth Third