FIS Teams Up with Fulham FC: A Game-Changer for London's Fintech Scene

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FIS, a global financial technology leader, has partnered with Fulham Football Club to create an innovation centre called Markers, presented by FIS at the new Fulham Pier. This state-of-the-art suite will support Fulham's vision of a dynamic and inclusive destination for business leaders in West London. The Fulham Pier, part of the redevelopment of Fulham's riverside stand, is set to become London's newest riverfront destination.

The Markers suite will host industry events, client conferences, and provide a space for collaboration and idea-sharing to foster business growth across the money lifecycle in the UK and beyond. It will also serve as an EMEA hub for FIS' FinTech Accelerator Program and host the InnovateIN48 experiential development competition.

As part of its commitment to community growth, FIS has pledged £25,000 to Fulham FC Foundation to empower over 100 young individuals aged 11-30 with qualifications for employment, education, and training opportunities.

FIS, leader globale nella tecnologia finanziaria, ha stretto una partnership con il Fulham Football Club per creare un centro d'innovazione chiamato Markers, presentato da FIS presso il nuovo Fulham Pier. Questa suite all'avanguardia supporterà la visione del Fulham di diventare una destinazione dinamica e inclusiva per i leader aziendali nel West London. Il Fulham Pier, parte della riqualificazione della tribuna sul lungofiume di Fulham, si appresta a diventare la nuova meta lungo il fiume di Londra.

La suite Markers ospiterà eventi di settore, conferenze per i clienti e fornirà uno spazio per la collaborazione e la condivisione di idee per promuovere la crescita aziendale lungo il ciclo del denaro nel Regno Unito e oltre. Sarà anche un hub EMEA per il programma di accelerazione FinTech di FIS e ospiterà la competizione di sviluppo esperienziale InnovateIN48.

Come parte del suo impegno per la crescita della comunità, FIS ha promesso £25.000 alla Fulham FC Foundation per dare opportunità a oltre 100 giovani di età compresa tra 11 e 30 anni, offrendo qualifiche per l'occupazione, l'istruzione e opportunità di formazione.

FIS, líder global en tecnología financiera, se ha asociado con el Fulham Football Club para crear un centro de innovación llamado Markers, presentado por FIS en el nuevo Fulham Pier. Esta suite de última generación apoyará la visión de Fulham de convertirse en un destino dinámico e inclusivo para los líderes empresariales en West London. El Fulham Pier, parte del proyecto de renovación de la grada ribereña de Fulham, está destinado a convertirse en el nuevo destino frente al río de Londres.

La suite Markers albergará eventos del sector, conferencias para clientes y ofrecerá un espacio para la colaboración y el intercambio de ideas para fomentar el crecimiento empresarial a lo largo del ciclo del dinero en el Reino Unido y más allá. También servirá como un centro EMEA para el Programa de Aceleración FinTech de FIS y albergará la competencia de desarrollo experiencial InnovateIN48.

Como parte de su compromiso con el crecimiento comunitario, FIS se ha comprometido a £25,000 a la Fundación Fulham FC para empoderar a más de 100 jóvenes de entre 11 y 30 años con calificaciones para oportunidades de empleo, educación y formación.

FIS는 글로벌 금융 기술 리더로서 Fulham Football Club과 협력하여 새로운 Fulham Pier에 Markers, presented by FIS라는 혁신 센터를 설립했습니다. 이 최첨단 공간은 웨스트 런던의 비즈니스 리더를 위한 역동적이고 포괄적인 목적지라는 Fulham의 비전을 지원할 것입니다. Fulham Pier는 Fulham의 강변 스탠드 재개발의 일환으로 런던의 새로운 강변 명소가 될 것입니다.

Markers 스위트는 산업 행사, 고객 회의를 개최하고, 협업 및 아이디어 공유를 위한 공간을 제공하여 영국 전역의 자금 생애 주기에서 비즈니스 성장을 촉진하는 역할을 할 것입니다. 또한 FIS의 핀테크 엑셀러레이터 프로그램을 위한 EMEA 허브로 활용되고, InnovateIN48 체험 개발 대회를 개최할 것입니다.

커뮤니티 성장에 대한 헌신의 일환으로 FIS는 £25,000을 Fulham FC 재단에 기부하여 11세에서 30세 사이의 100명 이상의 젊은 개인이 고용, 교육 및 훈련 기회에 대한 자격을 갖추도록 지원할 것입니다.

FIS, leader mondial de la technologie financière, s'est associé au Fulham Football Club pour créer un centre d'innovation appelé Markers, présenté par FIS au nouveau Fulham Pier. Cette suite à la pointe de la technologie soutiendra la vision de Fulham de devenir une destination dynamique et inclusive pour les dirigeants d'entreprise à West London. Le Fulham Pier, qui fait partie de la réhabilitation de la tribune au bord de la rivière de Fulham, est sur le point de devenir la nouvelle destination au bord de la rivière de Londres.

La suite Markers accueillera des événements de l'industrie, des conférences clients et offrira un espace pour la collaboration et l'échange d'idées pour favoriser la croissance des affaires tout au long du cycle monétaire au Royaume-Uni et au-delà. Elle servira également de hub EMEA pour le programme d'accélérateur FinTech de FIS et accueillera le concours de développement expérientiel InnovateIN48.

Dans le cadre de son engagement envers la croissance de la communauté, FIS a promis 25 000 £ à la Fulham FC Foundation pour permettre à plus de 100 jeunes âgés de 11 à 30 ans d'obtenir des qualifications pour l'emploi, l'éducation et les opportunités de formation.

FIS, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Finanztechnologie, hat sich mit dem Fulham Football Club zusammengeschlossen, um ein Innovationszentrum namens Markers, präsentiert von FIS im neuen Fulham Pier zu schaffen. Diese hochmoderne Suite unterstützt die Vision von Fulham, ein dynamisches und inklusives Ziel für Geschäftsleiter im West London zu werden. Der Fulham Pier, Teil der Neugestaltung der Ufertribüne von Fulham, wird Londons neuestes Ziel am Flussufer werden.

Die Markers-Suite wird Branchenveranstaltungen, Kundenkonferenzen ausrichten und einen Raum für Zusammenarbeit und Ideenaustausch bieten, um das Geschäftswachstum im gesamten Geldlebenszyklus im Vereinigten Königreich und darüber hinaus zu fördern. Sie wird auch als EMEA-Hub für das FinTech-Accelerator-Programm von FIS dienen und den Wettbewerb InnovateIN48 ausrichten.

Im Rahmen seines Engagements für das Wachstum der Gemeinschaft hat FIS £25.000 an die Fulham FC Foundation versprochen, um über 100 jungen Menschen im Alter von 11 bis 30 Jahren Qualifikationen für Beschäftigungs-, Bildungs- und Ausbildungsangebote zu ermöglichen.

  • Partnership with Fulham FC to create an innovation centre in a prime London location
  • Potential to foster fintech innovation and business growth in the UK
  • £25,000 donation to Fulham FC Foundation for community development
  • None.


The partnership between FIS and Fulham FC represents a strategic move to establish a fintech innovation hub in London, leveraging the city's status as a global financial center. The Markers, presented by FIS suite at Fulham Pier creates a unique convergence of sports, technology and finance, potentially attracting top talent and fostering collaboration in the fintech ecosystem.

While the immediate financial impact on FIS may be , the long-term benefits could be significant. This initiative positions FIS at the heart of London's fintech scene, potentially leading to new partnerships, product innovations and talent acquisition. The £25,000 donation to Fulham FC Foundation, though modest, demonstrates corporate social responsibility and could enhance FIS's brand image in the UK market.

For investors, this move signals FIS's commitment to innovation and market expansion in a key financial hub. It could lead to increased visibility and new revenue streams in the EMEA region. However, the tangible financial benefits may take time to materialize, making this a long-term strategic play rather than an immediate driver of stock performance.

The partnership between FIS and Fulham FC goes beyond mere sponsorship, embodying a holistic approach to community development and urban regeneration. The Fulham Pier project, with its integrated innovation center, represents a forward-thinking model of how sports venues can become catalysts for economic and social growth in their local areas.

The £25,000 donation to the Fulham FC Foundation, while not a large sum for a company of FIS's size, is strategically targeted to impact over 100 young individuals. By focusing on qualifications that enhance employability, this initiative addresses a critical need in workforce development. It's a smart move that could yield long-term benefits in terms of community goodwill and potential future talent pipeline.

This approach to corporate social responsibility, combining physical infrastructure investment with targeted community support, could serve as a model for other companies looking to make meaningful impacts in their operational locations. For FIS, it strengthens their social license to operate in London and could lead to positive brand associations among both consumers and potential business partners.

Key facts

  • FIS has partnered with Fulham Football Club to create a centre for innovation at the Fulham Pier.
  • The state-of-the-art Markers, presented by FIS suite will support Fulham’s vision of a dynamic and inclusive destination environment for business leaders in West London.
  • FIS pledges commitment to local community with a £25,000 Fulham FC Foundation donation.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Global financial technology leader FIS® (NYSE: FIS) and Fulham Football Club have together announced a new partnership, unveiling the state-of-the-art Markers, presented by FIS, an innovation space and technology hub at the new Fulham Pier.

Fulham Pier, which is part of the redevelopment of Fulham’s riverside stand, is London’s newest riverfront destination, with restaurants and cafes, a hotel, spa and members’ club all overlooking the Thames. The Pier is part of Fulham’s vision for the future, a dynamic and inclusive environment that integrates state-of-the-art technology, provides cultural and recreational activities, and fosters community engagement.

The new Markers, presented by FIS innovation centre will support Fulham’s vision for the future by providing a destination for business leaders in a ‘town centre’ within West London. Leaders will benefit from industry events, client conferences and a space to collaborate and share new ideas that foster business growth across the money lifecycle in the UK and beyond, starting with a panel today on innovation with attendees including Fulham FC owner Shahid Khan and Fulham FC CEO Alistair Mackintosh. The venue will also be available to serve as an EMEA hub for FIS’ FinTech Accelerator Program, and host the next iteration of its InnovateIN48 experiential development competition.

Ellyn Raftery, chief marketing and communications officer at FIS said: “London’s rich history in financial services, technology, and emerging fintech start-ups makes it the perfect place for us to set up our newest innovation centre and add to our vast footprint in this key financial market. FIS’ vision is to unlock financial technology to the world and drive the global economy. This partnership with Fulham is a proof point of our commitment to fintech innovation and community engagement. By working together with UK entrepreneurs, business leaders, and industry partners, we can continue advancing the future of banking, payments and investments.”

Alistair Mackintosh, CEO at Fulham, said: “We already know the immense potential of the Fulham Pier with its strategic riverside location and the unique opportunities it presents as the only stadium revival of its kind in Europe. The partnership with FIS with its Markers, presented by FIS suite is another important facet for our business community. The Markers, presented by FIS suite will serve as a cutting-edge technology incubator, fostering a culture of innovation that is expected to make Fulham Pier one of the most coveted destinations in West London. This initiative underscores the significant role that fintech sandboxes play in driving technological advancement and community engagement, positioning Fulham Pier as a beacon of forward-thinking development.”

As part of its commitment to fostering community growth, FIS has pledged £25,000 to Fulham FC Foundation. This donation aims to empower over 100 young individuals aged 11–30 by equipping them with qualifications that facilitate access to employment, education, and training opportunities. Through this strategic investment, FIS seeks to drive positive change within the local community, ensuring a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

About FIS

FIS is a financial technology company providing solutions to financial institutions, businesses, and developers. We unlock financial technology to the world across the money lifecycle underpinning the world’s financial system. Our people are dedicated to advancing the way the world pays, banks and invests, by helping our clients to confidently run, grow, and protect their businesses. Our expertise comes from decades of experience helping financial institutions and businesses of all sizes adapt to meet the needs of their customers by harnessing where reliability meets innovation in financial technology. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, FIS is a member of the Fortune 500® and the Standard & Poor’s 500® Index. To learn more, visit Follow FIS on LinkedIn, Facebook and X.

Kim Snider, 904.438.6278

Senior Vice President

FIS Global Marketing and Communications

Source: Fidelity National Information Services


What is the purpose of the Markers, presented by FIS suite at Fulham Pier?

The Markers suite is designed to be an innovation space and technology hub, supporting Fulham's vision for a dynamic and inclusive environment for business leaders in West London. It will host industry events, client conferences, and provide a space for collaboration and idea-sharing to foster business growth.

How much has FIS (NYSE: FIS) pledged to donate to the Fulham FC Foundation?

FIS has pledged £25,000 to the Fulham FC Foundation as part of its commitment to fostering community growth and empowering young individuals with qualifications for employment, education, and training opportunities.

What are the potential benefits of the FIS and Fulham FC partnership for the fintech industry?

The partnership aims to create a fintech sandbox environment, fostering innovation in the financial technology sector. The Markers suite will serve as an EMEA hub for FIS' FinTech Accelerator Program and host the InnovateIN48 experiential development competition, potentially driving technological advancement in the industry.

Where is the new Markers, presented by FIS innovation centre located?

The Markers, presented by FIS innovation centre is located at the new Fulham Pier, which is part of the redevelopment of Fulham Football Club's riverside stand in West London.

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