FIS Appoints Nicole Anasenes to the Board of Directors

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FIS (NYSE: FIS), a global financial technology leader, has appointed Nicole Anasenes to its Board of Directors. This appointment increases the board size from eight to nine directors, with eight being independent, including Ms. Anasenes. Jeffrey Goldstein, Independent Chairman of the Board, praised Anasenes' financial and operational expertise from her distinguished career in startups and large enterprises. Her experience as a CFO and COO in public and pre-IPO companies has consistently delivered growth in enterprise software, services, and consumer technology sectors.

Stephanie Ferris, FIS Chief Executive Officer and President, expressed enthusiasm about working with Anasenes to execute the company's strategic plan and drive long-term shareholder value. The appointment is expected to bring valuable insights to FIS as they pursue their strategic growth objectives.

FIS (NYSE: FIS), un leader globale nella tecnologia finanziaria, ha nominato Nicole Anasenes nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Questa nomina aumenta la dimensione del consiglio da otto a nove membri, con otto di essi che sono indipendenti, inclusa la signora Anasenes. Jeffrey Goldstein, Presidente Indipendente del Consiglio, ha elogiato l'expertise finanziaria e operativa di Anasenes derivante dalla sua carriera di successo in startup e grandi aziende. La sua esperienza come CFO e COO in aziende pubbliche e pre-IPO ha costantemente generato crescita nei settori del software aziendale, dei servizi e della tecnologia per i consumatori.

Stephanie Ferris, Amministratore Delegato e Presidente di FIS, ha espresso entusiasmo per la collaborazione con Anasenes per attuare il piano strategico dell'azienda e promuovere un valore duraturo per gli azionisti. Si prevede che la nomina porti preziose intuizioni a FIS mentre perseguono i loro obiettivi di crescita strategica.

FIS (NYSE: FIS), un líder global en tecnología financiera, ha nombrado a Nicole Anasenes en su Junta Directiva. Esta designación aumenta el tamaño de la junta de ocho a nueve directores, con ocho de ellos siendo independientes, incluida la señora Anasenes. Jeffrey Goldstein, Presidente Independiente de la Junta, elogió la experiencia financiera y operativa de Anasenes a partir de su carrera distinguida en startups y grandes empresas. Su experiencia como CFO y COO en empresas públicas y pre-IPO ha generado constantemente crecimiento en los sectores de software empresarial, servicios y tecnología para consumidores.

Stephanie Ferris, CEO y Presidenta de FIS, expresó entusiasmo por trabajar con Anasenes para ejecutar el plan estratégico de la empresa y generar valor a largo plazo para los accionistas. Se espera que la designación aporte valiosas perspectivas a FIS mientras persiguen sus objetivos de crecimiento estratégico.

FIS (NYSE: FIS), 글로벌 금융 기술 리더,가 Nicole Anasenes를 이사회에 임명했습니다. 이 임명으로 이사회 규모가 8명에서 9명으로 증가했으며, 그 중 8명은 독립 이사입니다. 제프리 골드스타인 독립 이사장은 스타트업과 대기업에서의 그녀의 뛰어난 경력을 바탕으로 Anasenes의 금융 및 운영 전문성을 칭찬했습니다. 그녀는 상장 기업 및 상장 전 기업에서 CFO 및 COO로서 기업 소프트웨어, 서비스 및 소비자 기술 분야에서 지속적으로 성장을 이끌어왔습니다.

FIS의 CEO이자 회장인 스테파니 페리스는 회사의 전략 계획을 실행하고 장기적인 주주 가치를 증대시키기 위해 Anasenes와 협력하게 되어 기쁘다고 전했습니다. 이번 임명은 FIS가 전략적 성장 목표를 추구하는 데 소중한 통찰력을 제공할 것으로 기대됩니다.

FIS (NYSE: FIS), un leader mondial en technologie financière, a nommé Nicole Anasenes au sein de son Conseil d'Administration. Cette nomination porte le nombre de membres du conseil de huit à neuf, dont huit sont indépendants, y compris Mme Anasenes. Jeffrey Goldstein, Président Indépendant du Conseil, a salué l'expertise financière et opérationnelle d'Anasenes acquise au cours de sa carrière distinguée dans les startups et les grandes entreprises. Son expérience en tant que CFO et COO dans des entreprises publiques et pré-IPO a constamment permis d'obtenir une croissance dans les secteurs des logiciels d'entreprise, des services et de la technologie pour les consommateurs.

Stephanie Ferris, CEO et Présidente de FIS, a exprimé son enthousiasme à l'idée de travailler avec Anasenes pour mettre en œuvre le plan stratégique de l'entreprise et générer de la valeur à long terme pour les actionnaires. Il est prévu que cette nomination apporte des perspectives précieuses à FIS alors qu'ils poursuivent leurs objectifs de croissance stratégique.

FIS (NYSE: FIS), ein globaler Führer im Bereich Finanztechnologie, hat Nicole Anasenes in seinen Vorstand berufen. Diese Ernennung erhöht die Größe des Vorstands von acht auf neun Mitglieder, wobei acht davon unabhängig sind, einschließlich Frau Anasenes. Jeffrey Goldstein, unabhängiger Vorsitzender des Vorstands, lobte Anasenes' finanzielle und operationale Expertise aus ihrer herausragenden Karriere in Startups und großen Unternehmen. Ihre Erfahrung als CFO und COO in öffentlichen und Pre-IPO-Unternehmen hat konsequent Wachstum in den Bereichen Unternehmenssoftware, Dienstleistungen und Konsumententechnologie geliefert.

Stephanie Ferris, CEO und Präsidentin von FIS, äußerte ihre Begeisterung über die Zusammenarbeit mit Anasenes zur Umsetzung des strategischen Plans des Unternehmens und zur Schaffung eines langfristigen Wertes für die Aktionäre. Die Ernennung wird voraussichtlich wertvolle Einblicke für FIS bringen, während sie ihre strategischen Wachstumsziele verfolgen.

  • Appointment of Nicole Anasenes, an experienced executive, to the Board of Directors
  • Increase in board size from 8 to 9 directors, with 8 being independent
  • Addition of financial and operational expertise to the board
  • Potential for improved strategic growth execution
  • None.

Seasoned public company executive and director brings track record of driving growth

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Global financial technology leader FIS® (NYSE: FIS) today announced the appointment of Nicole Anasenes to its Board of Directors. Her appointment increases the size of the company’s Board from eight to nine directors, eight of whom, including Ms. Anasenes, are independent.

“We are pleased to welcome Nicole to the FIS Board,” said Jeffrey Goldstein, Independent Chairman of the Board. “She brings a wealth of financial and operational expertise from a distinguished career that spans startups to large enterprises. With experience as a CFO and COO of public and pre-IPO companies, she has consistently delivered growth in the enterprise software and services and consumer technology sectors. She will be a valuable asset to our Board as we continue to pursue our strategic growth objectives.”

FIS Chief Executive Officer and President Stephanie Ferris said: “Nicole is a seasoned leader with a track record of driving growth. I look forward to working with her closely as we execute against our strategic plan and drive long-term value creation for our shareholders.”

About Nicole Anasenes

Ms. Anasenes currently serves on the board of directors of Motorola Solutions, Inc., a multinational telecommunications company. She previously served as Chief Financial Officer of ANSYS, a developer and provider of engineering simulation software and services, Chief Financial Officer of Squarespace and Chief Financial Officer of Infor. Prior to joining Infor, she held various leadership positions at IBM. She served on the boards of directors of ANSYS from July 2018 until December 2020 and VMware, Inc. from April 2022 to November 2023.

Ms. Anasenes earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics and International Business from New York University, as well as an M.B.A. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

About FIS

FIS is a financial technology company providing solutions to financial institutions, businesses, and developers. We unlock financial technology to the world across the money lifecycle underpinning the world’s financial system. Our people are dedicated to advancing the way the world pays, banks and invests, by helping our clients to confidently run, grow, and protect their businesses. Our expertise comes from decades of experience helping financial institutions and businesses of all sizes adapt to meet the needs of their customers by harnessing where reliability meets innovation in financial technology. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, FIS is a member of the Fortune 500® and the Standard & Poor’s 500® Index.

To learn more, visit Follow FIS on Facebook, LinkedIn and X.

Ellyn Raftery, 904.438.6083

Chief Marketing & Communications Officer

FIS Global Marketing & Corporate Communications

George Mihalos, 904.438.6438

Senior Vice President

FIS Investor Relations

Source: Fidelity National Information Services


Who is the new board member appointed to FIS?

Nicole Anasenes has been appointed to the FIS Board of Directors.

How many directors are now on the FIS board after the new appointment?

The FIS board now has nine directors, increased from eight previously.

What experience does Nicole Anasenes bring to the FIS board?

Nicole Anasenes brings financial and operational expertise from her career as a CFO and COO in public and pre-IPO companies, with a track record of delivering growth in enterprise software, services, and consumer technology sectors.

How many independent directors are on the FIS board after the new appointment?

After Nicole Anasenes' appointment, eight out of nine directors on the FIS board are independent.

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.


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