New FICO Survey: 69% of Canadian Consumers Want Banks to Protect Against Scams During Real-Time Payment Transactions
FICO's 2024 Scams Impact Survey reveals significant findings about real-time payments (RTP) and fraud in Canada. The survey shows that 91% of Canadian consumers have used RTP, with 87% planning to maintain or increase usage in the next 12 months.
Key findings indicate that 69% of consumers would view their banks positively if they proactively stopped suspicious RTP transactions identified as scams. The survey highlights increasing fraud concerns, with 83% of Canadians receiving potential scam communications and 44% reporting family or friends as scam victims, a 5% increase from 2023.
Notably, 6% of Canadian scam victims reported losses exceeding C$10,000, six times higher than in 2023. Consumer priorities for bank actions include better fraud detection systems (48%), increased scam alerts (18%), and declining high-risk payments (12%). The study warns that 12% of Canadians would switch banks if dissatisfied with scam management.
Il sondaggio sull'impatto delle truffe del 2024 di FICO rivela risultati significativi sui pagamenti in tempo reale (RTP) e sulle frodi in Canada. Il sondaggio mostra che il 91% dei consumatori canadesi ha utilizzato RTP, con l'87% che prevede di mantenere o aumentare l'uso nei prossimi 12 mesi.
I principali risultati indicano che il 69% dei consumatori valuterebbe positivamente le proprie banche se interrompessero proattivamente le transazioni RTP sospette identificate come truffe. Il sondaggio evidenzia crescenti preoccupazioni per le frodi, con l'83% dei canadesi che riceve comunicazioni su potenziali truffe e il 44% che riporta familiari o amici come vittime di truffe, un aumento del 5% rispetto al 2023.
Notabilmente, il 6% delle vittime di truffe canadesi ha segnalato perdite superiori a C$10.000, sei volte di più rispetto al 2023. Le priorità dei consumatori per le azioni delle banche includono migliori sistemi di rilevamento delle frodi (48%), aumento degli avvisi di truffa (18%) e riduzione dei pagamenti ad alto rischio (12%). Lo studio avverte che il 12% dei canadesi cambierebbe banca se insoddisfatto della gestione delle truffe.
La Encuesta de Impacto de Estafas 2024 de FICO revela hallazgos significativos sobre los pagos en tiempo real (RTP) y el fraude en Canadá. La encuesta muestra que el 91% de los consumidores canadienses ha utilizado RTP, con un 87% que planea mantener o aumentar su uso en los próximos 12 meses.
Los hallazgos clave indican que el 69% de los consumidores vería positivamente a sus bancos si detuvieran proactivamente las transacciones RTP sospechosas identificadas como estafas. La encuesta destaca el aumento de preocupaciones sobre el fraude, con el 83% de los canadienses recibiendo comunicaciones sobre posibles estafas y el 44% reportando a familiares o amigos como víctimas de estafas, un aumento del 5% respecto al 2023.
Notablemente, el 6% de las víctimas de estafas canadienses reportaron pérdidas que superan los C$10,000, seis veces más que en 2023. Las prioridades de los consumidores para las acciones bancarias incluyen mejores sistemas de detección de fraudes (48%), aumento de alertas de estafa (18%) y reducción de pagos de alto riesgo (12%). El estudio advierte que el 12% de los canadienses cambiaría de banco si estuviera insatisfecho con la gestión de las estafas.
FICO의 2024 사기 영향 조사는 캐나다의 실시간 지급(RTP) 및 사기에 대한 중요한 결과를 보여줍니다. 조사에 따르면 91%의 캐나다 소비자가 RTP를 사용했으며, 87%는 향후 12개월 동안 사용을 유지하거나 증가할 계획입니다.
핵심 결과에 따르면 69%의 소비자가 자신들의 은행이 사기로 확인된 의심스러운 RTP 거래를 능동적으로 중단하면 긍정적으로 평가할 것이라고 합니다. 조사는 사기 우려가 증가하고 있음을 강조하며, 83%의 캐나다인이 잠재적인 사기 통신을 받고 있으며, 44%는 가족 또는 친구가 사기 피해자라고 보고했으며, 이는 2023년 대비 5% 증가한 수치입니다.
특히, 6%의 캐나다 사기 피해자는 손실이 C$10,000을 초과한다고 보고했으며, 이는 2023년보다 6배 더 많은 수치입니다. 소비자가 은행에 요구하는 사항은 더 나은 사기 탐지 시스템(48%), 증가된 사기 경고(18%), 그리고 고위험 결제의 감소(12%)입니다. 연구 결과, 12%의 캐나다인이 사기 관리에 불만족스러우면 은행을 바꿀 것이라고 경고합니다.
Le rapport d'impact des arnaques 2024 de FICO révèle des résultats significatifs sur les paiements en temps réel (RTP) et la fraude au Canada. Le sondage montre que 91% des consommateurs canadiens ont utilisé le RTP, avec 87% prévoyant de maintenir ou d'augmenter leur utilisation dans les 12 prochains mois.
Les résultats clés indiquent que 69% des consommateurs auraient une opinion positive de leurs banques si elles interrompaient de manière proactive les transactions RTP suspectes identifiées comme des arnaques. L'enquête met en évidence une préoccupation croissante en matière de fraude, avec 83% des Canadiens recevant des communications sur des arnaques potentielles et 44% rapportant des membres de leur famille ou des amis comme victimes d'escroqueries, soit une augmentation de 5% par rapport à 2023.
Notamment, 6% des victimes de fraudes canadiennes ont signalé des pertes dépassant 10 000 CAD, six fois plus qu'en 2023. Les priorités des consommateurs concernant les actions bancaires incluent de meilleurs systèmes de détection de fraude (48%), une augmentation des alertes de fraude (18%) et une réduction des paiements à haut risque (12%). L'étude avertit que 12% des Canadiens changeraient de banque s'ils étaient insatisfaits de la gestion des arnaques.
Die FICO-Umfrage zum Einfluss von Betrug 2024 zeigt bedeutende Erkenntnisse über Echtzeit-Zahlungen (RTP) und Betrug in Kanada. Die Umfrage zeigt, dass 91% der kanadischen Verbraucher RTP verwendet haben, wobei 87% planen, die Nutzung in den nächsten 12 Monaten zu halten oder zu erhöhen.
Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehört, dass 69% der Verbraucher ihre Banken positiv betrachten würden, wenn diese proaktiv verdächtige RTP-Transaktionen stoppen, die als Betrug identifiziert wurden. Die Umfrage hebt die wachsenden Sorgen über Betrug hervor, da 83% der Kanadier potenzielle Betrugsmitteilungen erhalten und 44% berichten, dass Freunde oder Familienmitglieder Betrugsopfer sind, was einem Anstieg von 5% im Vergleich zu 2023 entspricht.
Bemerkenswert ist, dass 6% der kanadischen Betrugsopfer Verluste von über C$10.000 gemeldet haben, was sechsmal höher ist als 2023. Die Prioritäten der Verbraucher für Bankaktionen sind bessere Betrugserkennungssysteme (48%), erhöhte Betrugswarnungen (18%) und die Senkung von Hochrisikozahlungen (12%). Die Studie warnt, dass 12% der Kanadier ihre Bank wechseln würden, wenn sie mit dem Betrugsmanagement unzufrieden sind.
- None.
- None.
Survey showcases how banks can address consumer expectations with better fraud detection systems, real-time communications, and personalized customer experience
A new FICO survey finds that the majority (
91% ) of Canadian consumers have sent real-time payments (RTP) and87% will maintain or increase use in the next 12 months. -
69% of consumers say they would feel positive about their banks if they proactively stopped RTP transactions that had been detected and identified as scams. -
48% of consumers ranked “have better fraud detection systems” as the most impactful action their bank could take to help protect against scams.
Global analytics software leader FICO released a new survey on consumers’ increased use of real-time-payments (RTP) equating to a higher number of reported scams threats and an increase in fraud losses. The 2024 Scams Impact Survey:
“FICO found that
Canadians are being increasingly targeted by scammers
But Canadians are not alone; the survey shows that more consumers globally in 2024 reported that their family and friends have been victims of RTP scams than in 2023. Across the world, North American countries reported
Canadians want banks to flag suspicious RTP transactions
The survey shows
Almost half (
Banks who fail to prevent scams face consequences with regards to customer churn;
For banks, transactional monitoring models with built-in scam and fraud scores can help prevent fraud impacts. As consumers continue to embrace RTP, it is essential for banks to give consumers the best experience with the least potential impact from fraud.
FICO’s Global Scams Impact Survey showcases findings and trends from tens of thousands of consumers across the globe – including 1,000 Canadians. The responses, trends, and additional analysis of these datasets are provided in the report.
Over 4 billion accounts have been protected by FICO fraud solutions, and more than 180 trillion transactions have been protected by FICO fraud solutions each year. For more information on FICO fraud solutions, visit
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FICO (NYSE: FICO) powers decisions that help people and businesses around the world prosper. Founded in 1956, the company is a pioneer in the use of predictive analytics and data science to improve operational decisions. FICO holds more than 200 US and foreign patents on technologies that increase profitability, customer satisfaction and growth for businesses in financial services, insurance, telecommunications, health care, retail and many other industries. Using FICO solutions, businesses in more than 80 countries do everything from protecting 4 billion payment cards from fraud, to improving financial inclusion, to increasing supply chain resiliency. The FICO® Score, used by
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Julie Huang
Source: FICO