iSON Xperiences Will Bring FICO’s AI-Powered Customer Management Technology to Countries Across Africa

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FICO, a global analytics software leader, has partnered with iSON Xperiences, Africa's largest business process outsourcing solutions company, to bring FICO's customer management capabilities to 15 African countries. This collaboration will integrate FICO's decisioning technology with iSON Xperiences' BPO & CX solutions, enabling businesses to better manage customers across their lifecycle.

iSON Xperiences will provide African banks, insurers, retailers, telecommunications providers, and other firms with FICO-powered solutions that enhance customer acquisition, management, and debt collection. These solutions will combine data, analytics, machine learning, and AI with human expertise to create meaningful customer interactions.

The partnership aims to help clients maximize customer value through data-driven innovation, focusing on understanding and predicting customer behavior and needs, and automating decisions based on these insights.

FICO, un leader globale nel software di analisi, ha stretto una partnership con iSON Xperiences, la più grande azienda di outsourcing di processi aziendali in Africa, per portare le capacità di gestione dei clienti di FICO in 15 paesi africani. Questa collaborazione integrerà la tecnologia di decisione di FICO con le soluzioni BPO e CX di iSON Xperiences, consentendo alle aziende di gestire meglio i clienti durante tutto il loro ciclo di vita.

iSON Xperiences fornirà a banche, assicurazioni, rivenditori, fornitori di telecomunicazioni e altre aziende africane soluzioni potenziate da FICO che migliorano l'acquisizione, la gestione e la riscossione dei debiti dei clienti. Queste soluzioni combineranno dati, analisi, machine learning e AI con la competenza umana per creare interazioni significative con i clienti.

La partnership mira ad aiutare i clienti a massimizzare il valore del cliente attraverso l'innovazione basata sui dati, concentrandosi sulla comprensione e previsione del comportamento e dei bisogni dei clienti, e automatizzando le decisioni sulla base di queste intuizioni.

FICO, un líder global en software de análisis, se ha asociado con iSON Xperiences, la empresa de soluciones de subcontratación de procesos comerciales más grande de África, para llevar las capacidades de gestión de clientes de FICO a 15 países africanos. Esta colaboración integrará la tecnología de toma de decisiones de FICO con las soluciones BPO y CX de iSON Xperiences, permitiendo a las empresas gestionar mejor a los clientes a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.

iSON Xperiences proporcionará a bancos, aseguradoras, minoristas, proveedores de telecomunicaciones y otras empresas africanas soluciones impulsadas por FICO que mejoran la adquisición, gestión y cobro de deudas de los clientes. Estas soluciones combinarán datos, análisis, aprendizaje automático e IA con la experiencia humana para crear interacciones significativas con los clientes.

La asociación tiene como objetivo ayudar a los clientes a maximizar el valor del cliente a través de la innovación basada en datos, centrándose en comprender y predecir el comportamiento y las necesidades del cliente, y automatizando las decisiones basadas en estas percepciones.

FICO는 글로벌 분석 소프트웨어의 선두 기업으로, 아프리카 최대의 비즈니스 프로세스 아웃소싱 솔루션 회사인 iSON Xperiences와 협력하여 FICO의 고객 관리 기능을 아프리카 15개국에 제공하게 되었습니다. 이 협업은 FICO의 결정 기술와 iSON Xperiences의 BPO 및 CX 솔루션을 통합하여 기업이 고객의 생애 주기 전반에 걸쳐 고객을 보다 잘 관리할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

iSON Xperiences는 아프리카의 은행, 보험사, 소매업체, 통신사 및 기타 기업들에게 고객의 확보, 관리 및 채무 수집을 개선하는 FICO 기반의 솔루션을 제공할 예정입니다. 이러한 솔루션은 데이터, 분석, 기계 학습 및 AI와 인간의 전문성을 결합하여 의미 있는 고객 상호작용을 창출합니다.

이번 파트너십은 고객의 행동 및 요구를 이해하고 예측하며 이러한 통찰력을 기반으로 결정을 자동화함으로써 데이터 기반 혁신을 통해 고객 가치를 극대화하는 데 도움을 주는 것을 목표로 합니다.

FICO, un leader mondial dans le logiciel d'analyse, s'est associé à iSON Xperiences, la plus grande entreprise d'externalisation de processus commerciaux en Afrique, pour apporter les capacités de gestion de la clientèle de FICO dans 15 pays africains. Cette collaboration intégrera la technologie de décision de FICO avec les solutions BPO et CX d'iSON Xperiences, permettant aux entreprises de mieux gérer leurs clients tout au long de leur cycle de vie.

iSON Xperiences fournira aux banques, assureurs, détaillants, fournisseurs de services de télécommunications et autres entreprises africaines des solutions propulsées par FICO qui améliorent l'acquisition, la gestion et le recouvrement des créances des clients. Ces solutions combineront données, analyses, apprentissage automatique et IA avec l'expertise humaine pour créer des interactions significatives avec les clients.

Le partenariat vise à aider les clients à maximiser la valeur client grâce à l'innovation axée sur les données, en se concentrant sur la compréhension et la prévision du comportement et des besoins des clients, et en automatisant les décisions basées sur ces informations.

FICO, ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich Analysesoftware, hat sich mit iSON Xperiences, Afrikas größtem Anbieter von Outsourcing-Lösungen für Geschäftsprozesse, zusammengetan, um die Kundenmanagement-Funktionen von FICO in 15 afrikanischen Ländern bereitzustellen. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird die Entscheidungstechnologie von FICO mit den BPO- und CX-Lösungen von iSON Xperiences integrieren, damit Unternehmen ihre Kunden im gesamten Lebenszyklus besser verwalten können.

iSON Xperiences wird afrikanischen Banken, Versicherungen, Einzelhändlern, Telekommunikationsanbietern und anderen Unternehmen FICO-gestützte Lösungen bereitstellen, die die Kundenakquise, das Management und das Inkasso verbessern. Diese Lösungen werden Daten, Analytik, maschinelles Lernen und KI mit menschlicher Expertise kombinieren, um bedeutungsvolle Kundeninteraktionen zu schaffen.

Die Partnerschaft hat zum Ziel, Kunden zu helfen, den Kundenwert durch datengestützte Innovation zu maximieren, indem sie auf das Verständnis und die Vorhersage von Kundenverhalten und -bedürfnissen fokussiert ist und Entscheidungen basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen automatisiert.

  • Expansion of FICO's customer management technology to 15 African countries
  • Integration of FICO's decisioning technology with iSON Xperiences' BPO & CX solutions
  • Potential for increased market presence in Africa for FICO
  • Enhanced customer management capabilities for African businesses across various sectors
  • None.


This partnership between FICO and iSON Xperiences represents a significant expansion of FICO's AI-powered customer management technology into the African market. The collaboration aims to enhance customer lifecycle management for businesses across 15 African countries, potentially impacting various sectors including banking, insurance, retail and telecommunications.

Key points to consider:

  • FICO's decisioning technology will be integrated with iSON Xperiences' BPO & CX solutions, offering a comprehensive package for businesses.
  • The partnership could lead to improved customer acquisition, management and debt collection processes for African firms.
  • This move aligns with the growing trend of AI and data analytics adoption in emerging markets, potentially accelerating digital transformation in Africa.

While this partnership shows promise for FICO's market expansion, its immediate impact on FICO's financials may be The long-term potential depends on successful implementation and adoption rates across the targeted countries. Investors should monitor for future updates on contract wins and revenue growth from this initiative.

The partnership between FICO and iSON Xperiences marks a strategic move to bring advanced AI and analytics capabilities to the African market. This collaboration has several technological implications:

  • Integration of FICO's AI-powered decisioning technology with iSON's BPO solutions could create a unique offering in the African market, potentially setting new standards for customer management.
  • The combined solution will likely leverage machine learning and AI to automate and optimize customer interactions across various touchpoints.
  • This partnership may accelerate the adoption of data-driven decision-making in African businesses, particularly in sectors like banking and telecommunications.

From a competitive standpoint, this move could give FICO an edge in the rapidly growing African tech market. However, success will depend on how well the integrated solutions address local market needs and overcome potential challenges such as data quality and infrastructure limitations. Investors should watch for case studies and adoption rates as indicators of the partnership's success and FICO's expanding global footprint.

Partnership will merge decisioning technology with BPO solutions

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Global analytics software leader FICO has partnered with iSON Xperiences, the largest business process outsourcing solutions company in Africa, to bring FICO capabilities for customer management to 15 countries on the African continent. The partnership will give businesses greater ability to manage customers across the life cycle, through solutions that integrate FICO’s decisioning technology with iSON Xperiences’ BPO & CX solutions.

More information:

iSON Xperiences, which serves clients in Africa, North America, the UK, the Middle East and India, will provide African banks, insurers, retailers, telecommunications providers and other firms with FICO-powered solutions that improve customer acquisition, customer management, debt collection and other areas. These solutions will combine data, analytics, machine learning and AI with human expertise to create meaningful, seamless and sustainable customer interactions.

"We are committed to helping our clients maximize customer value through data-driven innovation," said Vitul Kwatra, Global CEO at iSON Xperiences. "That involves understanding and predicting customer behaviour and needs, and then turning those insights into automated decisions. We found FICO to be the most advanced company for turning data and insights into results, through AI, decision management software, optimization and other technologies.”

“iSON Xperiences has an outstanding growth story based on its technical skills and focus on service excellence,” said Alexandre Graff, SVP of Global Partners & Alliances at FICO. “We are two global organizations with highly complementary technology suites that are laser-focused on making every customer decision count. Together, we can bring a transformative approach to customer decision management to businesses across the continent.”

About iSON Xperiences

Ranked among the top global Customer Experience Management (CXM) players in Africa, iSON Xperiences provides a flexible enablement platform for businesses that need help scaling up their workforce, daily business operations, debt collection solutions, or expansion into Africa. With a workforce of over 18,000 employees spanning 20 countries, we take pride in serving a vast base of 50 million global customers and skillfully managing over 500 million transactions each month. Our expertise spans Telecoms, BFSI, Energy, Media, Government, Retail, Aviation, and E-commerce, partnering with top brands and startups. Committed to tailored CX solutions, we prioritize innovation, customer delight, and affordability, reshaping global experiences and creating meaningful job opportunities. Learn more:

About FICO

FICO (NYSE: FICO) powers decisions that help people and businesses around the world prosper. Founded in 1956, the company is a pioneer in the use of predictive analytics and data science to improve operational decisions. FICO holds more than 200 US and foreign patents on technologies that increase profitability, customer satisfaction and growth for businesses in financial services, insurance, telecommunications, health care, retail and many other industries. Using FICO solutions, businesses in more than 100 countries do everything from protecting 4 billion payment cards from fraud, to improving financial inclusion, to increasing supply chain resiliency. The FICO® Score, used by 90% of top US lenders, is the standard measure of consumer credit risk in the US and other countries, improving risk management, credit access and transparency. Learn more at

FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the US and other countries.


Wendy Harrison/Parm Heer

0208 977 9132

iSON Xperiences Contact

Michelle Mogo

Source: FICO


What is the partnership between FICO and iSON Xperiences about?

FICO has partnered with iSON Xperiences to bring FICO's AI-powered customer management technology to 15 countries across Africa, integrating FICO's decisioning technology with iSON Xperiences' BPO & CX solutions.

How will this partnership benefit African businesses?

The partnership will provide African businesses with FICO-powered solutions to improve customer acquisition, customer management, and debt collection, combining data, analytics, machine learning, and AI with human expertise.

Which sectors will benefit from the FICO and iSON Xperiences partnership?

Banks, insurers, retailers, telecommunications providers, and other firms in Africa will benefit from the FICO-powered solutions provided through this partnership.

What technologies are involved in the FICO and iSON Xperiences partnership?

The partnership involves FICO's decisioning technology, data analytics, machine learning, and AI, combined with iSON Xperiences' BPO & CX solutions.

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