FICO Teams Up with Pro Volleyball Federation to Champion Financial Literacy for Volleyball Athletes and Fans
FICO has announced a strategic partnership with Pro Volleyball Federation (PVF) for the 2025 season, focusing on promoting financial literacy and credit education. The partnership will provide PVF athletes with free access to myFICO to monitor their FICO® Scores and engage with fans on financial education content.
PVF, North America's premier professional volleyball league launched in 2024, has shown impressive growth with over 575,000 fans in attendance and millions of online viewers. The collaboration aims to leverage the rising popularity of women's volleyball to promote financial awareness.
According to a recent Harris Poll survey commissioned by FICO, 60% of Americans believe personal finance is important for adulthood, with 25% of Gen Z reporting that lack of financial skills has hindered their financial goals. The FICO® Score, used by 90% of top U.S. lenders, remains a critical tool for credit decisions in personal loans, mortgages, and credit cards.
FICO ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Pro Volleyball Federation (PVF) per la stagione 2025, concentrandosi sulla promozione dell'educazione finanziaria e della consapevolezza creditizia. La partnership offrirà agli atleti della PVF accesso gratuito a myFICO per monitorare i loro punteggi FICO® e interagire con i fan su contenuti di educazione finanziaria.
La PVF, la principale lega professionistica di pallavolo del Nord America lanciata nel 2024, ha mostrato una crescita impressionante con oltre 575.000 fan presenti e milioni di spettatori online. La collaborazione mira a sfruttare la crescente popolarità della pallavolo femminile per promuovere la consapevolezza finanziaria.
Secondo un recente sondaggio di Harris Poll commissionato da FICO, il 60% degli americani ritiene che la finanza personale sia importante per l'età adulta, con il 25% della Gen Z che riporta che la mancanza di competenze finanziarie ha ostacolato i propri obiettivi finanziari. Il punteggio FICO®, utilizzato dal 90% dei principali prestatori statunitensi, rimane uno strumento fondamentale per le decisioni creditizie in prestiti personali, mutui e carte di credito.
FICO ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Pro Volleyball Federation (PVF) para la temporada 2025, enfocándose en promover la educación financiera y la alfabetización crediticia. La asociación proporcionará a los atletas de PVF acceso gratuito a myFICO para monitorear sus puntajes FICO® y participar con los fanáticos en contenido de educación financiera.
La PVF, la principal liga profesional de voleibol de América del Norte lanzada en 2024, ha mostrado un crecimiento impresionante con más de 575,000 aficionados presentes y millones de espectadores en línea. La colaboración tiene como objetivo aprovechar la creciente popularidad del voleibol femenino para promover la conciencia financiera.
Según una reciente encuesta de Harris Poll encargada por FICO, el 60% de los estadounidenses cree que las finanzas personales son importantes para la adultez, y el 25% de la Generación Z informa que la falta de habilidades financieras ha obstaculizado sus metas financieras. El puntaje FICO®, utilizado por el 90% de los principales prestamistas de EE. UU., sigue siendo una herramienta crítica para las decisiones de crédito en préstamos personales, hipotecas y tarjetas de crédito.
FICO는 Pro Volleyball Federation (PVF)와 2025 시즌을 위한 전략적 파트너십을 발표하며 재정 교육과 신용 교육을 촉진하는 데 집중하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 PVF 선수들에게 FICO® 점수를 모니터링하고 재정 교육 콘텐츠에 대해 팬들과 소통할 수 있는 myFICO에 무료로 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
2024년에 출범한 북미 최고의 프로 배구 리그인 PVF는 575,000명 이상의 팬이 참석하고 수백만 명이 온라인으로 시청하는 등 인상적인 성장을 보여주었습니다. 이 협력은 여성 배구의 증가하는 인기를 활용하여 재정 인식을 증진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
FICO가 의뢰한 최근 Harris Poll 조사에 따르면, 미국인의 60%가 개인 금융이 성인에게 중요하다고 믿으며, Z세대의 25%는 재정 기술 부족이 자신의 재정 목표를 방해했다고 보고했습니다. FICO® 점수는 미국의 주요 대출 기관의 90%가 사용하는 중요한 도구로, 개인 대출, 주택 담보 대출 및 신용 카드의 신용 결정에 있어 필수적입니다.
FICO a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Pro Volleyball Federation (PVF) pour la saison 2025, axé sur la promotion de l'éducation financière et de la sensibilisation au crédit. Ce partenariat offrira aux athlètes de la PVF un accès gratuit à myFICO pour suivre leurs scores FICO® et interagir avec les fans sur des contenus d'éducation financière.
La PVF, la principale ligue professionnelle de volleyball en Amérique du Nord lancée en 2024, a montré une croissance impressionnante avec plus de 575 000 fans présents et des millions de spectateurs en ligne. La collaboration vise à tirer parti de la popularité croissante du volleyball féminin pour promouvoir la sensibilisation financière.
Selon une récente enquête Harris Poll commandée par FICO, 60 % des Américains estiment que la finance personnelle est importante pour l'âge adulte, et 25 % de la génération Z rapportent que le manque de compétences financières a entravé leurs objectifs financiers. Le score FICO®, utilisé par 90 % des principaux prêteurs américains, reste un outil essentiel pour les décisions de crédit dans les prêts personnels, les hypothèques et les cartes de crédit.
FICO hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Pro Volleyball Federation (PVF) für die Saison 2025 angekündigt, die sich auf die Förderung von Finanzbildung und Kreditwissen konzentriert. Die Partnerschaft wird den PVF-Athleten kostenlosen Zugang zu myFICO bieten, um ihre FICO®-Scores zu überwachen und mit Fans über Finanzbildungsinhalte zu interagieren.
Die PVF, die führende professionelle Volleyball-Liga Nordamerikas, die 2024 gegründet wurde, hat ein beeindruckendes Wachstum mit über 575.000 Fans vor Ort und Millionen von Online-Zuschauern gezeigt. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die wachsende Beliebtheit des Frauenvolleyballs zu nutzen, um das Finanzbewusstsein zu fördern.
Laut einer aktuellen Harris Poll-Umfrage, die von FICO in Auftrag gegeben wurde, glauben 60 % der Amerikaner, dass persönliche Finanzen für das Erwachsenenleben wichtig sind, wobei 25 % der Generation Z berichten, dass fehlende Finanzkenntnisse ihre finanziellen Ziele behindert haben. Der FICO®-Score, der von 90 % der führenden Kreditgeber in den USA verwendet wird, bleibt ein entscheidendes Werkzeug für Kreditentscheidungen bei Privatkrediten, Hypotheken und Kreditkarten.
- Partnership expands FICO's market presence in sports sector
- Access to 575,000+ PVF fans and millions of online viewers for customer acquisition
- Strategic alignment with growing women's sports market
- None.
FICO’s sponsorship focuses on raising awareness of financial literacy and credit education through volleyball athletes, engaging fellow athletes and fans to make informed financial decisions

Pro Volleyball Federation (Graphic: FICO)
PVF is the premier professional volleyball league in
“The energy surrounding professional women’s volleyball has never been greater, and welcoming an industry-leading organization like FICO underscores the growing impact of our league,” said Jen Spicher, CEO at Pro Volleyball Federation. “Financial literacy and credit education play an important role in the lives of athletes and fans alike, and this collaboration adds another layer of support as they navigate their financial futures.”
FICO has long been committed to helping drive financial empowerment through credit education. The company works with students, adults, and community organizations to improve financial literacy in communities across the
A recent Harris Poll survey commissioned by FICO found that 3 in 5 Americans (
“Financial health is just as crucial as preparation and strategy in sports,” said Jenelle Dito, Vice President of Consumer Empowerment Programs and Partnerships at FICO. “At FICO, we’re excited to raise awareness about financial literacy and credit education, empowering volleyball fans and athletes to make more confident and informed financial decisions.”
The FICO® Score is used by
FICO offers resources to help people kick-start their financial literacy and credit education journey. For example, myFICO lets consumers check and monitor their FICO® Score for free. Plus, FICO continually updates the website and app with credit education materials and tools designed to help people understand their credit.
To check your FICO® Score for free, go to:
To learn more information about FICO’s credit education programs, FICO’s Score A Better Future™ and FICO’s Score A Better Future™ Fundamentals program, visit:
Pro Volleyball Federation is the leading professional volleyball league in
About FICO
FICO (NYSE: FICO) powers decisions that help people and businesses around the world prosper. Founded in 1956, the company is a pioneer in the use of predictive analytics and data science to improve operational decisions. FICO holds more than 200 US and foreign patents on technologies that increase profitability, customer satisfaction and growth for businesses in financial services, insurance, telecommunications, health care, retail and many other industries. Using FICO solutions, businesses in more than 80 countries do everything from protecting four billion payment cards from fraud, to improving financial inclusion, to increasing supply chain resiliency. The FICO® Score, used by
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FICO Media Contact
Julie Huang
Pro Volleyball Federation Media Contact
Rob Carolla
Source: FICO
What are the key benefits of FICO's partnership with Pro Volleyball Federation for 2025?
How successful has the Pro Volleyball Federation been since its 2024 launch?
What percentage of Gen Z feels by lack of financial knowledge according to FICO's survey?