FICO Announces 12 New Patents, Advancing Responsible AI, Machine Learning, and Applied Intelligence Technology
FICO (NYSE:FICO) has been awarded 12 new patents by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, strengthening its position in AI, machine learning, and decision management technology. The company's patent portfolio now includes 226 U.S. and foreign active patents, with 75 pending applications.
The new patents cover critical areas including: responsible AI measurement, enhanced data privacy, bias analysis in AI models, neural network optimization, facial recognition for authentication, cyber security threat monitoring, and predictive model score attribution. These innovations aim to improve decision-making across industries like financial services, healthcare, retail, and telecommunications.
Notably, FICO's Chief Analytics Officer Dr. Scott Zoldi has been credited as an inventor on 101 patents, with 40+ additional patent applications in process, demonstrating the company's commitment to AI innovation and technological advancement.
FICO (NYSE:FICO) ha ricevuto 12 nuovi brevetti dall'Ufficio Statunitense dei Brevetti e dei Marchi, rafforzando la sua posizione nelle tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale, apprendimento automatico e gestione delle decisioni. Il portafoglio brevetti dell'azienda ora include 226 brevetti attivi, sia statunitensi che stranieri, con 75 domande in attesa.
I nuovi brevetti coprono aree critiche tra cui: misurazione responsabile dell'IA, miglioramento della privacy dei dati, analisi dei bias nei modelli di IA, ottimizzazione delle reti neurali, riconoscimento facciale per l'autenticazione, monitoraggio delle minacce alla sicurezza informatica e attribuzione del punteggio nei modelli predittivi. Queste innovazioni mirano a migliorare il processo decisionale in settori come i servizi finanziari, la sanità, il commercio al dettaglio e le telecomunicazioni.
È interessante notare che il Chief Analytics Officer di FICO, Dr. Scott Zoldi, è stato accreditato come inventore di 101 brevetti, con oltre 40 ulteriori domande di brevetto in corso, dimostrando l'impegno dell'azienda per l'innovazione nell'IA e il progresso tecnologico.
FICO (NYSE:FICO) ha recibido 12 nuevas patentes de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de EE. UU., fortaleciendo su posición en tecnología de inteligencia artificial, aprendizaje automático y gestión de decisiones. El portafolio de patentes de la compañía ahora incluye 226 patentes activas, tanto estadounidenses como extranjeras, con 75 solicitudes pendientes.
Las nuevas patentes cubren áreas críticas como: medición responsable de IA, mejora de la privacidad de datos, análisis de sesgos en modelos de IA, optimización de redes neuronales, reconocimiento facial para autenticación, monitoreo de amenazas cibernéticas y atribución de puntajes en modelos predictivos. Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo mejorar la toma de decisiones en industrias como servicios financieros, salud, comercio minorista y telecomunicaciones.
Notablemente, el Chief Analytics Officer de FICO, Dr. Scott Zoldi, ha sido acreditado como inventor en 101 patentes, con más de 40 solicitudes de patentes adicionales en proceso, demostrando el compromiso de la compañía con la innovación en IA y el avance tecnológico.
FICO (NYSE:FICO)는 미국 특허청으로부터 12개의 새로운 특허를 수여받아 인공지능, 기계 학습 및 의사 결정 관리 기술에서의 입지를 강화했습니다. 회사의 특허 포트폴리오는 이제 226개의 미국 및 외국 활성 특허를 포함하고 있으며, 75개의 신청이 대기 중입니다.
새로운 특허는 책임 있는 AI 측정, 데이터 프라이버시 향상, AI 모델의 편향 분석, 신경망 최적화, 인증을 위한 얼굴 인식, 사이버 보안 위협 모니터링, 예측 모델 점수 귀속 등 중요한 영역을 다룹니다. 이러한 혁신은 금융 서비스, 의료, 소매 및 통신과 같은 산업 전반에 걸쳐 의사 결정을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
특히, FICO의 수석 분석 책임자 Dr. Scott Zoldi는 101개의 특허의 발명자로 인정받았으며, 40개 이상의 추가 특허 신청이 진행 중으로, 회사의 AI 혁신 및 기술 발전에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.
FICO (NYSE:FICO) a reçu 12 nouveaux brevets de l'Office des brevets et des marques des États-Unis, renforçant ainsi sa position dans les technologies d'intelligence artificielle, d'apprentissage automatique et de gestion des décisions. Le portefeuille de brevets de l'entreprise comprend désormais 226 brevets actifs, tant américains qu'étrangers, avec 75 demandes en attente.
Les nouveaux brevets couvrent des domaines critiques tels que : la mesure responsable de l'IA, l'amélioration de la confidentialité des données, l'analyse des biais dans les modèles d'IA, l'optimisation des réseaux neuronaux, la reconnaissance faciale pour l'authentification, la surveillance des menaces de cybersécurité et l'attribution de scores de modèles prédictifs. Ces innovations visent à améliorer la prise de décision dans des secteurs tels que les services financiers, la santé, le commerce de détail et les télécommunications.
Notamment, le Chief Analytics Officer de FICO, Dr. Scott Zoldi, a été crédité en tant qu'inventeur sur 101 brevets, avec plus de 40 demandes de brevet supplémentaires en cours, démontrant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'innovation en IA et l'avancement technologique.
FICO (NYSE:FICO) wurde vom US-Patent- und Markenamt mit 12 neuen Patenten ausgezeichnet, was seine Position in den Bereichen KI, maschinelles Lernen und Entscheidungsmanagement-Technologie stärkt. Das Patentportfolio des Unternehmens umfasst nun 226 aktive Patente, sowohl in den USA als auch im Ausland, mit 75 laufenden Anmeldungen.
Die neuen Patente decken kritische Bereiche ab, darunter: verantwortungsvolle KI-Messung, verbesserter Datenschutz, Bias-Analyse in KI-Modellen, Optimierung neuronaler Netze, Gesichtserkennung zur Authentifizierung, Überwachung von Cyber-Sicherheitsbedrohungen und Attribution von Vorhersagemodellpunkten. Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, die Entscheidungsfindung in Branchen wie Finanzdienstleistungen, Gesundheitswesen, Einzelhandel und Telekommunikation zu verbessern.
Bemerkenswerterweise wurde FICOs Chief Analytics Officer Dr. Scott Zoldi als Erfinder in 101 Patenten anerkannt, mit über 40 weiteren Patentanmeldungen in Bearbeitung, was das Engagement des Unternehmens für KI-Innovation und technologische Fortschritte zeigt.
- Significant patent portfolio expansion with 12 new patents
- Strong intellectual property position with 226 active patents
- 75 additional pending patent applications showing continued innovation
- Broad technology coverage across multiple high-growth sectors
- None.
New patents strengthen FICO’s leadership in developing advanced technologies that drive smarter decisions and business transformation
- FICO remains a leader in innovation, with advancements in decision-making, machine learning, and AI-related technology.
- FICO’s current patent portfolio consists of 226 U.S. and foreign active patents, with additional 75 patent applications filed and pending.
Global analytics software leader FICO was awarded new patents by the
To date, FICO’s patent portfolio includes over 200 U.S. and international patents. These patents represent innovative technologies aimed at helping drive profitability, customer satisfaction, customer protection, and growth across industries such as financial services, telecommunications, healthcare, retail, transportation, supply chain, and more.
The technology covered by FICO’s new patents include:
- A Latent-Space Misalignment Measure of Responsible AI for Machine Learning Models – This method covers technological improvements that identify misaligned data in a latent space for machine learning models. The innovation provides valuable new techniques to measure the degree of misalignment of a given data source with respect to an underlying machine learning model, both during development and production, and thereby furthers a core tenant of Responsible AI.
- Enhanced Data Privacy Through Structure-preserving Autoencoders with Latent Space Augmentation – This is a method for generating refined (de-identified and anonymized) synthetic data from one or more sources of data.
- Method and Apparatus for Analyzing Coverage, Bias, and Model Explanations in Large Dimensional Modeling Data - This method improves the fairness and transparency of AI models by identifying biases and weaknesses in large, complex datasets. By analyzing how AI models make decisions and the data on which they are built, it helps ensure the models are more accurate and explainable, which is crucial for building trust and accountability in AI systems.
- Latent Feature Dimensionality Bounds for Robust Machine Learning on High Dimensional Datasets - This technology optimizes architectures of neural network models by compactly processing complex data, enhancing their stability and reliability. It helps ensure better performance when handling large, high-dimensional datasets, making machine learning models more accurate and dependable.
- Data Distillery for Signal Detection - This system identifies important patterns or “signals” within vast datasets, helping businesses prioritize key insights to utilize in models and risk strategies. It streamlines data analysis of relevant business signals making decision management more efficient and effective.
- Facial Recognition for User Authentication - This technology enhances user authentication by leveraging facial recognition to securely verify identities. Its integration with transaction fraud detection can strengthen the identification of potentially compromised accounts.
- System and Method for Linearizing Messages from Data Sources for Optimized High-Performance Processing in a Stream Processing System - This technology is useful for handling large streams of real-time data, such as in financial or customer service systems.
- Interpretable Feature Discovery with Grammar-based Bayesian Optimization - This method uses Bayesian search to discover and optimize key features in data, making machine learning models more understandable and interpretable. It helps ensure AI decisions are transparent, making it easier to trust the outcomes generated by these systems.
- Managing Missing Values In Datasets For Machine Learning Models - This technology addresses missing data elements and handling in machine learning models by filling in gaps. It provides strategies for AI systems to remain reliable when data elements are incomplete.
- Attributing Reasons to Predictive Model Scores - This improvement helps explain the factors that influence predictive model scores, making it easier to understand how decisions are made and providing rationale to consumers. It’s particularly valuable in fraud detection systems like FICO® Falcon® Fraud Manager and any transaction analytic AI, ensuring transparency in transaction patterns driving outcomes and trust in scoring.
- Cyber Security Adaptive Analytics Threat Monitoring System and Method - This system detects malware and other security threats by analyzing DNS and other network communication messages to assess threats. It provides businesses with real-time insights into potential attacks on key information and financial systems, helping them protect against cyber-attacks and data being actively infiltrated.
“At FICO, innovation is at the heart of everything we do, driven by talented individuals who are dedicated to solving complex challenges. Developing patented technologies requires time, expertise and collaboration to turn bold ideas into realities that drive innovation and transform industries,” said Nikhil Behl, executive vice president at FICO. “FICO’s chief analytics officer, Dr. Scott Zoldi, has been listed as an inventor on 101 patents, in collaboration with other data and analytic scientists, and he is also named on an additional 40+ patent applications in process. This accomplishment reflects Dr. Zoldi’s integral role in driving FICO’s AI innovation forward. His ability to transform complex challenges into impactful solutions has set the standard for what we can achieve when we put solving customer challenges at the heart of our innovations.”
“These new patents reflect our commitment to developing innovative new AI technologies and solutions that enable our clients to operationalize and make smarter, data-driven decisions,” said Dr. Scott Zoldi, chief analytics officer at FICO. “We innovate to meet and anticipate our clients’ needs, ensuring that the technology we deliver addresses key industry business challenges and supports our clients’ long-term success.”
To learn more about FICO’s patents:
- Full list:
- Dr. Scott Zoldi’s blog:
About FICO
FICO (NYSE: FICO) powers decisions that help people and businesses around the world prosper. Founded in 1956, the company is a pioneer in the use of predictive analytics and data science to improve operational decisions. FICO holds more than 200 US and foreign patents on technologies that increase profitability, customer satisfaction and growth for businesses in financial services, insurance, telecommunications, health care, retail and many other industries. Using FICO solutions, businesses in more than 80 countries do everything from protecting four billion payment cards from fraud, to improving financial inclusion, to increasing supply chain resiliency. The FICO® Score, used by
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Julie Huang
Source: FICO
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