FICO and FINRA Foundation Celebrate 14 Years of Financial Education Partnership to Empower Military Families

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FICO and the FINRA Foundation are celebrating 14 years of partnership in providing financial education to military families. This collaboration offers active-duty service members and their spouses free access to their FICO® Scores, credit reports, and financial tools from

The partnership addresses a critical need, as research shows that 75.8% of military and veteran families carry debt, and 35% of veterans struggle with bill payments during their transition to civilian life. Through military financial educators and FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellows, the program has reached hundreds of thousands of military families.

The initiative aims to empower service members in their credit education and financial lives, providing resources to understand and improve their credit scores. Interested personnel can access these services through their nearby base's military financial educator or visit for more information.

FICO e la Fondazione FINRA celebrano 14 anni di collaborazione nell'offrire educazione finanziaria alle famiglie military. Questa collaborazione fornisce ai membri attivi delle forze armate e ai loro coniugi accesso gratuito ai loro FICO® Scores, rapporti di credito e strumenti finanziari disponibili su

Il partnership affronta un'esigenza cruciale, poiché le ricerche dimostrano che il 75,8% delle famiglie military e veterane ha debiti e che il 35% dei veterani ha difficoltà a pagare le bollette durante la transizione alla vita civile. Grazie agli educatori finanziari militari e ai Fellows della Fondazione FINRA per i coniugi militari, il programma ha raggiunto centinaia di migliaia di famiglie militari.

L'iniziativa mira a dare potere ai membri delle forze armate nella loro educazione al credito e nelle loro vite finanziarie, fornendo risorse per comprendere e migliorare i loro punteggi di credito. Il personale interessato può accedere a questi servizi attraverso l'educatore finanziario militare della propria base vicino oppure visitare per ulteriori informazioni.

FICO y la Fundación FINRA están celebrando 14 años de colaboración en la provisión de educación financiera a familias militares. Esta colaboración ofrece a miembros de servicio en activo y sus cónyuges acceso gratuito a sus FICO® Scores, informes de crédito y herramientas financieras de

La asociación aborda una necesidad crítica, ya que la investigación muestra que el 75.8% de las familias militares y veteranas tienen deudas, y que el 35% de los veteranos tiene problemas para pagar facturas durante su transición a la vida civil. A través de educadores financieros militares y Fellows de la Fundación FINRA para cónyuges militares, el programa ha llegado a cientos de miles de familias militares.

La iniciativa tiene como objetivo empoderar a los miembros del servicio en su educación crediticia y vidas financieras, proporcionando recursos para entender y mejorar sus puntajes de crédito. El personal interesado puede acceder a estos servicios a través del educador financiero militar de su base cercana o visitar para más información.

FICOFINRA 재단군인 가족에게 재정 교육을 제공하기 위해 14년 간의 파트너십을 축하하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 현역 군인과 그 배우자에게 무료 액세스를 제공합니다. 그들의 FICO® 점수, 신용 보고서 및 myFICO.com의 재정 도구에 대한 접근을 제공합니다.

이 파트너십은 중요한 필요를 다루고 있으며, 연구에 따르면 군인 및 퇴역 군인 가족의 75.8%가 부채를 안고 있으며, 퇴역 군인의 35%는 민간 생활로의 전환 중에 청구서 지불에 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 군사 재정 교육자 및 FINRA 재단 군인 배우자 펠로우를 통해 이 프로그램은 수십만 개의 군인 가족에게 도달했습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 군인들이 신용 교육 및 재정 생활에서 힘을 얻을 수 있도록 하며, 신용 점수를 이해하고 개선하는 데 필요한 자원을 제공합니다. 관심 있는 개인은 인근 기지의 군사 재정 교육자를 통해 이러한 서비스에 액세스하거나를 방문하여 추가 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

FICO et la Fondation FINRA célèbrent 14 ans de partenariat pour offrir une éducation financière aux familles militaires. Cette collaboration permet aux membres actifs des forces armées et à leurs conjoints d'accéder gratuitement à leurs Scores FICO®, rapports de crédit et outils financiers disponibles sur

Le partenariat répond à un besoin crucial, car des recherches montrent que 75,8 % des familles militaires et vétérans sont endettées et que 35 % des vétérans rencontrent des difficultés pour payer leurs factures lors de leur transition vers la vie civile. Grâce aux éducateurs financiers militaires et aux boursiers militaires de la Fondation FINRA, le programme a atteint des centaines de milliers de familles militaires.

L'initiative vise à donner du pouvoir aux membres des forces armées dans leur éducation au crédit et dans leur vie financière, en fournissant des ressources pour comprendre et améliorer leurs scores de crédit. Le personnel intéressé peut accéder à ces services par l'intermédiaire de l'éducateur financier militaire de leur base locale ou visiter pour plus d'informations.

FICO und die FINRA-Stiftung feiern 14 Jahre Partnerschaft in der Bereitstellung von finanzieller Bildung für militärische Familien. Diese Zusammenarbeit bietet aktiven Militärangehörigen und ihren Ehepartnern kostenlosen Zugang zu ihren FICO® Scores, Kreditberichten und finanziellen Tools von

Die Partnerschaft spricht einen kritischen Bedarf an, da Forschungen zeigen, dass 75,8 % der Militär- und Veteranenfamilien Schulden haben und 35 % der Veteranen bei der Begleichung von Rechnungen Schwierigkeiten haben während ihres Übergangs ins zivile Leben. Durch militärische Finanzbildner und FINRA-Stiftungs-Militär-Ehepartner-Fellows hat das Programm Hunderttausende von Militärfamilien erreicht.

Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, Militärangehörige in ihrer Kreditbildung und finanziellen Lebensweise zu stärken, und bietet Ressourcen, um ihre Kreditbewertungen zu verstehen und zu verbessern. Interessierte Personen können über den militärischen Finanzbildner ihrer nahegelegenen Basis auf diese Dienste zugreifen oder besuchen, um mehr Informationen zu erhalten.

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In recognition of Military Consumer Awareness Month in July, FICO reinforces partnership that provides active-duty service members and their spouses free access to their FICO® Scores

BOZEMAN, Mont.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- FICO, a leading analytics software firm, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor Education Foundation, celebrate their longstanding and continued partnership. For fourteen years, FICO and FINRA Foundation have brought financial education resources to United States’ active-duty service members and their spouses by providing military financial educators and counselors for the Department of Defense and Coast Guard Personal Financial Management Programs.

Throughout the partnership, military financial educators and FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Accredited Financial Counselors® have provided active military members with their FICO® Scores, credit reports, and other financial educational information and tools from for free, providing access to hundreds of thousands of military families.

Research by the Military Family Advisory Network has shown that more than three-quarters (75.8%) of military and veteran family members surveyed report they carry debt, with over 80% indicating that their finances have caused them stress. Additionally, the Pew Research Center has reported that about a third of veterans (35%) report difficulty paying their bills during their first few years transitioning back to civilian life. Together, these figures highlight the importance of providing military members and their families with access to educational resources to empower them in their credit education journeys and financial lives.

WATCH: FINRA Foundation Provides Free FICO Scores to Military Service Members

“There’s no greater honor than being able to support the great men and women who serve our country,” said Geoff Smith, vice president and general manager of Consumer Scores at FICO. “It is with tremendous pride that FICO continues to provide financial education and resources to our service members and their families by offering free access to their credit scores, credit reports and related resources through our ongoing partnership with FINRA Investor Education Foundation.”

Through engagement with military financial educators and FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellows eligible personnel can access their FICO® Scores for free as well as gain insight to understand what may be helping or hurting their credit scores, simulate how different actions may impact their scores, and develop action plans.

“Our partnership has been very impactful, and we are proud to continue our work with FICO,” said Gerri Walsh, President of the FINRA Foundation. “Empowering service members and their spouses to achieve their financial dreams is a mission we work toward each day, and we are thrilled to be able to help so many on their credit education journey through this endeavor.”

Active-duty service members and their spouses interested in obtaining their FICO Scores should contact the military financial educator at their nearby base/installation. Or they can visit for more information.

For over 30 years, FICO® Scores have been the industry standard for determining a person's credit risk. Today, more than 90% of top U.S. lenders use FICO Scores to help them make faster, fairer, and more accurate lending decisions. FICO offers other resources to help people kick start their financial literacy and credit education journey. For example, myFICO lets consumers check and monitor their FICO Score for free. Plus, FICO continually updates the website and app with credit education materials and tools that can help people better understand how credit works.

About the FINRA Investor Education Foundation

The FINRA Investor Education Foundation supports innovative research and educational projects that empower underserved Americans with the knowledge, skills, and tools to make sound financial decisions throughout life. Since 2006, the Foundation has delivered free, unbiased financial education tools and training to service members, their spouses and military and financial educators through on-base educational forums, professional development training programs and online and printed educational resources. The Foundation holds both a Statement of Support with the Department of Defense in support of DoD’s Financial Readiness Network and a USCG Qualified Organization Designation. Learn more about the FINRA Foundation at


FINRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to investor protection and market integrity. FINRA regulates one critical part of the securities industry—member brokerage firms doing business in the U.S. FINRA, overseen by the SEC, writes rules, examines for and enforces compliance with FINRA rules and federal securities laws, registers broker-dealer personnel and offers them education and training, and informs the investing public. In addition, FINRA provides surveillance and other regulatory services for equities and options markets, as well as trade reporting and other industry utilities. FINRA also administers a dispute resolution forum for investors and brokerage firms and their registered employees. For more information, visit

About FICO

FICO (NYSE: FICO) powers decisions that help people and businesses around the world prosper. Founded in 1956, the company is a pioneer in the use of predictive analytics and data science to improve operational decisions. FICO holds more than 200 US and foreign patents on technologies that increase profitability, customer satisfaction and growth for businesses in financial services, insurance, telecommunications, health care, retail and many other industries. Using FICO solutions, businesses in more than 100 countries do everything from protecting 4 billion payment cards from fraud, to improving financial inclusion, to increasing supply chain resiliency. The FICO® Score, used by 90% of top US lenders, is the standard measure of consumer credit risk in the US and has been made available in over 40 other countries, improving risk management, credit access and transparency. Learn more at

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Julie Huang


Source: FICO


What does the FICO and FINRA Foundation partnership offer to military families?

The partnership offers active-duty service members and their spouses free access to their FICO® Scores, credit reports, and financial educational tools from

How long has the FICO and FINRA Foundation partnership been active?

The partnership between FICO and FINRA Foundation has been active for 14 years, as of 2023.

What percentage of military and veteran families report carrying debt?

According to research by the Military Family Advisory Network, 75.8% of military and veteran family members surveyed report carrying debt.

How can military personnel access their free FICO Scores through this program?

Military personnel can access their free FICO Scores by contacting the military financial educator at their nearby base/installation or visiting for more information.

What percentage of top U.S. lenders use FICO Scores?

More than 90% of top U.S. lenders use FICO Scores to help them make faster, fairer, and more accurate lending decisions.

Fair Isaac Corporation


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