The Awareness Group (TAG) Unveils Innovative Non-Credit Score Driven National Solar Power Purchase Agreement Program at RE+ 24 Tradeshow

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The Awareness Group (TAG) has unveiled a groundbreaking National Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) program at the RE+ 24 Tradeshow in Anaheim, California. This innovative program, available in states where PPAs are permitted, offers unique benefits:

  • No minimum credit score requirement
  • Immediate 10% savings on homeowners' utility bills
  • Increased profitability for contractors within the TAG GRID

TAG, which recently announced a binding letter of intent to merge with Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD), is showcasing this program as part of its aggressive growth strategy. The company invites interested parties to meet with representatives at the tradeshow to discuss the PPA program and other TAG initiatives.

Il Gruppo Awareness (TAG) ha svelato un innovativo programma di Accordo di Acquisto di Energia Solare Nazionale (PPA) alla fiera RE+ 24 ad Anaheim, California. Questo programma innovativo, disponibile negli stati dove i PPA sono consentiti, offre vantaggi unici:

  • Nessun requisito di punteggio di credito minimo
  • Risparmi immediati del 10% sulle bollette energetiche dei proprietari di casa
  • Aumento della redditività per i contraenti all'interno della TAG GRID

TAG, che ha recentemente annunciato una lettera d'intenti vincolante per fondersi con Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD), sta presentando questo programma come parte della sua strategia di crescita aggressiva. L'azienda invita le parti interessate a incontrare i rappresentanti alla fiera per discutere del programma PPA e di altre iniziative di TAG.

El Grupo de Conciencia (TAG) ha presentado un innovador programa de Acuerdo Nacional de Compra de Energía Solar (PPA) en la feria RE+ 24 en Anaheim, California. Este programa innovador, disponible en estados donde se permiten los PPA, ofrece beneficios únicos:

  • Sin requisito de puntaje de crédito mínimo
  • Ahorros inmediatos del 10% en las facturas de servicios públicos de los propietarios de viviendas
  • Aumento de la rentabilidad para los contratistas dentro de la TAG GRID

TAG, que recientemente anunció una carta de intención vinculante para fusionarse con Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD), está presentando este programa como parte de su estrategia de crecimiento agresiva. La empresa invita a las partes interesadas a reunirse con representantes en la feria para discutir el programa PPA y otras iniciativas de TAG.

의식 그룹(TAG)이 캘리포니아 애너하임에서 열린 RE+ 24 무역 박람회에서 혁신적인 국가 태양광 전력 구매 계약(PPA) 프로그램을 공개했습니다. PPA가 허용된 주에서 제공되는 이 혁신적인 프로그램은 독특한 혜택을 제공합니다:

  • 최소 신용 점수 요구 없음
  • 주택 소유자의 공공요금에서 즉시 10% 절약
  • TAG GRID 내 계약자를 위한 수익성 증가

TAG는 최근 Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD)와 합병하기 위해 구속력 있는 의향서를 발표했으며, 이 프로그램을 공격적인 성장 전략의 일환으로 선보이고 있습니다. 회사는 무역 박람회에서 이 프로그램과 TAG의 다른 이니셔티브에 대해 논의하기 위해 이해 관계자와의 만남을 초대합니다.

Le Groupe Awareness (TAG) a dévoilé un programme d'Accord National d'Achat d'Énergie Solaire (PPA) révolutionnaire lors du salon RE+ 24 à Anaheim, en Californie. Ce programme innovant, disponible dans les États où les PPA sont autorisés, offre des avantages uniques :

  • Aucun requisitoire de score de crédit minimum
  • Économies immédiates de 10 % sur les factures d'électricité des propriétaires
  • Augmentation de la rentabilité pour les entrepreneurs au sein du TAG GRID

TAG, qui a récemment annoncé une lettre d'intention contraignante pour fusionner avec Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD), présente ce programme dans le cadre de sa stratégie de croissance agressive. La société invite les parties intéressées à rencontrer des représentants au salon pour discuter du programme PPA et d'autres initiatives de TAG.

Die Awareness Group (TAG) hat auf der RE+ 24 Messe in Anaheim, Kalifornien, ein bahnbrechendes Programm für Nationale Solarstrom-Einkaufsverträge (PPA) vorgestellt. Dieses innovative Programm, das in Bundesstaaten verfügbar ist, in denen PPAs erlaubt sind, bietet einzigartige Vorteile:

  • Keine Mindestkreditpunktzahl erforderlich
  • Sofortige Einsparungen von 10% auf die Stromrechnungen der Hauseigentümer
  • Steigerung der Rentabilität für Auftragnehmer innerhalb des TAG GRID

TAG, das kürzlich eine verbindliche Absichtserklärung zur Fusion mit Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD) angekündigt hat, präsentiert dieses Programm im Rahmen seiner aggressiven Wachstumsstrategie. Das Unternehmen lädt interessierte Parteien ein, sich auf der Messe mit Vertretern zu treffen, um über das PPA-Programm und andere TAG-Initiativen zu diskutieren.

  • None.
  • None.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Awareness Group LLC (TAG), founder of the TAG GRID and an emerging leader in the alternative energy space which recently announced it signed a binding letter of intent to merge with Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD), is excited to announce its new National Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) program at the RE+ 24 Tradeshow at the Anaheim Convention Center & Campus in Anaheim, California, from September 9 – 12.

The TAG GRID, the cornerstone of TAG's aggressive growth strategy, is set to revolutionize the solar energy landscape with this new PPA program. This groundbreaking initiative is available nationwide in states where PPAs are permitted and offers an exclusive opportunity for sales organizations and contractors within the TAG GRID. The program is designed to boost contractor project profitability and provide homeowners with immediate savings of at least 10% on their utility bills. Notably, the program includes a unique feature: while credit profile is a factor in the approval process, there is no minimum credit score requirement.

TAG representatives will be on hand at RE+ 24 to discuss the new National PPA program, the innovative TAG GRID, and other cutting-edge TAG initiatives. To arrange a meeting during the tradeshow, please contact:

- Brian Odle, Executive Vice President
Phone: 1-888-312-5154

For those interested in becoming part of the TAG GRID as a TAG approved contractor or sales organization, please reach out to:

- Ryan Studer, Vice President of Business Development
Phone: 1-888-312-5154

Forward-Looking Statements:

This press release may contain forward-looking statements. The words "believe," "expect," "should," "intend," "estimate," "projects," variations of such words and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean that a statement is not a forward-looking statement. These forward-looking statements are based upon the Company's current expectations and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ significantly from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements are risks that are detailed in the Company's respective filings at and

About TAG
Innovation is at the heart of The Awareness Group (TAG). We are building the TAG GRID, a comprehensive national platform for alternative energy services and solutions targeting commercial and residential solar services providers. With a unique growth model, TAG has acquired five companies across the alternative energy space, ranging from fintech for national residential and commercial project funding solutions, solar lead generation, sales and installation services to blockchain and a digital carbon and renewable energy credits marketplace. TAG is structured for organic growth, complemented by a highly synergistic corporate development strategy focused on expanding current business lines and adding innovative technologies. The Company aims to quickly build a profitable, multi-$100 million company over the next few years and create significant value for customers, employees, partners, and current and prospective investors. For more information, please visit us at

TAG Investor Relations and Media Contact:
Brian Siegel, IRC®, M.B.A.
Senior Managing Director
Hayden IR
(346) 396-8696


What is The Awareness Group's new solar program announced at RE+ 24?

The Awareness Group (TAG) announced a new National Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) program at the RE+ 24 Tradeshow. This program offers immediate 10% savings on utility bills for homeowners and increased profitability for contractors, with no minimum credit score requirement.

How does TAG's new solar PPA program differ from traditional offerings?

TAG's new solar PPA program is unique because it doesn't have a minimum credit score requirement, unlike many traditional solar financing options. It's available nationwide in states where PPAs are permitted and offers immediate savings of at least 10% on homeowners' utility bills.

What benefits does the TAG GRID offer to contractors and sales organizations?

The TAG GRID offers exclusive access to the new National Solar PPA program for approved contractors and sales organizations. This program is designed to boost project profitability for contractors while providing homeowners with immediate utility bill savings.

When and where is TAG showcasing its new solar PPA program?

TAG is showcasing its new National Solar PPA program at the RE+ 24 Tradeshow, held at the Anaheim Convention Center & Campus in Anaheim, California, from September 9-12, 2024.

What is the connection between The Awareness Group and Freedom Holdings (FHLD)?

The Awareness Group (TAG) has recently signed a binding letter of intent to merge with Freedom Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: FHLD). This merger is part of TAG's aggressive growth strategy in the alternative energy space.



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