The Awareness Group (TAG) Launches Game-Changing TAG Financial Services (TFS)

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The Awareness Group (TAG) has launched TAG Financial Services (TFS), a new fintech subsidiary aimed at revolutionizing project financing and lending solutions in the renewable energy sector. TFS is built on the recent acquisition of Southwest Financial Services and will provide exclusive financing tools to members of TAG GRID, an integrated Alternative Energy Solutions Network.

Key features of TFS include:

  • Advanced mobile and web platforms for streamlined project evaluation and financing applications
  • Comprehensive financing solutions for both residential and commercial projects
  • Exclusive TAG products, including non-credit score-driven pre-paid PPAs

Pablo Diaz, CEO and Founder of TAG, emphasized that TFS is designed to be the financial engine behind TAG GRID, accelerating renewable energy adoption and making clean energy projects more accessible. The launch of TFS is expected to drive growth and success for TAG GRID members while expanding access to sustainable energy solutions.

The Awareness Group (TAG) ha lanciato TAG Financial Services (TFS), una nuova sussidiaria fintech mirata a rivoluzionare il finanziamento di progetti e le soluzioni di prestito nel settore delle energie rinnovabili. TFS si basa sull'acquisizione recente di Southwest Financial Services e fornirà strumenti di finanziamento esclusivi ai membri di TAG GRID, una rete integrata di Soluzioni Energetiche Alternative.

Caratteristiche principali di TFS includono:

  • Piattaforme mobili e web avanzate per una valutazione e applicazione per il finanziamento dei progetti semplificata
  • Soluzioni di finanziamento complete per progetti residenziali e commerciali
  • Prodotti TAG esclusivi, inclusi PPA prepagati basati su punteggi di credito non utilizzati

Pablo Diaz, CEO e fondatore di TAG, ha sottolineato che TFS è progettato per essere il motore finanziario dietro TAG GRID, accelerando l'adozione delle energie rinnovabili e rendendo i progetti di energia pulita più accessibili. Il lancio di TFS si prevede che guiderà la crescita e il successo per i membri di TAG GRID, espandendo al contempo l'accesso alle soluzioni energetiche sostenibili.

The Awareness Group (TAG) ha lanzado TAG Financial Services (TFS), una nueva subsidiaria fintech destinada a revolucionar el financiamiento de proyectos y soluciones de préstamo en el sector de las energías renovables. TFS se basa en la reciente adquisición de Southwest Financial Services y proporcionará herramientas de financiamiento exclusivas a los miembros de TAG GRID, una red integrada de Soluciones de Energía Alternativa.

Las características clave de TFS incluyen:

  • Plataformas móviles y web avanzadas para la evaluación de proyectos y aplicaciones de financiamiento más eficientes
  • Soluciones de financiamiento integrales para proyectos residenciales y comerciales
  • Productos TAG exclusivos, incluidos PPAs prepagados que no dependen del puntaje de crédito

Pablo Diaz, CEO y fundador de TAG, enfatizó que TFS está diseñado para ser el motor financiero detrás de TAG GRID, acelerando la adopción de energías renovables y haciendo que los proyectos de energía limpia sean más accesibles. Se espera que el lanzamiento de TFS impulse el crecimiento y el éxito para los miembros de TAG GRID, al mismo tiempo que amplía el acceso a soluciones energéticas sostenibles.

The Awareness Group (TAG)는 TAG Financial Services (TFS)를 출범시켰습니다. 이는 재생 에너지 분야의 프로젝트 금융 및 대출 솔루션을 혁신하기 위한 새로운 핀테크 자회사입니다. TFS는 Southwest Financial Services의 최근 인수를 기반으로 하며, TAG GRID 회원들에게 독점 금융 도구를 제공할 것입니다. TAG GRID는 통합 대체 에너지 솔루션 네트워크입니다.

TFS의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 프로젝트 평가 및 금융 신청을 위한 고급 모바일 및 웹 플랫폼
  • 주거 및 상업 프로젝트를 위한 포괄적인 금융 솔루션
  • 신용 점수에 기반하지 않은 선불 PPA를 포함한 독점 TAG 제품

Pablo Diaz, TAG의 CEO이자 창립자는 TFS가 TAG GRID의 재무 엔진이 되도록 설계되었다고 강조했습니다. 이는 재생 에너지의 채택을 가속화하고 청정 에너지 프로젝트를 더욱 접근 가능하게 만들 것입니다. TFS의 출범은 TAG GRID 회원들에게 성장과 성공을 가져오고 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션에 대한 접근을 확장할 것으로 예상됩니다.

The Awareness Group (TAG) a lancé TAG Financial Services (TFS), une nouvelle filiale fintech visant à révolutionner le financement de projets et les solutions de prêt dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables. TFS est fondée sur l'acquisition récente de Southwest Financial Services et fournira des outils de financement exclusifs aux membres de TAG GRID, un réseau intégré de Solutions Énergétiques Alternatives.

Les caractéristiques clés de TFS incluent :

  • Des plateformes mobiles et web avancées pour l'évaluation des projets et les demandes de financement simplifiées
  • Des solutions de financement complètes pour les projets résidentiels et commerciaux
  • Des produits TAG exclusifs, y compris des PPAs prépayés non basés sur le score de crédit

Pablo Diaz, PDG et fondateur de TAG, a souligné que TFS est conçu pour être le moteur financier derrière TAG GRID, accélérant l'adoption des énergies renouvelables et rendant les projets d'énergie propre plus accessibles. Le lancement de TFS devrait stimuler la croissance et le succès des membres de TAG GRID tout en élargissant l'accès aux solutions énergétiques durables.

The Awareness Group (TAG) hat TAG Financial Services (TFS) ins Leben gerufen, eine neue Fintech-Tochtergesellschaft, die darauf abzielt, die Projektfinanzierung und Kreditlösungen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien zu revolutionieren. TFS basiert auf der jüngsten Übernahme von Southwest Financial Services und wird exklusive Finanzierungsinstrumente für die Mitglieder von TAG GRID bereitstellen, einem integrierten Netzwerk für alternative Energielösungen.

Die Hauptmerkmale von TFS sind:

  • Fortschrittliche mobile und Webplattformen für eine effiziente Projektbewertung und Finanzierungsanträge
  • Umfassende Finanzierungslösungen sowohl für Wohn- als auch für Gewerbeprojekte
  • Exklusive TAG-Produkte, darunter vorkreditabhängige Prepaid-PPAs

Pablo Diaz, CEO und Gründer von TAG, betonte, dass TFS als finanzielle Antriebseinheit hinter TAG GRID konzipiert wurde, um die Akzeptanz erneuerbarer Energien zu beschleunigen und Projekte für saubere Energie zugänglicher zu machen. Die Einführung von TFS wird voraussichtlich das Wachstum und den Erfolg der Mitglieder von TAG GRID vorantreiben und gleichzeitig den Zugang zu nachhaltigen Energielösungen erweitern.

  • None.
  • None.

Strategic Acquisition of Southwest Financial Services Creates a Dynamic New Fintech Subsidiary for Project Financing and Lending Solutions

TFS to Revolutionize Financing Options for TAG GRID Members, Expanding Opportunities in the Renewable Energy Sector

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Awareness Group (OTC: FHLD) (“TAG”), an emerging leader in the alternative energy sector, today introduced TAG Financial Services (TFS), a groundbreaking division of TAG Financial set to transform financing within the renewable energy landscape. Built on the foundation of the recent acquisition of Southwest Financial Services, TFS marries traditional financial expertise with next-generation fintech innovations, further empowering TAG’s visionary TAG GRID – an integrated Alternative Energy Solutions Network of contractors, developers and sales organizations.

Pablo Diaz, CEO and Founder of TAG, remarked: “TAG Financial Services is designed to be the ultimate financial engine behind the TAG GRID – from concept to contract. TFS provides TAG GRID members with exclusive access to cutting-edge lending and financing tools, accelerating renewable energy adoption. Our unique product offerings, such as our proprietary non-credit score-driven pre-paid PPAs, make clean energy projects more accessible than ever before. TFS is not just another financial subsidiary – it’s a key driver in the future of green energy financing, poised to accelerate the growth and success of TAG GRID members while expanding access to sustainable energy solutions for all. With TFS, we are making it easier for all TAG GRID members to succeed.”

Highlights of TAG Financial Services (TFS):

  • Advanced Mobile and Web Platforms: Simplifying every step of the financing process, TFS will offer intuitive project evaluation tools and user-friendly financing applications. These digital solutions will streamline project lifecycles for TAG GRID members and their customers.
  • Comprehensive Financing Solutions: TFS opens doors to a wide range of financial resources, covering both residential and commercial projects. With access to traditional, alternative, and institutional funding, TFS is poised to offer unparalleled support, positioning TAG GRID members for rapid growth.
  • Exclusive TAG Products: In a move set to disrupt the renewables market, TFS plans to debut innovative, proprietary financing products. Notably, TAG’s first product, a Non-Credit Score Driven Pre-paid PPAs break down the traditional barriers to financing, allowing more customers to embrace renewable energy without the constraints of conventional credit scoring.

About TAG
Innovation is at the heart of The Awareness Group (TAG). We are building the TAG GRID, a comprehensive national platform for alternative energy services and solutions targeting commercial and residential customers. With a unique growth model, TAG has acquired five companies across the alternative energy space, ranging from fintech for national residential and commercial project funding solutions, solar lead generation, sales and installation services to blockchain and a digital carbon and renewable energy credits marketplace. TAG is structured for organic growth, complemented by a highly synergistic corporate development strategy focused on expanding current business lines and adding innovative technologies. The Company aims to quickly build a profitable, multi-$100 million company over the next few years and create significant value for customers, employees, partners, and current and prospective investors. For more information, please visit us at

Forward-Looking Statements 
In this press release, all statements that are not purely about historical facts, including, but not limited to, those in which we use the words "believe," "anticipate," "expect," "plan," "intend," "estimate," "target" and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. While these forward-looking statements represent our current judgment of what may happen in the future, actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by these statements due to numerous important factors, including, but not limited to, those described in our most recent report on SEC Form 10-K (under the headings "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations"), which may be revised or supplemented in subsequent reports on SEC Forms 10-Q and 8-K. We are under no obligation, and expressly disclaim any obligation, to update the forward-looking statements in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

TAG Investor Relations and Media Contact:
Brian Siegel, IRC®, M.B.A.
Senior Managing Director
Hayden IR
(346) 396-8696


What is TAG Financial Services (TFS) and how does it relate to FHLD stock?

TAG Financial Services (TFS) is a new fintech subsidiary of The Awareness Group (TAG), which trades under the stock symbol FHLD. TFS aims to revolutionize project financing and lending solutions in the renewable energy sector, potentially impacting FHLD's stock performance.

How will TFS benefit TAG GRID members?

TFS will provide TAG GRID members with exclusive access to cutting-edge lending and financing tools, advanced mobile and web platforms for project evaluation, and comprehensive financing solutions for both residential and commercial projects. This is expected to accelerate growth and success for TAG GRID members.

What unique product is TFS introducing to the renewable energy market?

TFS is introducing proprietary non-credit score-driven pre-paid PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements). This innovative product aims to break down traditional barriers to financing, allowing more customers to embrace renewable energy without the constraints of conventional credit scoring.

When did The Awareness Group (FHLD) launch TAG Financial Services?

The Awareness Group (FHLD) launched TAG Financial Services (TFS) on September 26, 2024, as announced in their press release.



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