Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund announces tender offer expiration
Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (NYSE: FMN) announced the expiration of its tender offer for 3,679,390 common shares, representing about 32% of outstanding shares. The offer, which closed on Oct. 11, 2024, was oversubscribed with 4,988,295 shares tendered. Due to oversubscription, purchases will be made on a pro-rata basis at 99% of the NAV per share, equaling $12.67 per share.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI), the parent company, is a global investment management firm with $782.7 billion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024. The company offers various investment strategies to over 10,000 institutions and intermediaries worldwide, employing more than 2,000 people globally.
Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (NYSE: FMN) ha annunciato la scadenza della sua offerta di riacquisto per 3.679.390 azioni ordinarie, che rappresentano circa il 32% delle azioni in circolazione. L'offerta, chiusa l'11 ottobre 2024, è stata sottoscritta oltre il limite con 4.988.295 azioni offerte. A causa della sovrascrittura, gli acquisti saranno effettuati su base proporzionale al 99% del NAV per azione, pari a 12,67 dollari per azione.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI), la società madre, è una società di gestione patrimoniale globale con 782,7 miliardi di dollari in attività gestite al 30 giugno 2024. L'azienda offre varie strategie di investimento a oltre 10.000 istituzioni e intermediari in tutto il mondo, impiegando oltre 2.000 persone a livello globale.
Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (NYSE: FMN) anunció la expiración de su oferta de compra por 3.679.390 acciones comunes, que representan alrededor del 32% de las acciones en circulación. La oferta, que cerró el 11 de octubre de 2024, fue sobresuscrita con 4.988.295 acciones tenderadas. Debido a la sobrescripción, las compras se realizarán sobre una base proporcional al 99% del NAV por acción, equivalente a 12.67 dólares por acción.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI), la empresa matriz, es una firma de gestión de inversiones global con 782.7 mil millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión a partir del 30 de junio de 2024. La empresa ofrece diversas estrategias de inversión a más de 10.000 instituciones e intermediarios en todo el mundo, empleando a más de 2.000 personas a nivel global.
Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (NYSE: FMN)은 3,679,390주를 위한 청약의 만료를 발표했습니다. 이는 발행된 주식의 약 32%에 해당합니다. 이번 청약은 2024년 10월 11일에 종료되었으며, 4,988,295주가 청약되었습니다. 초과 청약으로 인해 purchases는 주당 NAV의 99%인 12.67달러로 비례배분 방식으로 이루어질 것입니다.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI), 모회사로서, 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 782.7억 달러의 자산을 관리하는 글로벌 자산 관리 회사입니다. 이 회사는 전 세계 10,000개 이상의 기관과 중개업체에 다양한 투자 전략을 제공하며, 2,000명 이상의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다.
Le Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (NYSE: FMN) a annoncé l'expiration de son offre de rachat pour 3.679.390 actions ordinaires, représentant environ 32 % des actions en circulation. L'offre, qui a été clôturée le 11 octobre 2024, a été surdemandée avec 4.988.295 actions proposées. En raison de la sursouscription, les achats seront effectués sur une base proportionnelle à 99 % de la valeur nette d'inventaire par action, soit 12,67 dollars par action.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI), la société mère, est une société de gestion d'investissements mondiale avec 782,7 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion au 30 juin 2024. La société propose diverses stratégies d'investissement à plus de 10 000 institutions et intermédiaires dans le monde entier, employant plus de 2 000 personnes à l'échelle mondiale.
Der Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (NYSE: FMN) gab das Ende seines Rückkaufangebots über 3.679.390 Stammaktien bekannt, was etwa 32% der ausstehenden Aktien entspricht. Das Angebot, das am 11. Oktober 2024 geschlossen wurde, war überzeichnet mit 4.988.295 angedienten Aktien. Aufgrund der Überzeichnung werden die Käufe auf einer pro-rata-Basis zu 99% des NAV pro Aktie, also 12,67 Dollar pro Aktie, erfolgen.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI), das Mutterunternehmen, ist eine globale Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mit 782,7 Milliarden Dollar an verwalteten Vermögenswerten zum 30. Juni 2024. Das Unternehmen bietet verschiedenen institutionellen und intermediären Anlegern weltweit mehr als 10.000 Anlagestrategien an und beschäftigt über 2.000 Mitarbeiter weltweit.
- Tender offer was oversubscribed, indicating strong shareholder interest
- Purchase price set at 99% of NAV, potentially benefiting remaining shareholders
- Federated Hermes, Inc. manages $782.7 billion in assets, showcasing significant market presence
- Pro-rata share purchase due to oversubscription may disappoint some shareholders wanting to tender more shares
The tender offer expiration for Federated Hermes Premier Municipal Income Fund (FMN) reveals significant investor interest, with the offer being oversubscribed. The fund sought to repurchase
For the parent company, Federated Hermes, Inc. (FHI), this move demonstrates proactive capital management and shareholder value focus. With
However, the impact on FHI's financials may be , as FMN is just one of many funds under management. Investors should monitor for any shifts in fund flows or management fee revenues resulting from this action.
Based upon preliminary information, 4,988,295 shares were tendered. The purchase price of properly tendered shares is
Investors can view additional portfolio information in the Products section of FederatedHermes.com/us.
Federated Hermes, Inc. (NYSE: FHI) is a global leader in active, responsible investment management, with
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/federated-hermes-premier-municipal-income-fund-announces-tender-offer-expiration-302275125.html
SOURCE Federated Hermes, Inc.