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First Farmers and Merchants (FFMH) recently held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders where shareholders elected a slate of 10 directors and ratified the selection of Plante & Moran, PLLC as the independent registered public accounting firm. Brian K. Williams, Chairman and CEO, highlighted record loans, strong growth in book value per share, and the second-best earnings per share performance in the company's history.
First Farmers and Merchants (FFMH) ha recentemente tenuto la sua Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti, durante la quale gli azionisti hanno eletto una lista di 10 direttori e ratificato la scelta di Plante & Moran, PLLC come società di revisione contabile indipendente registrata. Brian K. Williams, Presidente e CEO, ha evidenziato un record di prestiti, una forte crescita del valore contabile per azione e la seconda migliore performance di guadagni per azione nella storia della compagnia.
First Farmers and Merchants (FFMH) recientemente celebró su Reunión Anual de Accionistas donde los accionistas eligieron una lista de 10 directores y ratificaron la selección de Plante & Moran, PLLC como la firma de contabilidad pública independiente registrada. Brian K. Williams, Presidente y CEO, destacó récords en préstamos, un fuerte crecimiento en el valor libro por acción, y el segundo mejor rendimiento en ganancias por acción en la historia de la empresa.
First Farmers and Merchants (FFMH)는 최근 주주총회를 개최하여 주주들이 10명의 이사를 선출하고 Plante & Moran, PLLC를 독립 등록 공인회계사로 선정하는 것을 승인했습니다. 회장이자 CEO인 Brian K. Williams는 기록적인 대출, 주당 장부가치의 강력한 성장, 그리고 회사 역사상 두 번째로 좋은 주당 이익 성과를 강조했습니다.
First Farmers and Merchants (FFMH) a récemment tenu son Assemblée Générale Annuelle des Actionnaires où les actionnaires ont élu une liste de 10 directeurs et ratifié la sélection de Plante & Moran, PLLC comme cabinet de comptabilité publique indépendant enregistré. Brian K. Williams, Président et PDG, a souligné des prêts records, une forte croissance de la valeur comptable par action, et la deuxième meilleure performance de bénéfice par action dans l'histoire de l'entreprise.
First Farmers and Merchants (FFMH) hat kürzlich seine jährliche Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre abgehalten, bei der die Aktionäre eine Liste von 10 Direktoren wählten und die Auswahl von Plante & Moran, PLLC als unabhängige eingetragene Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft bestätigten. Brian K. Williams, Vorsitzender und CEO, hob Rekordkredite, starkes Wachstum des Buchwerts pro Aktie und die zweitbeste Gewinn-pro-Aktie-Leistung in der Firmengeschichte hervor.
Shareholders Elect Ten Directors
First Farmers and Merchants Corporation (OTC Pink: FFMH), the holding company for First Farmers and Merchants Bank, reported that shareholders elected a slate of 10 directors and ratified the selection of Plante & Moran, PLLC as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.
In comments made at the annual meeting of shareholders, Brian K. Williams, First Farmers’ Chairman and CEO, said, “First Farmers reported record loans, strong growth in book value per share and the second-best earnings per share performance in our 114-year history. Our excellent results are due to a strong team of bankers that are committed to delivering high quality service with a personal touch that is the hallmark of a great community bank.
“We are positive about First Farmers’ future. Over the past year, we improved capital levels that reinforced our balance sheet. We better aligned the balance sheet composition to capture earnings improvement as we see the end of interest rate increases from the Federal Reserve. We also continued making substantial investments in upgrading our technologies and digital banking platforms to support future growth. We expect these strategic moves will allow our First Farmers’ team to deliver improved earnings and shareholder returns in 2024.
“We are also pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Martin M. Chaney as a new member of First Farmers’ Board of Directors. Dr. Chaney serves as the CEO of Maury Regional Health where he has cast a strong strategic vision. He adds an additional depth of experience to our Board of Directors, and we look forward to his counsel and expertise in shaping the strategic direction of our company in the future,” concluded Williams.
Shareholders also re-elected nine incumbent Directors of First Farmers and Merchants Corporation for a one-year term, including:
Jeffrey L. Aiken, Deputy Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Jonathan M. Edwards, President and CEO, Edwards Oil Company
Christa S. Martin, Executive Director of Belonging and Student Resources at Columbia State Community College
W. Eric Mayberry, President, Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation
E. Marlee Mitchell, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
Jeffrey L. Pannell, CEO, Tennessee Farmers Insurance Companies
Richard C. Perko, President and CEO, Lee Company
Brian K. Williams, Chairman and CEO of the Company
Gina B. Wolfe, Co-Owner, Wolfe Enterprises
About First Farmers and Merchants Corporation and First Farmers and Merchants Bank
First Farmers and Merchants Corporation is the holding company for First Farmers and Merchants Bank, a community bank serving the Middle Tennessee area through 22 offices in seven Middle Tennessee counties. As of December 31, 2023, First Farmers reported total assets of approximately $1.9 billion, total shareholders’ equity of approximately $124 million, and administered trust assets of $5.9 billion. For more information about First Farmers, visit us on the Web at under “Investor Relations.”
This news release may contain certain “forward-looking statements” that represent First Farmers’ expectations or beliefs concerning future events and often use words or phrases such as “opportunities,” “prospects,” “will likely result,” “are expected to,” “will continue,” “is anticipated,” “estimate,” “project,” “intends” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements contained herein represent the current expectations, plans or forecast of First Farmers’ and are about matters that are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties. These statements are not guarantees of future results or performance and readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on them, whether included in this news release or made elsewhere from time to time by First Farmers or on its behalf. First Farmers disclaims any obligation to update such forward-looking statements.