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Fearless Films, Inc. (OTC PINK:FERL) has announced a $10 million Regulation A+, Tier 2 public offering to expand its library of film scripts and reintroduce completed films into the market. The SEC qualified the offering on January 7, 2022. CEO Victor Altomare notes significant progress in film development over the past 36 months. The funds will be allocated for film development, marketing, and corporate purposes. Investors can find more details on the SEC's website.
Fearless Films, Inc. (OTC PINK:FERL) announced the acquisition of the film script Young Gangsters of America in an all-stock transaction valued between $3 million and $6 million. The script, developed by CEO Victor Altomare, adds to the company's intellectual property portfolio, which includes The Great Chameleon, The Lunatic, and others. This acquisition aligns with the company's strategy to enhance its asset base with high-quality films. The transaction is expected to close within three weeks pending valuation and Board approval.
Fearless Films, Inc. (OTC:FERL) has announced its role as Executive Producer for the film Never Alone, directed by Paul Bunch and Albert Soratorio. This feature musical focuses on the teenage experience during Covid-19 lockdowns and aims to raise awareness about the suicide crisis among youth. CEO Victor Altomare highlighted the importance of sharing stories from affected teens, reinforcing the film's mission. The company, founded by industry veterans, specializes in film production and distribution, and trades on the OTC Pink market.
Fearless Films, Inc. (OTC: FERL) is advancing its first feature film, YOUNG GANGSTERS OF AMERICA, with a projected budget of USD $30 million. The company is collaborating with a Hollywood film media research firm to develop a marketing model, which is expected to enhance the asset value necessary for production funding. Negotiations for financial guarantees from institutions are underway, aimed for completion in Q4 2020. Following funding, preproduction will commence. The Board is also negotiating to acquire the film asset from writer and producer Victor Altomare.