Work Completed to Meet Future Energy Demands of Monroe County

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FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), operating as Met-Ed, has upgraded its distribution system in southeast Monroe County to prevent service disruptions and accommodate growth. The project involved rebuilding 1.6 miles of a 34.5-kV power line along Marshalls Creek Road, benefiting about 1,300 customers in Marshalls Creek and Middle Smithfield Township. Upgrades included:

  • Replacing wire with larger capacity conductors
  • Installing 43 new utility poles and 110 crossarms
  • Adding protective devices against lightning and animal-caused outages

This work is part of Met-Ed's $153 million Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) and FirstEnergy's broader Energize365 program, which aims to invest $26 billion from 2024 to 2028 across six states. The project also involved tree trimming to enhance reliability.

La compagnia elettrica FirstEnergy Pennsylvania (FE PA), operante come Met-Ed, ha aggiornato il proprio sistema di distribuzione nella parte sud-est della contea di Monroe per prevenire interruzioni del servizio e supportare la crescita. Il progetto ha comportato la ricostruzione di 1,6 miglia di una linea elettrica da 34,5 kV lungo Marshalls Creek Road, beneficiando circa 1.300 clienti a Marshalls Creek e nel comune di Middle Smithfield. Gli aggiornamenti hanno incluso:

  • Sostituzione dei cavi con conduttori di maggiore capacità
  • Installazione di 43 nuovi pali elettrici e 110 traverse
  • Aggiunta di dispositivi protettivi contro fulmini e interruzioni causate da animali

Questo lavoro fa parte del Piano di Miglioramento Infrastrutturale a Lungo Termine (LTIIP) di Met-Ed da 153 milioni di dollari e del più ampio programma Energize365 di FirstEnergy, che mira a investire 26 miliardi di dollari dal 2024 al 2028 in sei stati. Il progetto ha incluso anche potature degli alberi per migliorare l'affidabilità.

La compañía eléctrica FirstEnergy Pennsylvania (FE PA), operando como Met-Ed, ha mejorado su sistema de distribución en el sureste del condado de Monroe para prevenir interrupciones en el servicio y acomodar el crecimiento. El proyecto consistió en reconstruir 1.6 millas de una línea de energía de 34.5 kV a lo largo de Marshalls Creek Road, beneficiando a aproximadamente 1,300 clientes en Marshalls Creek y el municipio de Middle Smithfield. Las mejoras incluyeron:

  • Sustitución de cables por conductores de mayor capacidad
  • Instalación de 43 nuevos postes eléctricos y 110 travesaños
  • Adición de dispositivos protectores contra rayos y apagones causados por animales

Este trabajo es parte del Plan de Mejora de Infraestructura a Largo Plazo (LTIIP) de Met-Ed por 153 millones de dólares y del más amplio programa Energize365 de FirstEnergy, que tiene como objetivo invertir 26 mil millones de dólares entre 2024 y 2028 en seis estados. El proyecto también incluyó la poda de árboles para mejorar la fiabilidad.

퍼스트에너지 펜실베니아 전력회사(FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company, FE PA)는 메트-에드(Met-Ed)로 운영되며, 몬로 카운티 동남부의 배전 시스템을 업그레이드했습니다 서비스 중단을 방지하고 성장을 수용하기 위해. 이 프로젝트는 34.5kV 전선 1.6마일 재건을 포함하였으며, Marshalls Creek 및 Middle Smithfield 타운십에 있는 약 1,300명의 고객에게 혜택을 주었습니다. 업그레이드 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 용량이 더 큰 전선으로 교체
  • 43개의 신규 전주와 110개의 크로스암 설치
  • 번개 및 동물로 인한 정전 방지를 위한 보호 장치 추가

이 작업은 메트-에드의 1억 5,300만 달러 규모의 장기 인프라 개선 계획(LTIIP)과 퍼스트에너지의 더 넓은 Energize365 프로그램의 일환으로, 2024년부터 2028년까지 6개 주에 걸쳐 260억 달러를 투자하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 프로젝트에는 신뢰성을 강화하기 위한 나무 가지치기도 포함되었습니다.

La société d'électricité FirstEnergy Pennsylvania (FE PA), opérant sous le nom de Met-Ed, a modernisé son système de distribution dans le sud-est du comté de Monroe pour éviter les interruptions de service et répondre à la croissance. Le projet a consisté à reconstruire 1,6 mile d'une ligne électrique de 34,5 kV le long de Marshalls Creek Road, bénéficiant à environ 1 300 clients à Marshalls Creek et dans la ville de Middle Smithfield. Les mises à niveau comprenaient :

  • Remplacement des câbles par des conducteurs de plus grande capacité
  • Installation de 43 nouveaux poteaux et 110 traverses
  • Ajout de dispositifs de protection contre la foudre et les pannes causées par les animaux

Ce travail fait partie du Plan d'Amélioration Infrastructurale à Long Terme (LTIIP) de Met-Ed, soit 153 millions de dollars, et du programme plus large de Energize365 de FirstEnergy, qui vise à investir 26 milliards de dollars entre 2024 et 2028 dans six États. Le projet a également impliqué l'élagage des arbres pour améliorer la fiabilité.

Die FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), die als Met-Ed tätig ist, hat ihr Verteilungssystem im Südosten des Monroe County aufgerüstet, um Serviceunterbrechungen zu verhindern und das Wachstum zu fördern. Das Projekt umfasste den Neubau von 1,6 Meilen einer 34,5-kV-Stromleitung entlang der Marshalls Creek Road, was etwa 1.300 Kunden in Marshalls Creek und Middle Smithfield Township zugutekommt. Die Verbesserungen umfassten:

  • Ersetzung der Drähte durch Leiter mit höherer Kapazität
  • Installation von 43 neuen Versorgungsmasten und 110 Querarmen
  • Hinzufügen von Schutzvorrichtungen gegen Blitz und tierbedingte Stromausfälle

Diese Arbeiten sind Teil des 153 Millionen US-Dollar umfassenden Langfristigen Infrastrukturverbesserungsplans (LTIIP) von Met-Ed und des umfassenderen Energize365-Programms von FirstEnergy, das darauf abzielt, von 2024 bis 2028 26 Milliarden US-Dollar in sechs Bundesstaaten zu investieren. Das Projekt umfasste auch das Beschneiden von Bäumen zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit.

  • Upgraded distribution system to prevent service disruptions and accommodate growth
  • Rebuilt 1.6 miles of 34.5-kV power line, benefiting 1,300 customers
  • Part of a $153 million infrastructure improvement plan
  • Contributes to FirstEnergy's $26 billion Energize365 program (2024-2028)
  • None.


This upgrade to FirstEnergy's distribution system in Monroe County is a strategic investment to address growing energy demands and improve reliability. The 1.6-mile line rebuild with larger wire capacity and new equipment is part of a broader $153 million infrastructure improvement plan. Key benefits include:

  • Increased capacity to meet rising electrical loads in residential and commercial areas
  • Enhanced grid resiliency in a region prone to severe weather
  • Improved reliability for approximately 1,300 customers
  • Modernized infrastructure aligned with FirstEnergy's $26 billion grid evolution program

While this project alone may not significantly impact FirstEnergy's stock in the short term, it demonstrates the company's commitment to proactive infrastructure upgrades. This approach could lead to improved customer satisfaction, reduced outage-related costs and better positioning for future growth in the region.

FirstEnergy's investment in Monroe County aligns with industry trends towards grid modernization and resilience. The project is part of a larger $26 billion investment plan, which signals the company's strong focus on long-term growth and reliability. Key points for investors:

  • Proactive capital expenditure to meet future demand, potentially reducing the need for costlier reactive measures
  • Alignment with regulatory expectations through the Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP)
  • Potential for improved operational efficiency and reduced maintenance costs
  • Enhanced capacity to support regional economic growth, which could drive future revenue

While the immediate financial impact may be , this project exemplifies FirstEnergy's strategy to maintain a competitive edge in a changing energy landscape. Investors should view this as part of a broader trend of utilities investing in grid modernization to ensure long-term stability and growth potential.

FirstEnergy line rebuild to benefit 1,300 customers and meet increased power demand 

READING, Pa., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) doing business as Met-Ed in northeastern Pennsylvania, recently upgraded its distribution system in southeast Monroe County to help prevent service disruptions and accommodate ongoing residential and commercial growth. The work included rebuilding part of an existing power line with larger diameter wire capable of carrying more electricity, enabling customers to stay comfortable during heat waves and cold snaps.  

John Hawkins, FirstEnergy President, Pennsylvania: "We reconstructed part of the main line parallelling Marshalls Creek Road with new utility poles, wires, crossarms and other equipment to enhance electric service for about 1,300 customers in Marshalls Creek and Middle Smithfield Township. This significant investment will help us meet increasing electrical load growth in this busy corner of our Pocono Mountains service territory and provide additional grid resiliency in a heavily wooded region that regularly experiences severe weather."

Crews recently completed work on a 1.6-mile section of the 34.5-kilovolt (kV) line following Marshalls Creek Road from Brushy Mountain Road to Wooddale Road. The project included:

  • Replacing existing wire with larger wire capable of transporting more electricity to meet the area's increasing electrical demand, including in the Wilderness Acres and Wooddale subdivisions.
  • Replacing 43 utility poles, 110 crossarms, guy wires and other hardware with new equipment.
  • Replacing aging fuses and insulators and adding animal guards that prevent animals from contacting energized equipment and causing outages.
  • Replacing 13 protective devices that safeguard the line from lightning strikes.        

Met-Ed replaced wire and similar equipment on an adjacent stretch of the same power line in 2021.

The upgrades are being completed as part of FE PA's Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) in the Met-Ed service area, a $153 million initiative to accelerate capital investments to the company's electric distribution system over five years to help ensure continued electric service reliability for customers. LTIIP is part of Energize365, FirstEnergy's grid evolution program focused on investing $26 billion between 2024 and 2028 across its six-state footprint to create a smarter, more secure grid that delivers the power customers depend on today while also meeting the challenges of tomorrow.

In late 2023, tree trimming crews worked along Marshalls Creek Road to trim along the power line corridor in locations where utility poles would be replaced. They also trimmed along the road last month as part of the routine vegetation management cycle to further enhance electric service reliability for local Met-Ed customers. Tree branches contacting electrical equipment is a leading cause of power outages, and maintaining a clear right-of-way beneath power lines provides easier access for line workers to reach damage and quickly make repairs to restore power when outages occur.        

Met-Ed serves approximately 592,000 customers within 3,300 square miles of eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania. Follow Met-Ed on X @Met Ed and on Facebook at

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Visit FirstEnergy online at and follow FirstEnergy on X @FirstEnergyCorp.

Editor's Note: Photos of Met-Ed's reconstructed 34.5-kV power line along Marshalls Creek Road in Middle Smithfield Township are available for download on Flickr.

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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.


What upgrades did FirstEnergy (FE) complete in Monroe County, Pennsylvania?

FirstEnergy (FE) rebuilt 1.6 miles of a 34.5-kV power line along Marshalls Creek Road, replacing wire with larger capacity conductors, installing 43 new utility poles and 110 crossarms, and adding protective devices against lightning and animal-caused outages.

How many customers will benefit from FirstEnergy's (FE) recent upgrades in Monroe County?

Approximately 1,300 customers in Marshalls Creek and Middle Smithfield Township will benefit from FirstEnergy's (FE) recent distribution system upgrades in Monroe County, Pennsylvania.

What is the value of FirstEnergy's (FE) Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan for Met-Ed?

FirstEnergy's (FE) Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) for Met-Ed is a $153 million initiative to accelerate capital investments in the electric distribution system over five years.

How much is FirstEnergy (FE) investing in its Energize365 program from 2024 to 2028?

FirstEnergy (FE) is investing $26 billion in its Energize365 program across its six-state footprint from 2024 to 2028 to create a smarter, more secure grid.

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