New Jersey Nonprofits Receive More Than $740,000 From FirstEnergy, FirstEnergy Foundation in 2024
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) and the FirstEnergy Foundation have contributed over $740,000 in 2024 to support more than 110 nonprofit organizations in JCP&L's service territory. The grants target various community initiatives, including: $120,000 for food insecurity programs, $65,000 to United Way chapters, $64,000 to NJ SHARES for smart meter installation repairs, $58,000 for homelessness initiatives, and $35,000 for veteran programs.
JCP&L serves 1.1 million customers across 13 New Jersey counties. The company provides employees with 16 hours of volunteer time off annually to support 501(c)(3) organizations. The FirstEnergy Foundation focuses on supporting tax-exempt nonprofits in areas served by JCP&L and other FirstEnergy electric companies.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) e la FirstEnergy Foundation hanno contribuito con oltre $740.000 nel 2024 per supportare più di 110 organizzazioni non profit nel territorio servito da JCP&L. I finanziamenti sono destinati a diverse iniziative comunitarie, tra cui: $120.000 per programmi contro l'insicurezza alimentare, $65.000 per chapter della United Way, $64.000 per NJ SHARES per la riparazione di installazioni di contatori intelligenti, $58.000 per iniziative contro l'assenza di fissa dimora, e $35.000 per programmi per veterani.
JCP&L serve 1,1 milioni di clienti in 13 contee del New Jersey. La società offre ai dipendenti 16 ore di permesso per volontariato all'anno per supportare organizzazioni 501(c)(3). La FirstEnergy Foundation si concentra sul supporto di organizzazioni non profit esenti da tasse nelle aree servite da JCP&L e da altre compagnie elettriche FirstEnergy.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) y la Fundación FirstEnergy han contribuido con más de $740,000 en 2024 para apoyar a más de 110 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el territorio de servicio de JCP&L. Las subvenciones están dirigidas a diversas iniciativas comunitarias, incluyendo: $120,000 para programas de inseguridad alimentaria, $65,000 para capítulos de United Way, $64,000 para NJ SHARES para la reparación de instalaciones de medidores inteligentes, $58,000 para iniciativas contra la falta de vivienda, y $35,000 para programas para veteranos.
JCP&L atiende a 1.1 millones de clientes en 13 condados de Nueva Jersey. La empresa proporciona a su personal 16 horas anuales de tiempo libre para voluntariado en apoyo de organizaciones 501(c)(3). La Fundación FirstEnergy se enfoca en apoyar a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro exentas de impuestos en las áreas atendidas por JCP&L y otras compañías eléctricas de FirstEnergy.
퍼스트에너지 코퍼레이션 (NYSE: FE)과 퍼스트에너지 재단은 2024년에 $740,000 이상을 기부하여 JCP&L의 서비스 지역 내 110개 이상의 비영리 조직을 지원했습니다. 이 기부금은 다양한 지역 사회 이니셔티브에 사용되며, 포함된 내용은: $120,000 식량 불안 프로그램, $65,000 유나이티드 웨이 챕터, $64,000 NJ SHARES의 스마트 미터 설치 수리, $58,000 노숙자 지원 프로그램, $35,000 재향군인 프로그램입니다.
JCP&L은 뉴저지 13개 카운티에서 110만 고객을 서비스합니다. 이 회사는 직원들에게 연간 16시간의 자원봉사 시간을 제공하여 501(c)(3) 조직을 지원하도록 하고 있습니다. 퍼스트에너지 재단은 JCP&L 및 기타 퍼스트에너지 전력 회사가 서비스하는 지역의 면세 비영리 조직을 지원하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) et la FirstEnergy Foundation ont contribué avec plus de $740,000 en 2024 pour soutenir plus de 110 organisations à but non lucratif dans le territoire desservi par JCP&L. Les subventions visent diverses initiatives communautaires, notamment : $120,000 pour des programmes de sécurité alimentaire, $65,000 pour des chapitres de United Way, $64,000 pour NJ SHARES concernant la réparation des installations de compteurs intelligents, $58,000 pour des initiatives contre l’itinérance, et $35,000 pour des programmes pour les anciens combattants.
JCP&L dessert 1,1 million de clients dans 13 comtés du New Jersey. L'entreprise offre à ses employés 16 heures de congé par an pour du bénévolat en faveur d'organisations 501(c)(3). La FirstEnergy Foundation se concentre sur le soutien aux organisations à but non lucratif exonérées d'impôts dans les zones desservies par JCP&L et d'autres entreprises électriques FirstEnergy.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) und die FirstEnergy Foundation haben 2024 über $740.000 beigetragen, um mehr als 110 gemeinnützige Organisationen im Dienstgebiet von JCP&L zu unterstützen. Die Zuschüsse konzentrieren sich auf verschiedene Gemeinschaftsinitiativen, darunter: $120.000 für Programme gegen Lebensmittelunsicherheit, $65.000 für United Way-Kapitel, $64.000 für NJ SHARES zur Reparatur von Smart-Meter-Installationen, $58.000 für Initiativen gegen Obdachlosigkeit und $35.000 für Programme für Veteranen.
JCP&L bedient 1,1 Millionen Kunden in 13 Landkreisen in New Jersey. Das Unternehmen gewährt seinen Mitarbeitern jährlich 16 Stunden Freiwilligenzeit, um 501(c)(3)-Organisationen zu unterstützen. Die FirstEnergy Foundation konzentriert sich auf die Unterstützung von steuerbefreiten gemeinnützigen Organisationen in den von JCP&L und anderen FirstEnergy-Energieunternehmen bedienten Gebieten.
- Significant community investment of $740,000 demonstrating strong corporate social responsibility
- Large customer base of 1.1 million across 13 counties indicating stable market presence
- Employee engagement program with 16 hours paid volunteer time showing strong corporate culture
- None.
The strategic allocation of funds, including
This charitable giving initiative, while positive for community relations, has minimal market-moving potential. The strategic focus on supporting smart meter installations through the NJ SHARES program demonstrates FirstEnergy's commitment to infrastructure modernization, but the
The distribution across 113 organizations in key service territories shows calculated community engagement, particularly important in regulated utility markets where public and regulatory goodwill is valuable. However, these contributions fall within normal corporate social responsibility parameters for a utility of FirstEnergy's size and don't signal any significant shift in business strategy or financial outlook that would impact investor sentiment.
More than 110 grants awarded to nonprofit organizations in JCP&L's service territory
Lorna Wisham, Vice President of Corporate Affairs & Community Involvement and President of the FirstEnergy Foundation: "Electricity is the lifeblood for homes and businesses, but it's the people that are the lifeblood of our communities. These non-profits are people-driven, and they give opportunities, hope and security to the people who need it the most. We are proud to be able to help them make our communities such great places to live, work and raise a family."
A total of 113 nonprofit and civic organizations in northern and central
- More than
to programs that combat food insecurity and local food pantries.$120,000 - More than
to eight local United Way chapters in support of their community-focused events and efforts.$65,000 - A
grant to NJ SHARES to fund a program for the completion of required repairs identified during the smart meter installation process for income-qualified JCP&L customers.$64,000 - More than
to homelessness and housing security initiatives.$58,000 - More than
to veteran-focused programs and charities.$35,000
Beyond providing grants to local non-profits, the FirstEnergy Foundation encourages employees to give back to their local communities and provides support in helping employees make a larger impact. FirstEnergy provides each of its employees with 16 hours of volunteer time off (VTO) annually, allowing team members to provide time and manpower to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.
How to Apply for a FirstEnergy Foundation Grant in
The FirstEnergy Foundation provides support to 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofits, including health and human services agencies, educational organizations, cultural and arts programs and institutions, and civic groups in areas served by JCP&L and FirstEnergy's other electric companies and in areas where the company conducts business.
The FirstEnergy Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant applications. To inquire about grant opportunities or corporate sponsorships, contact Alix Hayes, Community Involvement Consultant at (732) 904-9778 or
Learn more about FirstEnergy and the FirstEnergy Foundation's commitment to their communities at
JCP&L serves 1.1 million customers in the counties of
FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in
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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.