New Illuminating Company Power Line to Improve Reliability for Avon Lake Customers
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) subsidiary The Illuminating Company is constructing a new power line to enhance service reliability for approximately 700 customers in Avon Lake, Lorain County. The project involves connecting customers to an upgraded substation with automated reclosing devices, which function like circuit breakers but can automatically restore power within seconds for certain outages.
The company is installing about 90 new utility poles and replacing a mile of aged underground wire, with project completion expected in June 2026. This initiative is part of Energize365, FirstEnergy's $26 billion grid evolution program planned for 2024-2028 across six states. The program aims to create a smarter, more secure power grid to meet current and future customer needs.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) ha avviato tramite la sua filiale The Illuminating Company la costruzione di una nuova linea elettrica per migliorare l'affidabilità del servizio per circa 700 clienti ad Avon Lake, nella contea di Lorain. Il progetto prevede la connessione dei clienti a una sottostazione aggiornata dotata di dispositivi di ripristino automatico, che funzionano come interruttori automatici ma possono ripristinare l'energia elettrica entro pochi secondi in caso di interruzioni specifiche.
L'azienda installerà circa 90 nuovi pali elettrici e sostituirà un miglio di cavi sotterranei obsoleti, con il completamento previsto per giugno 2026. Questa iniziativa fa parte di Energize365, il programma di evoluzione della rete di FirstEnergy del valore di 26 miliardi di dollari, pianificato per il 2024-2028 in sei stati. Il programma mira a creare una rete elettrica più intelligente e sicura per soddisfare le esigenze attuali e future dei clienti.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) a través de su filial The Illuminating Company está construyendo una nueva línea eléctrica para mejorar la fiabilidad del servicio para aproximadamente 700 clientes en Avon Lake, en el condado de Lorain. El proyecto implica conectar a los clientes a una subestación actualizada con dispositivos de reconexión automática, que funcionan como interruptores automáticos pero pueden restaurar la energía en segundos para ciertas interrupciones.
La empresa está instalando alrededor de 90 nuevos postes de servicio y reemplazando una milla de cable subterráneo envejecido, con la finalización del proyecto prevista para junio de 2026. Esta iniciativa forma parte de Energize365, el programa de evolución de la red de FirstEnergy con un presupuesto de 26 mil millones de dólares, planificado para 2024-2028 en seis estados. El programa tiene como objetivo crear una red eléctrica más inteligente y segura para satisfacer las necesidades actuales y futuras de los clientes.
퍼스트에너지(FIrstEnergy Corp. NYSE: FE)의 자회사인 일루미네이팅 컴퍼니(The Illuminating Company)는 로레인 카운티 아본 레이크에 있는 약 700명의 고객에게 서비스 신뢰성을 향상시키기 위해 신규 전력선 공사를 진행하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 고객을 자동 복구 장치가 장착된 업그레이드된 변전소에 연결하는 것을 포함하며, 이는 회로 차단기처럼 작동하지만 특정 정전의 경우 몇 초 이내에 전력을 자동으로 복구할 수 있습니다.
회사는 약 90개의 새로운 전주를 설치하고 노후된 지하 전선을 정비하고 있으며, 프로젝트 완료는 2026년 6월로 예정되어 있습니다. 이 계획은 퍼스트에너지의 260억 달러 규모의 Energize365 그리드 발전 프로그램의 일환으로, 2024년부터 2028년까지 6개 주에서 시행될 예정입니다. 이 프로그램은 현재와 미래의 고객 요구를 충족하기 위해 더 스마트하고 더 안전한 전력망을 구축하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) par l'intermédiaire de sa filiale The Illuminating Company construit une nouvelle ligne d'électricité pour améliorer la fiabilité du service pour environ 700 clients à Avon Lake, dans le comté de Lorain. Le projet implique de connecter les clients à une sous-station modernisée dotée de dispositifs de réenclenchement automatique, qui fonctionnent comme des disjoncteurs mais peuvent rétablir automatiquement l'électricité en quelques secondes en cas de certaines pannes.
L'entreprise installe environ 90 nouveaux poteaux électriques et remplace un mile de câbles souterrains vieillissants, la fin des travaux étant prévue pour juin 2026. Cette initiative fait partie de Energize365, le programme d'évolution du réseau de FirstEnergy d'une valeur de 26 milliards de dollars, prévu pour 2024-2028 dans six États. Le programme vise à créer un réseau électrique plus intelligent et plus sûr pour répondre aux besoins actuels et futurs des clients.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) Tochtergesellschaft The Illuminating Company baut eine neue Stromleitung, um die Servicezuverlässigkeit für etwa 700 Kunden in Avon Lake, Lorain County, zu verbessern. Das Projekt umfasst die Anbindung der Kunden an eine aufgerüstete Umspannstation mit automatisierten Rückschaltgeräten, die wie Leistungsschalter funktionieren, jedoch bei bestimmten Stromausfällen innerhalb von Sekunden die Energie automatisch wiederherstellen können.
Das Unternehmen installiert etwa 90 neue Strommasten und ersetzt einen Meile alten Erdkabel, wobei die Fertigstellung des Projekts für Juni 2026 geplant ist. Diese Initiative ist Teil von Energize365, dem 26 Milliarden Dollar schweren Netzentwicklungsprogramm von FirstEnergy, das für 2024-2028 in sechs Bundesstaaten geplant ist. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, ein intelligenteres und sichereres Stromnetz zu schaffen, um die aktuellen und zukünftigen Bedürfnisse der Kunden zu erfüllen.
- Part of a substantial $26 billion grid evolution investment program (2024-2028)
- Implementation of automated technology to reduce outage duration and maintenance costs
- Infrastructure upgrade affecting 700 customers with potential for improved service reliability
- Significant capital expenditure required for infrastructure upgrades
- Extended project timeline until June 2026 for completion
This infrastructure upgrade represents a strategic component of FirstEnergy's ambitious
The investment carries multiple value drivers:
- Enhanced reliability metrics (SAIDI/SAIFI) that typically correlate with improved regulatory outcomes and rate case success
- Reduced operational costs through automated restoration capabilities, minimizing the need for manual field interventions
- Modernized infrastructure that positions FE competitively in a rapidly evolving utility landscape
The implementation of automated reclosing devices is particularly noteworthy, as it represents a shift toward intelligent grid management. This technology typically reduces outage duration by
From a financial perspective, these grid modernization investments are typically eligible for rate base inclusion, providing a regulated return on equity while strengthening the company's relationship with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. The strategic timing aligns with broader industry trends toward grid resilience and automation, potentially positioning FirstEnergy favorably for future regulatory proceedings and infrastructure funding opportunities.
A video of FirstEnergy personnel explaining and performing this electrical work can be found on FirstEnergy's YouTube channel.
The new line will help prevent or minimize the impact of outages caused by wind and other factors by connecting about 700 customers in
The electrical devices work like a circuit breaker in a home that shuts off power when trouble occurs, with the added benefit of automatically reenergizing a substation or power line within seconds for certain types of outages to keep power safely flowing to customers. This technology is safer and more efficient because it often allows utility personnel to automatically restore service to customers instead of sending a crew to investigate.
Torrence Hinton, FirstEnergy's Ohio President: "This project is one of many targeted investments our company is making in local communities to continue delivering reliable and safe power to our customers. We have dozens of similar projects in the works that will make a large positive impact on the communities we serve."
Illuminating Company crews also began installing about 90 new utility poles at the end of 2024 and expect to fully complete the project in June 2026. The company is also replacing a mile of aged underground wire as a part of the job.
This work is part of Energize365, FirstEnergy's grid evolution program focused on investing
The Illuminating Company serves more than 750,000 customers across
FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving more than six million customers in
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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.