FirstEnergy Ohio Electric Companies File Sixth Electric Security Plan to Support Continued Reliability Investments and New Customer Programs
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) has filed its sixth Electric Security Plan (ESP6) with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio for its Ohio electric companies. The plan, extending through May 31, 2028, focuses on grid maintenance, customer assistance, and energy efficiency initiatives.
Key components include enhanced tree-trimming programs, smart thermostat rebates, and low-income energy efficiency programs. The company commits to spending $6.5 million annually on customer assistance initiatives without recovery from customers. The plan maintains customer choice in energy suppliers and auction processes for electricity pricing.
If approved, average residential customers using 750 kilowatt-hours monthly would see an initial 2.7% increase ($3.40) on their bills, with an estimated average impact of 1.7% increase over the plan's term. The proposal affects Ohio Edison's 1 million customers, The Illuminating Company's 750,000 customers, and Toledo Edison's 315,000 customers.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) ha presentato il suo sesto Piano di Sicurezza Elettrica (ESP6) alla Commissione Pubblica per i Servizi Pubblici dell'Ohio per le sue società elettriche in Ohio. Il piano, che si estende fino al 31 maggio 2028, si concentra sulla manutenzione della rete, sull'assistenza ai clienti e su iniziative di efficienza energetica.
I componenti chiave includono programmi di potatura degli alberi migliorati, sconti per termostati intelligenti e programmi di efficienza energetica per le persone a basso reddito. L'azienda si impegna a spendere 6,5 milioni di dollari all'anno per iniziative di assistenza ai clienti senza recupero dai clienti. Il piano mantiene la libertà di scelta per i fornitori di energia e i processi di asta per la determinazione dei prezzi dell'elettricità.
Se approvato, i clienti residenziali medi che utilizzano 750 kilowattora mensili vedrebbero un iniziale aumento del 2,7% (3,40 dollari) sulle loro bollette, con un impatto medio stimato di aumento dell'1,7% nel corso del piano. La proposta interessa 1 milione di clienti di Ohio Edison, 750.000 clienti della Illuminating Company e 315.000 clienti di Toledo Edison.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) ha presentado su sexto Plan de Seguridad Eléctrica (ESP6) ante la Comisión Pública de Servicios Públicos de Ohio para sus empresas eléctricas en Ohio. El plan, que se extiende hasta el 31 de mayo de 2028, se centra en el mantenimiento de la red, la asistencia al cliente y las iniciativas de eficiencia energética.
Los componentes clave incluyen programas mejorados de poda de árboles, reembolsos para termostatos inteligentes y programas de eficiencia energética para personas de bajos ingresos. La empresa se compromete a gastar 6,5 millones de dólares anuales en iniciativas de asistencia al cliente sin recuperar costos de los mismos. El plan mantiene la elección del cliente en los proveedores de energía y los procesos de subasta para la fijación de precios de la electricidad.
Si se aprueba, los clientes residenciales promedio que usan 750 kilovatios-hora al mes verían un aumento inicial del 2,7% (3,40 dólares) en sus facturas, con un impacto promedio estimado de aumento del 1,7% durante el plazo del plan. La propuesta afecta a 1 millón de clientes de Ohio Edison, 750,000 clientes de The Illuminating Company y 315,000 clientes de Toledo Edison.
퍼스트에너지 주식회사 (NYSE: FE)는 오하이오의 전기 회사들을 위해 오하이오 공공 유틸리티 위원회에 여섯 번째 전기안전계획(ESP6)을 제출했습니다. 이 계획은 2028년 5월 31일까지 진행되며, 전력망 유지보수, 고객 지원 및 에너지 효율성 이니셔티브에 중점을 둡니다.
주요 구성 요소는 향상된 수목 전정 프로그램, 스마트 온도 조절기 리베이트, 저소득층 에너지 효율성 프로그램 등을 포함합니다. 회사는 고객 지원 이니셔티브에 대해 연간 650만 달러를 고객으로부터 회수하지 않고 지출할 것을 약속합니다. 이 계획은 에너지 공급업체에 대한 고객의 선택권과 전기 가격 책정을 위한 경매 프로세스를 유지합니다.
승인될 경우, 월 750킬로와트시를 사용하는 평균 주거 고객은 청구서에서 2.7% (3.40달러) 만큼의 초기 인상을 경험하게 되며, 계획 기간 동안 예상 평균 영향은 1.7%의 증가가 될 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 제안은 100만 명의 오하이오 에디슨 고객, 75만 명의 조명 회사 고객, 그리고 31만 5천 명의 톨레도 에디슨 고객에게 영향을 미칩니다.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) a soumis son sixième Plan de Sécurité Électrique (ESP6) à la Commission des Services Publics de l'Ohio pour ses entreprises électriques de l'Ohio. Le plan, qui s'étend jusqu'au 31 mai 2028, se concentre sur la maintenance du réseau, l'assistance aux clients et les initiatives d'efficacité énergétique.
Les composantes clés incluent des programmes de taille d'arbres améliorés, des remises sur les thermostats intelligents et des programmes d'efficacité énergétique pour les ménages à faible revenu. L'entreprise s'engage à dépenser 6,5 millions de dollars par an pour des initiatives d'assistance aux clients sans récupération des coûts auprès des clients. Le plan maintient le choix du client en matière de fournisseurs d'énergie et les processus d'enchères pour la tarification de l'électricité.
Si approuvé, les clients résidentiels moyens utilisant 750 kilowattheures par mois verraient une augmentation initiale de 2,7% (3,40 $) sur leurs factures, avec un impact moyen estimé de 1,7% d'augmentation sur toute la durée du plan. La proposition concerne 1 million de clients d'Ohio Edison, 750 000 clients de The Illuminating Company et 315 000 clients de Toledo Edison.
FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) hat seinen sechsten Electric Security Plan (ESP6) bei der Public Utilities Commission of Ohio für seine Ohio-Energieunternehmen eingereicht. Der Plan, der bis zum 31. Mai 2028 läuft, konzentriert sich auf die Wartung des Stromnetzes, Kundenhilfe und Initiativen zur Energieeffizienz.
Zentrale Bestandteile sind verbesserte Baumpflegemaßnahmen, Zuschüsse für intelligente Thermostate und Programme zur Energieeffizienz für einkommensschwache Haushalte. Das Unternehmen verpflichtet sich, jährlich 6,5 Millionen Dollar für Kundenhilfsinitiativen auszugeben, ohne die Kosten von den Kunden zurückzufordern. Der Plan bleibt den Kunden bei der Wahl der Energieversorger und bei den Auktionsprozessen zur Strompreissetzung treu.
Im Falle einer Genehmigung würden durchschnittliche Haushaltskunden, die monatlich 750 Kilowattstunden nutzen, einen anfänglichen Anstieg um 2,7% (3,40 $) auf ihren Rechnungen sehen, mit einer geschätzten durchschnittlichen Auswirkung von 1,7% Anstieg über die Laufzeit des Plans. Der Vorschlag betrifft 1 Million Kunden von Ohio Edison, 750.000 Kunden der Illuminating Company und 315.000 Kunden von Toledo Edison.
- Commitment to invest $6.5 million annually in customer assistance programs without cost recovery from customers
- Implementation of energy efficiency programs including smart thermostat rebates
- Enhanced grid maintenance and reliability improvements
- 2.7% initial bill increase for average residential customers
- 1.7% average bill increase over the plan's term
FirstEnergy's sixth Electric Security Plan (ESP6) filing represents a strategically balanced approach to grid modernization and customer affordability. The proposed plan, extending through May 2028, includes several noteworthy elements that impact both operational capabilities and financial metrics:
Key Financial Implications:
- A modest
2.7% initial rate increase ($3.40 monthly for average customers), followed by an average1.7% increase over the plan's term, suggests a measured approach to cost recovery - The
$6.5 million annual commitment for customer assistance programs, notably without cost recovery, demonstrates regulatory goodwill but impacts shareholder returns - Enhanced vegetation management and grid modernization investments should reduce long-term maintenance costs and improve reliability metrics
Strategic Market Position:
- Preservation of the competitive auction process, with recent enhancements to boost supplier participation, maintains market efficiency while potentially reducing supply costs
- The timing alignment with new base rates indicates coordinated regulatory strategy, reducing regulatory lag and improving cost recovery certainty
- Energy efficiency programs, including smart thermostat rebates and demand response initiatives, position FirstEnergy competitively in the evolving utility landscape
The proposal's structure suggests a careful balance between necessary infrastructure investments and customer impact mitigation. While the rate increases are modest by industry standards, the commitment to unrecovered customer assistance programs indicates strong regulatory relationships, important for future rate case outcomes. The enhanced vegetation management program addresses a critical reliability factor, potentially reducing storm-related expenses and improving customer satisfaction metrics.
Proposal includes programs aimed at helping customers better manage their electric bills
Utilities in
Torrence Hinton, FirstEnergy's Ohio President: "We believe this plan supports our
The companies propose that the
- Provisions to enable the companies' continued maintenance of the distribution grid, including an enhanced tree-trimming program to accelerate the removal of trees and brush, which are a leading contributor to outages during major weather events.
- Energy efficiency programs for residential customers, including a smart thermostat rebate program and a low-income energy efficiency program, to help them save energy, reduce their bills and ease their environmental impact, as well as continuing the companies' demand response program for commercial and industrial customers.
- Commitment to spend
each year of the ESP, without recovery from customers, on initiatives to assist customers and enhance the customer experience, including low-income and senior citizen bill payment assistance programs.$6.5 million
The Illuminating Company serves more than 750,000 customers across
FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving more than six million customers in
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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.
How much will FirstEnergy's (FE) ESP6 increase customer bills in Ohio?
What customer assistance programs are included in FirstEnergy's (FE) ESP6?
When will FirstEnergy's (FE) ESP6 plan expire?
How many customers will be affected by FirstEnergy's (FE) ESP6 in Ohio?