FirstEnergy Electric Crews Mobilize to Assist with Anticipated Power Restoration Efforts in Florida Following Hurricane Milton

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FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) is mobilizing over 580 line workers and support personnel to assist with power restoration efforts in Florida following Hurricane Milton. Many crews previously involved in restoring power after Hurricane Helene in the Carolinas and Georgia will transition to Florida. Hurricane Milton is expected to make landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast late Wednesday night, bringing severe impacts across west-central Florida.

FirstEnergy electric companies from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and West Virginia are participating in the mutual assistance effort. Nearly 430 FirstEnergy personnel have already supported restoration efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which made landfall on Sept. 25 with 140 mph winds, affecting over 6 million customers.

John Huber, Director of Emergency Preparedness at FirstEnergy, emphasized the company's commitment to helping rebuild communities impacted by severe weather events. FirstEnergy has been recognized multiple times by the Edison Electric Institute for its mutual assistance efforts during winter and summer storms.

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) sta mobilitando oltre 580 addetti ai lavori e personale di supporto per assistere negli sforzi di ripristino dell'energia in Florida a seguito dell'uragano Milton. Molti dei gruppi precedentemente coinvolti nel ripristino dell'energia dopo l'uragano Helene nelle Carolinas e in Georgia passeranno in Florida. L'uragano Milton è previsto fare landfall sulla costa del Golfo della Florida mercoledì notte tardi, portando impatti significativi nella Florida centrale-occidentale.

Le compagnie elettriche FirstEnergy provenienti da Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland e Virginia Occidentale partecipano all'iniziativa di assistenza reciproca. Quasi 430 membri del personale di FirstEnergy hanno già supportato i lavori di ripristino dopo l'uragano Helene, che ha fatto landfall il 25 settembre con venti di 140 mph, colpendo oltre 6 milioni di clienti.

John Huber, Direttore della Preparazione alle Emergenze presso FirstEnergy, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel contribuire a ricostruire le comunità colpite da eventi meteorologici estremi. FirstEnergy è stata riconosciuta più volte dall'Edison Electric Institute per i suoi sforzi di assistenza reciproca durante le tempeste invernali ed estive.

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) está movilizando a más de 580 trabajadores de línea y personal de apoyo para ayudar en los esfuerzos de restauración eléctrica en Florida tras el huracán Milton. Muchos de los equipos que previamente participaron en la restauración de energía después del huracán Helene en las Carolinas y Georgia se trasladarán a Florida. Se espera que el huracán Milton toque tierra en la costa del Golfo de Florida tarde el miércoles por la noche, causando impactos severos en el oeste y centro de Florida.

Las empresas eléctricas de FirstEnergy de Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland y Virginia Occidental están participando en el esfuerzo de asistencia mutua. Casi 430 personas de FirstEnergy ya han apoyado los esfuerzos de restauración tras el huracán Helene, que tocó tierra el 25 de septiembre con vientos de 140 mph, afectando a más de 6 millones de clientes.

John Huber, Director de Preparación para Emergencias en FirstEnergy, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de ayudar a reconstruir las comunidades afectadas por eventos climáticos severos. FirstEnergy ha sido reconocida múltiples veces por el Edison Electric Institute por sus esfuerzos de asistencia mutua durante tormentas invernales y estivales.

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE)은 허리케인 밀턴 이후 플로리다의 전력 복구 작업을 지원하기 위해 580명 이상의 전선 작업자와 지원 인력을 동원하고 있습니다. 카롤라이나와 조지아에서 허리케인 헬렌 복구 작업에 참여했던 많은 팀이 플로리다로 전환될 예정입니다. 허리케인 밀턴은 수요일 밤 늦게 플로리다의 걸프 코스트에 상륙할 것으로 예상되며, 플로리다 서중부에 심각한 영향을 미칠 것입니다.

오하이오, 펜실베이니아, 뉴저지, 메릴랜드 및 웨스트버지니아의 FirstEnergy 전기 회사들이 상호 지원 노력에 참여하고 있습니다. 거의 430명의 FirstEnergy 직원이 이미 9월 25일 시속 140마일의 바람으로 상륙하여 600만 명 이상의 고객에게 영향을 미친 허리케인 헬렌 이후 복구 작업을 지원했습니다.

FirstEnergy의 비상 준비 이사인 존 휴버는 Severe Weather Events에 의해 영향을 받은 지역 사회를 재건하는 데 대한 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다. FirstEnergy는 겨울과 여름 폭풍 동안의 상호 지원 노력으로 여러 차례 에디슨 전기 협회로부터 인정을 받았습니다.

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) mobilise plus de 580 travailleurs de ligne et personnel de soutien pour aider aux efforts de rétablissement de l'électricité en Floride suite à l'ouragan Milton. De nombreuses équipes précédemment impliquées dans la restauration de l'électricité après l'ouragan Helene en Caroline et en Géorgie se dirigeront vers la Floride. L'ouragan Milton devrait toucher terre sur la côte du Golfe de Floride tard mercredi soir, entraînant des impacts sévères dans l'ouest et le centre de la Floride.

Les entreprises électriques de FirstEnergy provenant de l'Ohio, de la Pennsylvanie, du New Jersey, du Maryland et de la Virginie-Occidentale participent à l'effort d'assistance mutuelle. Près de 430 employés de FirstEnergy ont déjà soutenu les efforts de rétablissement suite à l'ouragan Helene, qui a touché terre le 25 septembre avec des vents de 140 mph, affectant plus de 6 millions de clients.

John Huber, directeur de la préparation aux urgences chez FirstEnergy, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à aider à reconstruire les communautés touchées par des événements météorologiques extrêmes. FirstEnergy a été reconnue à plusieurs reprises par l'Edison Electric Institute pour ses efforts d'assistance mutuelle lors des tempêtes d'hiver et d'été.

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) mobilisiert über 580 Linienarbeiter und Unterstützungspersonal, um bei den Stromwiederherstellungsmaßnahmen in Florida nach dem Hurrikan Milton zu helfen. Viele Teams, die zuvor an der Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung nach dem Hurrikan Helene in den Carolinas und Georgia beteiligt waren, werden nach Florida wechseln. Es wird erwartet, dass der Hurrikan Milton am Mittwochabend an der Golfküste Floridas auf Land trifft und schwerwiegende Auswirkungen im westzentralen Florida mit sich bringt.

Die Elektrizitätsunternehmen von FirstEnergy aus Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland und West Virginia nehmen an der gegenseitigen Unterstützung teil. Fast 430 Mitarbeiter von FirstEnergy haben bereits bei den Wiederherstellungsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan Helene unterstützt, der am 25. September mit 140 mph auf Land traf und über 6 Millionen Kunden betraf.

John Huber, Direktor für Notfallvorsorge bei FirstEnergy, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, Gemeinden, die von schweren Wetterereignissen betroffen sind, beim Wiederaufbau zu helfen. FirstEnergy wurde mehrfach vom Edison Electric Institute für seine gegenseitigen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen während Winter- und Sommerstürmen ausgezeichnet.

  • FirstEnergy is sending over 580 line workers and support personnel to assist with power restoration in Florida
  • The company's mutual assistance efforts demonstrate its commitment to community support and industry collaboration
  • FirstEnergy has received multiple awards from the Edison Electric Institute for its emergency assistance efforts
  • None.


FirstEnergy's mobilization of 580+ line workers and support personnel for Hurricane Milton recovery in Florida demonstrates the company's strong commitment to mutual assistance. This large-scale deployment, following closely on the heels of Hurricane Helene support, showcases FirstEnergy's operational flexibility and resource management capabilities.

The transition of crews from Helene recovery to Milton preparation highlights efficient resource allocation. This rapid response capability is important for utilities facing increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events. It's a positive indicator of FirstEnergy's operational readiness and could potentially lead to increased reliability ratings and customer satisfaction scores.

While this effort won't directly impact FirstEnergy's bottom line, it strengthens industry relationships and positions the company favorably for reciprocal aid in future emergencies. This proactive approach to disaster response aligns with best practices in the utility sector and may enhance FirstEnergy's reputation among regulators and stakeholders.

FirstEnergy's involvement in mutual assistance programs is a strategic risk mitigation measure. By participating in these efforts, the company not only aids others but also gains valuable experience in managing large-scale outages and extreme weather scenarios. This knowledge transfer can be important for improving FirstEnergy's own emergency response capabilities.

The company's ability to deploy resources across multiple states while maintaining local operations demonstrates robust resource planning. This flexibility is essential in an industry facing increasing climate-related challenges. However, investors should note that extended deployments could potentially impact local service quality or response times if severe weather were to affect FirstEnergy's own service areas simultaneously.

The multiple "Emergency Assistance Award" recognitions from EEI underscore FirstEnergy's strong performance in these mutual aid efforts, which can positively influence regulatory relationships and potentially support favorable treatment in rate case decisions. This indirectly contributes to the company's financial stability and operational effectiveness.

Many crews expected to transition from Helene aid in Carolinas and Georgia

AKRON, Ohio, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As Hurricane Milton bears down on the west coast of Florida, FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) electric companies are sending more than 580 line workers and support personnel to assist Florida Power & Light and Duke Energy with anticipated power restoration efforts following the storm. Many of the crews previously involved in restoring power after Hurricane Helene in the Carolinas and Georgia will be transitioning to Florida in the upcoming days. A new wave of support personnel also began departing from FirstEnergy's service area this morning, and all are anticipated to arrive in Florida on Friday after the storm passes.

Hurricane Milton is expected to make landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast late Wednesday night, with devastating impacts from storm surge, flooding rain, tornadoes and damaging winds forecast across many parts of west-central Florida.

View or download a video of a FirstEnergy line worker explaining mutual aid work with footage from their efforts to restore power following Hurricane Helene.

FirstEnergy electric companies in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and West Virginia are part of the mutual assistance effort, which includes crews from Ohio Edison, Toledo Edison and The Illuminating Company in Ohio; Penn Power, Penelec, West Penn Power and Met-Ed in Pennsylvania; Mon Power in West Virginia; Potomac Edison in West Virginia and Maryland; and Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) in New Jersey.

John Huber, Director of Emergency Preparedness at FirstEnergy: "FirstEnergy employees are answering the call to help rebuild communities expected to be impacted by Hurricane Milton. These dedicated crews leave their own families for weeks at a time to support large-scale power restoration efforts, where their expertise shines in aiding communities to rebuild their power grids after severe weather events. Although Hurricane Milton is not projected to impact any FirstEnergy service territories, we have thoroughly evaluated the conditions and have the necessary personnel in place to support consistent operations for our local customers."

Nearly 430 FirstEnergy line workers and support personnel have collectively supported Duke Carolinas in North and South Carolina, Georgia Power in Georgia and Appalachian Power and American Electric Power in Virginia in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Helene made landfall on Sept. 25 with 140 mph winds and a tremendous storm surge, making it the strongest hurricane on record to hit the Big Bend region of Florida. As it moved inland, the Category 4 storm knocked out power to more than 6 million customers and decimated many communities in Georgia and the Carolinas with up to 30 inches of rain and historic flooding.

Nearly 100 of the line workers and personnel who assisted in the Hurricane Helene effort will relocate to Florida, while the others will be released to return home in the next few days.

FirstEnergy is a member of multiple electric utility mutual-assistance groups that work cooperatively to restore service to customers when a natural disaster causes large-scale power outages. Mutual assistance allows utilities to pool their resources to help restore power to customers faster. FirstEnergy and its employees have been honored more than a dozen times by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) with its "Emergency Assistance Award" for the mutual assistance the company has provided during winter and summer storms.

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Follow FirstEnergy online at Follow FirstEnergy on X: @FirstEnergyCorp.


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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.


How many FirstEnergy (FE) workers are being sent to assist with Hurricane Milton recovery efforts in Florida?

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) is sending more than 580 line workers and support personnel to assist with anticipated power restoration efforts in Florida following Hurricane Milton.

When is Hurricane Milton expected to make landfall in Florida?

Hurricane Milton is expected to make landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast late Wednesday night, October 11, 2024.

Which FirstEnergy (FE) electric companies are participating in the Hurricane Milton mutual assistance effort?

FirstEnergy electric companies from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and West Virginia are participating in the mutual assistance effort for Hurricane Milton recovery.

How many customers were affected by Hurricane Helene, which FirstEnergy (FE) crews previously assisted with?

Hurricane Helene, which made landfall on September 25, 2024, knocked out power to more than 6 million customers and caused significant damage in Georgia and the Carolinas.

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