The Race to Resilience: The Role of Small Business in Driving America's Success

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FedEx partners with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program (R4R) to support small businesses in facing challenges and building resilience. The initiative, endorsed by NASCAR driver Denny Hamlin, aims to equip entrepreneurs with tools and resources for disaster preparedness and recovery.

Hamlin, who grew up in a small business environment, emphasizes the importance of resilience in both racing and business. The R4R program offers guidance on preparing for disasters and provides financial assistance to help businesses recover quickly. This effort aligns with FedEx's commitment to strengthening local economies and supporting small business owners across the country.

The program's impact is illustrated through Hamlin's visit to Lebos, a family-run business in Charlotte, where he shared disaster preparedness steps. FedEx's involvement in R4R is part of its broader FedEx Cares global community engagement program, demonstrating the company's dedication to fostering resilient communities and supporting small businesses.

FedEx collabora con la Fondazione della Camera di Commercio degli Stati Uniti per il programma Small Business Readiness for Resiliency (R4R), volto a supportare le piccole imprese nell'affrontare le sfide e costruire resilienza. L'iniziativa, sostenuta dal pilota NASCAR Denny Hamlin, mira a fornire agli imprenditori strumenti e risorse per la preparazione e il recupero da disastri.

Hamlin, cresciuto in un ambiente di piccole imprese, sottolinea l'importanza della resilienza sia nel racing che negli affari. Il programma R4R offre indicazioni su come prepararsi ai disastri e fornisce assistenza finanziaria per aiutare le imprese a recuperare rapidamente. Questo sforzo si allinea con l'impegno di FedEx a rafforzare le economie locali e supportare i proprietari di piccole imprese in tutto il paese.

L'impatto del programma è illustrato attraverso la visita di Hamlin a Lebos, un'azienda a conduzione familiare a Charlotte, dove ha condiviso le fasi di preparazione ai disastri. Il coinvolgimento di FedEx nel R4R fa parte del suo programma globale di coinvolgimento comunitario FedEx Cares, dimostrando la dedizione dell'azienda a promuovere comunità resilienti e sostenere le piccole imprese.

FedEx se asocia con la Fundación de la Cámara de Comercio de EE. UU. para el programa Small Business Readiness for Resiliency (R4R), con el objetivo de apoyar a las pequeñas empresas a enfrentar desafíos y construir resiliencia. La iniciativa, apoyada por el piloto de NASCAR Denny Hamlin, busca equipar a los emprendedores con herramientas y recursos para la preparación y recuperación ante desastres.

Hamlin, que creció en un entorno de pequeñas empresas, enfatiza la importancia de la resiliencia tanto en las carreras como en los negocios. El programa R4R ofrece orientación sobre cómo prepararse para desastres y proporciona asistencia financiera para ayudar a las empresas a recuperarse rápidamente. Este esfuerzo se alinea con el compromiso de FedEx de fortalecer las economías locales y apoyar a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas en todo el país.

El impacto del programa se ilustra a través de la visita de Hamlin a Lebos, un negocio familiar en Charlotte, donde compartió pasos para la preparación ante desastres. La participación de FedEx en R4R es parte de su programa global de compromiso comunitario FedEx Cares, demostrando la dedicación de la empresa a fomentar comunidades resilientes y apoyar pequeñas empresas.

FedEx미국 상무부재단과 협력하여 소기업 대비 회복력 프로그램(R4R)을 통해 소기업이 문제에 직면하고 회복력을 기를 수 있도록 지원합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 NASCAR 드라이버 데니 햄린의 지지를 받으며, 재해 준비 및 회복을 위한 도구와 자원을 기업가들에게 제공합니다.

햄린은 소기업 환경에서 자란 경험을 바탕으로 경주와 비즈니스 모두에서 회복력의 중요성을 강조합니다. R4R 프로그램은 재해에 대비하는 방법에 대한 지침을 제공하며, 기업들이 신속하게 회복할 수 있도록 재정적 지원을 제공합니다. 이 노력은 FedEx가 지역 경제를 강화하고 전국의 소기업 소유자를 지원하겠다는 약속과 일치합니다.

햄린이 샬럿에 있는 가족 경영의 기업인 레보스에 방문해 재해 준비 단계를 공유한 것을 통해 프로그램의 영향을 보여줍니다. FedEx의 R4R 참여는 FedEx Cares 글로벌 커뮤니티 참여 프로그램의 일환으로, 회복력 있는 커뮤니티를 조성하고 소기업을 지원하려는 회사의 헌신을 보여줍니다.

FedEx s'associe à la Fondation de la Chambre de Commerce des États-Unis dans le programme Small Business Readiness for Resiliency (R4R) pour soutenir les petites entreprises face aux défis et construire leur résilience. L'initiative, soutenue par le pilote NASCAR Denny Hamlin, vise à fournir aux entrepreneurs les outils et les ressources nécessaires pour se préparer et se remettre des catastrophes.

Hamlin, ayant grandi dans un environnement de petites entreprises, souligne l'importance de la résilience tant dans le sport automobile que dans les affaires. Le programme R4R offre des conseils sur la préparation aux catastrophes et fournit une assistance financière pour aider les entreprises à se rétablir rapidement. Cet effort s'inscrit dans l'engagement de FedEx à renforcer les économies locales et à soutenir les propriétaires de petites entreprises à travers le pays.

L'impact du programme est illustré par la visite de Hamlin chez Lebos, une entreprise familiale à Charlotte, où il a partagé des étapes de préparation aux catastrophes. L'implication de FedEx dans R4R fait partie de son programme mondial d'engagement communautaire FedEx Cares, démontrant l'engagement de l'entreprise à favoriser des communautés résilientes et à soutenir les petites entreprises.

FedEx arbeitet mit der US-Handelskammerstiftung für das Programm Small Business Readiness for Resiliency (R4R) zusammen, um kleinen Unternehmen zu helfen, Herausforderungen zu meistern und Resilienz aufzubauen. Die Initiative, unterstützt vom NASCAR-Fahrer Denny Hamlin, zielt darauf ab, Unternehmer mit Werkzeugen und Ressourcen für die Vorbereitung auf Katastrophen und die Wiederherstellung auszustatten.

Hamlin, der in einer Umgebung mit kleinen Unternehmen aufwuchs, betont die Bedeutung von Resilienz sowohl im Rennsport als auch im Geschäftsleben. Das R4R-Programm bietet Leitlinien zur Vorbereitung auf Katastrophen und stellt finanzielle Unterstützung bereit, um Unternehmen eine schnelle Erholung zu ermöglichen. Dieses Engagement steht im Einklang mit FedEx' Bestreben, lokale Volkswirtschaften zu stärken und kleine Geschäftsinhaber im ganzen Land zu unterstützen.

Die Auswirkungen des Programms werden durch Hamlins Besuch bei Lebos, einem familiengeführten Unternehmen in Charlotte, veranschaulicht, wo er Schritte zur Katastrophenvorbereitung teilte. Die Beteiligung von FedEx an R4R ist Teil des umfangreicheren globalen Gemeinschaftsengagementprogramms FedEx Cares, das das Engagement des Unternehmens für die Förderung resilienter Gemeinschaften und die Unterstützung kleiner Unternehmen demonstriert.

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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 28, 2024 / As a NASCAR driver, I've seen my fair share of challenges out on the track. When the caution flag starts waving and pit strategy gets complicated, you can't just throw in the towel. You've got to keep pushing forward, trusting your team and your preparation. That kind of resilience and determination is exactly what small business owners need to weather any storm.

Small business has always been in my DNA. I grew up in Chesterfield, Virginia, a town where small businesses are the heart of the community. My dad owned a trailer repair shop, and I spent plenty of time alongside him in that garage when I was just starting out, getting my hands dirty and learning the value of hard work.

These days, I call the Lake Norman area outside of Charlotte, North Carolina my home. And the small business owners around here have certainly had their fair share of challenges to overcome-from economic uncertainty to extreme weather. These businesses are the ones who embody that same fighting spirit that I try to bring to the racetrack.

That's why I'm so passionate about the work the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program (R4R) is doing in partnership with FedEx. They're equipping entrepreneurs with the tools and resources they need to anticipate problems, make a game plan, and power through tough times. As someone who has faced my own battles, I can attest to the value of that kind of preparation and resilience-building.

Over the years, I've worked with companies like FedEx to be an advocate for small businesses. Just recently, my team and I visited Lebos, a family-run small business in Charlotte, to walk them through some disaster preparedness steps to get them set up for the race of their life: running a successful business.

But resilience isn't something you can achieve alone. No matter how fast I go on the track, I also need my pit crew on their A-game to get me back out there faster than the competition. Small businesses need that same kind of support. R4R offers that by guiding business owners through the steps needed to prepare for the next disaster, along with financial assistance to get back up and running as quickly as possible.

At the end of the day, it's all about giving back to the communities that have supported us along the way. That's why I love what R4R is doing to strengthen local economies and help small business owners across the country. When our Main Streets are doing well, we all benefit.

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Spokesperson: FedEx Corporation

SOURCE: FedEx Corporation

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What is FedEx's role in the Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program (R4R)?

FedEx is partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation to support the Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program (R4R), which provides tools, resources, and financial assistance to help small businesses prepare for and recover from disasters.

How is NASCAR driver Denny Hamlin involved with FedEx's small business initiative?

Denny Hamlin is an advocate for small businesses, working with FedEx to promote the R4R program. He recently visited Lebos, a family-run business in Charlotte, to demonstrate disaster preparedness steps and support the program's goals.

What specific support does the R4R program offer to small businesses?

The R4R program guides business owners through disaster preparedness steps, offers resources for anticipating problems, and provides financial assistance to help businesses recover quickly after a disaster.

How does FedEx's involvement in R4R relate to its corporate social responsibility efforts?

FedEx's participation in R4R is part of its FedEx Cares global community engagement program, which aims to strengthen local economies and support small businesses across the country.

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