Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Cube Care

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Susana Robledo, Founder and CEO of Cube Care, shares her company's journey as a winner of the FedEx Global Entrepreneurship Award. Founded in 1999, Cube Care has grown into a multi-million-dollar enterprise specializing in privacy solutions for healthcare settings. Robledo discusses how her Hispanic heritage influences her business approach, emphasizing integrity, solutions, quality, and value as core pillars.

As a Hispanic Latina woman, Robledo has overcome stereotypes and aims to demonstrate that minority-owned businesses belong in the larger community. She highlights the importance of diversity in problem-solving and the unique service enrichment the Hispanic community brings to business.

Robledo explains how FedEx supports Cube Care through reliable delivery services and education on cost-effective shipping methods. She expresses hope for increased opportunities for diverse entities in large organizations, recognizing the added value and perspective they bring.

Susana Robledo, fondatrice e CEO di Cube Care, condivide il percorso della sua azienda come vincitrice del FedEx Global Entrepreneurship Award. Fondata nel 1999, Cube Care è cresciuta fino a diventare un'impresa multimilionaria specializzata in soluzioni per la privacy nei contesti sanitari. Robledo discute di come il suo patrimonio ispanico influenzi il suo approccio aziendale, enfatizzando integrità, soluzioni, qualità e valore come pilastri fondamentali.

In quanto donna latino-americana, Robledo ha superato stereotipi e si propone di dimostrare che le imprese di proprietà di minoranze appartengono alla comunità più ampia. Sottolinea l'importanza della diversità nella risoluzione dei problemi e il valore unico che la comunità ispanica apporta agli affari.

Robledo spiega come FedEx supporta Cube Care fornendo servizi di consegna affidabili e formazione sui metodi di spedizione economicamente vantaggiosi. Esprime la speranza per maggiori opportunità per le entità diverse all'interno delle grandi organizzazioni, riconoscendo il valore aggiunto e la prospettiva che esse offrono.

Susana Robledo, fundadora y CEO de Cube Care, comparte la trayectoria de su empresa como ganadora del FedEx Global Entrepreneurship Award. Fundada en 1999, Cube Care ha crecido hasta convertirse en una empresa multimillonaria que se especializa en soluciones de privacidad para entornos de atención médica. Robledo discute cómo su herencia hispana influye en su enfoque empresarial, enfatizando integridad, soluciones, calidad y valor como pilares fundamentales.

Como mujer latina hispana, Robledo ha superado estereotipos y busca demostrar que las empresas de propiedad de minorías pertenecen a la comunidad en general. Destaca la importancia de la diversidad en la resolución de problemas y el enriquecimiento único del servicio que la comunidad hispana aporta a los negocios.

Robledo explica cómo FedEx apoya a Cube Care a través de servicios de entrega confiables y educación sobre métodos de envío rentables. Expresa su esperanza por mayores oportunidades para entidades diversas en grandes organizaciones, reconociendo el valor añadido y la perspectiva que aportan.

수사나 로블레도, 큐브 케어의 창립자이자 CEO는 페덱스 글로벌 기업가 정신 상의 수상자로서 회사의 여정을 공유합니다. 1999년에 설립된 큐브 케어는 헬스케어 환경을 위한 개인정보 보호 솔루션를 전문으로 하는 수 백만 달러 규모의 기업으로 성장했습니다. 로블레도는 자신의 히스패닉 유산이 어떻게 비즈니스 접근 방식에 영향을 미치는지 논의하며, 정직, 솔루션, 품질, 가치를 핵심 기둥으로 강조합니다.

히스패닉 라틴계 여성으로서 로블레도는 고정 관념을 극복했으며 소수민족 소유 기업이 더 큰 커뮤니티에 속해야 한다는 것을 보여주고자 합니다. 그녀는 문제 해결에 있어 다양성의 중요성과 히스패닉 커뮤니티가 비즈니스에 가져다주는 독특한 서비스 방향성을 강조합니다.

로블레도는 페덱스가 큐브 케어를 지원하는 방법에 대해 신뢰할 수 있는 배송 서비스와 경제적인 배송 방법에 대한 교육을 통해 설명합니다. 그녀는 대규모 조직 내에서 다양한 기관에 대한 기회가 증가하기를 희망하며, 그들이 가져다주는 추가 가치와 관점을 인식하고 있습니다.

Susana Robledo, fondatrice et PDG de Cube Care, partage le parcours de son entreprise en tant que gagnante du FedEx Global Entrepreneurship Award. Fondée en 1999, Cube Care est devenue une entreprise multimillionnaire spécialisée dans les solutions de confidentialité pour les établissements de santé. Robledo évoque comment son héritage hispanique influence son approche commerciale, en soulignant l'intégrité, les solutions, la qualité et la valeur comme piliers fondamentaux.

En tant que femme latino-hispanique, Robledo a surmonté des stéréotypes et vise à démontrer que les entreprises détenues par des minorités ont leur place dans la grande communauté. Elle souligne l'importance de la diversité dans la résolution des problèmes et le service unique que la communauté hispanique apporte aux affaires.

Robledo explique comment FedEx soutient Cube Care à travers des services de livraison fiables et des formations sur des méthodes d'expédition rentables. Elle exprime l'espoir d'augmenter les opportunités pour les entités diverses au sein des grandes organisations, en reconnaissant la valeur ajoutée et la perspective qu'elles apportent.

Susana Robledo, Gründerin und CEO von Cube Care, teilt den Weg ihres Unternehmens als Gewinnerin des FedEx Global Entrepreneurship Award. Gegründet im Jahr 1999, hat sich Cube Care zu einem multimillionenschweren Unternehmen entwickelt, das sich auf Datenschutzlösungen für den Gesundheitssektor spezialisiert hat. Robledo diskutiert, wie ihr hispanisches Erbe ihren Geschäftsansatz beeinflusst, und betont Integrität, Lösungen, Qualität und Wert als zentrale Säulen.

Als hispanische Latina hat Robledo Stereotypen überwunden und zielt darauf ab zu zeigen, dass von Minderheiten geführte Unternehmen in der größeren Gemeinschaft eine Rolle spielen. Sie hebt die Bedeutung der Vielfalt bei der Problemlösung hervor und den einzigartigen Beitrag der hispanischen Gemeinschaft zur Geschäftswelt.

Robledo erklärt, wie FedEx Cube Care unterstützt durch zuverlässige Lieferdienste und Schulungen zu kostengünstigen Versandmethoden. Sie äußert die Hoffnung auf mehr Chancen für vielfältige Unternehmen in großen Organisationen und erkennt den zusätzlichen Wert und die Perspektive, die sie mitbringen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / FedEx Corporation

To celebrate and honor Hispanic Heritage Month, we spoke with Susana Robledo, Founder and CEO of Cube Care. As a winner of the FedEx Global Entrepreneurship Award, Robledo shares her company's history and mission. We are proud to continue to support minority owned small business ventures.

What inspired you to create your business, and in what year did you open?

The hard work of my mother and my ancestors has enabled me to showcase their dedication within my corporation today. I am honored to embody the legacy of my parents, grandparents, and ancestors. This is a meaningful way to honor our Hispanic heritage, traditions, and raise awareness in our community.

In 1999, after successfully obtaining my first contract with a local Miami hospital to repair cubicle curtains, I felt a strong sense of inspiration that fueled the creation of Cube Care. Driven by my passion for offering privacy solutions within the healthcare industry, I established Cube Care as a response to the growing need for quality privacy solutions in healthcare facilities. Over the years, Cube Care has flourished into a thriving multi-million-dollar enterprise, renowned for its specialization in providing top-notch innovative privacy solutions tailored for healthcare settings.

How do you incorporate your culture into your work? How did your upbringing influence the way you do business?

Being stereotyped is hurtful, especially as a Hispanic Latina woman. I have experienced stereotypes and have worked to overcome them. Despite facing obstacles, I have been able to show other minority-owned businesses that we also belong. It is not about one specific culture, but about inclusivity and demonstrating that we are not different, but rather part of the larger community.

Facing stereotypes creates barriers, as many associate my country with violence and a troubled history, of which I have firsthand experience. Living in the United States has provided me with a sense of safety and freedom from such worries, allowing me to focus on achieving success. In my home country, achieving success often means having to hide it. When people pigeonhole you with stereotypes, you must surpass expectations in order to break free from those limitations and be recognized for your individuality and contributions.

I attribute my upbringing to my ability to open doors for others without judgment, to be polite, and to show respect to everyone in the room.

Being Hispanic, Colombian, and a woman places me in various categories, each carrying its own set of stereotypes that I navigate daily. These identities bring warmth and a commitment to professionalism, requiring hard work to reach the highest levels of success. In Hispanic countries, the workload can be challenging, and without access to high-paying jobs or education, individuals may not be able to contribute due to the lack of opportunities for advancement.

Our diverse backgrounds, experiences, and lifestyles contribute to solving problems in society today. This enriches the United States, not only with our intellectual abilities but also with our cultural contributions in history, music, and cuisine that have shaped the nation in recent centuries.

How does FedEx support your industry?

Cube Care is a full-service manufacturer and supplier of decorative products exclusively for the healthcare interiors, with a client roster that includes some of the largest healthcare facilities in nation and international markets.

FedEx helps and supports Cube Care by ensuring timely and reliable delivery services. This support is crucial for Cube Care, as it ensures that our products, such as disposable curtains, privacy curtains and much more, reach our customers promptly. With FedEx's efficient shipping capabilities and advanced tracking systems, Cube Care can maintain the integrity and safety of our products during transit.

FedEx contributed hugely to Cube Care by educating us, reshaping our packing materials to reduce shipping costs which the savings are passed down to our customers.

This partnership allows Cube Care to be worry-free and provides its customers in the healthcare industry with high-quality products and excellent service, contributing to improved patient care and overall satisfaction. FedEx has been able to create a win-win situation for all!

What are your company values, and how does that relate to you on an individual basis?

Our Promise is to continually develop on the 4 pillars that have been the hallmarks since the company was founded: Integrity, Solutions, Quality and Value.

Integrity is derived from doing what is right even when unobserved. It is my fiduciary responsibility to prioritize the greater good over self-interest, to act with righteousness as a constant witness, and to assist all stakeholders. I believe that upholding this fiduciary duty will ultimately be reciprocated.

As a Hispanic individual, problem-solving is ingrained in our culture. By offering solutions and actively resolving challenges, we distinguish ourselves from our competitors. Our team comprises creative thinkers and solution-oriented individuals.

Without quality, there is no true value. Our value lies in facilitating the success of our customers. By placing the customer's needs and perceptions at the forefront, we prioritize delivering value. Our commitment to quality is demonstrated through how we enhance our customers' experiences and fulfill their unspoken requirements. By grasping our customers' values, we aim to provide them with quality service

Our Mission is to design, manufacture and deliver products and services that meet the unique needs and expectations of each client. In doing so we strive to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with our focus always on the long term and to provide our clients with nothing less than exceptional customer service and products.

Our Vision is to become the most trusted, successful and respected company in our industry.

What do you hope to see in the future regarding business opportunities and trends within your industry?

I would like large organizations to provide opportunities to diverse entities and be open to taking a chance on them, as they bring added value and a different perspective. Diverse cultures are particularly hands-on due to their experiences growing up in challenging circumstances with limited resources and opportunities to leave their countries. The Hispanic community offers a unique level of service enrichment that may not be easily matched elsewhere. In Hispanic culture, being friendly, polite, and warm is second nature - we strive to be approachable.

We aim to foster collaboration and partnerships within our industry. By collaborating with other stakeholders in the industry, we can combine our collective expertise to develop innovative solutions, encourage creativity, and build an ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

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SOURCE: FedEx Corporation

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When was Cube Care founded and what is its specialty?

Cube Care was founded in 1999 by Susana Robledo. It specializes in providing innovative privacy solutions for healthcare settings.

How does FedEx (FDX) support Cube Care's operations?

FedEx (FDX) supports Cube Care by providing timely and reliable delivery services, ensuring prompt delivery of products to customers. They also educated Cube Care on reshaping packing materials to reduce shipping costs.

What are the four pillars of Cube Care's company values?

The four pillars of Cube Care's company values are Integrity, Solutions, Quality, and Value.

How does Susana Robledo incorporate her Hispanic heritage into her business approach?

Robledo incorporates her Hispanic heritage by emphasizing problem-solving, offering warm and polite customer service, and bringing a unique perspective to business challenges.

What future trends does Susana Robledo hope to see in her industry?

Robledo hopes to see large organizations providing more opportunities to diverse entities, recognizing their added value and different perspectives. She also aims for increased collaboration and partnerships within the industry.

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