FedEx Panda Express Completes First-Ever Roundtrip Deliveries, Continuing Support of Giant Panda Conservation

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FedEx (NYSE: FDX) successfully completed its first-ever roundtrip panda deliveries this week, transporting six giant pandas between the United States and China. The FedEx Panda Express, a Boeing 777-F, departed Atlanta on October 12, delivering four pandas to Chengdu, and returned to Washington, D.C. on October 15 with two pandas.

The pandas transported to China included Lun Lun, Yang Yang, and their twin offspring Ya Lun and Xi Lun from Zoo Atlanta. The return flight brought two-year-old pandas Bao Li and Qing Bao to the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. FedEx donated the transportation cost as part of its corporate social responsibility and environmental conservation efforts.

This mission marks FedEx's ongoing commitment to giant panda conservation, having transported 22 pandas to and from China since 2000. The company's COO, Richard W. Smith, emphasized the significance of this first roundtrip move and FedEx's pride in delivering this precious cargo.

FedEx (NYSE: FDX) ha completato con successo le sue prime consegne di panda andata e ritorno questa settimana, trasportando sei panda giganti tra Stati Uniti e Cina. Il FedEx Panda Express, un Boeing 777-F, è partito da Atlanta il 12 ottobre, consegnando quattro panda a Chengdu, e è tornato a Washington, D.C. il 15 ottobre con due panda.

I panda trasportati in Cina includevano Lun Lun, Yang Yang e i loro due piccoli, Ya Lun e Xi Lun, dallo Zoo di Atlanta. Il volo di ritorno ha portato i panda di due anni Bao Li e Qing Bao allo Smithsonian's National Zoo e al Conservation Biology Institute. FedEx ha donato i costi di trasporto come parte della sua responsabilità sociale d'impresa e degli sforzi di conservazione ambientale.

Questa missione segna l'impegno continuo di FedEx per la conservazione dei panda giganti, avendo trasportato 22 panda da e verso la Cina dal 2000. Il COO dell'azienda, Richard W. Smith, ha sottolineato l'importanza di questo primo spostamento di andata e ritorno e l'orgoglio di FedEx nel consegnare questo prezioso carico.

FedEx (NYSE: FDX) completó con éxito sus primeras entregas de pandas de ida y vuelta esta semana, transportando seis pandas gigantes entre Estados Unidos y China. El FedEx Panda Express, un Boeing 777-F, salió de Atlanta el 12 de octubre, entregando cuatro pandas en Chengdu, y regresó a Washington D.C. el 15 de octubre con dos pandas.

Los pandas transportados a China incluyeron a Lun Lun, Yang Yang y sus gemelos Ya Lun y Xi Lun del Zoológico de Atlanta. El vuelo de regreso llevó a los pandas de dos años Bao Li y Qing Bao al Smithsonian's National Zoo y al Conservation Biology Institute. FedEx donó el costo del transporte como parte de su responsabilidad social corporativa y esfuerzos de conservación ambiental.

Esta misión marca el compromiso continuo de FedEx con la conservación del panda gigante, habiendo transportado 22 pandas hacia y desde China desde el año 2000. El COO de la compañía, Richard W. Smith, enfatizó la importancia de este primer movimiento de ida y vuelta y el orgullo de FedEx por entregar esta valiosa carga.

FedEx (NYSE: FDX)는 이번 주에 미국과 중국 사이에서 여섯 마리의 자이언트 판다를 배송하며 최초의 왕복 배송을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. FedEx 팬더 익스프레스, 보잉 777-F가 10월 12일 애틀랜타를 출발하여 청두에 네 마리의 판다를 전달했으며, 10월 15일 워싱턴 D.C.로 두 마리의 판다를 데리고 돌아왔습니다.

중국으로 운송된 판다에는 애틀랜타 동물원에서 온 룬 룬, 양양, 그리고 그들의 쌍둥이 새끼 야 룬과 시 룬이 포함되었습니다. 귀환 비행에서는 두 살짜리 판다인 바오 리와 칭 바오가 스미소니언 국립 동물원과 보전 생물학 연구소로 이송되었습니다. FedEx는 기업의 사회적 책임 및 환경 보존 노력을 위해 운송 비용을 기부했습니다.

이 미션은 2000년 이래로 중국과 왕복으로 22마리의 판다를 운송한 FedEx의 자이언트 판다 보존에 대한 지속적인 commitment(약속)를 의미합니다. 회사의 COO 리차드 W. 스미스는 이번 최초의 왕복 이동의 중요성과 이 소중한 화물을 전달하는 것에 대한 FedEx의 자부심을 강조했습니다.

FedEx (NYSE: FDX) a réussi cette semaine ses toutes premières livraisons aller-retour de pandas, en transportant six pandas géants entre les États-Unis et la Chine. Le FedEx Panda Express, un Boeing 777-F, a quitté Atlanta le 12 octobre, livrant quatre pandas à Chengdu, et est rentré à Washington, D.C. le 15 octobre avec deux pandas.

Les pandas transportés en Chine comprenaient Lun Lun, Yang Yang, et leurs jumeaux Ya Lun et Xi Lun du zoo d'Atlanta. Le vol de retour a amené les pandas de deux ans Bao Li et Qing Bao au Smithsonian's National Zoo et au Conservation Biology Institute. FedEx a fait don des frais de transport dans le cadre de sa responsabilité sociale d'entreprise et de ses efforts de conservation de l'environnement.

Cette mission marque l'engagement continu de FedEx en faveur de la conservation des pandas géants, ayant transporté 22 pandas vers et depuis la Chine depuis 2000. Le COO de l'entreprise, Richard W. Smith, a souligné l'importance de ce premier mouvement aller-retour et la fierté de FedEx de livrer cette précieuse cargaison.

FedEx (NYSE: FDX) hat diese Woche erfolgreich seine allerersten Hin- und Rücklieferungen von Pandas durchgeführt und dabei sechs Riesenpandas zwischen den USA und China transportiert. Die FedEx Panda Express, ein Boeing 777-F, startete am 12. Oktober von Atlanta, lieferte vier Pandas nach Chengdu und kehrte am 15. Oktober mit zwei Pandas nach Washington, D.C. zurück.

Zu den nach China transportierten Pandas gehörten Lun Lun, Yang Yang und ihre Zwillingsnachkommen Ya Lun und Xi Lun aus dem Zoo Atlanta. Der Rückflug brachte die zweijährigen Pandas Bao Li und Qing Bao zum Smithsonian's National Zoo und zum Conservation Biology Institute. FedEx spendete die Transportkosten im Rahmen seiner sozialen Unternehmensverantwortung und Umweltkonservierungsmaßnahmen.

Diese Mission unterstreicht das fortwährende Engagement von FedEx für den Schutz der Riesenpandas, nachdem seit 2000 bereits 22 Pandas nach und von China transportiert wurden. Der COO des Unternehmens, Richard W. Smith, betonte die Bedeutung dieser ersten Hin- und Rückbewegung und den Stolz von FedEx auf die Lieferung dieser wertvollen Fracht.

  • FedEx successfully completed its first-ever roundtrip panda delivery, showcasing logistical capabilities
  • The company has transported 22 pandas since 2000, demonstrating long-term commitment to conservation efforts
  • FedEx donated the transportation cost, enhancing its corporate social responsibility profile
  • None.


This panda transportation operation showcases FedEx's unique capabilities in specialized logistics. While not directly impacting financials, it demonstrates the company's ability to handle complex, high-profile shipments, potentially enhancing brand reputation. The use of a dedicated Boeing 777-F aircraft for this mission highlights FedEx's commitment to animal welfare and conservation efforts.

From an operational standpoint, the roundtrip nature of this transport is noteworthy, as it maximizes efficiency by utilizing the same aircraft for both outbound and inbound shipments. This could be seen as a model for future specialized logistics operations, potentially opening doors to similar high-value, sensitive cargo opportunities.

However, investors should note that while these operations generate positive publicity, their direct financial impact is likely minimal. The true value lies in the potential for future contracts and the reinforcement of FedEx's image as a reliable partner for complex international shipments.

FedEx's involvement in panda conservation efforts represents a significant corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. By donating transportation costs, FedEx demonstrates a commitment to environmental conservation and global cooperation, which can positively impact the company's ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) profile.

This type of high-visibility CSR activity can enhance brand perception among consumers and stakeholders, potentially leading to increased customer loyalty and improved relationships with regulatory bodies. The long-term partnership with zoos and the Chinese government in panda conservation (spanning over two decades) showcases FedEx's sustained commitment to global causes.

While the immediate financial impact may be neutral or slightly negative due to donated services, the long-term benefits to brand value and stakeholder relationships could outweigh these costs. Investors should consider this as part of FedEx's broader strategy to maintain a positive corporate image and strengthen its position in the global market.

This week, FedEx transported pandas from Atlanta, GA. to China; from China to Washington, D.C.

MEMPHIS, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- This week, FedEx Corporation (NYSE: FDX) transported six giant pandas between the United States and China on two separate flights. The roundtrip journey departed Atlanta, GA., arrived in Chengdu, China, where it delivered four pandas and then returned to Washington, D.C. with two pandas. The pandas traveled aboard a FedEx Boeing 777-F, known as the “FedEx Panda Express.”

FedEx Panda Express (Photo: Business Wire)

FedEx Panda Express (Photo: Business Wire)

Departing Atlanta, FedEx transported four giant pandas from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport (CTU). The FedEx Panda Express departed on October 12 and arrived in Chengdu on October 13. The four pandas aboard included 27-year-old female Lun Lun and 27-year-old male Yang Yang, who have resided at Zoo Atlanta since 1999, and their twin female offspring, Ya Lun and Xi Lun, born at Zoo Atlanta in 2016. They have now safely arrived at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

On the return flight, FedEx transported two pandas from CTU to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute (NZCBI) in Washington, D.C. The FedEx Panda Express departed Chengdu on October 14 and arrived at Dulles International Airport on October 15. From there, the pandas were taken by truck to NZCBI. The two pandas aboard included two-year-old male Bao Li and two-year-old female Qing Bao. Bao Li is the grandcub of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, whom FedEx transported to China, along with their cub, Xiao Qi Ji, in November 2023.

For more than two decades, FedEx has worked with the Chinese government and zoos around the world to safely transport giant pandas to and from China. The company is committed to keeping supply chains moving and connecting communities around the world by enabling global trade. FedEx donated the transportation cost as part of its ongoing corporate social responsibility and environmental conservation efforts.

“Each giant panda move is special, and we’re always honored when selected as the trusted transportation provider,” said Richard W. Smith, chief operating officer, International, and chief executive officer, Airline, FedEx. “We have had the privilege of transporting pandas since 2000, but this was our first roundtrip move, delivering the bears to and from China within the same aircraft journey. The safe delivery of Lun Lun, Yang Yang, Ya Lun, and Xi Lun to China and Bao Li and Qing Bao to the U.S. demonstrates the company’s commitment to leveraging our extensive global network to connect communities. FedEx is once again proud to deliver this precious cargo.”

Animal care experts from Zoo Atlanta and NZCBI were on board the flights. The animals were the only cargo on both flights, aside from supplies including bamboo, water, and the pandas’ favorite treats.

Before their trips, the animals spent time getting familiar with their enclosures to ensure they were safe and comfortable during their journeys. Upon arrival in Chengdu, Lun Lun, Yang Yang, Ya Lun, and Xi Lun were met by their new keepers on the tarmac before moving to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

Once they arrived in Washington, D.C., Bao Li and Qing Bao began their quarantine ahead of their public debut in January 2025.

Including these moves, FedEx has had the privilege of transporting 22 pandas to and from China. Previous FedEx Panda Express flights include:

  • 2023: from USA to China
  • 2023: from USA to China
  • 2019: from USA to China
  • 2017: from USA to China
  • 2013: from China to Canada
  • 2012: from China to France
  • 2011: from China to Scotland
  • 2010: from USA to China
  • 2003: from China to USA
  • 2000: from China to USA

About FedEx Corp.

FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce, and business services. With annual revenue of $88 billion, the company offers integrated business solutions utilizing its flexible, efficient, and intelligent global network. Consistently ranked among the world's most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 500,000 employees to remain focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards, and the needs of their customers and communities. FedEx is committed to connecting people and possibilities around the world responsibly and resourcefully, with a goal to achieve carbon-neutral operations by 2040. To learn more, please visit

FedEx Media Relations


Source: FedEx Corp.


When did FedEx (FDX) complete its first-ever roundtrip panda delivery?

FedEx completed its first-ever roundtrip panda delivery this week, with flights departing on October 12 and returning on October 15, 2024.

How many giant pandas did FedEx (FDX) transport in this roundtrip delivery?

FedEx transported a total of six giant pandas in this roundtrip delivery - four from Atlanta to China and two from China to Washington, D.C.

What type of aircraft did FedEx (FDX) use for the panda transport?

FedEx used a Boeing 777-F aircraft, known as the 'FedEx Panda Express,' for the panda transport.

How many pandas has FedEx (FDX) transported since 2000?

Including these recent moves, FedEx has transported a total of 22 pandas to and from China since 2000.

FedEx Corporation


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