FactSet’s GHG Emissions Commitment Validated by Science Based Targets Initiative

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FactSet, a global financial digital platform provider, announced that the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has validated its near-term sustainability initiative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This validation follows FactSet's 2022 commitment and confirms the company's goals are inline with SBTi's guidelines.

FactSet's commitments include:

  • Reducing absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 45% by fiscal year 2030 from fiscal 2023 base year levels
  • Reducing absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 25% by fiscal year 2030 from fiscal 2023 base year levels

The company plans to measure and disclose its GHG emissions, implement strategies to decrease emissions, and progress towards a net-zero future. This validation aligns with FactSet's sustainability plan, supported by its executive-sponsored Sustainability Committee and previous pledges with the UNGC and PRI.

FactSet, un fornitore globale di piattaforme digitali nel settore finanziario, ha annunciato che l'iniziativa Science Based Targets (SBTi) ha validato la sua iniziativa di sostenibilità a breve termine per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra (GHG). Questa validazione segue l'impegno di FactSet nel 2022 e conferma che gli obiettivi dell'azienda sono in linea con le linee guida dell'SBTi.

Gli impegni di FactSet includono:

  • Ridurre le emissioni di GHG assolute di ambito 1 e 2 del 45% entro l'anno fiscale 2030 rispetto ai livelli dell'anno fiscale 2023
  • Ridurre le emissioni di GHG assolute di ambito 3 del 25% entro l'anno fiscale 2030 rispetto ai livelli dell'anno fiscale 2023

L'azienda prevede di misurare e divulgare le proprie emissioni di GHG, implementare strategie per diminuire le emissioni e progredire verso un futuro con emissioni nette zero. Questa validazione è in linea con il piano di sostenibilità di FactSet, supportato dal suo Comitato per la Sostenibilità presieduto da dirigenti e da precedenti impegni con l'UNGC e il PRI.

FactSet, un proveedor global de plataformas digitales financieras, anunció que la iniciativa Science Based Targets (SBTi) ha validado su iniciativa de sostenibilidad a corto plazo para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Esta validación sigue el compromiso de FactSet en 2022 y confirma que los objetivos de la empresa están alineados con las directrices del SBTi.

Los compromisos de FactSet incluyen:

  • Reducir las emisiones absolutas de GEI de alcance 1 y 2 en un 45% para el año fiscal 2030 en comparación con los niveles del año fiscal 2023
  • Reducir las emisiones absolutas de GEI de alcance 3 en un 25% para el año fiscal 2030 en comparación con los niveles del año fiscal 2023

La empresa planea medir y divulgar sus emisiones de GEI, implementar estrategias para disminuir las emisiones y avanzar hacia un futuro de cero emisiones netas. Esta validación está alineada con el plan de sostenibilidad de FactSet, apoyado por su Comité de Sostenibilidad patrocinado por ejecutivos y compromisos previos con el UNGC y el PRI.

FactSet, 전 세계 금융 디지털 플랫폼 제공업체가 과학 기반 목표 이니셔티브(SBTi)에 의해 단기 지속 가능성 이니셔티브가 검증되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 검증은 2022년 FactSet의 약속에 이어 이루어졌으며, 회사의 목표가 SBTi의 지침과 일치함을 확인시켜줍니다.

FactSet의 약속 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 회계 연도 2023년 기준으로 2030 회계 연도까지 1 및 2 범위의 절대 온실가스(GHG) 배출량을 45% 줄이기
  • 회계 연도 2023년 기준으로 2030 회계 연도까지 3 범위의 절대 GHG 배출량을 25% 줄이기

회사는 GHG 배출량을 측정하고 공개하며, 배출량 감소 전략을 구현하고, 탄소 중립 미래를 향해 나아갈 계획입니다. 이 검증은 실행 위원회가 후원하는 지속 가능성 위원회의 지원을 받는 FactSet의 지속 가능성 계획과, UNGC 및 PRI와의 이전 약속에 부합합니다.

FactSet, un fournisseur mondial de plateformes numériques financières, a annoncé que l'initiative Science Based Targets (SBTi) a validé son initiative de durabilité à court terme pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Cette validation fait suite à l'engagement de FactSet en 2022 et confirme que les objectifs de l'entreprise sont conformes aux directives de la SBTi.

Les engagements de FactSet comprennent :

  • Réduire les émissions absolues de GES de portée 1 et 2 de 45 % d'ici l'exercice fiscal 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de l'exercice fiscal 2023
  • Réduire les émissions absolues de GES de portée 3 de 25 % d'ici l'exercice fiscal 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de l'exercice fiscal 2023

L'entreprise prévoit de mesurer et de divulguer ses émissions de GES, de mettre en œuvre des stratégies pour diminuer les émissions et de progresser vers un avenir à émissions nettes nulles. Cette validation est en ligne avec le plan de durabilité de FactSet, soutenu par son Comité de durabilité parrainé par des dirigeants et par des engagements antérieurs avec l'UNGC et le PRI.

FactSet, ein globaler Anbieter von digitalen Finanzplattformen, hat angekündigt, dass die Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) seine kurzfristige Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative validiert hat, um die Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) zu reduzieren. Diese Validierung folgt dem Engagement von FactSet aus dem Jahr 2022 und bestätigt, dass die Unternehmensziele im Einklang mit den Richtlinien der SBTi stehen.

Die Verpflichtungen von FactSet umfassen:

  • Die absoluten THG-Emissionen der Kategorien 1 und 2 bis 45% bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2030 im Vergleich zu den Werten des Geschäftsjahres 2023 zu reduzieren
  • Die absoluten THG-Emissionen der Kategorie 3 bis 25% bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2030 im Vergleich zu den Werten des Geschäftsjahres 2023 zu reduzieren

Das Unternehmen plant, seine THG-Emissionen zu messen und offenzulegen, Strategien zur Verringerung der Emissionen umzusetzen und auf eine netzunabhängige Zukunft hinzuarbeiten. Diese Validierung stimmt mit dem Nachhaltigkeitsplan von FactSet überein, der von seinem vom Management unterstützten Nachhaltigkeitsausschuss und früheren Verpflichtungen mit dem UNGC und PRI unterstützt wird.

  • SBTi validation of FactSet's GHG emissions reduction targets
  • Commitment to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 45% by 2030
  • Commitment to reduce scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030
  • Alignment with global sustainability initiatives (UNGC and PRI)
  • None.

NORWALK, Conn., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FactSet, a global financial digital platform and enterprise solutions provider, today announced that the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has validated its near-term, company-wide sustainability initiative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to combat the global climate crisis.

This validation follows FactSet’s 2022 near-term emission reduction commitment, confirming the company’s goals have been reviewed by corporate climate experts and are inline and attainable according to SBTi’s guidelines. These goals include reducing scope 1, direct and owned company emissions; scope 2, indirect and off-site company emissions; and scope 3, indirect value chain emissions.

FactSet’s commitment involves:

  • FactSet Research Systems Inc. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 45% by its 2030 fiscal year from its fiscal 2023 base year levels.
  • FactSet Research Systems Inc. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 25% by its 2030 fiscal year from its fiscal 2023 base year levels.

As outlined in FactSet’s 2023 Sustainability Report, FactSet commits to measuring and disclosing its GHG emissions to drive business goals and reach a net zero future. As FactSet progresses towards its decarbonization targets, FactSet will be researching and implementing alternate strategies to adapt its operations to decrease its scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

“At FactSet, we are committed to upholding the highest standards to achieve our sustainability goals,” said Bénédicte Godet Crochet, Chair of the Sustainability Committee at FactSet. “As we receive this validation from the Science Based Targets initiative, we continue to progress our efforts towards making a meaningful impact on our planet and community. This achievement marks a significant milestone in our sustainability journey, and we are proud to be a player in reaching a net-zero future.”

This validation is in accordance with FactSet’s sustainability plan, which is reinforced by the company’s executive-sponsored Sustainability Committee, a group that supports and executes sustainability goals and initiatives, as well as previous pledges with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI).

To learn more about FactSet’s sustainability program, please visit:

About FactSet
FactSet (NYSE:FDS | NASDAQ:FDS) helps the financial community to see more, think bigger, and work better. Our digital platform and enterprise solutions deliver financial data, analytics, and open technology to more than 8,200 global clients, including over 216,000 individual users. Clients across the buy-side and sell-side as well as wealth managers, private equity firms, and corporations achieve more every day with our comprehensive and connected content, flexible next-generation workflow solutions, and client-centric specialized support. As a member of the S&P 500, we are committed to sustainable growth and have been recognized amongst the Best Places to Work in 2023 by Glassdoor as a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award winner. Learn more at and follow us on X and LinkedIn.

Investor Relations Contact:
Ali van Nes

Media Contact:
Megan Kovach


What are FactSet's (FDS) GHG emissions reduction targets for 2030?

FactSet (FDS) commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 45% and scope 3 GHG emissions by 25% by its 2030 fiscal year, compared to fiscal 2023 base year levels.

Has FactSet's (FDS) GHG emissions reduction plan been validated by any external organization?

Yes, FactSet's (FDS) near-term, company-wide sustainability initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) on September 25, 2024.

What is FactSet (FDS) doing to achieve its GHG emissions reduction goals?

FactSet (FDS) is measuring and disclosing its GHG emissions, researching and implementing alternate strategies to adapt its operations, and progressing towards a net-zero future. The company has an executive-sponsored Sustainability Committee to support and execute these initiatives.

How does FactSet's (FDS) sustainability plan align with global initiatives?

FactSet's (FDS) sustainability plan aligns with global initiatives through its pledges with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI), in addition to having its targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

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