Fresh Del Monte to Bring Red-Shelled Pineapple, the Rubyglow® Pineapple, to Europe in Early 2025

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Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) announces plans to introduce its Rubyglow® pineapple in Europe in early 2025, following successful launches in China (January 2024) and North America (May 2024). This red-shelled pineapple, developed over 15 years, features a red outer skin, bright yellow flesh, and a sweet flavor similar to Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet pineapples.

The Rubyglow® pineapple is grown in Costa Rica and takes two years to cultivate. It's a hybrid fruit produced through traditional crossbreeding of a traditional pineapple and a Morada pineapple. The seed supply and intricate cultivation process contribute to its global scarcity.

Fresh Del Monte continues to lead pineapple innovation, having introduced various unique varieties since the 1990s. The company markets its products worldwide under the DEL MONTE® brand and has received recognition as one of 'America's Most Trusted Companies' by Newsweek in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) annuncia l'introduzione del suo ananas Rubyglow® in Europa all'inizio del 2025, dopo i lanci di successo in Cina (gennaio 2024) e in Nord America (maggio 2024). Questo ananas dalla buccia rossa, sviluppato nel corso di 15 anni, presenta una pelle esterna rossa, polpa gialla brillante e un sapore dolce simile a quello degli ananas Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet.

L'ananas Rubyglow® è coltivato in Costa Rica e richiede due anni per crescere. È un frutto ibrido prodotto attraverso l'incrocio tradizionale di un ananas classico e di un ananas Morada. La disponibilità limitata dei semi e il complesso processo di coltivazione ne contribuiscono alla scarsezza globale.

Fresh Del Monte continua a guidare l'innovazione nell'ambito degli ananas, avendo introdotto varie varietà uniche fin dagli anni '90. L'azienda commercializza i suoi prodotti in tutto il mondo sotto il marchio DEL MONTE® e ha ricevuto riconoscimenti come una delle 'Aziende più Affidabili d'America' da Newsweek nel 2022, 2023 e 2024.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) anuncia planes para introducir su piña Rubyglow® en Europa a principios de 2025, tras exitosos lanzamientos en China (enero de 2024) y América del Norte (mayo de 2024). Esta piña de cáscara roja, desarrollada durante 15 años, presenta una piel roja, pulpa amarilla brillante y un sabor dulce similar al de las piñas Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet.

La piña Rubyglow® se cultiva en Costa Rica y tarda dos años en madurar. Es una fruta híbrida producida a través de la cría tradicional de una piña común y una piña Morada. La disponibilidad limitada de semillas y el intrincado proceso de cultivo contribuyen a su escasez global.

Fresh Del Monte sigue liderando la innovación en piñas, habiendo introducido varias variedades únicas desde la década de 1990. La compañía comercializa sus productos en todo el mundo bajo la marca DEL MONTE® y ha sido reconocida como una de 'Las Empresas Más Confiables de América' por Newsweek en 2022, 2023 y 2024.

프레시 델몬트 프로듀스 주식회사(NYSE: FDP)는 2025년 초 유럽에 루비글로우® 파인애플을 도입할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이는 2024년 1월 중국과 2024년 5월 북미에서의 성공적인 출시 이후입니다. 15년 동안 개발된 이 빨간 껍질의 파인애플은 빨간 외피, 밝은 노란색 과육, 그리고 델몬트 골드® 엑스트라 스위트 파인애플과 유사한 달콤한 맛을 자랑합니다.

루비글로우® 파인애플은 코스타리카에서 재배되며, 재배하는 데 두 년이 걸립니다. 전통적인 파인애플과 모라다 파인애플의 전통적인 교배를 통해 생산된 하이브리드 과일입니다. 씨앗 공급과 복잡한 재배 과정이 이 과일의 글로벌 희소성에 기여합니다.

프레시 델몬트는 1990년대 이후 다양한 독특한 품종들을 출시하며 파인애플 혁신을 주도하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 DEL MONTE® 브랜드 아래 전 세계적으로 제품을 판매하고 있으며, 2022년, 2023년, 2024년에는 뉴스위크에서 '미국에서 가장 신뢰받는 회사' 중 하나로 인정받았습니다.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) annonce ses projets d'introduire son ananas Rubyglow® en Europe début 2025, après des lancements réussis en Chine (janvier 2024) et en Amérique du Nord (mai 2024). Cet ananas à la peau rouge, développé sur une période de 15 ans, possède une peau extérieure rouge, une chair jaune vif et une saveur douce semblable à celle des ananas Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet.

L'ananas Rubyglow® est cultivé au Costa Rica et nécessite deux ans pour croître. C'est un fruit hybride produit par un croisement traditionnel entre un ananas ordinaire et un ananas Morada. La disponibilité limitée des semences et le processus de culture complexe contribuent à sa rareté mondiale.

Fresh Del Monte continue de mener l'innovation dans le secteur des ananas, ayant introduit diverses variétés uniques depuis les années 1990. L'entreprise commercialise ses produits dans le monde entier sous la marque DEL MONTE® et a été reconnue comme l'une des 'entreprises les plus dignes de confiance d'Amérique' par Newsweek en 2022, 2023 et 2024.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) kündigt Pläne an, seine Rubyglow® Ananas Anfang 2025 in Europa einzuführen, nach erfolgreichen Markteinführungen in China (Januar 2024) und Nordamerika (Mai 2024). Diese Ananas mit roter Schale, die über einen Zeitraum von 15 Jahren entwickelt wurde, hat eine rote äußere Schale, leuchtend gelbes Fruchtfleisch und einen süßen Geschmack, der dem der Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet Ananas ähnelt.

Die Rubyglow® Ananas wird in Costa Rica angebaut und benötigt zwei Jahre zur Kultivierung. Es handelt sich um eine Hybridfrucht, die durch traditionelles Kreuzzuchtverfahren zwischen einer traditionellen Ananas und einer Morada-Ananas erzeugt wird. Das begrenzte Samenangebot und der komplexe Anbauprozess tragen zu ihrer globalen Knappheit bei.

Fresh Del Monte setzt die Innovationsführerschaft im Bereich Ananas fort und hat seit den 1990er Jahren verschiedene einzigartige Sorten eingeführt. Das Unternehmen vertreibt seine Produkte weltweit unter der Marke DEL MONTE® und wurde 2022, 2023 und 2024 von Newsweek als eines der 'vertrauenswürdigsten Unternehmen Amerikas' ausgezeichnet.

  • Introduction of innovative Rubyglow® pineapple to European market, expanding product portfolio
  • Successful launches in China and North America, indicating strong market demand
  • Exclusive product with registered plant patent in the United States
  • Continued leadership in pineapple innovation, reinforcing market position
  • supply due to two-year cultivation cycle and scarce seed availability
  • Delayed European launch compared to other markets (early 2025 vs 2024 for China and North America)


Fresh Del Monte's introduction of the Rubyglow® pineapple to Europe in 2025 represents a strategic expansion of their premium fruit portfolio. This move follows successful launches in China and North America, indicating strong market demand for novel, high-quality produce.

The Rubyglow® pineapple's unique red exterior and sweet flavor profile position it as a premium product, likely commanding higher margins than traditional pineapples. This aligns with Fresh Del Monte's strategy of innovation-driven growth and market differentiation.

However, the supply due to the complex cultivation process may constrain revenue potential in the short term. The two-year growth cycle and scarcity could create both exclusivity appeal and supply chain challenges.

For investors, this product launch signals Fresh Del Monte's commitment to innovation and premium offerings, which could positively impact brand value and pricing power. The company's track record of successful pineapple innovations, including the Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet, suggests potential for long-term market share gains in the specialty fruit segment.

The Rubyglow® pineapple represents a significant achievement in agricultural innovation. Developed through traditional crossbreeding over 15 years, it demonstrates Fresh Del Monte's long-term investment in R&D and genetic improvement.

The hybrid nature of Rubyglow®, combining traits from edible and inedible pineapple varieties, showcases advanced breeding techniques. This approach can lead to improved fruit characteristics without genetic modification, appealing to consumers seeking "natural" products.

The two-year cultivation cycle and seed supply highlight the complexity of scaling specialty crop production. This could present both a challenge in meeting demand and an opportunity for premium pricing.

From a sustainability perspective, the naturally ripened, crownless presentation may reduce waste and improve shipping efficiency. However, the extended growth period could impact resource use and carbon footprint, factors increasingly important to environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

Rubyglow® pineapples will be introduced in Europe due to market demand, following January 2024 launch in China and May 2024 launch in North America

CORAL GABLES, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP), one of the world’s leading vertically integrated producers, marketers, and distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, today announces it will offer its latest pineapple innovation, the Rubyglow® pineapple, in Europe in early 2025. This red-shelled pineapple has a red outer skin, bright yellow flesh, and a new, sweet flavor similar to Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet pineapples. The Rubyglow® pineapple’s initial launch in China in January last year prompted a global waitlist and a subsequent launch in North America in May 2024. The waitlist is now open in various European countries — those already on the list will be contacted once product becomes available. The company anticipates the soonest delivery to be early 2025.

(Photo: Business Wire)

(Photo: Business Wire)

“We are proud to introduce our latest pineapple innovation, the Rubyglow® pineapple to the European region. This Del Monte exclusive pineapple further cements our global leadership position in the pineapple market,” said Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and CEO of Fresh Del Monte. “Our scientists continue to elevate the bar by creating new pineapple varieties, with varied tastes and colors, that cater to more and more consumers worldwide.”

Grown in Costa Rica, the Rubyglow® pineapple has been in development for more than 15 years and has a registered plant patent in the United States. It is a cross between a traditional pineapple and a Morada pineapple — which is typically inedible — making the Rubyglow® pineapple a hybrid fruit produced through traditional crossbreeding techniques. It takes two years to grow each Rubyglow® pineapple, which are then naturally ripened on the plant and sold crownless in elegantly designed packaging. This intricate and time-consuming cultivation cycle — coupled with limited seed supply — are the reasons behind the scarcity of Rubyglow® pineapples globally.

Fresh Del Monte has been leading pineapple innovation globally since the 1990s with the debut of the Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet pineapple, the first of its kind. The pineapple has a golden color and, at that time, was much sweeter than any other pineapple on the market. Since then, the company’s robust pineapple program has released the Pinkglow® pineapple (not available in Europe), the Honeyglow® pineapple, the Del Monte Zero® pineapple, and now the Rubyglow® pineapple.


Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is one of the world’s leading vertically integrated producers, marketers, and distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, as well as a leading producer and distributor of prepared food in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. markets its products worldwide under the DEL MONTE® brand (under license from Del Monte Foods Corporation II Inc.), a symbol of product innovation, quality, freshness, and reliability for over 135 years. The company also markets its products under the MANN™ brand and other related trademarks. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is not affiliated with certain other Del Monte companies around the world, including Del Monte Foods, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Del Monte Pacific Limited, Del Monte Canada, or Del Monte Asia Pte. Ltd. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is the first global marketer of fruits and vegetables to commit to the “Science Based Targets” initiative. In 2022, 2023, and 2024 Fresh Del Monte Produce was ranked as one of “America’s Most Trusted Companies” by Newsweek based on an independent survey rating companies on three different touchpoints, including customer trust, investor trust, and employee trust. Additionally, Newsweek recognized Fresh Del Monte Produce as one of the “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies” in 2024, spotlighting the brand’s success in building investor, consumer, and employee trust on a global scale. Fresh Del Monte Produce was also named a Humankind 100 Company by Humankind Investments in 2024, 2023 and 2022, which recognizes companies that substantially impact areas such as access to food and clean water, healthcare, and digital services. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is traded on the NYSE under the symbol FDP.

Claudia Pou

Vice President, Global Head of Corporate Communications

Source: Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc.


When will Fresh Del Monte (FDP) launch the Rubyglow® pineapple in Europe?

Fresh Del Monte plans to launch the Rubyglow® pineapple in Europe in early 2025.

What are the unique features of Fresh Del Monte's (FDP) Rubyglow® pineapple?

The Rubyglow® pineapple has a red outer skin, bright yellow flesh, and a sweet flavor similar to Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet pineapples. It's a hybrid fruit produced through traditional crossbreeding.

How long does it take to grow a Rubyglow® pineapple for Fresh Del Monte (FDP)?

It takes two years to grow each Rubyglow® pineapple, which contributes to its scarcity in the global market.

Where has Fresh Del Monte (FDP) already launched the Rubyglow® pineapple?

Fresh Del Monte launched the Rubyglow® pineapple in China in January 2024 and plans to launch it in North America in May 2024.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc.


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