Fresh Del Monte Recognized as Humankind 100 Company for the Third Consecutive Year

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Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) has been named a Humankind 100 company for the third consecutive year, ranking #53 on the 2024 list. The company was recognized for its significant impact in Crop Production ($62.7 billion), Economic Value ($1.4 billion), and Medical Services ($538 million).

The Humankind 100 honors U.S. public companies that create substantial value for investors, consumers, employees, and society. Fresh Del Monte's Chairman and CEO, Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, emphasized the company's commitment to generating sustainable, long-term value and fostering positive change for humanity and the planet.

Fresh Del Monte's achievements in food production, economic contributions, and medical services contributed to its recognition. The company was also recently named one of the World's Most Trusted Companies by Newsweek and received a SEAL Business Award for promoting sustainability in emerging economies.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) è stata nominata azienda Humankind 100 per il terzo anno consecutivo, classificandosi al 53° posto nella lista del 2024. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta per il suo impatto significativo nella Produzione Agricola (62,7 miliardi di dollari), Valore Economico (1,4 miliardi di dollari) e Servizi Medici (538 milioni di dollari).

Il Humankind 100 onora le aziende pubbliche statunitensi che creano un valore sostanziale per investitori, consumatori, dipendenti e società. Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Presidente e CEO di Fresh Del Monte, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a generare valore sostenibile e a lungo termine, promuovendo un cambiamento positivo per l'umanità e il pianeta.

I successi di Fresh Del Monte nella produzione alimentare, nei contributi economici e nei servizi medici hanno contribuito al suo riconoscimento. L'azienda è stata anche recentemente nominata una delle Aziende Più Affidabili al Mondo da Newsweek e ha ricevuto un premio SEAL Business per la promozione della sostenibilità nelle economie emergenti.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) ha sido nombrada empresa Humankind 100 por tercer año consecutivo, ocupando el puesto #53 en la lista de 2024. La compañía fue reconocida por su impacto significativo en Producción Agrícola (62.7 mil millones de dólares), Valor Económico (1.4 mil millones de dólares) y Servicios Médicos (538 millones de dólares).

El Humankind 100 honra a las empresas públicas estadounidenses que crean un valor sustancial para inversores, consumidores, empleados y la sociedad. Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Presidente y CEO de Fresh Del Monte, destacó el compromiso de la empresa de generar un valor sostenible y a largo plazo y fomentar cambios positivos para la humanidad y el planeta.

Los logros de Fresh Del Monte en la producción de alimentos, las contribuciones económicas y los servicios médicos contribuyeron a su reconocimiento. La compañía también fue recientemente nombrada una de las Empresas Más Confiables del Mundo por Newsweek y recibió un Premio SEAL Business por promover la sostenibilidad en economías emergentes.

프레시 델 몬트 프로듀스 Inc. (NYSE: FDP)는 2024년 리스트에서 53위로 휴먼카인드 100 회사로 선정된 지 세 번째 연속입니다. 이 회사는 농작물 생산 (627억 달러), 경제적 가치 (14억 달러), 의료 서비스 (5억 3800만 달러)에서의 중요한 영향으로 인정을 받았습니다.

휴먼카인드 100은 투자자, 소비자, 직원 및 사회를 위한 실질적 가치를 창출하는 미국의 상장 기업을 기립니다. 프레시 델 몬트의 회장 겸 CEO인 모하마드 아부가잘레흐는 회사가 지속 가능한 장기 가치를 창출하고 인류와 지구를 위한 긍정적인 변화를 촉진하는 데 헌신하고 있다고 강조했습니다.

프레시 델 몬트의 식품 생산, 경제적 기여 및 의료 서비스에서의 성과가 인식에 기여했습니다. 이 회사는 최근 뉴스위크에 의해 세계에서 가장 신뢰받는 기업 중 하나로 선정되었으며, 신흥 경제국에서의 지속 가능성을 촉진한 공로로 SEAL 비즈니스 상을 수상했습니다.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) a été nommée entreprise Humankind 100 pour la troisième année consécutive, se classant au 53e rang de la liste 2024. L'entreprise a été reconnue pour son impact significatif dans la production agricole (62,7 milliards de dollars), la valeur économique (1,4 milliard de dollars) et les services médicaux (538 millions de dollars).

Le Humankind 100 honore les entreprises publiques américaines qui créent une valeur substantielle pour les investisseurs, les consommateurs, les employés et la société. Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Président et CEO de Fresh Del Monte, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à générer une valeur durable et à long terme tout en favorisant des changements positifs pour l'humanité et la planète.

Les réalisations de Fresh Del Monte dans la production alimentaire, les contributions économiques et les services médicaux ont contribué à cette reconnaissance. L'entreprise a également été récemment nommée l'une des entreprises les plus fiables au monde par Newsweek et a reçu un prix SEAL Business pour la promotion de la durabilité dans les économies émergentes.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP) wurde zum dritten Mal in Folge als Humankind 100 Unternehmen ausgezeichnet und belegt den 53. Platz auf der Liste 2024. Das Unternehmen wurde für seinen bedeutenden Einfluss in der Landwirtschaftlichen Produktion (62,7 Milliarden Dollar), dem ökonomischen Wert (1,4 Milliarden Dollar) und medizinischen Dienstleistungen (538 Millionen Dollar) anerkannt.

Die Humankind 100 ehrt US-amerikanische öffentliche Unternehmen, die substantiellen Wert für Investoren, Verbraucher, Mitarbeiter und die Gesellschaft schaffen. Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Vorsitzender und CEO von Fresh Del Monte, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, nachhaltigen langfristigen Wert zu schaffen und positive Veränderungen für die Menschheit und den Planeten zu fördern.

Die Erfolge von Fresh Del Monte in der Lebensmittelproduktion, den wirtschaftlichen Beiträgen und den medizinischen Dienstleistungen trugen zu dieser Anerkennung bei. Das Unternehmen wurde auch kürzlich von Newsweek als eines der vertrauenswürdigsten Unternehmen der Welt ausgezeichnet und erhielt einen SEAL Business Award für die Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit in Schwellenländern.

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  • None.

Global produce company earns coveted spot on the 2024 Humankind 100 list for its significant and positive impact on critical areas

CORAL GABLES, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE: FDP), one of the world’s leading vertically integrated producers, marketers, and distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, today announces it has been named a Humankind 100 company for the third year in a row for its success in Crop Production ($62.7 billion), Economic Value ($1.4 billion), and Medical Services ($538 million) — and, of course, operating in a manner that is a net positive for humanity. This year, Fresh Del Monte jumped to #53 on the Humankind 100 list after being ranked #89 in 2023. View the full list of 2024 honorees here.

A Humankind 100 Company for 2024. (Graphic: Business Wire)

A Humankind 100 Company for 2024. (Graphic: Business Wire)

“We are deeply honored to be recognized as a Humankind 100 company for the third consecutive year,” said Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fresh Del Monte. “This recognition reflects our steadfast commitment to generating sustainable, long-term value — not just for our shareholders, but for society as a whole. It is a testament to our tireless efforts in innovation, responsible growth, and our dedication to enhancing the well-being of the communities and ecosystems we serve. At Fresh Del Monte, we believe that by fostering positive change, we can contribute meaningfully to both humanity and the planet.”

The Humankind 100 is a distinguished honor that celebrates the 100 U.S. public companies who aim to create large amounts of value — not just for investors, but humanity at large. Humankind 100 companies are ranked based on Humankind Value, a proprietary metric that provides an estimate of the overall dollar amount a company creates for investors, consumers, employees, and society, and are therefore among some of the most ethical companies in the United States.

Fresh Del Monte’s outstanding achievements in the following areas earned it an esteemed spot on the 2024 list:

  • Crop Production: The production, harvesting, storage, transportation, or sale of food or bringing food to consumers.
  • Economic Value: Offering consumers goods and services that they value, paying employees for their labor in producing goods and services, and providing value for shareholders.
  • Medical Services: The production and distribution of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and the delivery of medical services contributing to life expectancy and quality of life.

Fresh Del Monte was also recently recognized as one of the World’s Most Trusted Companies by Newsweek, and the company received a SEAL Business Award for its efforts to promote sustainability in emerging economies.

To learn more about Fresh Del Monte’s sustainability efforts, visit


Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is one of the world’s leading vertically integrated producers, marketers, and distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, as well as a leading producer and distributor of prepared food in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. markets its products worldwide under the DEL MONTE® brand (under license from Del Monte Foods, Inc.), a symbol of product innovation, quality, freshness, and reliability for over 135 years. The company also markets its products under the MANN™ brand and other related trademarks. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is not affiliated with certain other Del Monte companies around the world, including Del Monte Foods, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Del Monte Pacific Limited, Del Monte Canada, or Del Monte Asia Pte. Ltd. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is the first global marketer of fruits and vegetables to commit to the “Science Based Targets” initiative. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, Fresh Del Monte Produce was ranked as one of “America’s Most Trusted Companies” by Newsweek based on an independent survey rating companies on three different touchpoints, including customer trust, investor trust, and employee trust. Additionally, Newsweek recognized Fresh Del Monte Produce as one of the “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies” in 2024, spotlighting the brand’s success in building investor, consumer, and employee trust on a global scale. Fresh Del Monte Produce was also named a Humankind 100 Company by Humankind Investments in 2024, 2023 and 2022, which recognizes companies that substantially impact areas such as access to food and clean water, healthcare, and digital services. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is traded on the NYSE under the symbol FDP.

Havas Formula

Claudia Pou

Vice President, Global Head of Corporate Communications

Source: Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc.


What ranking did Fresh Del Monte (FDP) achieve on the 2024 Humankind 100 list?

Fresh Del Monte (FDP) ranked #53 on the 2024 Humankind 100 list, improving from its #89 position in 2023.

In which areas did Fresh Del Monte (FDP) create significant value according to the 2024 Humankind 100 recognition?

Fresh Del Monte (FDP) was recognized for creating significant value in Crop Production ($62.7 billion), Economic Value ($1.4 billion), and Medical Services ($538 million).

How many consecutive years has Fresh Del Monte (FDP) been named a Humankind 100 company?

Fresh Del Monte (FDP) has been named a Humankind 100 company for three consecutive years.

What other recent recognitions has Fresh Del Monte (FDP) received in 2024?

Fresh Del Monte (FDP) was recently recognized as one of the World's Most Trusted Companies by Newsweek and received a SEAL Business Award for promoting sustainability in emerging economies.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc.


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United States of America