Healthcare Sector Sees Steady Rise in VC Investment and Fundraising; Silicon Valley Bank Releases 14th Edition of Mid-Year Healthcare Investments and Exits Report

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Silicon Valley Bank's 2024 Mid-Year Healthcare Investments and Exits Report reveals a strong year for biopharma and steady rise in VC investment across the healthcare sector. Key findings include:

- 89% of US VC funds at or above $25M hit their fundraising targets
- 55 biopharma companies secured deals of $100M or more
- VC fundraising established a new baseline of just under $20B raised per year
- Over 25% of US healthcare companies closing VC deals of $15M+ reported flat or down rounds
- H1 2024 was the largest half for Series A biopharma investing since H1 2021
- Investment in rare disease companies is improving but still behind pre-pandemic levels

The report suggests 2024 could finish strong, with potential momentum from mega deals, AI leveraging, and public market performance in the healthcare sector.

Il rapporto di metà anno del 2024 sugli investimenti e le uscite nel settore sanitario della Silicon Valley Bank rivela un anno forte per il biopharma e un costante aumento degli investimenti in capitale di rischio nel settore sanitario. Le principali scoperte includono:

- L'89% dei fondi di VC statunitensi di almeno $25M ha raggiunto i propri obiettivi di raccolta fondi.
- 55 aziende biopharma hanno ottenuto accordi di $100M o più.
- La raccolta fondi di VC ha stabilito un nuovo parametro di riferimento di poco meno di $20B raccolti all'anno.
- Oltre il 25% delle aziende sanitarie statunitensi che chiudono affari in VC di $15M+ ha segnalato round stabili o in calo.
- La prima metà del 2024 è stata la più alta per gli investimenti in biopharma di Serie A dalla prima metà del 2021.
- Gli investimenti in aziende che si occupano di malattie rare stanno migliorando, ma sono ancora inferiori ai livelli pre-pandemia.

Il rapporto suggerisce che il 2024 potrebbe concludersi in modo forte, con possibile slancio proveniente da mega accordi, sfruttamento dell'IA e performance del mercato pubblico nel settore sanitario.

El informe de medio año de 2024 sobre inversiones y salidas en salud del Silicon Valley Bank revela un gran año para el biopharma y un aumento constante en la inversión de capital de riesgo en el sector de la salud. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 89% de los fondos de capital de riesgo de EE. UU. de al menos $25M alcanzaron sus objetivos de captación de fondos.
- 55 empresas biopharma aseguraron acuerdos de $100M o más.
- La recaudación de fondos de VC estableció una nueva base de poco menos de $20B recaudados por año.
- Más del 25% de las empresas de salud en EE. UU. que cerraron acuerdos de VC de $15M+ informaron rondas estables o a la baja.
- La primera mitad de 2024 fue la más grande para la inversión en biopharma de Series A desde la primera mitad de 2021.
- La inversión en empresas de enfermedades raras está mejorando, pero todavía está por debajo de los niveles prepandémicos.

El informe sugiere que 2024 podría terminar de manera fuerte, con un posible impulso derivado de mega acuerdos, aprovechamiento de la IA y desempeño del mercado público en el sector de la salud.

실리콘밸리 은행의 2024년 중간 연도 헬스케어 투자 및 퇴출 보고서는 바이오제약에 강력한 해를 나타내며 헬스케어 분야에서 VC 투자 지속적인 증가를 보여줍니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 미국 VC 펀드 중 89%가 최소 $25M 이상으로 모금 목표를 달성했습니다.
- 55개의 바이오제약 회사가 $100M 이상의 계약을 성사시켰습니다.
- VC 모금은 연간 약 $20B 이하를 모금하는 새로운 기준을 설정했습니다.
- 미국 헬스케어 회사의 25% 이상이 $15M 이상의 VC 거래를 종결하고 안정적인 혹은 하락하는 라운드를 보고했습니다.
- 2024년 상반기는 2021년 상반기 이후 바이오제약 시리즈 A 투자에서 가장 큰 반기였습니다.
- 희귀 질환 기업에 대한 투자가 개선되고 있지만 팬데믹 이전 수준에는 미치지 못하고 있습니다.

보고서는 2024년이 강력하게 마무리될 가능성이 있으며, 메가 거래, AI 활용 및 헬스케어 분야의 공개 시장 성과에서 오는 추진력이 있을 수 있다고 제안합니다.

Le rapport de mi-année 2024 de Silicon Valley Bank sur les investissements et les sorties dans le secteur de la santé révèle une année forte pour le biopharma et une augmentation constante des investissements en capital-risque dans le secteur de la santé. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- 89 % des fonds de capital-risque américains d'au moins $25M ont atteint leurs objectifs de collecte de fonds.
- 55 entreprises biopharma ont sécurisé des accords de $100M ou plus.
- La collecte de fonds en capital-risque a établi une nouvelle référence de légèrement moins de $20B levés par an.
- Plus de 25 % des entreprises de santé américaines clôturant des accords en capital-risque de $15M+ ont signalé des tours stables ou à la baisse.
- La première moitié de 2024 a été la plus importante pour les investissements en biopharma de série A depuis la première moitié de 2021.
- L'investissement dans les entreprises de maladies rares s'améliore mais reste inférieur aux niveaux d'avant-pandémie.

Le rapport suggère que 2024 pourrait se finir de manière forte, avec un potentiel d'élan provenant de méga-accords, de l'exploitation de l'IA et de la performance des marchés publics dans le secteur de la santé.

Der Bericht von Silicon Valley Bank über Investitionen und Exits im Gesundheitswesen zur Jahresmitte 2024 zeigt ein starkes Jahr für Biopharma und einen stetigen Anstieg der VC-Investitionen im Gesundheitssektor. Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

- 89% der US-VC-Fonds mit mindestens $25M haben ihre Fundraising-Ziele erreicht.
- 55 Biopharma-Unternehmen sicherten sich Deals von $100M oder mehr.
- Das Fundraising von VC hat eine neue Basis von knapp unter $20B pro Jahr gesetzt.
- Über 25% der US-Gesundheitsunternehmen, die VC-Deals von $15M+ abschlossen, berichteten von stabilen oder rückläufigen Runden.
- Die erste Hälfte von 2024 war das größte Halbjahr für Biopharma-Investitionen der Serie A seit der ersten Hälfte von 2021.
- Investitionen in Unternehmen, die sich mit seltenen Krankheiten befassen, verbessern sich, bleiben jedoch hinter den Niveaus vor der Pandemie zurück.

Der Bericht legt nahe, dass 2024 stark enden könnte, mit möglichem Schwung durch Mega-Deals, KI-Nutzung und die Leistung des öffentlichen Marktes im Gesundheitssektor.

  • 89% of US VC funds at or above $25M hit their fundraising targets, second-highest rate in history
  • 55 biopharma companies secured deals of $100M or more
  • VC fundraising established a new baseline of just under $20B raised per year
  • H1 2024 was the largest half for Series A biopharma investing since H1 2021
  • H1 2024 was the second strongest half for Series A healthtech investment since 2021
  • Over 25% of US healthcare companies closing VC deals of $15M+ reported flat or down rounds
  • Investment in rare disease companies ($508M in H1 2024) still falls behind pre-pandemic levels ($2.1B in 2019)
  • Later-stage healthtech companies with high pandemic-era valuations have generally fallen into a valuation trap
  • Challenging year for raising capital in the Dx/Tools sector


The report indicates a robust VC landscape in healthcare, with 89% of US VC funds meeting fundraising targets. This suggests strong investor confidence despite market volatility. The $20B annual baseline for VC fundraising represents a stabilization post-pandemic boom. However, the 25% of companies reporting flat or down rounds signals valuation pressures.

Biopharma's strong performance, particularly in Series A and mega-deals, indicates sustained interest in early-stage innovation and big bets on promising therapies. The healthtech sector's second-strongest Series A half since 2021 suggests continued digital transformation in healthcare. Investors' focus on profitability over growth reflects a shift towards sustainable business models, which could lead to more stable long-term investments in the sector.

The report highlights key trends shaping healthcare investment. The rise in rare disease funding, though not at pre-pandemic levels, indicates a renewed focus on niche markets. This could lead to breakthrough therapies and potential high-value exits. The emphasis on AI in healthcare suggests a tech-driven transformation of the industry, potentially improving efficiency and patient outcomes.

The valuation trap in later-stage healthtech companies is a cautionary tale for investors, emphasizing the need for realistic growth projections. The trend of fundraising for pivotal studies in medical devices points to a focus on de-risking investments through regulatory milestones. These shifts indicate a maturing market, where investors are becoming more discerning and strategic in their healthcare allocations.

The strong start for biopharma, particularly in Series A investments, signals continued innovation in drug development. The $508M invested in rare disease companies in H1 2024 suggests a growing interest in addressing unmet medical needs. This could lead to breakthrough therapies and potentially lucrative orphan drug designations.

The trend in medical device fundraising for pivotal studies indicates a push towards commercialization. This focus on late-stage development could accelerate the time-to-market for new medical technologies. In the diagnostics/tools sector, the emphasis on category-defining innovations suggests a potential for disruptive technologies that could reshape patient care and clinical decision-making. These trends collectively point to a dynamic and innovative healthcare landscape with significant potential for both medical advances and investment returns.

2024 shaping up to be a strong year for biopharma

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the first half of 2024, 89% of US venture capital (VC) funds at or above $25M hit their fundraising targets, marking the second-highest rate in history, according to the latest report from Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a division of First Citizens Bank. The 2024 report also found that the biopharma sector could be on track for a record-setting year after reaching high investment levels, particularly in larger deals, with 55 biopharma companies securing deals of $100M or more.

Leveraging 20 years of research and proprietary data analysis on healthcare venture trends, SVB's 2024 Mid-Year Healthcare Investments and Exits Report analyzes venture capital investing, fundraising and exit activity across the healthcare sector.

The latest report found that VC fundraising in the first half of the year has found its footing, with fundraising forming a new baseline of just under an estimated $20B raised per year. As valuations remain under increased scrutiny, more than 1 in 4 of US healthcare companies that closed a venture capital deal of at least $15M in 2024 reported a flat or down round, according to SVB. 

"Companies are still working to achieve growth that matches high pandemic-era valuations," said Jackie Spencer, Head of Relationship Management for Life Science and Healthcare Banking at Silicon Valley Bank and author of the report. "While each sector has its own story to tell, it's clear that 2024 activity shows investment in life sciences and healthcare is finding a path forward despite headwinds. With a continued focus on prioritizing profitability over growth and rationalizing valuations, we expect healthy and sustainable investment for the second half of the year." 

SVB's mid-year report also provides in-depth analysis for sectors across healthcare including biopharma, healthtech, medical device, diagnostics/tools (dx/tools). 

Key Findings: 

  • Biopharma: Private investment in biopharma had a strong start to the year, with H1 2024 being the largest half for Series A biopharma investing since H1 2021. Investment in rare disease companies ($508M in H1 2024) is on pace to improve from 2023, but still falls behind the dollars raised pre-pandemic ($2.1B in 2019).
  • Healthtech: H1 of 2024 was the second strongest half for Series A healthtech investment since 2021. For later-stage companies, those that received lofty valuations during the height of the pandemic healthtech bubble generally appear to have fallen into a valuation trap.
  • Medical Device: Fundraising to finance a pivotal study for regulatory approval is trending, and some companies have already gained capital due to business performance and acquisitions.
  • Dx/Tools: While it's been a challenging year raising capital for DX/Tools, investors are aiming to reduce the risks associated with innovation that drives value creation, seeking solutions that define new categories.
  • 2024 could finish on an upswing heading into next year, dependent on sectors capable of spurring market-wide momentum in the broader industry. These focus areas include healthcare companies landing mega deals ($100M+), leveraging AI, and performing well in the public markets.

Learn More 
Read the complete 2024 Mid-Year Healthcare Investments and Exits report here: Healthcare Investments and Exits Mid-Year Report | Silicon Valley Bank (

SVB is a leader in providing market insights on sectors across the innovation economy. For the complete library of SVB's signature reports, please visit Market Research Industry Trends & Insights | Silicon Valley Bank (

About Silicon Valley Bank 
Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a division of First Citizens Bank, is the bank of some of the world's most innovative companies and investors. SVB provides commercial and private banking to individuals and companies in the technology, life science and healthcare, private equity, venture capital, and premium wine industries. SVB operates in centers of innovation throughout the United States, serving the unique needs of its dynamic clients with deep sector expertise, insights, and connections. SVB's parent company, First Citizens BancShares, Inc. (NASDAQ: FCNCA), is a top 20 U.S. financial institution with more than $200 billion in assets. First Citizens Bank, Member FDIC. Learn more at 

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What percentage of US VC funds hit their fundraising targets in H1 2024?

89% of US venture capital funds at or above $25M hit their fundraising targets in the first half of 2024, marking the second-highest rate in history.

How many biopharma companies secured deals of $100M or more in H1 2024?

55 biopharma companies secured deals of $100M or more in the first half of 2024.

What is the new baseline for VC fundraising in healthcare according to the SVB report?

The report indicates that VC fundraising has established a new baseline of just under an estimated $20 billion raised per year.

How did Series A biopharma investing perform in H1 2024?

H1 2024 was the largest half for Series A biopharma investing since H1 2021, indicating strong performance in this sector.

What percentage of US healthcare companies reported flat or down rounds in 2024?

More than 1 in 4 (over 25%) of US healthcare companies that closed a venture capital deal of at least $15M in 2024 reported a flat or down round.

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