FTI Consulting Adds Geopolitical Expert Jens Paulus as a Senior Managing Director

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FTI Consulting has appointed Jens Paulus as a Senior Managing Director in the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment. Based in Berlin, Paulus brings over 20 years of experience advising on risk, compliance, and geopolitical matters. He will help clients develop strategies to navigate global megatrends and disruptions while fostering resilience and growth.

Renato Fazzone, Leader of FTI Consulting in the DACH region, emphasized the importance of addressing geopolitical risks for international companies. Rory O'Brien, Head of EMEA Forensic and Litigation Consulting, highlighted Paulus' expertise as important in today's complex business environment.

Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Paulus was a Partner at PwC and held leadership roles at EY and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. His appointment follows recent additions to FTI Consulting's German practice, including Stefan Van Thienen, Harald Hertel, and Dr. Stefan Heissner.

FTI Consulting ha nominato Jens Paulus come Senior Managing Director nel segmento di Consulenza Forense e Contenzioso. Con sede a Berlino, Paulus porta con sé oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel consulenza su rischi, conformità e questioni geopolitiche. Aiuterà i clienti a sviluppare strategie per affrontare i megatrend globali e le perturbazioni, promuovendo al contempo resilienza e crescita.

Renato Fazzone, Leader di FTI Consulting nella regione DACH, ha sottolineato l'importanza di affrontare i rischi geopolitici per le aziende internazionali. Rory O'Brien, Responsabile della Consulenza Forense e Contenzioso per EMEA, ha evidenziato l'expertise di Paulus come fondamentale nell'attuale complesso ambiente aziendale.

Prima di unirsi a FTI Consulting, Paulus è stato Partner presso PwC e ha ricoperto ruoli dirigenziali in EY e presso la Fondazione Konrad Adenauer. La sua nomina arriva dopo recenti aggiunte alla pratica tedesca di FTI Consulting, tra cui Stefan Van Thienen, Harald Hertel e il Dr. Stefan Heissner.

FTI Consulting ha nombrado a Jens Paulus como Director Gerente Senior en el segmento de Consultoría Forense y de Litigios. Con sede en Berlín, Paulus aporta más de 20 años de experiencia asesorando sobre riesgos, cumplimiento y asuntos geopolíticos. Ayudará a los clientes a desarrollar estrategias para navegar las megatendencias y perturbaciones globales, fomentando a su vez la resiliencia y el crecimiento.

Renato Fazzone, Líder de FTI Consulting en la región DACH, enfatizó la importancia de abordar los riesgos geopolíticos para las empresas internacionales. Rory O'Brien, Jefe de Consultoría Forense y de Litigios para EMEA, destacó la experiencia de Paulus como fundamental en el complejo entorno empresarial actual.

Antes de unirse a FTI Consulting, Paulus fue Socio en PwC y ocupó roles de liderazgo en EY y en la Fundación Konrad Adenauer. Su nombramiento sigue a recientes incorporaciones a la práctica alemana de FTI Consulting, incluidos Stefan Van Thienen, Harald Hertel y el Dr. Stefan Heissner.

FTI Consulting옌스 파울루스를 포렌식 및 소송 컨설팅 부문의 수석 관리 이사로 임명했습니다. 베를린에 본사를 둔 파울루스는 위험, 준수 및 지정학적 문제에 대한 20년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그는 고객이 글로벌 메가트렌드 및 혼란을 탐색하는 전략을 개발하는 데 도움을 주며, 회복력과 성장을 촉진할 것입니다.

DACH 지역의 FTI Consulting 리더인 레나토 파조네는 국제 기업을 위한 지정학적 위험을 해결하는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다. EMEA 포렌식 및 소송 컨설팅 부서 책임자 로리 오브라이언은 오늘날 복잡한 비즈니스 환경에서 파울루스의 전문성이 중요하다고 언급했습니다.

FTI Consulting에 합류하기 전, 파울루스는 PwC의 파트너로 활동했으며 EY 및 콘라드 아데나우어 재단에서도 리더십 역할을 맡았습니다. 그의 임명은 스테판 반 티넨, 하랄드 헤르텔, 그리고 드. 스테판 하이스너를 포함한 최근 FTI Consulting의 독일 사무소 추가에 따른 것입니다.

FTI Consulting a nommé Jens Paulus en tant que Directeur Général Senior dans le segment de la Conseil Forensic et du Contentieux. Basé à Berlin, Paulus apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience en conseil sur les risques, la conformité et les enjeux géopolitiques. Il aidera les clients à développer des stratégies pour naviguer à travers les mégatrends et les perturbations mondiales tout en favorisant la résilience et la croissance.

Renato Fazzone, Leader de FTI Consulting dans la région DACH, a souligné l'importance de traiter les risques géopolitiques pour les entreprises internationales. Rory O'Brien, Responsable de la Conseil Forensic et du Contentieux pour la région EMEA, a mis en avant l'expertise de Paulus comme étant essentielle dans l'environnement commercial complexe d'aujourd'hui.

Avant de rejoindre FTI Consulting, Paulus était associé chez PwC et a occupé des postes de direction chez EY et à la Fondation Konrad Adenauer. Sa nomination fait suite à des ajouts récents à la pratique allemande de FTI Consulting, comprenant Stefan Van Thienen, Harald Hertel et Dr. Stefan Heissner.

FTI Consulting hat Jens Paulus zum Senior Managing Director im Bereich Forensik und Streitbeilegung ernannt. Mit Sitz in Berlin bringt Paulus über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung zu Risiken, Compliance und geopolitischen Angelegenheiten mit. Er wird den Kunden helfen, Strategien zu entwickeln, um globale Megatrends und Störungen zu navigieren, während er gleichzeitig Resilienz und Wachstum fördert.

Renato Fazzone, Leiter von FTI Consulting in der DACH-Region, betonte die Bedeutung der Auseinandersetzung mit geopolitischen Risiken für internationale Unternehmen. Rory O'Brien, Leiter der Forensik- und Streitbeilegung für EMEA, hob die Expertise von Paulus als wichtig im heutigen komplexen Geschäftsumfeld hervor.

Vor seinem Eintritt bei FTI Consulting war Paulus Partner bei PwC und hatte Führungspositionen bei EY und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung inne. Seine Ernennung folgt auf die jüngsten Erweiterungen der deutschen Praxis von FTI Consulting, darunter Stefan Van Thienen, Harald Hertel und Dr. Stefan Heissner.

  • None.
  • None.

FRANKFURT, Germany, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the appointment of Jens Paulus as a Senior Managing Director in the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment.

Mr. Paulus, who is based in Berlin, has advised corporate and public clients on a wide range of risk, compliance and geopolitical-related matters for more than 20 years. In his role at FTI Consulting, he will help clients develop strategies to navigate disruption and global megatrends, such as climate change and social instability, while also developing plans for resilience and growth.

“Today’s geopolitical changes pose major risks for the investments and operational activities of international companies,” said Renato Fazzone, a Senior Managing Director and Leader of FTI Consulting in the Germany, Switzerland and Austria (“DACH”) region. “As the leading business consultancy for clients facing crisis or transformation, we are committed to helping clients safely navigate these risks and make the most of emerging opportunities. Jens is a renowned geopolitical expert across German-speaking countries. I am delighted to welcome him to FTI Consulting, where he will add significant value to our clients.”

Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Paulus was a Partner at PwC. He previously held a similar leadership role at EY and was Head of the Europe and North America department of the German think tank Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

“Clients rely on FTI Consulting for our comprehensive expertise in critical forensic, investigative, regulatory and compliance matters,” said Rory O’Brien, a Senior Managing Director and Head of the EMEA Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment at FTI Consulting. “Our reputation is built on our ability to attract top-tier experts such as Jens, whose unique skill set perfectly aligns with the complex challenges of today’s business environment. In an era where security, the rule of law and geopolitical risk are more crucial than ever, Jens’ expertise will be invaluable.”

Mr. Paulus’ arrival further strengthens the firm’s German practice following the recent appointment of Senior Managing Director Stefan Van Thienen in the Business Transformation practice within the Corporate Finance and Restructuring segment, Managing Director Harald Hertel in the Cybersecurity practice within the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment and Senior Managing Director and Chair of the DACH Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment Dr. Stefan Heissner.

Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Paulus said, “As we witness the end of the German and European model that has driven economic success over the past 30 years, the global landscape is shifting in ways that demand a new level of strategic foresight. Geopolitical risks—from energy transitions to supply chain vulnerabilities and regulatory change—are redefining how businesses operate. I look forward to offering tailored insights and strategies to help our clients successfully navigate the complexities that define our times.”

About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organisations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political and regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting’s services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalised and independently managed. For more information, visit

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London, EC1A 4HD

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Mollie Hawkes

Media Contact:
Helen Obi
+44 20 7632 5071

Reinhard Moch 
+ 49 170 55 39 838 


Who is Jens Paulus and what is his new role at FTI Consulting (FCN)?

Jens Paulus is a geopolitical expert who has been appointed as a Senior Managing Director in FTI Consulting's Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment. Based in Berlin, he will help clients develop strategies to navigate global disruptions and megatrends.

What experience does Jens Paulus bring to FTI Consulting (FCN)?

Jens Paulus brings over 20 years of experience advising corporate and public clients on risk, compliance, and geopolitical-related matters. He previously held partner positions at PwC and EY, and was Head of the Europe and North America department at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

How does Jens Paulus' appointment strengthen FTI Consulting's (FCN) German practice?

Paulus' appointment strengthens FTI Consulting's German practice by adding expertise in geopolitical risks and strategic foresight. His addition follows recent appointments of other senior experts in Business Transformation, Cybersecurity, and Forensic and Litigation Consulting in the DACH region.

What geopolitical challenges will Jens Paulus address at FTI Consulting (FCN)?

Jens Paulus will address geopolitical challenges such as energy transitions, supply chain vulnerabilities, and regulatory changes. He will offer tailored insights and strategies to help clients navigate the complexities of the shifting global landscape and the end of the traditional German and European economic model.

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