FuelCell Energy and Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd Collaborate under a Joint Development Agreement for Detailed Feasibility Study Award for Low-Carbon Fuel Production Facility in Malaysia
FuelCell Energy (FCEL) and Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MHB) have signed a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) to co-develop large-scale hydrogen production systems across Asia, New Zealand, and Australia. The collaboration builds on their February 2023 memorandum of understanding.
The partnership combines FuelCell Energy's solid oxide electrolyzer (SOEC) technology with MHB's large-scale fabrication expertise to develop modular solutions for commercial hydrogen production. Additionally, FuelCell Energy has been awarded a Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS) contract for a low-carbon fuel production facility in Malaysia, utilizing SOEC technology with carbon dioxide and water as feedstocks. The project will incorporate KBR 's proprietary low-carbon fuel synthesis technology.
This initiative aligns with Malaysia's goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 while advancing its national hydrogen value chain.
FuelCell Energy (FCEL) e Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MHB) hanno firmato un Accordo di Sviluppo Congiunto (JDA) per co-sviluppare sistemi di produzione di idrogeno su larga scala in Asia, Nuova Zelanda e Australia. Questa collaborazione si basa sul memorandum di intesa del febbraio 2023.
Il partenariato combina la tecnologia dell'elettrolizzatore a ossido solido (SOEC) di FuelCell Energy con l'esperienza di MHB nella fabbricazione su larga scala per sviluppare soluzioni modulari per la produzione commerciale di idrogeno. Inoltre, FuelCell Energy ha ricevuto un contratto per uno Studio di Fattibilità Dettagliato (DFS) per un impianto di produzione di combustibili a basse emissioni di carbonio in Malaysia, utilizzando la tecnologia SOEC con anidride carbonica e acqua come materie prime. Il progetto integrerà la tecnologia proprietaria di sintesi di combustibili a basse emissioni di carbonio di KBR.
Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'obiettivo della Malaysia di raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette zero entro il 2050, promuovendo al contempo la propria catena del valore dell'idrogeno.
FuelCell Energy (FCEL) y Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MHB) han firmado un Acuerdo de Desarrollo Conjunto (JDA) para co-desarrollar sistemas de producción de hidrógeno a gran escala en Asia, Nueva Zelanda y Australia. Esta colaboración se basa en el memorando de entendimiento de febrero de 2023.
La asociación combina la tecnología del electrolizador de óxido sólido (SOEC) de FuelCell Energy con la experiencia de MHB en fabricación a gran escala para desarrollar soluciones modulares para la producción comercial de hidrógeno. Además, FuelCell Energy ha sido adjudicada un contrato para un Estudio de Viabilidad Detallado (DFS) para una instalación de producción de combustibles de bajo carbono en Malasia, utilizando tecnología SOEC con dióxido de carbono y agua como materias primas. El proyecto incorporará la tecnología de síntesis de combustibles de bajo carbono de KBR.
Esta iniciativa se alinea con el objetivo de Malasia de alcanzar emisiones netas de carbono cero para 2050, al tiempo que avanza en su cadena de valor del hidrógeno.
퓨얼셀 에너지 (FCEL)와 말레이시아 해양 중공업 (MHB)은 아시아, 뉴질랜드 및 호주 전역에서 대규모 수소 생산 시스템을 공동 개발하기 위한 공동 개발 협약 (JDA)에 서명했습니다. 이 협력은 2023년 2월의 양해각서를 기반으로 합니다.
이번 파트너십은 퓨얼셀 에너지의 고체 산화물 전해조 (SOEC) 기술와 MHB의 대규모 제작 전문성을 결합하여 상업용 수소 생산을 위한 모듈형 솔루션을 개발합니다. 또한, 퓨얼셀 에너지는 SOEC 기술을 활용하여 이산화탄소와 물을 원료로 하는 말레이시아의 저탄소 연료 생산 시설을 위한 상세 타당성 조사 (DFS) 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 KBR의 독점 저탄소 연료 합성 기술을 통합할 것입니다.
이 이니셔티브는 말레이시아가 2050년까지 탄소 배출량을 넷 제로로 달성하려는 목표와 일치하며, 국가 수소 가치 사슬을 발전시키는 데 기여합니다.
FuelCell Energy (FCEL) et Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MHB) ont signé un Accord de Développement Commun (JDA) pour co-développer des systèmes de production d'hydrogène à grande échelle en Asie, en Nouvelle-Zélande et en Australie. Cette collaboration s'appuie sur le protocole d'accord de février 2023.
Le partenariat combine la technologie de l'électrolyseur à oxyde solide (SOEC) de FuelCell Energy avec l'expertise de MHB en fabrication à grande échelle pour développer des solutions modulaires pour la production commerciale d'hydrogène. De plus, FuelCell Energy a obtenu un contrat pour une Étude de Faisabilité Détailée (DFS) pour une installation de production de combustibles à faible émission de carbone en Malaisie, utilisant la technologie SOEC avec du dioxyde de carbone et de l'eau comme matières premières. Le projet intégrera la technologie de synthèse de combustibles à faible émission de carbone de KBR.
Cette initiative s'aligne avec l'objectif de la Malaisie d'atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles d'ici 2050 tout en faisant progresser sa chaîne de valeur de l'hydrogène.
FuelCell Energy (FCEL) und Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MHB) haben eine Gemeinsame Entwicklungsvereinbarung (JDA) unterzeichnet, um großangelegte Wasserstoffproduktionssysteme in Asien, Neuseeland und Australien gemeinsam zu entwickeln. Die Zusammenarbeit basiert auf dem Memorandum of Understanding von Februar 2023.
Die Partnerschaft kombiniert die Technologie des Festoxid-Elektrolyseurs (SOEC) von FuelCell Energy mit der Expertise von MHB in der großflächigen Fertigung, um modulare Lösungen für die kommerzielle Wasserstoffproduktion zu entwickeln. Darüber hinaus wurde FuelCell Energy ein Detaillierte Machbarkeitsstudie (DFS)-Vertrag für eine Anlage zur Produktion von kohlenstoffarmen Brennstoffen in Malaysia erteilt, die SOEC-Technologie mit Kohlendioxid und Wasser als Rohstoffen nutzt. Das Projekt wird die proprietäre Technologie von KBR zur Synthese kohlenstoffarmer Brennstoffe integrieren.
Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel Malaysias, bis 2050 Netto-Null-Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen und gleichzeitig die nationale Wasserstoff-Wertschöpfungskette voranzutreiben.
- Strategic expansion into Asian hydrogen market
- Contract award for Detailed Feasibility Study in Malaysia
- Partnership with established manufacturer MHB for scaling operations
- None.
FuelCell Energy's Joint Development Agreement (JDA) with Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering represents a strategic expansion of their international commercialization efforts for hydrogen production technology. This agreement advances their February 2023 memorandum of understanding into a formal collaboration framework targeting markets across Asia, New Zealand, and Australia.
The immediate tangible outcome is a contract award for a Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS) evaluating a low-carbon fuel production facility in Malaysia using FCEL's solid oxide electrolyzer (SOEC) technology. The project's technical approach is noteworthy - utilizing carbon dioxide and water as feedstocks potentially enables both hydrogen production and carbon utilization in a single process.
The collaboration structure leverages complementary capabilities: FCEL provides advanced SOEC technology while MMHE contributes large-scale fabrication expertise. Additionally, KBR 's involvement adds proprietary synthesis technology to convert hydrogen into higher-value synthetic fuels.
For a company with FCEL's market capitalization (
However, investors should recognize this remains preliminary - the current scope is to a feasibility study rather than confirmed facility construction. The announcement lacks financial details regarding the DFS contract value and timeline for potential facility development, making near-term revenue impact difficult to quantify.
This JDA between FuelCell Energy and Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering represents a strategic positioning move in the emerging low-carbon fuels market rather than an immediate revenue catalyst. While progressing beyond the earlier MOU stage indicates commercial traction, the materiality for FCEL investors hinges on future developments beyond this feasibility study.
The technical approach merits attention - SOEC technology for converting CO2 and water into syngas represents a differentiated method compared to traditional electrolysis systems focused solely on hydrogen production. By incorporating carbon utilization, this addresses both hydrogen production and carbon management challenges simultaneously.
The collaboration structure intelligently addresses FCEL's scale limitations. For a
Malaysia serves as a strategic entry point to broader Asian markets with its established energy infrastructure and net-zero commitments. However, the competitive landscape for low-carbon fuel projects remains intense, with much larger players investing heavily in alternative pathways.
For investors, this represents incremental positive momentum in FCEL's commercialization journey, but remains at the pre-revenue stage for this specific initiative. Without disclosed financial terms or timeline commitments for facility development, the near-term impact is primarily strategic positioning rather than material financial contribution.
DANBURY, Conn. and KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
- The collaborative journey for both FuelCell Energy and MHB started with a memorandum of understanding in February 2023 on developing hydrogen production facilities across Asia, New Zealand, and Australia.
- The collaboration, under the Joint Development Agreement, will support a Detailed Feasibility Study for a low-carbon fuel production1 facility using solid oxide electrolysis (SOEC)2 technology with carbon dioxide and water as feedstocks in Malaysia.
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FCEL) and Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMHE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Berhad (KLSE: MHB), have announced the signing of a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) to co-develop large-scale hydrogen production systems and technologies across Asia, New Zealand, and Australia.
Building on a memorandum of understanding signed in February 2023, the JDA represents a pivotal step for the two companies, driven by a shared vision to make clean hydrogen production easily accessible and viable. The collaboration underscores FuelCell Energy and MHB’s commitment to advancing green energy solutions and supporting global decarbonization and energy transition goals.
Under the terms of the JDA, the two companies will bring together FuelCell Energy’s cutting-edge solid oxide electrolyzer (SOEC) technology and MHB’s expertise in large-scale fabrication to develop modular solutions that support rapid deployment of commercial hydrogen production.
Project Award: Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS) in Malaysia
In conjunction with the JDA, FuelCell Energy and MHB are collaborating to support a contract awarded to FuelCell Energy for a Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS) of a low-carbon fuel production facility in Malaysia. The DFS will evaluate the production of low-carbon fuel utilizing SOEC technology with carbon dioxide and water as feedstocks.
Additionally, as part of the DFS, the companies will collaborate with KBR LLC, which will provide its proprietary low-carbon fuel synthesis technology.
The project aligns with Malaysia’s goals to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, while advancing its national hydrogen value chain.
Quotes by the CEOs
FuelCell Energy President and CEO, Jason Few, commented, "Our collaboration with MHB is a significant step forward in establishing our place in the hydrogen and low carbon fuels market, showing our global reach and demonstrating our ability to scale up for large-scale projects through strategic collaborations in a variety of industries.”
MHB Managing Director and CEO, Mohd Nazir Mohd Nor, said, “We are pleased to continue our collaboration with FuelCell Energy as we take another step forward in developing the hydrogen value chain in Malaysia. Building on our earlier efforts, this partnership highlights our readiness to take on larger-scale projects.
He added, “By leveraging MHB’s extensive fabrication capabilities and FuelCell Energy’s innovative SOEC technology, we aim to deliver real, scalable solutions that can attract strong stakeholder support and drive progress in the energy transition. This ongoing effort reflects our commitment to contributing towards a cleaner, low-carbon future.”
Notes to Editors
- Low-Carbon Fuel Production: A proprietary process that converts hydrogen (as a result of the SOEC process in this case) and carbon monoxide into synthetic fuels, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional fuels.
- Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOEC): An advanced technology that uses electricity to split steam into hydrogen and oxygen, with the hydrogen used as a feedstock to further process into low-carbon fuels.
About FuelCell Energy
FuelCell Energy, a pioneer in clean energy technology, provides efficient and sustainable power, carbon capture, and hydrogen solutions worldwide. The company’s fuel cells have been in commercial operation for more than 20 years and are able to run on various fuels including natural gas, hydrogen, and biofuel. The company’s installations have a wide variety of applications, including support of the electric grid, distributed baseload power on site for data centers, industrial operations, and major manufacturers. Founded in 1969 in Danbury, Connecticut, FuelCell Energy holds more than 530 patents that enable solutions for today’s energy needs. Learn more about our groundbreaking technology at fuelcellenergy.com. Learn more about FuelCell Energy’s electrolyzer here.
FuelCell Energy
Kathleen Blomquist
About MHB
Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Berhad (MHB) is a globally trusted energy and marine solutions provider for a wide range of offshore and onshore facilities and vessels.
With an illustrious 50-year history of proven excellence and a reputation for delivering integrated solutions to international energy clients, we operate the largest fabrication yard in Malaysia and one of the largest in Southeast Asia. Our specialisation lies in energy offshore construction, including deepwater facilities, marine repair, conversion services, and marine refurbishment, with a niche focus on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers.
Today, MHB is at the forefront of the green energy revolution, spearheading initiatives in renewable energy and decarbonisation. Leveraging our extensive expertise, we construct carbon capture facilities, advanced offshore wind farm substations, and provide fabrication services for green hydrogen facilities, supporting our clients’ aspirations for cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions.
Our capabilities and track record in summary:
- Full range engineering, procurement, construction, installation & commissioning (EPCIC) services for offshore structures.
- Complete offshore facility conversion services in one location.
- Comprehensive ship repair, refurbishment, upgrading and life extension of various types of vessels and rigs.
For more information, kindly contact MHB Corporate Communications:
Nor Mariam Mohd Nazir
Hp: +6012 341 9494
Email: nor.mariam@mmhe.com.my
Farah Nabilah Mohd Azman
Hp: +6011 2634 2915
Email: farah.nabilah@mmhe.com.my
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/53587c5c-36ce-4fc5-bad4-da812c834e80

What is the scope of the Joint Development Agreement between FuelCell Energy (FCEL) and MHB?
What technology will FCEL use in the Malaysian low-carbon fuel production facility?
When did FCEL and MHB initially begin their collaboration?