Interview with Spectral’s Sean Brehm on DQLDB the Vogon Cloud
Spectral Capital (OTCQB:FCCN) Chairman Sean Brehm discusses the company's Vogon DQLDB, a decentralized quantum ledger database system. The technology aims to transform financial markets by placing human identity at the center of commercial transactions. The system indexes all market activities using MSCI's GICS standards, categorizing transactions into industry classifications while maintaining individual data privacy through post-quantum cryptography. Vogon DQLDB is designed to provide transparency similar to the 1792 Buttonwood Agreement, allowing users to maintain custody of their data while enabling regulatory oversight and high-frequency transaction processing.
Spectral Capital (OTCQB:FCCN) il Presidente Sean Brehm discute del Vogon DQLDB, un sistema di database a registro quantistico decentralizzato. Questa tecnologia mira a trasformare i mercati finanziari ponendo l'identità umana al centro delle transazioni commerciali. Il sistema indicizza tutte le attività di mercato utilizzando gli standard GICS di MSCI, categorizzando le transazioni in classificazioni industriali mentre mantiene la privacy dei dati individuali attraverso la crittografia post-quantistica. Il Vogon DQLDB è progettato per fornire trasparenza simile a quella dell'Accordo di Buttonwood del 1792, consentendo agli utenti di mantenere la custodia dei loro dati, permettendo nel contempo una supervisione normativa e l'elaborazione di transazioni ad alta frequenza.
Spectral Capital (OTCQB:FCCN) el presidente Sean Brehm discute sobre el Vogon DQLDB, un sistema de base de datos de libro mayor cuántico descentralizado. La tecnología busca transformar los mercados financieros ubicando la identidad humana en el centro de las transacciones comerciales. El sistema indexa todas las actividades del mercado utilizando los estándares GICS de MSCI, clasificando las transacciones en categorías industriales mientras mantiene la privacidad de los datos individuales a través de la criptografía post-cuántica. El Vogon DQLDB está diseñado para proporcionar transparencia similar al Acuerdo de Buttonwood de 1792, permitiendo a los usuarios mantener la custodia de sus datos al tiempo que facilita la supervisión regulatoria y el procesamiento de transacciones de alta frecuencia.
스펙트럴 캐피탈 (OTCQB:FCCN) 의장 Sean Brehm은 분산형 양자 원장 데이터베이스 시스템인 Vogon DQLDB에 대해 논의합니다. 이 기술은 상업 거래의 중심에 인간의 정체성을 두어 금융 시장을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 시스템은 MSCI의 GICS 기준을 사용하여 모든 시장 활동을 색인화하고, 전후방량자 암호화를 통해 개별 데이터의 프라이버시를 유지하면서 거래를 산업 분류로 분류합니다. Vogon DQLDB는 1792년의 버튼우드 협정과 유사한 투명성을 제공하도록 설계되어, 사용자가 자신의 데이터에 대한 권리를 유지하면서 규제 감독과 고빈도 거래 처리가 가능하도록 합니다.
Spectral Capital (OTCQB:FCCN) Le président Sean Brehm aborde le Vogon DQLDB, un système de base de données de registre quantique décentralisé. La technologie vise à transformer les marchés financiers en plaçant l'identité humaine au centre des transactions commerciales. Le système indexe toutes les activités du marché en utilisant les normes GICS de MSCI, classifiant les transactions dans des classifications sectorielles tout en préservant la confidentialité des données individuelles grâce à la cryptographie post-quantique. Vogon DQLDB est conçu pour fournir une transparence similaire à celle de l'Accord de Buttonwood de 1792, permettant aux utilisateurs de conserver la garde de leurs données tout en facilitant la surveillance réglementaire et le traitement des transactions à haute fréquence.
Spectral Capital (OTCQB:FCCN) Vorsitzender Sean Brehm spricht über die Vogon DQLDB, ein dezentrales Quantendatenbanksystem. Die Technologie zielt darauf ab, die Finanzmärkte zu transformieren, indem die menschliche Identität in den Mittelpunkt kommerzieller Transaktionen gestellt wird. Das System indiziert alle Marktaktivitäten unter Verwendung der GICS-Standards von MSCI und kategorisiert Transaktionen in Branchenklassifikationen, während die individuelle Datenschutz durch post-quanten Kryptographie gewahrt bleibt. Vogon DQLDB ist darauf ausgelegt, Transparenz ähnlich der Buttonwood-Vereinbarung von 1792 zu bieten und es den Nutzern zu ermöglichen, das Eigentum an ihren Daten zu behalten, während gleichzeitig regulatorische Aufsicht und Hochfrequenztransaktionsverarbeitung ermöglicht wird.
- Development of innovative decentralized quantum ledger database system
- Implementation of MSCI's GICS standards for transaction categorization
- Advanced data encryption and post-quantum cryptography features
- High-frequency transaction processing capabilities
- Potential for regulatory compliance and market oversight improvements
- System still in development phase without proven market implementation
- Pending regulatory approvals and alignments
- Requires widespread adoption for effective market impact
SEATTLE, WA / ACCESSWIRE / November 12, 2024 / Spectral Capital (OTCQB:FCCN), FCCN Spectral Capital's Chairman, Sean Brehm shares insights into Spectral's DQLDB and The Vogon Cloud. Spectral Capital Group a leading innovator in decentralized cloud technology and advanced quantum ledger solutions outlines its vision for Spectral's Vogon DQLDB with Plato Data Intelligence's Bryan Feinberg.

Bryan Feinberg:: "Sean, I saw your post on X about Vogon DQLDB and its potential to transform financial systems. You mentioned the importance of human identity at the heart of commercial and capital markets. Can you explain what drives this vision?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "At the heart of every market transaction is human identity-the sum of each individual's daily contributions to the commercial world. This goes beyond financial exchanges; it's about our choices, our interactions, and our values reflected in the economy. Our Vogon DQLDB is built with this central idea: each person's activity-whether buying, selling, or investing-is a piece of a larger narrative. By indexing these contributions using MSCI's GICS standards, we categorize each transaction into primary, secondary, and tertiary subindustries, which provides a transparent, honest representation of our roles in the market. This kind of system gives people credit for the economic impact they bring."
Bryan Feinberg: "So, if I understand correctly, Vogon DQLDB is like a giant record-keeper that recognizes each person's economic actions-whether I buy coffee, invest, or sell a used phone-as meaningful contributions. It tags each action to specific industries, showing that each of us is part of the economic story. Does that mean we'd all have a role in the markets beyond just being consumers? Am I understanding that right, Sean?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "Each transaction you make isn't just about the money; it's about showing your unique place and contribution in the economy regardless if you are in Boston or Botswana. By tagging actions to sub industries, we're essentially writing a story where every participant is an author, making the market more inclusive and giving a clear picture of everyone's impact. You're not just a consumer; you're a contributor to the system's transparency and stability. Today your data is sold to others that do that and you don't get any of the credit. Moving forward you remain the custodian of your data, meaning you control how it's accessed and used within the system."
Bryan Feinberg: "You mentioned that this indexing could make Vogon DQLDB a modern version of the Buttonwood Agreement, returning transparency to the markets. How does that transparency affect market stability and honesty?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "Our team is passionate about returning global markets to the transparency that the Buttonwood Agreement symbolized back in 1792. Back then, agreements were based on mutual accountability and a shared framework. By indexing each person's contributions and categorizing transactions transparently, Vogon DQLDB restores a sense of trust. It shows how individual contributions make up the foundation of commercial and capital markets. This visibility helps create a more stable system, where people know their daily actions, large or small, are recorded and valued. It's a fundamental shift back to the ethos of fair and open markets."
Bryan Feinberg: "This sounds like a fair trade simplification engine where people could see the full picture, with everyone's contributions kept out in the open, so it's clear how they matter. Would this make it harder for anyone to ‘game' the system?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "It is all about fair trade and putting the human identity where it belongs: At the center of commercial and capital markets. Just like in the original Buttonwood Agreement, people would understand how their actions impact the system and trust that they're being accounted for honestly. By making everything visible, we're closing loopholes that might allow manipulations, making it easier for everyone to see the real, fair value of their contributions. Additionally, Vogon DQLDB employs advanced data encryption to protect individual data, so each person's data is secure while remaining visible for regulatory and systemic oversight."
Bryan Feinberg: "Indexing transactions with the GICS standards is an innovative idea. Can you explain how this process works within DQLDB?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "When someone makes a transaction, Vogon DQLDB automatically categorizes it according to MSCI's GICS standards, tagging it to a primary, secondary, and tertiary subindustry. This indexing means that every action-sale, investment, or trade-gets transparently attributed within the market. DQLDB essentially creates a ledger transaction and a transparent, user-owned database organized as coalitions, where the impact of each transaction is visible and accountable. Individuals maintain custodianship over their data, meaning they can access, review, and even limit how this data is used in certain contexts. Their identity is protected by post quantum cryptography. This way, we see exactly where your human effort drives the market and how industries connect to individual and collective activity. It's a level of granularity in understanding our economic footprint that's never been possible before and because you remain anonymous, it drives the value of your data up further."
Bryan Feinberg: "If I buy something, the system tags that purchase based on what industry it falls into-like ‘Food and Drink' if I buy lunch or ‘Tech' if I buy a laptop. By tracking all my activities this way, DQLDB builds a clear picture of which industries are thriving or struggling based on my actions. Would it be like a mirror reflecting where I am putting all my money and time?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "It's exactly that-a mirror reflecting our individual and collective choices that drive the economy. It provides an accurate picture of which industries matter most based on individual actions. Plus, it helps both individuals and businesses make informed choices by showing how their economic footprint interacts with market trends."
Bryan Feinberg: "You've talked about Vogon DQLDB supporting regulatory compliance. How does this focus on human identity and transaction visibility play out for financial oversight?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "With Vogon DQLDB, regulators get a transparent, unbiased view of the market's structure, right down to individual contributions. Each transaction reflects an identity within its industry, showing patterns that could reveal stability or potential risks. For example, if regulators notice a concentration of activity in specific sectors or a sudden shift in consumer behavior, they can respond proactively. This visibility helps create honest markets where contributions aren't hidden or obscured but instead provide a stable foundation for economic oversight. We're also in discussions with financial regulatory bodies to align our approach with industry standards, ensuring Vogon DQLDB can meet compliance requirements globally. It's about building a fairer market system that operates with each participant's best interests in mind."
Bryan Feinberg: "The DQLDB essentially lets regulators ‘see' the entire market more clearly-like a map that shows where all the action is happening and helps them spot risky trends early on. How does this make it easier to keep the market stable and safe for everyone?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "Now, with the Vogon DQLDB, regulators have a map to follow the action across sectors and industries in real time. They can react faster to shifts, and this creates a stable environment where everyone's interests are protected. By enhancing transparency, we're also limiting opportunities for shady practices to slip through the cracks."
Bryan Feinberg: "Your post also touched on high-frequency transactions. How does the Vogon DQLDB balance technical efficiency with personal, transparent data representation?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "Vogon is designed for both speed and integrity. With our epoch-based structuring and VMerkelPairs, it handles high-frequency data while preserving each transaction's unique identity. Every data entry in the ledger-database is preserved with its industry attribution, creating a clear, real-time trail of our daily economic footprint. This is essential for creating an open, honest system where people see how their actions contribute to the broader economy. Vogon DQLDB doesn't just record transactions-it reflects them back as part of a shared economic narrative, helping people feel involved while also using energy-efficient processes that reduce its carbon footprint. This way, we support both high transaction speeds and environmental responsibility."
Interviewer "So, the technology is fast enough to handle lots of transactions per second, but it doesn't lose track of what each transaction actually represents. Is it fair to say that, even though the system processes everything at high speed, it still keeps a ‘personal touch' by showing the meaning behind each transaction and keeping it secure?"
Sean Michael Brehm: " Even though it's fast, DQLDB is about showing how each one of your transactions-or organizational transactions-fits into the bigger picture. It does so security. Every action is recorded in a way that preserves its importance, so we see not just numbers but the real, human impact behind them and how businesses and governments use them responsibly."
Bryan Feinberg: "Hearing about this focus on human identity, how do you see Vogon DQLDB impacting financial interactions for everyday people?"
Sean Michael Brehm: "At Spectral Capital, we believe it represents a shift from seeing markets as abstract entities to understanding them as a community of individual identities and choices. For the first time, people can see themselves in the market, with their transactions categorized transparently and their contributions valued. This return to transparency and inclusivity builds trust, making financial systems more accessible and relatable. Imagine a world where each person knows their economic role and sees their efforts contributing to market stability. We're also launching pilot programs in the retail and banking sectors to illustrate this vision, making the market feel less distant and helping people see how their choices influence the system."
Bryan Feinberg: "I guess another way to look at this is that Vogon DQLDB will help people feel like they really matter in the financial system. Instead of the market being this distant, mysterious thing, we'd all see our own impact, and it would help us feel more involved.
Sean Michael Brehm: "Yes, don't you think that the market should reflect each of us, not feel like a faceless machine? Instead of your mobile phone data going to large institutions, it remains yours on the Vogon DQLDB brings and it brings your contributions front and center, making people feel connected and giving everyone a meaningful stake in a fair, stable financial future."
Bryan Feinberg: "Thank you, Sean. This vision of a human-centered market system is both powerful and timely. We look forward to seeing how Vogon DQLDB brings this vision to life."
About FCCN Spectral Capital (OTCQB: FCCN)
Based in Seattle, Washington, FCCN Spectral Capital is a leading innovator in decentralized cloud solutions, powered by advanced quantum ledger technology. Through Vogon, its flagship edge and hybrid cloud platform, FCCN is committed to delivering scalable, secure, and transformative cloud solutions for global markets. By fostering MSP partnerships worldwide, FCCN is setting new standards in decentralized infrastructure and data security for the future. For more information, please visit Spectral Capital.
Spectral Capital
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) concerning future events and FCCN's growth and business strategy. Words such as "expects," "will," "intends," "plans," "believes," "anticipates," "hopes," "estimates," and variations on such words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although FCCN believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of FCCN. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, changes in FCCN's business; competitive factors in the market(s) in which FCCN operates; risks associated with operations outside the United States; and other factors listed from time to time in FCCN's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. FCCN expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in FCCN's expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based.
SOURCE: Spectral Capital Corp.
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What is Spectral Capital's (FCCN) Vogon DQLDB technology?
How does FCCN's Vogon DQLDB handle transaction security?
What industry standards does Spectral's (FCCN) DQLDB use for categorization?