FAT Brands Foundation Awards $325,000 to Local Non-Profits in 2024
FAT Brands Foundation, the charitable arm of global franchising company FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT), has announced its charitable impact for 2024, distributing $325,000 to 70 non-profit organizations across 17 states and Washington D.C.
The foundation demonstrated significant growth, increasing its giving by 36% and expanding its grant recipients by 59% compared to 2023. Their first fundraising initiatives successfully raised over $200,000. The foundation supported various causes, including LA fire relief efforts, youth enrichment, food insecurity, and health programs.
FAT Brands, which owns 18 restaurant brands including Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza, and Twin Peaks, operates over 2,300 units worldwide. The foundation, established in 2022, aims to strengthen communities where FAT Brands operates through partnerships with local non-profits.
FAT Brands Foundation, il braccio caritatevole della compagnia di franchising globale FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT), ha annunciato il suo impatto caritatevole per il 2024, distribuendo 325.000 dollari a 70 organizzazioni no-profit in 17 stati e a Washington D.C.
La fondazione ha dimostrato una crescita significativa, aumentando le sue donazioni del 36% ed espandendo il numero dei suoi beneficiari di sovvenzioni del 59% rispetto al 2023. Le loro prime iniziative di raccolta fondi hanno raccolto con successo oltre 200.000 dollari. La fondazione ha sostenuto varie cause, tra cui gli sforzi di soccorso per gli incendi a Los Angeles, l'arricchimento dei giovani, l'insicurezza alimentare e i programmi sanitari.
FAT Brands, che possiede 18 marchi di ristoranti tra cui Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza e Twin Peaks, gestisce oltre 2.300 unità in tutto il mondo. La fondazione, istituita nel 2022, mira a rafforzare le comunità in cui FAT Brands opera attraverso collaborazioni con organizzazioni no-profit locali.
FAT Brands Foundation, el brazo benéfico de la compañía de franquicias global FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT), ha anunciado su impacto benéfico para 2024, distribuyendo 325,000 dólares a 70 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en 17 estados y Washington D.C.
La fundación mostró un crecimiento significativo, aumentando sus donaciones en un 36% y ampliando el número de sus beneficiarios de subvenciones en un 59% en comparación con 2023. Sus primeras iniciativas de recaudación de fondos lograron recaudar más de 200,000 dólares. La fundación apoyó diversas causas, incluyendo los esfuerzos de alivio por incendios en Los Ángeles, el enriquecimiento juvenil, la inseguridad alimentaria y los programas de salud.
FAT Brands, que posee 18 marcas de restaurantes, incluyendo Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza y Twin Peaks, opera más de 2,300 unidades en todo el mundo. La fundación, establecida en 2022, tiene como objetivo fortalecer las comunidades donde FAT Brands opera a través de asociaciones con organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales.
FAT Brands Foundation는 글로벌 프랜차이즈 회사 FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT)의 자선 부문으로, 2024년 자선 기여를 발표하며 17개 주 및 워싱턴 D.C.의 70개 비영리 단체에 325,000달러를 분배한다고 밝혔습니다.
재단은 2023년에 비해 기부를 36% 증가시키고 수혜 단체 수를 59% 확대하는 등 상당한 성장을 보여주었습니다. 그들의 첫 번째 기금 모금 이니셔티브는 200,000달러 이상을 성공적으로 모금했습니다. 재단은 로스앤젤레스 화재 구호, 청소년 발전, 식량 불안정, 건강 프로그램 등 다양한 원인을 지원했습니다.
FAT Brands는 Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza 및 Twin Peaks를 포함한 18개 레스토랑 브랜드를 소유하고 있으며, 전 세계에 2,300개 이상의 매장을 운영하고 있습니다. 2022년에 설립된 이 재단은 FAT Brands가 운영되는 지역 사회를 강화하기 위해 지역 비영리 단체와의 파트너십을 통해 노력하고 있습니다.
FAT Brands Foundation, le bras caritatif de la société de franchise mondiale FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT), a annoncé son impact caritatif pour 2024, distribuant 325 000 dollars à 70 organisations à but non lucratif dans 17 États et Washington D.C.
La fondation a montré une croissance significative, augmentant ses dons de 36% et élargissant le nombre de ses bénéficiaires de subventions de 59% par rapport à 2023. Leurs premières initiatives de collecte de fonds ont réussi à récolter plus de 200 000 dollars. La fondation a soutenu diverses causes, y compris les efforts de secours pour les incendies à Los Angeles, l'enrichissement des jeunes, l'insécurité alimentaire et les programmes de santé.
FAT Brands, qui possède 18 marques de restaurants, dont Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza et Twin Peaks, exploite plus de 2 300 unités dans le monde entier. La fondation, créée en 2022, vise à renforcer les communautés où FAT Brands opère grâce à des partenariats avec des organisations à but non lucratif locales.
FAT Brands Foundation, der wohltätige Zweig des globalen Franchiseunternehmens FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT), hat seine wohltätigen Aktivitäten für 2024 angekündigt und verteilt 325.000 Dollar an 70 gemeinnützige Organisationen in 17 Bundesstaaten und Washington D.C.
Die Stiftung zeigte ein signifikantes Wachstum, indem sie ihre Spenden um 36% erhöhte und die Anzahl der Förderempfänger um 59% im Vergleich zu 2023 erweiterte. Ihre ersten Fundraising-Initiativen haben erfolgreich über 200.000 Dollar gesammelt. Die Stiftung unterstützte verschiedene Anliegen, darunter die Brandbekämpfung in LA, Jugendförderung, Ernährungssicherheit und Gesundheitsprogramme.
FAT Brands, das 18 Restaurantmarken wie Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza und Twin Peaks besitzt, betreibt weltweit über 2.300 Einheiten. Die 2022 gegründete Stiftung hat das Ziel, die Gemeinschaften, in denen FAT Brands tätig ist, durch Partnerschaften mit lokalen gemeinnützigen Organisationen zu stärken.
- Foundation's charitable giving increased 36% year-over-year
- Successful fundraising initiative generated over $200,000
- 59% increase in number of grant recipients from 2023
- None.
Foundation Increases Giving in 2024, Supporting 70 Organizations Across FAT Brands Communities
LOS ANGELES, March 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FAT (Fresh. Authentic. Tasty.) Brands Inc., a leading global franchising company that owns restaurant brands including Johnny Rockets, Fatburger, Round Table Pizza, Twin Peaks, Fazoli’s, and 13 other concepts, is pleased to announce the impact its charitable organization, FAT Brands Foundation, had in its local communities in 2024. Approximately
The foundation continues to make great strides in cementing itself as an emerging non-profit leader following its first year of giving in 2023. In one year, the foundation increased its giving by 36 percent and provided 27 more grants to deserving non-profits across the U.S., an increase of 59 percent from 2023. A myriad of causes were supported in FAT Brands communities, including those impacted by the LA fires where FAT Brands has its roots, youth enrichment, food insecurity and health programs.
“2024 was a record-breaking year for the FAT Brands Foundation,” said Jessica Wiederhorn, President of FAT Brands Foundation. “We achieved significant milestones, including the success of our first fundraising initiatives which raised over
In 2025, the foundation is focused on expanding its donor base and forging new partnerships to meet the increasing demand for funding in its communities. To make a donation, of which
For more information on the FAT Brands Foundation, visit www.fatbrands.com/foundation.
About FAT (Fresh. Authentic. Tasty.) Brands
FAT Brands (NASDAQ: FAT) is a leading global franchising company that strategically acquires, markets and develops fast casual, quick-service, casual and polished casual dining restaurant concepts around the world. The Company currently owns 18 restaurant brands: Round Table Pizza, Fatburger, Marble Slab Creamery, Johnny Rockets, Fazoli’s, Twin Peaks, Great American Cookies, Smokey Bones, Hot Dog on a Stick, Buffalo’s Cafe & Express, Hurricane Grill & Wings, Pretzelmaker, Elevation Burger, Native Grill & Wings, Yalla Mediterranean and Ponderosa and Bonanza Steakhouses, and franchises and owns over 2,300 units worldwide. For more information on FAT Brands, please visit www.fatbrands.com.
About FAT Brands Foundation
Founded in 2022, the FAT Brands Foundation was created to uplift and unite the communities in which FAT Brands operates. While the company’s 18-brand portfolio is deeply rooted in charitable initiatives both locally and nationally, FAT Brands, as an organization, is seeking to magnify those efforts further. The 501(c)(3) organization is aimed at partnering with local non-profit organizations to provide essential programs to help families and communities thrive.
Erin Mandzik, FAT Brands