CORRECTION - Fanhua Announces Changes to the Board of Directors and Management Team

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Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) announced changes to its board of directors and management team on October 9, 2024. Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen has been appointed as the new Chairperson of the Board, effective September 30, 2024. She brings experience from her roles at WEALTH WILL and Trustwell Far East Pte.

Three directors have resigned: Mr. Yunxiang Tang, Mr. Allen Lueth, and Mr. Ben Lin. The Board appointed Ms. Jiaxing Shi as Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee, and Mr. Changfu Li as Independent Director and Chair of the Compensation Committee. The new board composition includes six members, with Mr. Yinan Hu serving as Vice Chairperson and CEO, and Mr. Peng Ge as Executive Director and CFO.

Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) ha annunciato cambiamenti nel suo consiglio di amministrazione e nel team dirigenziale il 9 ottobre 2024. La signora Hang Suong Nguyen è stata nominata nuova Presidente del Consiglio, con effetto dal 30 settembre 2024. Porta con sé l'esperienza derivante dai suoi ruoli in WEALTH WILL e Trustwell Far East Pte.

Tre direttori si sono dimessi: Il signor Yunxiang Tang, il signor Allen Lueth e il signor Ben Lin. Il Consiglio ha nominato La signora Jiaxing Shi come Direttore Indipendente e Presidente del Comitato di Revisione, e Il signor Changfu Li come Direttore Indipendente e Presidente del Comitato per la Compensazione. La nuova composizione del consiglio include sei membri, con il signor Yinan Hu che ricopre il ruolo di Vice Presidente e CEO, e il signor Peng Ge come Direttore Esecutivo e CFO.

Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) anunció cambios en su junta directiva y equipo de gestión el 9 de octubre de 2024. La Sra. Hang Suong Nguyen ha sido nombrada nueva Presidenta de la Junta, con efecto a partir del 30 de septiembre de 2024. Aporta experiencia de sus roles en WEALTH WILL y Trustwell Far East Pte.

Tres directores han renunciado: El Sr. Yunxiang Tang, el Sr. Allen Lueth, y el Sr. Ben Lin. La Junta ha nombrado a La Sra. Jiaxing Shi como Directora Independiente y Presidenta del Comité de Auditoría, y al Sr. Changfu Li como Director Independiente y Presidente del Comité de Compensación. La nueva composición de la junta incluye seis miembros, con el Sr. Yinan Hu sirviendo como Vicepresidente y CEO, y al Sr. Peng Ge como Director Ejecutivo y CFO.

Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH)는 2024년 10월 9일 이사회 및 경영진에 대한 변경 사항을 발표했습니다. 항 쑥 응우옌 씨가 2024년 9월 30일자로 새로운 이사회 의장으로 임명되었습니다. 그녀는 WEALTH WILL 및 Trustwell Far East Pte.에서의 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

세 명의 이사가 사임했습니다: 윤샹 탕 씨, 앨런 루스 씨, 그리고 벤 린 씨. 이사회는 자이싱 시 씨를 독립 이사 겸 감사위원회 의장으로, 창푸 리 씨를 독립 이사 겸 보상위원회 의장으로 임명했습니다. 새 이사회 구성은 여섯 명의 의원으로 구성되며, 윤안 후 씨가 부회장 겸 CEO로, 펑 게 씨가 전무 이사 겸 CFO로 재직합니다.

Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) a annoncé des changements au sein de son conseil d'administration et de son équipe de direction le 9 octobre 2024. Madame Hang Suong Nguyen a été nommée nouvelle Présidente du Conseil, à effet du 30 septembre 2024. Elle apporte son expérience acquise dans ses fonctions chez WEALTH WILL et Trustwell Far East Pte.

Trois administrateurs ont démissionné : M. Yunxiang Tang, M. Allen Lueth et M. Ben Lin. Le Conseil a nommé Madame Jiaxing Shi en tant que Directrice Indépendante et Présidente du Comité d'Audit, et M. Changfu Li en tant que Directeur Indépendant et Président du Comité de Rémunération. La nouvelle composition du conseil comprend six membres, avec M. Yinan Hu en tant que Vice-Président et PDG, et M. Peng Ge en tant que Directeur Exécutif et CFO.

Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) kündigte am 9. Oktober 2024 Änderungen im Board of Directors und im Management-Team an. Frau Hang Suong Nguyen wurde mit Wirkung zum 30. September 2024 zur neuen Vorsitzenden des Boards ernannt. Sie bringt Erfahrung aus ihren Rollen bei WEALTH WILL und Trustwell Far East Pte mit.

Drei Direktoren haben ihren Rücktritt angekündigt: Herr Yunxiang Tang, Herr Allen Lueth und Herr Ben Lin. Der Board hat Frau Jiaxing Shi als unabhängige Direktorin und Vorsitzende des Prüfungsausschusses sowie Herrn Changfu Li als unabhängigen Direktor und Vorsitzenden des Vergütungsausschusses ernannt. Die neue Vorstandszusammensetzung umfasst sechs Mitglieder, wobei Herr Yinan Hu als stellvertretender Vorsitzender und CEO sowie Herr Peng Ge als geschäftsführender Direktor und CFO dient.

  • Appointment of new Chairperson with experience in operational strategies and capital deployment
  • Addition of two new independent directors with diverse backgrounds in finance and management
  • Resignation of three board members, including two independent directors
  • Departure of the Chief Strategy Officer

GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The board of directors (the “Board”) of Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) (the “Company” or “Fanhua”), a leading independent technology-driven financial services provider in China, today issued an updated press release to correct its press release disseminated on October 1, 2024 which announced changes to its board of directors and management team (the “Original Announcement”). The statement regarding the professional experience of the newly appointed chairperson of the Board in the Original Announcement is hereby replaced with and changed to “Since June 2023, Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen has served as the Vice President of WEALTH WILL LIMITED, overseeing operational strategies and driving the company's capital deployment and growth in multiple emerging markets. Prior to that, from late 2018 until May 2023, she held the position of Sales Director at Trustwell Far East Pte. Ltd., where she was responsible for formulating and executing sales strategies, managing the sales team, analyzing market demands, maintaining customer relationships, and expanding business channels, making significant contributions to the company's cross-border business. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in International Business from Vietnam National University in 2008 and her Master's degree in Business Administration from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2009.” Except for the above, there are no other changes to the Original Announcement. The updated press release is as follows.

GUANGZHOU, China, October 9, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- the board of directors (the “Board”) of Fanhua Inc. (Nasdaq: FANH) (the “Company” or “Fanhua”), a leading independent technology-driven financial services provider in China, today announced that Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen has been appointed as the new Chairperson of the Board, effective September 30, 2024.

Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen, Chairperson of the Board

Since June 2023, Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen has served as the Vice President of WEALTH WILL LIMITED, overseeing operational strategies and driving the company's capital deployment and growth in multiple emerging markets. Prior to that, from late 2018 until May 2023, she held the position of Sales Director at Trustwell Far East Pte. Ltd., where she was responsible for formulating and executing sales strategies, managing the sales team, analyzing market demands, maintaining customer relationships, and expanding business channels, making significant contributions to the company's cross-border business. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in International Business from Vietnam National University in 2008 and her Master's degree in Business Administration from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2009.

The Board also announces that incumbent independent directors Mr. Yunxiang Tang and Mr. Allen Lueth, along with incumbent executive director Mr. Ben Lin, have tendered their resignations from the Board due to personal reasons, effective September 30, 2024. Additionally, Mr. Lin has resigned from the position of Chief Strategy Officer.

The Board has appointed Ms. Jiaxing Shi as Independent Director and the Chair of the Audit Committee and Mr. Changfu Li as Independent Director and the Chair of the Compensation Committee to fill the vacancies left by the departure of Mr. Tang and Mr. Lueth, effective September 30, 2024.

Ms. Jiaxing Shi, Independent Director and the Chair of Audit Committee

Ms. Jiaxing Shi has served as the Investment Operations Manager at YD Network Technology Co Ltd. since March 2024, overseeing the company’s investment strategy, and financial due diligence to optimize long-term returns. Prior to this role, she served as senior audit professionals at UHY LLP and Marcum LLP from 2022 to 2024. Prior to that, she served as senior manager position in financial reporting and investor relations role at Aurora Mobile Ltd. (Nasdaq: JG) from 2018 to 2022. She received an MBA Degree in Financial Management from Goldey-Beacom College in 2018 and a Master Degree in Accounting from St. John’s University in 2015. She received Bachelor’s Degree in Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics in 2013.

Mr. Changfu Li, Independent Director and the Chair of Compensation Committee

Mr. Changfu Li has over a decade of experience in senior management, with a focus on strategic operations and cost management across various industries. Mr. Li has served as a consulting advisor at Beijing Shanying Legal Consulting Co., Ltd since November 2023. Prior to this, he served as a procurement supervisor at Shanghai Sanqing Industrial Development Co., Ltd. from June 2010 to March 2020, where he managed procurement operations and contributed to sales strategy planning. And later he was promoted to Vice President of Administration and Purchasing Manager at the company’s Guangzhou branch in March 2020. Before that, from 2006 to 2010, Mr. Li held the position of procurement associate at Zhejiang Shalangsi Craft Co., Ltd. Mr. Li earned his bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Trade from Yanbian University in 2006.

With the appointment and departure of these directors, the composition of the Board will be adjusted accordingly. Below is the updated list of board members:

Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen, Chairperson of Fanhua Inc.

Mr. Yinan Hu, Vice Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of Fanhua Inc.

Mr. Peng Ge, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of Fanhua Inc.

Mr. Mengbo Yin, Independent Director and Chair of Nominating and Governance Committee of Fanhua Inc.

Ms. Jiaxing Shi, Independent Director and Chair of Audit Committee of Fanhua Inc.

Mr. Changfu Li, Independent Director and Chair of Compensation Committee of Fanhua Inc.

Mr. Yinan Hu, Vice Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of Fanhua, commented: “We are thrilled to announce that Ms. Nguyen has been appointed as our new Chairperson, a decision that signifies a major milestone for the Company’s strategic upgrade towards pursuing growth by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. At the same time, we deeply appreciate the significant contributions that Mr. Yunxiang Tang, Mr. Allen Lueth, and Mr. Ben Lin have made during their tenure. As we look ahead, our commitment to our strategic goals and growth remains unwavering. With Ms. Nguyen at the helm as Chairperson, we are poised to build upon our momentum and achieve even greater heights.”

Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen, Chairperson of Fanhua, stated: “It is my pleasure to join the Board and take on the role of Fanhua’s Chairperson. I understand the significant responsibility that comes with this position and I am confident in our Company’s future. And I look forward to working with all of Fanhua’s team members to meet challenges and achieve great success together.”

About Fanhua Inc.

Driven by its digital technologies and professional expertise in the insurance industry, Fanhua Inc. is the leading independent financial service provider in China, focusing on providing insurance-oriented family asset allocation services that covers customers’ full lifecycle and a one-stop service platform for individual sales agents and independent insurance intermediaries.

With strategic focus on long-term life insurance products, we offer a broad range of insurance products, claims adjusting services and various value-added services to meet customers’ diverse needs, through an extensive network of digitally empowered sales agents and professional claims adjustors. We also operate Baowang (, an online insurance platform that provides customers with a one-stop insurance shopping experience.

For more information about Fanhua Inc., please visit

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains statements of a forward-looking nature. These statements, including the statements relating to the Company’s future financial and operating results, are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify these forward-looking statements by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “estimates” and similar statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about Fanhua and the industry. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those relating to its ability to attract and retain productive agents, especially entrepreneurial agents, its ability to maintain existing and develop new business relationships with insurance companies, its ability to execute its growth strategy, its ability to adapt to the evolving regulatory environment in the Chinese insurance industry, its ability to compete effectively against its competitors, quarterly variations in its operating results caused by factors beyond its control including macroeconomic conditions in China. Except as otherwise indicated, all information provided in this press release speaks as of the date hereof, and Fanhua undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although Fanhua believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that its expectations will turn out to be correct, and investors are cautioned that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results. Further information regarding risks and uncertainties faced by Fanhua is included in Fanhua’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 20-F.

For more information, please contact:

Fanhua Inc.

Investor Relations

Tel: +86 (20) 8388-3191



Who is the new Chairperson of Fanhua Inc. (FANH)?

Ms. Hang Suong Nguyen has been appointed as the new Chairperson of Fanhua Inc. (FANH), effective September 30, 2024.

What changes were made to Fanhua's (FANH) board of directors on September 30, 2024?

Three directors resigned: Mr. Yunxiang Tang, Mr. Allen Lueth, and Mr. Ben Lin. Ms. Jiaxing Shi and Mr. Changfu Li were appointed as new Independent Directors.

How many members are on Fanhua's (FANH) board of directors after the recent changes?

After the recent changes, Fanhua's (FANH) board of directors consists of six members.

What is Fanhua's (FANH) strategic focus according to the new leadership?

According to CEO Yinan Hu, Fanhua (FANH) is pursuing growth by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence as part of its strategic upgrade.

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