First Atlantic Nickel Selects Long-Term Drill Core Processing & Storage Facility in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland
First Atlantic Nickel has selected a new drill core processing and storage facility in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland, replacing their temporary tent structure. Located within 50 km of the Atlantic Lake Property, this facility will support ongoing Phase 1 drilling activities and future operations along the 30 km nickel trend.
The company also highlighted the RPM Zone discovery, where the first drill hole reached 394 meters depth with visible disseminated nickel-iron alloy (awaruite) mineralization from surface to bottom. The awaruite grains increased in size with depth, often exceeding 500 microns, well above the 10-micron threshold for effective magnetic separation. The zone spans approximately 2.6 km in length and 400-600 meters in width.
First Atlantic Nickel ha selezionato una nuova struttura per il trattamento e lo stoccaggio dei campioni di perforazione a Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland, sostituendo la loro struttura temporanea in tenda. Situata a meno di 50 km dalla Atlantic Lake Property, questa struttura supporterà le attività di perforazione della Fase 1 e le future operazioni lungo la tendenza del nichel di 30 km.
L'azienda ha inoltre sottolineato la scoperta della zona RPM, dove il primo foro di perforazione ha raggiunto una profondità di 394 metri con mineralizzazione visibile di lega nichel-ferro (awaruite) dalla superficie fino in fondo. I grani di awaruite sono aumentati di dimensione con la profondità, spesso superando i 500 micron, ben al di sopra della soglia di 10 micron per una separazione magnetica efficace. La zona si estende per circa 2,6 km di lunghezza e tra 400 e 600 metri di larghezza.
First Atlantic Nickel ha seleccionado una nueva instalación para el procesamiento y almacenamiento de núcleos de perforación en Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland, reemplazando su estructura temporal de tienda. Ubicada a menos de 50 km de la Atlantic Lake Property, esta instalación apoyará las actividades de perforación de la Fase 1 y futuras operaciones a lo largo de la tendencia de níquel de 30 km.
La empresa también destacó el descubrimiento de la zona RPM, donde el primer agujero de perforación alcanzó una profundidad de 394 metros con mineralización visible de aleación de níquel-hierro (awaruite) desde la superficie hasta el fondo. Los granos de awaruite aumentaron de tamaño con la profundidad, a menudo superando los 500 micrones, muy por encima del umbral de 10 micrones para una separación magnética efectiva. La zona abarca aproximadamente 2,6 km de longitud y entre 400 y 600 metros de ancho.
퍼스트 애틀란틱 니켈은 뉴펀들랜드의 그랜드 폴스-윈저에 임시 텐트 구조물을 대체할 새로운 시추 코어 처리 및 저장 시설을 선택했습니다. 애틀란틱 레이크 재산에서 50km 이내에 위치한 이 시설은 1단계 시추 활동 및 30km 니켈 트렌드에 대한 향후 작업을 지원할 것입니다.
회사는 또한 RPM 존 발견을 강조했습니다. 여기서 첫 번째 시추 구멍은 394미터 깊이에 도달했으며, 표면에서 바닥까지 가시적인 분산 니켈-철 합금(아와루이트) 광물이 발견되었습니다. 아와루이트 입자는 깊이에 따라 크기가 증가하며, 종종 500미크론을 초과하여 효과적인 자기 분리에 필요한 10미크론 임계값을 초과했습니다. 이 지역은 약 2.6km의 길이와 400-600미터의 폭을 차지합니다.
First Atlantic Nickel a sélectionné une nouvelle installation de traitement et de stockage des échantillons de forage à Grand Falls-Windsor, Terre-Neuve, remplaçant sa structure temporaire en tente. Située à moins de 50 km de la Atlantic Lake Property, cette installation soutiendra les activités de forage de la Phase 1 et les futures opérations le long de la tendance nickel de 30 km.
L'entreprise a également souligné la découverte de la zone RPM, où le premier trou de forage a atteint une profondeur de 394 mètres avec une minéralisation visible d'alliage nickel-fer (awaruite) de la surface jusqu'au fond. Les grains d'awaruite ont augmenté en taille avec la profondeur, dépassant souvent 500 microns, bien au-dessus du seuil de 10 microns pour une séparation magnétique efficace. La zone s'étend sur environ 2,6 km de longueur et entre 400 et 600 mètres de largeur.
First Atlantic Nickel hat eine neue Bearbeitungs- und Lagerstätte für Bohrkerne in Grand Falls-Windsor, Neufundland, ausgewählt und ersetzt damit ihre temporäre Zeltstruktur. Die Einrichtung liegt weniger als 50 km von der Atlantic Lake Property entfernt und wird die laufenden Bohrungen der Phase 1 sowie zukünftige Arbeiten entlang des 30 km langen Nickeltrends unterstützen.
Das Unternehmen hob auch die RPM-Zonenentdeckung hervor, bei der das erste Bohrloch eine Tiefe von 394 Metern erreichte, mit sichtbaren disseminierten Nickel-Eisen-Legierungen (Awaruite) von der Oberfläche bis zum Grund. Die Awaruite-Körner nahmen mit der Tiefe zu und überstiegen häufig 500 Mikrometer, weit über der 10-Mikrometer-Schwelle für eine effektive magnetische Trennung. Die Zone erstreckt sich über etwa 2,6 km in der Länge und 400-600 Meter in der Breite.
- Discovery of RPM Zone with significant awaruite mineralization from surface to 394 meters depth
- Large awaruite grain sizes (>500 microns) favorable for magnetic separation
- Heavily fractured host rock may enable lower-cost mining methods
- Strategic facility location within 50 km of property supporting operational efficiency
- XRF analysis showed low levels of nickel content
- Assay results still pending and unavailable
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) (FSE: P21) ("First Atlantic" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the selection of a new, secure, drill core processing and storage facility in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL, marking a significant step in the Company’s operational expansion.
The new facility will replace the current temporary tent structure, offering a long-term, year-round solution for drill core processing and storage. This move will support ongoing activities related to Phase 1 drilling at the Atlantic Nickel Project, where cores are cut, logged, photographed, and prepared for assays and metallurgical testing. Updates are expected soon as Phase 1 drill cores continue to be processed.
Located within 50 km of the Atlantic Lake Property, the new facility is currently receiving drill cores from Phase 1 drilling. This strategic location supports current operations while offering scalability for future district-scale, multi-zone drill programs along the 30 km nickel trend.
Phase 2 drilling permit applications have been submitted in Newfoundland and Labrador, a jurisdiction renowned for its support of the mining sector and streamlined permitting process, where previous permits were granted within approximately a one month period. The new facility is designed to facilitate a seamless and efficient transition into the planned expanded Phase 2 Drill program, enhancing the operational capacity and readiness of the Atlantic Nickel Project.
This facility will serve multiple purposes:
Drill Core Processing & Storage: Dedicated facility for the processing and storage of drill core from ongoing and future drilling.
Operational Hub: It will act as a corporate base for Newfoundland operations, hosting strategic meetings and providing an office presence where technical staff will be based.
Equipment Storage: The facility will house necessary equipment for on-site testing, including XRF machines, core saws, cameras, and microscopes.
Metallurgical Testing: It will also store rock test material for future metallurgical test work.
The drill core from the Atlantic Nickel Project will be processed at this location, ensuring high-quality data collection and analysis.
For further information, questions, or investor inquiries, please contact Rob Guzman at First Atlantic by phone at +1 844 592 6337 or via email at
Adrian Smith, P.Geo., CEO of First Atlantic, commented, "This facility is a pivotal part of our strategy to expand and enhance our exploration program. It supports our commitment to exploring and developing the potential of our properties in Newfoundland, leveraging the region's supportive mining environment."
Figure 1: Drill core from phase 1 program, previously logged and stored at the temporary project tent at the Atlantic Nickel Project.
Figure 2: Phase 1 drill core being prepared for shipment from the temporary project core-logging tent.
Figure 3: New year-round drill core processing facility in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland.
Overview of Ongoing RPM Discovery
The RPM Zone, a high-priority target within the large 30 km ultramafic body of the Pipestone Ophiolite Complex, was discovered by First Atlantic geologists Dr. Ron Britten, Pearce Bradley, and Michael Piller during the 2024 exploration program. The zone's heavily weathered outcrop, visible in satellite imagery, caught the geologists’ attention during a district-scale sampling program. Float samples from the area revealed significant large-grain awaruite mineralization. The discovery area spans approximately 2.6 km in length and 400 to 600 meters in width and is characterized by a strong magnetic anomaly. Located 25 km south of historic drilling at Atlantic Lake and 10 km south of the Super Gulp discovery, the RPM Zone represents a key development in the exploration program.
The first drill hole at the RPM Zone, reaching a depth of 394 meters, intersected visible disseminated nickel-iron alloy (awaruite) mineralization from surface to bottom. Notably, the awaruite grains, visible to the naked eye, increased in size with depth, often exceeding 25 microns, with many grains surpassing 500 microns - well above the 10-micron threshold for effective magnetic separation. XRF analysis confirmed low levels of sulphur, nickel, and chromium throughout the drill hole. Samples are now being prepared for assay, with results anticipated in the coming months.
The significance of the RPM Zone lies in its impressive mineralization and potential for cost-effective mining. Drilling revealed heavily fractured, broken, and sheared serpentinized nickel host rock, which may enable lower-cost initial mining methods, such as ripping, rather than conventional drilling and blasting. With mineralization open at depth, ongoing drilling aims to further define and expand the mineralized area. The coarse awaruite grains, visible to the naked eye, increase in size downhole, starting at up to 200 microns and exceeding 500 microns in coarser zones. Visible disseminated awaruite was observed from surface to 394 meters, with the drill hole ending in zones of coarser-grained mineralization. This groundbreaking discovery, a testament to the expertise of the geological team, has solidified the RPM Zone as a top priority for exploration and assessment in First Atlantic’s ongoing program.
Atlantic Nickel Project - Corporate Video
Please visit to view the most recent corporate video from First Atlantic Nickel, featuring CEO Adrian Smith at the Atlantic Nickel Project with footage of RPM Drill Hole 1.
Awaruite (Nickel-iron alloy Ni₂Fe, Ni₃Fe)
Awaruite, a naturally occurring sulfur-free nickel-iron alloy composed of Ni₃Fe or Ni₂Fe with approximately ~
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) highlighted awaruite's potential, stating, "The development of awaruite deposits in other parts of Canada may help alleviate any prolonged shortage of nickel concentrate. Awaruite, a natural iron-nickel alloy, is much easier to concentrate than pentlandite, the principal sulfide of nickel3." Awaruite's unique properties enable cleaner and safer processing compared to conventional sulfide and laterite nickel sources, which often involve smelting, roasting, or high-pressure acid leaching that can release toxic sulfur dioxide, generate hazardous waste, and lead to acid mine drainage. Awaruite's simpler processing, facilitated by its amenability to magnetic processing and lack of sulfur, eliminates these harmful methods, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and risks associated with toxic chemical release, addressing concerns about the large carbon footprint and toxic emissions linked to nickel refining.
Figure 4: Quote from USGS on Awaruite
The development of awaruite resources is crucial, given China's control in the global nickel market. Chinese companies refine and smelt
Investor Information
The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "FAN," the American OTCQB Exchange under the symbol "FANCF" and on several German exchanges, including Frankfurt and Tradegate, under the symbol "P21."
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First Atlantic Investor Relations
Robert Guzman
Tel: +1 844 592 6337
Adrian Smith, P.Geo., is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101. The qualified person is a member in good standing of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL) and is a registered professional geoscientist (P.Geo.). Mr. Smith has reviewed and approved the technical information disclosed herein.
About First Atlantic Nickel Corp.
First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) (FSE: P21) is a Canadian mineral exploration company developing the
First Atlantic aims to be a key input of a secure and reliable North American critical minerals supply chain for the stainless steel and electric vehicle industries in the USA and Canada. The company is positioned to meet the growing demand for responsibly sourced nickel that complies with the critical mineral requirements for eligible clean vehicles under the US IRA. With its commitment to responsible practices and experienced team, First Atlantic is poised to contribute significantly to the nickel industry's future, supporting the transition to a cleaner energy landscape. This mission gained importance when the US added nickel to its critical minerals list in 2022, recognizing it as a non-fuel mineral essential to economic and national security with a supply chain vulnerable to disruption.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward-looking statements:
This news release may include "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Such forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and are based on a number of estimates and/or assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, expectations regarding the timing, scope, and results from the 2024 work and drilling program; the operational impact of the new facility to provide a long-term, year-round solution for drill core processing and storage while offering scalability for future district-scale, multi-zone drill programs along the 30 km nickel trend, results from assays, new drill permits, which which will enable the Company to rapidly advance this significant discovery and demonstrate its true scale and potential. The Company’s objectives, goals or future plans, statements, and estimates of market conditions. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking information are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, uncertain and volatile equity and capital markets, lack of available capital, actual results of exploration activities, environmental risks, future prices of base and other metals, operating risks, accidents, labor issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. Additional factors and risks including various risk factors discussed in the Company’s disclosure documents which can be found under the Company’s profile on Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected.
The Company is presently an exploration stage company. Exploration is highly speculative in nature, involves many risks, requires substantial expenditures, and may not result in the discovery of mineral deposits that can be mined profitably. Furthermore, the Company currently has no reserves on any of its properties. As a result, there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

What is the size of the RPM Zone discovery by First Atlantic Nickel (FANCF)?
Where is First Atlantic Nickel's (FANCF) new core processing facility located?