National House Prices Grew Modestly in 2024, According to First American Data & Analytics Monthly Home Price Index Report
First American Data & Analytics released its December 2024 Home Price Index (HPI) report, showing modest national house price growth. The report indicates a 0.1% month-over-month increase and a 3.9% year-over-year growth in December 2024.
House prices are now 54.8% higher compared to pre-pandemic levels. While 2024 started strong with 7% annualized growth, it gradually slowed due to higher mortgage rates and increased inventory levels. Chief Economist Mark Fleming notes that similar conditions in 2025 could lead to moderate price appreciation.
Among metropolitan areas, Anaheim, California led with a 6.1% increase, followed by Cambridge, Massachusetts (6.0%), and Pittsburgh (5.8%). Conversely, some markets experienced declines, with Tampa, Florida showing the largest decrease at -4.6%, followed by Oakland (-0.8%) and Austin (-0.2%).
First American Data & Analytics ha pubblicato il suo rapporto sull'Home Price Index (HPI) di dicembre 2024, mostrando una modesta crescita dei prezzi delle case a livello nazionale. Il rapporto indica un aumento dello 0,1% mese su mese e una Crescita del 3,9% anno su anno a dicembre 2024.
I prezzi delle case sono ora superiori del 54,8% rispetto ai livelli pre-pandemia. Sebbene il 2024 sia iniziato bene con una crescita annualizzata del 7%, questa è gradualmente rallentata a causa dei tassi ipotecari più elevati e dell'aumento dei livelli di inventario. Il capo economista Mark Fleming osserva che condizioni simili nel 2025 potrebbero portare a un apprezzamento moderato dei prezzi.
Tra le aree metropolitane, Anaheim, California ha guidato con un aumento del 6,1%, seguita da Cambridge, Massachusetts (6,0%) e Pittsburgh (5,8%). Al contrario, alcuni mercati hanno registrato ribassi, con Tampa, Florida che ha mostrato la maggiore diminuzione a -4,6%, seguita da Oakland (-0,8%) e Austin (-0,2%).
First American Data & Analytics publicó su informe del Home Price Index (HPI) de diciembre de 2024, mostrando un modesto crecimiento de los precios de las casas a nivel nacional. El informe indica un aumento del 0,1% mes a mes y un crecimiento del 3,9% interanual en diciembre de 2024.
Los precios de las casas son ahora un 54,8% más altos en comparación con los niveles anteriores a la pandemia. Aunque 2024 comenzó fuerte con un crecimiento anualizado del 7%, este se desaceleró gradualmente debido a tasas hipotecarias más altas y niveles de inventario incrementados. El economista jefe Mark Fleming señala que condiciones similares en 2025 podrían llevar a una apreciación moderada de precios.
Entre las áreas metropolitanas, Anaheim, California lideró con un aumento del 6,1%, seguido por Cambridge, Massachusetts (6,0%) y Pittsburgh (5,8%). Por el contrario, algunos mercados experimentaron caídas, siendo Tampa, Florida la que mostró la mayor disminución con -4,6%, seguida de Oakland (-0,8%) y Austin (-0,2%).
퍼스트 아메리칸 데이터 & 애널리틱스가 2024년 12월 주택 가격 지수(HPI) 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 전국적인 주택 가격의 보통 성장을 보여줍니다. 보고서는 전월 대비 0.1% 상승과 전년 대비 3.9% 성장을 나타냅니다.
주택 가격은 현재 팬데믹 이전 수준보다 54.8% 높은 상황입니다. 2024년은 연간 7%의 성장을 기록하며 강하게 시작했지만, 금리가 상승하고 재고 수준이 증가하면서 점차 둔화되었습니다. 수석 경제학자 마크 플레밍은 2025년에도 유사한 상황이 지속될 경우, 가격의 보통 상승이 이루어질 수 있다고 언급했습니다.
대도시 지역 중에서는 캘리포니아 애나하임이 6.1% 증가로 선두를 달리며, 그 다음은 매사추세츠주 캠브리지(6.0%)와 피츠버그(5.8%)입니다. 반면 일부 시장은 하락세를 보였으며, 플로리다 탬파가 -4.6%의 최대 감소를 보였습니다, 다음으로 오클랜드(-0.8%)와 오스틴(-0.2%)이 뒤를 이었습니다.
First American Data & Analytics a publié son rapport sur l'Index des Prix de l'Habitat (HPI) de décembre 2024, montrant une modeste croissance des prix des maisons à l'échelle nationale. Le rapport indique une augmentation de 0,1 % d'un mois sur l'autre et une croissance de 3,9 % d'une année sur l'autre en décembre 2024.
Les prix des maisons sont maintenant 54,8 % plus élevés comparés aux niveaux d'avant la pandémie. Bien que 2024 ait commencé fort avec une croissance annualisée de 7 %, celle-ci a lentement diminué en raison de la hausse des taux hypothécaires et de l'augmentation des niveaux d'inventaire. L'économiste en chef Mark Fleming note que des conditions similaires en 2025 pourraient entraîner une appréciation modérée des prix.
Parmi les zones métropolitaines, Anaheim, Californie, a enregistré la plus forte augmentation avec 6,1 %, suivie par Cambridge, Massachusetts (6,0 %) et Pittsburgh (5,8 %). En revanche, certains marchés ont connu des baisses, Tampa, Floride, affichant la plus forte diminution à -4,6 %, suivie d'Oakland (-0,8 %) et d'Austin (-0,2 %).
First American Data & Analytics hat seinen Bericht über den Home Price Index (HPI) für Dezember 2024 veröffentlicht, der ein moderates nationales Wachstum der Immobilienpreise zeigt. Der Bericht weist auf einen monatlichen Anstieg von 0,1% und ein jährliches Wachstum von 3,9% im Dezember 2024 hin.
Die Immobilienpreise liegen nun 54,8% über dem Niveau vor der Pandemie. Während 2024 stark mit einem annualisierten Wachstum von 7% begann, verlangsamte sich das Wachstum allmählich aufgrund höherer Hypothekenzinsen und steigender Bestandsniveaus. Der Chefökonom Mark Fleming stellt fest, dass ähnliche Bedingungen im Jahr 2025 zu einer moderaten Preissteigerung führen könnten.
Unter den Metropolregionen führte Anaheim, Kalifornien, mit einem Anstieg von 6,1%, gefolgt von Cambridge, Massachusetts (6,0%) und Pittsburgh (5,8%). Im Gegensatz dazu verzeichneten einige Märkte Rückgänge, wobei Tampa, Florida den größten Rückgang mit -4,6% aufwies, gefolgt von Oakland (-0,8%) und Austin (-0,2%).
- None.
- None.
—Higher mortgage rates in the latter half of the year, combined with higher inventory levels, triggered the cooling trend, says Chief Economist Mark Fleming—
December1 National House Price Index
First American Data & Analytics’ National Non-Seasonally Adjusted (NSA) HPI |
Metric |
Change in HPI |
November-December 2024 (month over month) |
+0.1 percent |
December 2023-December 2024 (year over year) |
+3.9 percent |
- House prices nationally are now 54.8 percent higher compared to pre-pandemic levels (February 2020).
- House price decline reported in last month’s HPI for October 2024 to November 2024 was revised down by 0.02 percentage points, from -0.01 percent to -0.03 percent.
Chief Economist Analysis:
“House price growth nationally started 2024 strong at a 7 percent annualized pace of growth but gradually slowed over the course of the year, ending in the high 3 percent year-over-year growth range. Higher mortgage rates in the latter half of the year, combined with higher inventory levels, triggered the cooling trend. If similar conditions persist through 2025, we should expect very moderate price appreciation,” said Mark Fleming, chief economist at First American. “Areas with rapid supply growth that outstrips demand may face stronger moderation or even price declines, while areas with limited new supply may see steadier price growth or even price reacceleration. The structural housing shortage nationally will keep a floor on how low prices can go, but a ‘higher-for-longer’ rate environment and inventory growth could cause further price moderation.”
December 2024 Local Market Price Tier Highlights
The First American Data & Analytics HPI segments home price changes at the metropolitan level into three price tiers based on local market sales data: starter tier, which represents home sales prices at the bottom third of the market price distribution; mid-tier, which represents home sales prices in the middle third of the market price distribution; and the luxury tier, which represents home sales prices in the top third of the market price distribution.
“House price growth has varied considerably at the regional level over the last year, largely driven by differences in for-sale inventories. As more homes become available, the power dynamics can shift in favor of buyers, putting downward pressure on prices,” said Fleming. “All else equal, house price growth in markets with higher inventory of homes available for sale will weaken compared to those with low inventory relative to demand.”
December 2024 First American Data & Analytics Price Tier HPI Highlights2
Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) Ranked by Greatest Year-Over-Year Increases in Starter Tier HPI |
Change in Starter Tier HPI |
Change in Mid-Tier HPI |
Change in Luxury Tier HPI |
+9.5 percent |
+2.7 percent |
+4.0 percent |
+6.0 percent |
+7.6 percent |
+6.8 percent |
+5.3 percent |
+5.2 percent |
+3.7 percent |
+5.1 percent |
+2.9 percent |
+4.2 percent |
+5.0 percent |
+7.0 percent |
+6.6 percent |
Additional December 2024 First American Data & Analytics HPI Highlights
Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) with Greatest Year-Over-Year Increases in HPI |
Change in HPI |
+6.1 percent |
+6.0 percent |
+5.8 percent |
+4.4 percent |
+4.3 percent |
Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) with a Year-Over-Year Decease in HPI |
-4.6 percent |
-0.8 percent |
-0.2 percent |
-0.1 percent |
+0.5 percent |
HPI data for all 50 states and the largest 30 CBSAs by population is available here.
Visit the First American Economic Center for more research on housing market dynamics.
Next Release
The next release of the First American Data & Analytics House Price Index will take place the week of February 17, 2025.
First American Data & Analytics HPI Methodology
The First American Data & Analytics HPI report measures single-family home prices, including distressed sales, with indices updated monthly beginning in 1980 through the month of the current report. HPI data is provided at the national, state and CBSA levels and includes preliminary index estimates for the month prior to the report (i.e. the preliminary result of July transactions is reported in August). The most recent index results are subject to revision as data from more transactions become available.
The HPI uses a repeat-sales methodology, which measures price changes for the same property over time using more than 46 million paired transactions to generate the indices. In non-disclosure states, the HPI utilizes a combination of public sales records, MLS sold and active listings, and appraisal data to estimate house prices. This comprehensive approach is particularly effective in areas where there is limited availability of accurate sale prices, such as non-disclosure states. Property type, price and location data are used to create more refined market segment indices. Real Estate-Owned transactions are not included.
Opinions, estimates, forecasts and other views contained in this page are those of First American’s Chief Economist, do not necessarily represent the views of First American or its management, should not be construed as indicating First American’s business prospects or expected results, and are subject to change without notice. Although the First American Economics team attempts to provide reliable, useful information, it does not guarantee that the information is accurate, current or suitable for any particular purpose. © 2025 by First American. Information from this page may be used with proper attribution.
About First American Data & Analytics
First American Data & Analytics, a division of First American Financial Corporation, is a national provider of property-centric information, risk management and valuation solutions. First American maintains and curates the industry’s largest property and ownership dataset that includes more than 8 billion document images. Its major platforms and products include: DataTree®, FraudGuard®, RegsData®, First American TaxSource™ and ACI®. Find out more about how First American Data & Analytics powers the real estate, mortgage and title settlement services industries with advanced decisioning solutions at
About First American
First American Financial Corporation (NYSE: FAF) is a premier provider of title, settlement and risk solutions for real estate transactions. With its combination of financial strength and stability built over more than 135 years, innovative proprietary technologies, and unmatched data assets, the company is leading the digital transformation of its industry. First American also provides data products to the title industry and other third parties; valuation products and services; mortgage subservicing; home warranty products; banking, trust and wealth management services; and other related products and services. With total revenue of
1 The most recent index results are subject to revision as data from more transactions become available. |
2 Note: |
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Source: First American Data & Analytics