First American Named by Fast Company as One of the Best Workplaces for Innovators for Second Consecutive Year

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First American Financial (NYSE: FAF) has been named to Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators list for the second consecutive year. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to fostering innovation at all levels. First American remains the only title and settlement services provider to achieve this honor.

The company's focus on innovation is evident through its investments in digital tools and platforms such as Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™, and ClarityFirst®. These solutions aim to enhance efficiency and streamline real estate transactions. First American's revolutionary map-based underwriting tool, Galileo™, is transforming title underwriting in the industry.

With an industry-leading patent portfolio of over 30 patents, First American is pioneering the use of AI and machine learning in property data extraction. This technology contributes to building the industry's largest property and ownership dataset, fueling automated title production.

First American Financial (NYSE: FAF) è stata inserita per il secondo anno consecutivo nella lista delle migliori aziende per innovatori nel 2024 di Fast Company. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda a promuovere l'innovazione a tutti i livelli. First American rimane l'unico fornitore di servizi di titoli e liquidazione a raggiungere questo onore.

Il focus dell'azienda sull'innovazione è evidente attraverso i suoi investimenti in strumenti e piattaforme digitali come Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ e ClarityFirst®. Queste soluzioni mirano a migliorare l'efficienza e a semplificare le transazioni immobiliari. Lo strumento rivoluzionario di sottoscrizione basato su mappa di First American, Galileo™, sta trasformando la sottoscrizione dei titoli nel settore.

Con un portafoglio di brevetti leader nel settore di oltre 30 brevetti, First American sta aprendo la strada all'uso di AI e machine learning nell'estrazione dei dati immobiliari. Questa tecnologia contribuisce alla creazione del più grande dataset di proprietà e possesso del settore, alimentando la produzione automatizzata dei titoli.

First American Financial (NYSE: FAF) ha sido nombrada por segundo año consecutivo en la lista de los Mejores Lugares para Innovadores de 2024 de Fast Company. Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de la empresa de fomentar la innovación en todos los niveles. First American sigue siendo el único proveedor de servicios de títulos y liquidación en lograr este honor.

El enfoque de la empresa en la innovación es evidente a través de sus inversiones en herramientas y plataformas digitales como Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ y ClarityFirst®. Estas soluciones tienen como objetivo mejorar la eficiencia y simplificar las transacciones inmobiliarias. La herramienta revolucionaria de suscripción basada en mapas de First American, Galileo™, está transformando la suscripción de títulos en la industria.

Con un portafolio de patentes líder en la industria de más de 30 patentes, First American está liderando el uso de IA y aprendizaje automático en la extracción de datos de propiedades. Esta tecnología contribuye a crear el conjunto de datos de propiedades y propiedad más grande de la industria, alimentando la producción automatizada de títulos.

퍼스트 아메리칸 파이낸셜 (NYSE: FAF)는 패스트 컴퍼니의 2024년 혁신가를 위한 최고의 직장 목록에 2년 연속으로 선정되었습니다. 이 인식은 모든 수준에서 혁신을 촉진하려는 회사의 약속을 강조합니다. 퍼스트 아메리칸은 이 영예를 가질 수 있는 유일한 타이틀 및 정산 서비스 제공업체입니다.

회사의 혁신에 대한 집중은 Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ 및 ClarityFirst®와 같은 디지털 도구 및 플랫폼에 대한 투자를 통해 뚜렷이 나타납니다. 이러한 솔루션은 효율성을 높이고 부동산 거래를 간소화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 퍼스트 아메리칸의 혁신적인 지도 기반 언더라이팅 도구인 갈리레오™는 업계의 타이틀 언더라이팅을 혁신하고 있습니다.

30개 이상의 특허로 구성된 업계 최고의 특허 포트폴리오를 보유한 퍼스트 아메리칸은 부동산 데이터 추출에서 인공지능(AI) 및 머신 러닝의 사용을 선도하고 있습니다. 이 기술은 업계 최대의 속성 및 소유 데이터 세트를 구축하는 데 기여하여 자동화된 타이틀 생산의 동력이 됩니다.

First American Financial (NYSE: FAF) a été nommé pour la deuxième année consécutive dans la liste des Meilleurs Lieux de Travail pour Innovateurs 2024 de Fast Company. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise à favoriser l'innovation à tous les niveaux. First American reste le seul fournisseur de services de titre et de règlement à recevoir cet honneur.

Le focus de l'entreprise sur l'innovation est évident à travers ses investissements dans des outils et plateformes numériques tels que Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ et ClarityFirst®. Ces solutions visent à améliorer l'efficacité et à rationaliser les transactions immobilières. L'outil de souscription révolutionnaire de First American, Galileo™, transforme la souscription de titres dans l'industrie.

Avec un portefeuille de brevets leader dans l'industrie de plus de 30 brevets, First American est à l'avant-garde de l'utilisation de l'IA et de l'apprentissage automatique dans l'extraction de données immobilières. Cette technologie contribue à la création du plus grand ensemble de données immobilières et de propriété de l'industrie, ce qui alimente la production automatisée de titres.

First American Financial (NYSE: FAF) wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge auf die Liste der Besten Arbeitsplätze für Innovatoren 2024 von Fast Company gesetzt. Diese Anerkennung hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens hervor, Innovation auf allen Ebenen zu fördern. First American bleibt der einzige Anbieter von Titel- und Abwicklungsdienstleistungen, der diese Auszeichnung erhält.

Der Innovationsfokus des Unternehmens zeigt sich unter anderem in seinen Investitionen in digitale Werkzeuge und Plattformen wie Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ und ClarityFirst®. Diese Lösungen zielen darauf ab, die Effizienz zu steigern und Immobilien-Transaktionen zu optimieren. Das revolutionäre kartenbasierte Underwriting-Tool von First American, Galileo™, transformiert das Titel-Underwriting in der Branche.

Mit einem branchenführenden Patentportfolio von über 30 Patenten geht First American voran, wenn es um den Einsatz von KI und maschinellem Lernen bei der Datenextraktion von Immobilien geht. Diese Technologie hilft dabei, den größten Datenbestand an Immobilien und Eigentum der Branche aufzubauen und unterstützt die automatisierte Titelproduktion.

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—First American once again is one of 100 global leaders recognized for encouraging and developing innovation at all levels—

SANTA ANA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- First American Financial Corporation (NYSE: FAF), a premier provider of title, settlement and risk solutions for real estate transactions and the leader in the digital transformation of its industry, today announced that Fast Company named the company to the 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators list, which honors organizations and businesses that demonstrate an inspiring commitment to encourage and develop innovation at all levels. This is the second consecutive year First American has earned a spot on the Fast Company Best Workplaces for Innovators list and the company remains the only title and settlement services provider to have ever achieved this recognition.

“Joining the leading innovators from across the global business community for a second straight year reflects our steadfast commitment to supporting innovation,” said Ken DeGiorgio, CEO of First American Financial Corporation. “The talent, professionalism and dedication of our people are the foundation of First American’s renown as the leading innovator in its industry and central to how we deliver the certainty and trust needed to power seamless real estate transactions for our customers.”

First American invests heavily in providing its customers and employees with modern, digital tools designed to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. The company’s breakthrough digital platforms – including Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ in residential real estate and ClarityFirst® in commercial real estate – are examples of how First American is driving growth and building value by enhancing the real estate transaction experience. The company is also transforming title underwriting with Galileo™, an internally developed, revolutionary map-based underwriting tool that is unique in the industry and helps First American underwriters reach faster and better coverage decisions. First American’s industry-leading patent portfolio houses more than 30 patents, including methods using AI and machine learning. The company has pioneered the use of AI and machine learning in property data extraction to help build the industry’s largest property and ownership dataset, which fuels automated title production.

The 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators ranks 100 winners from a variety of industries, including entertainment, biotech, consumer packaged goods, marketing, education, healthcare, and many more. Fast Company editorial staff assessed nearly 1,000 applications, judging company responses to questions on particular examples of home-grown innovation, existing programs to encourage innovation, investment in R&D, and overall culture.

To see the complete list, go to

About First American

First American Financial Corporation (NYSE: FAF) is a premier provider of title, settlement and risk solutions for real estate transactions. With its combination of financial strength and stability built over more than 135 years, innovative proprietary technologies, and unmatched data assets, the company is leading the digital transformation of its industry. First American also provides data products to the title industry and other third parties; valuation products and services; mortgage subservicing; home warranty products; banking, trust and wealth management services; and other related products and services. With total revenue of $6.0 billion in 2023, the company offers its products and services directly and through its agents throughout the United States and abroad. In 2024, First American was named one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For by Great Place to Work® and Fortune Magazine for the ninth consecutive year, and named one of the 100 Best Workplaces for Innovators by Fast Company for the second consecutive year. More information about the company can be found at

About Fast Company

Fast Company is the only media brand fully dedicated to the vital intersection of business, innovation, and design, engaging the most influential leaders, companies, and thinkers on the future of business. Headquartered in New York City, Fast Company is published by Mansueto Ventures LLC, along with our sister publication Inc., and can be found online at

Media Contact:

Marcus Ginnaty

Corporate Communications

First American Financial Corporation

(714) 250-3298

Investor Contact:

Craig Barberio

Investor Relations

First American Financial Corporation

(714) 250-5214

Source: First American Financial Corporation


What recognition did First American Financial (FAF) receive from Fast Company in 2024?

First American Financial (FAF) was named to Fast Company's 2024 Best Workplaces for Innovators list for the second consecutive year.

What digital platforms has First American Financial (FAF) developed for real estate transactions?

First American has developed digital platforms including Endpoint®, Jot™, FirstAm IgniteRE™ for residential real estate, and ClarityFirst® for commercial real estate transactions.

How is First American Financial (FAF) transforming title underwriting?

First American is transforming title underwriting with Galileo™, an internally developed, map-based underwriting tool that helps underwriters reach faster and better coverage decisions.

How many patents does First American Financial (FAF) hold in its portfolio?

First American's industry-leading patent portfolio houses more than 30 patents, including methods using AI and machine learning.

How is First American Financial (FAF) using AI and machine learning in its operations?

First American is pioneering the use of AI and machine learning in property data extraction to build the industry's largest property and ownership dataset, which fuels automated title production.

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