Formosa Pharmaceuticals Makes First Shipment of APP13007 (Clobetasol Propionate Ophthalmic Suspension, 0.05%) to the United States for Commercialization

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Formosa Pharmaceuticals (6838.TW) has made its first shipment of APP13007 (Clobetasol Propionate Ophthalmic Suspension, 0.05%) to the United States for commercialization. The drug, developed using Formosa's APNT® nanotechnology platform, is the first FDA-approved ophthalmic use of the super-potent corticosteroid, clobetasol propionate. Eyenovia (NASDAQ: EYEN), Formosa's U.S. partner, is set to begin commercialization in late September.

APP13007 offers a more convenient dosing regimen with twice-daily administration, compared to other treatments requiring up to four doses per day. The ophthalmic steroid market is valued at $1.3 billion, with nearly 7 million ophthalmic surgeries performed annually in the U.S. Formosa is also preparing for regulatory submissions in other regions to expand its international market presence.

Formosa Pharmaceuticals (6838.TW) ha effettuato la sua prima spedizione di APP13007 (sospensione oftalmica di clobetasolo propionato, 0,05%) negli Stati Uniti per la commercializzazione. Il farmaco, sviluppato utilizzando la piattaforma di nanotecnologia APNT® di Formosa, rappresenta il primo uso oftalmico approvato dalla FDA del super potente corticosteroide clobetasolo propionato. Eyenovia (NASDAQ: EYEN), partner statunitense di Formosa, è pronta a iniziare la commercializzazione a fine settembre.

APP13007 offre un regime di dosaggio più conveniente con somministrazione due volte al giorno, rispetto ad altri trattamenti che richiedono fino a quattro dosi giornaliere. Il mercato degli steroidi oftalmici ha un valore di 1,3 miliardi di dollari, con quasi 7 milioni di interventi chirurgici oftalmici effettuati annualmente negli Stati Uniti. Formosa sta anche preparando presentazioni regolatorie in altre regioni per espandere la sua presenza sul mercato internazionale.

Formosa Pharmaceuticals (6838.TW) ha realizado su primer envío de APP13007 (suspensión oftálmica de clobetasol propionato, 0.05%) a los Estados Unidos para su comercialización. El medicamento, desarrollado utilizando la plataforma de nanotecnología APNT® de Formosa, es el primer uso oftálmico aprobado por la FDA del superpotente corticosteroide clobetasol propionato. Eyenovia (NASDAQ: EYEN), socio estadounidense de Formosa, está lista para comenzar la comercialización a finales de septiembre.

APP13007 ofrece un régimen de dosificación más conveniente con administración dos veces al día, en comparación con otros tratamientos que requieren hasta cuatro dosis al día. El mercado de esteroides oftálmicos está valorado en 1.3 mil millones de dólares, con casi 7 millones de cirugías oftálmicas realizadas anualmente en los Estados Unidos. Formosa también se está preparando para presentaciones regulatorias en otras regiones para expandir su presencia en el mercado internacional.

포르모사 제약(6838.TW)은 APP13007(클로베타솔 프로피온산 염산염 안과 현탁액, 0.05%)의 첫 번째 출하를 미국으로 상업화하기 위해 진행했습니다. 포르모사의 APNT® 나노기술 플랫폼을 이용해 개발된 이 약물은 클로베타솔 프로피온산염의 FDA 승인 안과 사용으로는 최초입니다. 포르모사의 미국 파트너인 Eyenovia(NASDAQ: EYEN)는 9월 말에 상업화를 시작할 예정입니다.

APP13007은 하루 두 번 투여하는 더 편리한 복용 요법을 제공하며, 이는 하루에 최대 네 번의 복용이 필요한 다른 치료법과 비교됩니다. 안과 스테로이드 시장의 가치는 13억 달러이며, 미국에서 매년 거의 700만 건의 안과 수술이 시행됩니다. 포르모사는 또한 다른 지역에 대한 규제 제출 준비를 하고 있으며, 이를 통해 국제 시장 점유율을 확대할 계획입니다.

Formosa Pharmaceuticals (6838.TW) a effectué sa première expédition de l'APP13007 (suspension ophtalmique de propionate de clobétasol, 0,05 %) vers les États-Unis pour sa commercialisation. Ce médicament, développé grâce à la plateforme de nanotechnologie APNT® de Formosa, constitue la première utilisation ophtalmique approuvée par la FDA du corticostéroïde super puissant, le propionate de clobétasol. Eyenovia (NASDAQ: EYEN), le partenaire américain de Formosa, s'apprête à commencer la commercialisation fin septembre.

APP13007 offre un régime posologique plus pratique avec une administration deux fois par jour, par rapport à d'autres traitements nécessitant jusqu'à quatre doses par jour. Le marché des stéroïdes ophtalmiques est évalué à 1,3 milliard de dollars, avec près de 7 millions de chirurgies ophtalmiques effectuées chaque année aux États-Unis. Formosa se prépare également à des soumissions réglementaires dans d'autres régions pour étendre sa présence sur le marché international.

Formosa Pharmaceuticals (6838.TW) hat seine erste Lieferung von APP13007 (Clobetasol-Propionat-Augensuspension, 0,05 %) in die Vereinigten Staaten zur Vermarktung vorgenommen. Das Medikament, das mit Hilfe von Formosas APNT®-Nanotechnologie-Plattform entwickelt wurde, ist die erste von der FDA genehmigte ophthalmologische Anwendung des superpotenten Kortikosteroids Clobetasol-Propionat. Eyenovia (NASDAQ: EYEN), Formosas US-Partner, wird die Vermarktung Ende September aufnehmen.

APP13007 bietet eine praktischere Dosierung, da es zweimal täglich verabreicht wird, im Vergleich zu anderen Behandlungen, die bis zu vier Dosen pro Tag erfordern. Der Markt für ophthalmologische Steroide hat einen Wert von 1,3 Milliarden Dollar, mit fast 7 Millionen jährlich in den USA durchgeführten Augenoperationen. Formosa bereitet sich auch auf regulatorische Einreichungen in anderen Regionen vor, um seine internationale Marktpräsenz auszubauen.

  • First shipment of APP13007 to the U.S. market, indicating progress towards commercialization
  • APP13007 is the first FDA-approved ophthalmic use of clobetasol propionate, a super-potent corticosteroid
  • More convenient dosing regimen (twice-daily) compared to competitors (up to four times daily)
  • Large market potential with 7 million annual ophthalmic surgeries in the U.S. and a $1.3 billion ophthalmic steroid market
  • Expansion plans for international markets through regulatory submissions in other regions
  • None.

The first shipment of APP13007 marks a significant milestone for Formosa Pharmaceuticals. This novel ophthalmic drug addresses a substantial market, with the U.S. ophthalmic steroid market valued at $1.3 billion. The drug's unique selling points include:

  • First FDA-approved ophthalmic use of clobetasol propionate
  • Convenient twice-daily dosing compared to competitors' four times daily
  • Potential for improved efficacy and cost-effectiveness

These factors position APP13007 favorably in a competitive landscape. The imminent commercialization through Eyenovia could drive near-term revenue growth for Formosa. However, market penetration and adoption rates remain uncertain, warranting close monitoring of initial sales figures and physician feedback.

APP13007 represents a significant advancement in post-operative ophthalmic care. The use of clobetasol propionate, a super-potent corticosteroid, could potentially offer superior anti-inflammatory effects compared to existing options. The reduced dosing frequency (twice daily vs. four times daily) may improve patient compliance, a important factor in post-surgical outcomes. However, it's important to note that while efficacy and cost were identified as key factors by surgeons, safety profiles and long-term outcomes will be critical in determining widespread adoption. The ophthalmic community will likely closely monitor initial real-world data to assess APP13007's performance against established treatments.

The launch of APP13007 taps into a substantial market opportunity, with nearly 7 million annual ophthalmic surgeries in the U.S. alone. Formosa's partnership with Eyenovia (NASDAQ: EYEN) for U.S. distribution leverages established market channels, potentially accelerating adoption. The global expansion strategy, evidenced by ongoing regulatory preparations in other regions, suggests a phased approach to market penetration. This could lead to incremental revenue streams over time. Investors should watch for:

  • Initial U.S. sales figures and market share gains
  • Progress in regulatory submissions in other key markets
  • Any shifts in prescribing patterns among ophthalmic surgeons

These factors will be important in assessing the long-term commercial viability and growth potential of APP13007.

TAIPEI, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Formosa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Formosa Pharma," 6838.TW) announced the successful first shipment to the United States of its new ophthalmic drug, Clobetasol Propionate Ophthalmic Suspension, 0.05% (APP13007), manufactured by Bora Pharmaceuticals Ophthalmic (hereinafter referred to as "Bora," 6472.TW). Formosa Pharma's U.S. partner, Eyenovia, Inc. (NASDAQ: EYEN), has initiated the pre-launch activities for APP13007 and is expected to begin commercialization in late September.

APP13007, developed through Formosa Pharma's proprietary APNT® nanotechnology platform, is the first drug approved by the U.S. FDA for ophthalmic use utilizing the super-potent corticosteroid, clobetasol propionate. Almost 7 million ophthalmic surgeries are performed annually in the U.S., and the ophthalmic steroid and steroid-combination drug market is valued at USD $1.3 billion. According to a recent survey conducted by Eyenovia of 100 U.S. ophthalmic surgeons, efficacy and cost were identified as the most important factors when choosing a treatment for postoperative inflammation and pain. APP13007 offers a more convenient dosing regimen with its proven efficacy, requiring only twice-daily administration compared to other treatments that require up to four doses per day.

Having recently obtained the Drug Export License from Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) in late August, Formosa Pharma has coordinated its first US shipment, a milestone advancement toward global commercialization.

Dr. Erick Co, President & CEO of Formosa Pharma, said, "This first shipment to Eyenovia for the much-anticipated commercial U.S. launch is an exclamation point on our development of APP13007.  We thank all our partners for making this journey with us and are eager to provide this formidable therapy to ocular surgery patients worldwide.  We look forward to creating continued value for our stakeholders and shareholders."

In addition to meeting demands for the U.S. market, Formosa Pharma is actively working with partners in other regions to prepare for regulatory submissions for APP13007, aiming to supply various international markets in the future.

About Formosa Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Formosa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (6838.TW) is a clinical stage biotechnology company with primary focus in the areas of ophthalmology and oncology.  The company's proprietary nanoparticle formulation technology (APNT®), through which APP13007 was developed, improves the dissolution and bioavailability of APIs for topical, oral, and inhaler administration.  Resulting formulations have high uniformity, purity, and stability, thereby allowing the utilization of poorly soluble or extremely potent drug agents which otherwise may face insurmountable challenges in delivery and penetration to target tissues.  For more details about Formosa Pharma and APNT®, visit

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SOURCE Formosa Pharmaceuticals Inc.,


When will Eyenovia (EYEN) begin commercialization of APP13007 in the United States?

According to the press release, Eyenovia (EYEN) is expected to begin commercialization of APP13007 in late September 2024.

What is the dosing regimen for Formosa Pharmaceuticals' APP13007 compared to other treatments?

APP13007 offers a more convenient dosing regimen, requiring only twice-daily administration, compared to other treatments that may require up to four doses per day.

What is the market size for ophthalmic steroid and steroid-combination drugs in the U.S.?

The ophthalmic steroid and steroid-combination drug market in the U.S. is valued at USD $1.3 billion, according to the press release.

How many ophthalmic surgeries are performed annually in the United States?

Almost 7 million ophthalmic surgeries are performed annually in the United States, as stated in the press release.

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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America