National Vision Releases 2023 Sustainability Report
National Vision, one of the largest optical retail companies in the U.S., has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, titled "A World Worth Seeing." The report highlights progress across the company's Social, Employees, Environment and Governance (SEE+G) framework. Key achievements include:
- Nearly 10 million people helped to see better and live better in 2023
- Over $4.1 million donated by National Vision and its charitable foundation, impacting more than 1.4 million lives
- $100,000 in scholarships provided to associates' children
- Hosted over 1,200 optometrists for the 2023 Continuing Education Symposium
- Continued rollout of electronic health records and energy-efficient lighting improvements
- Strengthened supplier sustainability commitments
The report aligns with SASB, GRI Standards, and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
National Vision, una delle più grandi aziende di vendita al dettaglio di ottica negli Stati Uniti, ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2023, intitolato "Un Mondo da Vedere". Il rapporto evidenzia i progressi nel quadro Sociale, Dipendenti, Ambiente e Governance (SEE+G) dell'azienda. I risultati principali includono:
- Quasi 10 milioni di persone aiutate a vedere meglio e vivere meglio nel 2023
- Oltre $4,1 milioni donati da National Vision e dalla sua fondazione benefica, impattando più di 1,4 milioni di vite
- $100,000 in borse di studio fornite ai figli dei dipendenti
- Ospitati oltre 1.200 optometristi per il Simposio di Formazione Continua 2023
- Proseguimento del miglioramento dei registri sanitari elettronici e dell'illuminazione a risparmio energetico
- Rafforzamento degli impegni di sostenibilità dei fornitori
Il rapporto è in linea con gli standard SASB, GRI e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite.
National Vision, una de las empresas de venta al por menor de óptica más grandes de EE. UU., ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, titulado "Un Mundo que Vale la Pena Ver". El informe destaca el progreso en el marco Social, Empleados, Medio Ambiente y Gobernanza (SEE+G) de la compañía. Los logros clave incluyen:
- Casi 10 millones de personas ayudadas a ver mejor y vivir mejor en 2023
- Más de $4.1 millones donados por National Vision y su fundación benéfica, impactando a más de 1.4 millones de vidas
- $100,000 en becas proporcionadas a los hijos de los asociados
- Más de 1,200 optometristas hospedados para el Simposio de Educación Continua 2023
- Continuación del despliegue de registros electrónicos de salud y mejoras en la iluminación eficiente en energía
- Fortalecimiento de los compromisos de sostenibilidad de los proveedores
El informe se alinea con los estándares SASB, GRI y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU.
미국에서 가장 큰 안경 소매 회사 중 하나인 National Vision은 "보는 가치가 있는 세계"라는 제목의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 회사의 사회, 직원, 환경 및 거버넌스(SEE+G) 프레임워크에서의 발전을 강조합니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:
- 2023년 동안 1000만 명 가까이 더 나은 시력을 가지고 더 나은 삶을 살도록 도움을 주었습니다.
- National Vision과 그 자선 재단이 기부한 410만 달러 이상, 140만 명 이상의 삶에 영향을 미쳤습니다.
- 직원 자녀를 위해 제공한 10만 달러의 장학금.
- 2023년 지속 교육 심포지엄에 1200명 이상의 안과 의사를 초청했습니다.
- 전자 건강 기록 및 에너지 효율적인 조명 개선의 지속적 롤아웃.
- 공급업체의 지속 가능성 약속 강화
이 보고서는 SASB, GRI 기준 및 유엔 지속 가능한 발전 목표와 일치합니다.
National Vision, l'une des plus grandes entreprises de vente au détail d'optique aux États-Unis, a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2023, intitulé "Un Monde Qui Vaut la Peine d'Être Vu". Le rapport met en avant les progrès réalisés dans le cadre Social, Employés, Environnement et Gouvernance (SEE+G) de l'entreprise. Les principales réalisations incluent :
- Presque 10 millions de personnes aidées à mieux voir et à mieux vivre en 2023
- Plus de 4,1 millions de dollars donnés par National Vision et sa fondation caritative, impactant plus de 1,4 million de vies
- 100 000 $ en bourses fournies aux enfants des employés
- Accueilli plus de 1 200 optométristes pour le Symposium de Formation Continue 2023
- Poursuite du déploiement des dossiers de santé électroniques et des améliorations en éclairage à efficacité énergétique
- Renforcement des engagements de durabilité des fournisseurs
Le rapport est aligné avec les normes SASB, GRI et les Objectifs de Développement Durable de l'ONU.
National Vision, eines der größten Optik-Einzelhandelsunternehmen in den USA, hat seinen Bericht über Nachhaltigkeit 2023 mit dem Titel "Eine Welt, die es wert ist, gesehen zu werden" veröffentlicht. Der Bericht hebt den Fortschritt im Rahmen Sozial, Mitarbeiter, Umwelt und Governance (SEE+G) des Unternehmens hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften gehören:
- Fast 10 Millionen Menschen wurden 2023 geholfen, besser zu sehen und besser zu leben
- Über 4,1 Millionen Dollar gespendet von National Vision und seiner gemeinnützigen Stiftung, die mehr als 1,4 Millionen Leben beeinflusst hat
- $100.000 an Stipendien für die Kinder von Mitarbeitern bereitgestellt
- Über 1.200 Optometristen für das Symposium zur Fortbildung 2023 eingeladen
- Fortsetzung der Einführung elektronischer Gesundheitsakten und der Verbesserung energieeffizienter Beleuchtung
- Stärkung der Nachhaltigkeitszusagen der Lieferanten
Der Bericht steht im Einklang mit SASB-, GRI-Standards und den nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen der VN.
- None.
- None.

(Photo: Business Wire)
“In 2023, National Vision helped nearly 10 million people see better and live better. Our success as a business is deeply intertwined with our commitment to improving lives through accessible and affordable eye care and eyewear,” said CEO Reade Fahs. “This report reflects our continued strides in our commitment to sustainability and long-term growth as a means to build a better future."
Highlights from the 2023 Sustainability Report include:
Societal Impact: More than
donated by National Vision and its charitable foundation, 20/20 Quest, with more than 1.4 million lives impacted by our philanthropic activities$4.1 million -
Employees: Continued dedication to training and advancement of National Vision associates and affiliated optometrists, including providing
in scholarships to associates’ children and hosting more than 1,200 optometrists for the 2023 Continuing Education Symposium, which offered access to 22 hours of continuing education credits$100,000 - Environment: Continued electronic health records rollout to more locations across the country and completed energy-efficient lighting improvements across all facilities
- Governance: Completed phase out of classified Board structure and strengthened our supplier sustainability commitments, including updating our Supplier Code of Conduct
“This report showcases the true team effort underpinning our progress across the four pillars of our SEE+G framework,” said Jared Brandman, SVP, General Counsel and Secretary, who leads the company’s sustainability efforts. “It also highlights our continued commitment to improving our ability to capture and disclose the information that our stakeholders find most meaningful.”
The report is aligned with recognized guidelines including those developed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
The report is available online at
About National Vision Holdings, Inc.
National Vision Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: EYE) is one of the largest optical retail companies in
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Investor Contact:
Tamara Gonzalez
Vice President of Investor Relations
Media Contact:
Racheal Peters
(470) 448-2303
Source: National Vision, Inc.
What were the key highlights of National Vision's 2023 Sustainability Report?
How many lives did National Vision impact through its philanthropic activities in 2023?
What environmental initiatives did National Vision (EYE) undertake in 2023?
How much did National Vision (EYE) donate to charitable causes in 2023?