CIOs Sound Alarm on Network Security as a Top Priority as AI Fuels New Risks and Challenges

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Extreme Networks released a research report titled 'CIO Insights Report: Priorities and Investment Plans in the Era of Platformization', surveying 200 CIOs and senior IT leaders. Key findings include:

1. Security remains the top priority, with 34% of CIOs ranking network security as their primary concern.

2. AI implementation faces challenges, including network bandwidth issues and security concerns.

3. 88% of respondents prefer a single integrated platform for networking, AI, and security.

4. Cloud networking is evolving, with 36% prioritizing a seamless transition to cloud networking.

5. IT responsibilities are expanding, with 58% citing device management and security as a top complexity.

6. Sustainability is gaining importance, with 88% agreeing that IT departments should recommend technology to mitigate carbon footprints.

Extreme Networks ha pubblicato un rapporto di ricerca intitolato 'CIO Insights Report: Priorità e Piani di Investimento nell'Era della Piattaformizzazione', che ha intervistato 200 CIO e leader IT senior. I risultati chiave includono:

1. La sicurezza rimane la priorità principale, con il 34% dei CIO che classifica la sicurezza della rete come la loro preoccupazione primaria.

2. L'implementazione dell'IA affronta delle sfide, comprese le questioni di larghezza di banda della rete e preoccupazioni per la sicurezza.

3. Il 88% degli intervistati preferisce una piattaforma integrata unica per networking, IA e sicurezza.

4. Il networking cloud è in evoluzione, con il 36% che dà priorità a una transizione fluida verso il networking cloud.

5. Le responsabilità IT stanno crescendo, con il 58% che cita la gestione dei dispositivi e la sicurezza come una delle complessità principali.

6. La sostenibilità sta guadagnando importanza, con l'88% che concorda sul fatto che i dipartimenti IT dovrebbero raccomandare tecnologie per mitigare le emissioni di carbonio.

Extreme Networks publicó un informe de investigación titulado 'CIO Insights Report: Prioridades y Planes de Inversión en la Era de la Plafatormización', encuestando a 200 CIO y líderes de TI senior. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. La seguridad sigue siendo la prioridad principal, con el 34% de los CIO clasificando la seguridad de la red como su principal preocupación.

2. La implementación de IA enfrenta desafíos, incluidos problemas de ancho de banda de red y preocupaciones de seguridad.

3. El 88% de los encuestados prefiere una plataforma integrada única para redes, IA y seguridad.

4. El networking en la nube está evolucionando, con el 36% priorizando una transición fluida al networking en la nube.

5. Las responsabilidades de TI están ampliándose, con el 58% citando la gestión de dispositivos y la seguridad como una de las principales complejidades.

6. La sostenibilidad está ganando importancia, con el 88% de acuerdo en que los departamentos de TI deben recomendar tecnologías para mitigar las huellas de carbono.

Extreme Networks는 'CIO Insights Report: 플랫폼화 시대의 우선순위 및 투자 계획'라는 제목의 연구 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 200명의 CIO와 고위 IT 리더를 대상으로 조사하였습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 보안이 최우선으로 여겨지며, 34%의 CIO가 네트워크 보안을 가장 큰 우려 사항으로 꼽았습니다.

2. AI 구현은 도전에 직면하고 있습니다, 여기에는 네트워크 대역폭 문제와 보안 우려가 포함됩니다.

3. 응답자의 88%가 네트워킹, AI 및 보안을 위한 단일 통합 플랫폼을 선호합니다.

4. 클라우드 네트워킹이 발전하고 있습니다, 36%가 클라우드 네트워킹으로의 매끄러운 전환을 우선시하고 있습니다.

5. IT 책임이 확장되고 있습니다, 58%가 장치 관리 및 보안을 주요 복잡성으로 지적하고 있습니다.

6. 지속 가능성이 중요성을 더하고 있습니다, 88%는 IT 부서가 탄소 발자국을 줄이기 위한 기술을 추천해야 한다고 동의합니다.

Extreme Networks a publié un rapport de recherche intitulé 'CIO Insights Report: Priorités et Plans d'Investissement à l'Ère de la Plateformisation', en interrogeant 200 CIO et responsables informatiques seniors. Les résultats clés incluent :

1. La sécurité reste la priorité numéro un, avec 34% des CIO classant la sécurité du réseau comme leur principale préoccupation.

2. L'implémentation de l'IA fait face à des défis, notamment des problèmes de bande passante réseau et des préoccupations en matière de sécurité.

3. 88% des répondants préfèrent une plateforme intégrée unique pour le réseau, l'IA et la sécurité.

4. Le réseau cloud est en évolution, 36% priorisant une transition fluide vers le réseau cloud.

5. Les responsabilités informatiques s'élargissent, 58% citant la gestion des appareils et la sécurité comme une des principales complexités.

6. La durabilité prend de l'importance, 88% étant d'accord pour que les départements informatiques recommandent des technologies pour réduire l'empreinte carbone.

Extreme Networks hat einen Forschungsbericht mit dem Titel 'CIO Insights Report: Prioritäten und Investitionspläne im Zeitalter der Plattformisierung' veröffentlicht, der 200 CIOs und leitende IT-Führungskräfte befragt hat. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

1. Sicherheit hat weiterhin oberste Priorität, wobei 34% der CIOs die Netzwerksicherheit als ihre Hauptsorge einstufen.

2. Die Implementierung von KI steht vor Herausforderungen, dazu gehören Probleme mit der Netzwerkbandbreite und Sicherheitsbedenken.

3. 88% der Befragten bevorzugen eine einzelne integrierte Plattform für Netzwerke, KI und Sicherheit.

4. Cloud-Netzwerke entwickeln sich, wobei 36% eine nahtlose Übergang zu Cloud-Netzwerken priorisieren.

5. Die IT-Verantwortlichkeiten nehmen zu, wobei 58% die Geräteverwaltung und Sicherheit als eine der Hauptkomplexitäten angeben.

6. Nachhaltigkeit gewinnt an Bedeutung, wobei 88% zustimmen, dass IT-Abteilungen Technologien empfehlen sollten, die den Kohlenstoffausstoß reduzieren.

  • 88% of respondents prefer a single integrated platform for networking, AI, and security, indicating strong market demand
  • 86% of respondents plan network upgrades within the next 18 months, focusing on cloud-based solutions
  • 84% of respondents have started integrating AI into their tech stack, showing widespread adoption
  • 82% of companies have sustainability initiatives tied to the IT department, demonstrating a focus on environmental responsibility
  • 40% of respondents cite data security as their biggest concern with AI implementation
  • 49% of respondents encountered network bandwidth challenges during AI implementation
  • 32% of respondents have not yet seen significant ROI from AI investments or efficiency improvements
  • 58% of respondents struggle with managing and securing new devices being added to the network


The survey results from Extreme Networks highlight significant trends in IT priorities that could impact the company's financial performance. With 88% of CIOs desiring a single integrated platform for networking, AI and security, Extreme is well-positioned to capitalize on this demand. The focus on security as a top priority (34% of CIOs) aligns with Extreme's offerings, potentially driving sales.

The trend towards platformization and cloud networking presents a growth opportunity, with 86% of respondents planning network upgrades within 18 months. This could lead to increased revenue for Extreme Networks as organizations invest in new solutions. However, the report also indicates challenges, such as 32% of respondents not seeing significant ROI from AI investments, which may impact adoption rates and sales cycles.

The emphasis on sustainability initiatives (88% of respondents) could benefit Extreme if they can effectively market their solutions as energy-efficient. Overall, the survey suggests a favorable market environment for Extreme Networks' products and services, potentially supporting revenue growth and market share expansion in the near term.

The survey reveals a significant shift in IT priorities, with security and integration taking precedence over AI hype. This trend favors companies like Extreme Networks that offer integrated solutions. The demand for platformization is particularly noteworthy, with 88% of CIOs preferring a single integrated platform for networking, AI and security.

The challenges reported in AI implementation, such as network bandwidth issues (49% of respondents) and lack of proper guidance (30%), highlight the need for comprehensive solutions that address these concerns. Extreme's focus on cloud networking aligns well with the 36% of respondents prioritizing seamless transition to cloud networking.

The emphasis on sustainable IT practices (88% acknowledging IT's responsibility in sustainability) presents an opportunity for innovation in energy-efficient networking solutions. However, the industry must address the 40% of respondents concerned about data security in AI implementation, indicating a need for robust security measures in AI-integrated networking platforms.

Survey of 200 CIOs and Senior IT professionals finds majority of respondents desire a single integrated platform for networking, AI and security to improve productivity, streamline investments and ensure protection against evolving cyber threats

MORRISVILLE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A new research report released from Extreme Networks™, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXTR), titled “CIO Insights Report: Priorities and Investment Plans in the Era of Platformization,” found that while AI has captured the attention of the technology industry, the majority of CIOs and senior IT leaders are primarily focused on the convergence of networking and security.

The survey, fielded in July and August 2024, polled 200 CIOs and senior IT leaders across a variety of vertical markets and found that CIOs stack ranked their top three IT priorities for the second half of 2024 as 1) securing their enterprise network, 2) integrating network and security and 3) evaluating and deploying AI across their organization. In fact, 88% of respondents said they desire a single integrated platform for networking, AI and security, reflecting increased industry demand for platformization, a robust integration ecosystem and a streamlined user experience.

Key Findings and Trends

  • Beyond the AI Hype, Security Remains Top Priority:
    • 34% of CIOs ranked securing the network as their number one priority, while 22% of respondents ranked integrating networking and security as their second biggest priority.
    • 57% ranked protecting the network against potential threats as one of their top three challenges.
    • 55% of respondents said built-in security was one of their top three requirements when selecting a networking vendor.
    • 96% agree the network is the foundation of a robust cybersecurity and risk management strategy – making it clear that point security solutions bolted on as an afterthought are not ideal.
  • AI Implementation Requires More Bandwidth, Training, Strategy and Alignment with Security: Though most organizations are prioritizing AI implementation, several factors, including network bandwidth, employee readiness and security concerns, are common barriers to success.
    • 84% of respondents have started to integrate AI into their tech stack; 40% cite that their biggest concern with AI is keeping data secure.
    • During AI implementation, 49% of respondents encountered network bandwidth challenges and 30% said they lacked proper guidance and training for employees.
    • 32% of respondents said they had not yet seen significant ROI from AI investments nor efficiency improvements post-implementation.
  • Platformization Emerges as a Priority as Cloud Networking Evolves: More organizations are transitioning their network to the cloud to help streamline IT efficiency and lower TCO with 36% of respondents listing a seamless transition to cloud networking as one of their top three priorities. In tandem, there is a growing trend toward platformization, reflecting the need for a unified and scalable solution that can integrate multiple embedded components within a single, manageable user experience. CIOs overwhelmingly desire a single platform to incorporate GenAI and security into their network operations.
    • 88% of respondents said they would prefer a single integrated platform for networking, AI and security.
    • 86% of respondents are planning network upgrades within the next 18 months, with a significant focus on adopting cloud-based solutions that are highly available, easy-to-use and can support AI and other emerging technologies.
    • 55% of respondents emphasized the importance of integrating from a vast ecosystem of networking and security solutions, indicating a clear demand for unified platforms.

In terms of ranking the most important features of a cloud networking platform,

  • 58% said they want a cloud networking platform that integrates AI and security;
  • 55% cited the option of a Network Infrastructure as a Service model (NIaaS); and
  • 45% ranked security within their top three priorities.
  • Expanding IT Responsibilities, Growing Complexities: The proliferation of AI, IoT and other factors like hybrid work have introduced a host of new responsibilities and concerns for IT teams, exacerbating the need for simple management solutions.
    • 58% of respondents said managing and securing new devices being added to the network was one of their top three complexities.
    • 50% of respondents highlight expanding IT responsibilities as a top challenge.
    • 52% of respondents also said one of their top network challenges was ensuring integration and interoperability with emerging technology.
  • Increased Importance of Sustainable IT: Companies are increasingly prioritizing sustainable practices, and those responsibilities are shared by the IT team as technologies like AI use more energy.
    • 88% of respondents agreed that the IT department has a responsibility to recommend technology that helps mitigate the company’s carbon footprint.
    • 82% of respondents said their company has sustainability initiatives and goals tied to the IT department.

To download the complete survey, click here.

Nabil Bukhari, Chief Product and Technology Officer and GM of Subscription Business, Extreme Networks, said, "In an era where AI, security and networking are increasingly intertwined, CIOs and IT leaders face a clear mandate: they need to prioritize investments that unify components and capabilities for their teams. This is another reason for the trend toward platformization and the increasing desire to integrate solutions into a single platform that is easy to use and deploy, is fully assembled and integrated out of the box and delivers exponential value through the continuous addition of new embedded capabilities and applications. Organizations that embrace the network as the foundation of their platformization strategy have the unprecedented opportunity to harness AI and security to deliver significant value to the rest of their organization.”

Did You Know?

  • Extreme helps customers across industries – including major retailers, leading healthcare providers, internationally recognized sports clubs and school districts of all sizes – modernize their operations and drive better outcomes across their organizations. To learn more about how Extreme helps its customers thrive through AI-driven innovation, click here.

About Extreme Networks

Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR) is a leader in AI-driven cloud networking, focused on delivering simple and secure solutions that help businesses address challenges and enable connections among devices, applications, and users. We push the boundaries of technology, leveraging the powers of artificial intelligence, analytics, and automation. 50,000 customers globally trust our AI-driven cloud networking solutions and industry-leading support to enable businesses to drive value, foster innovation, and overcome extreme challenges. For more information, visit Extreme's website at or follow us on LinkedIn, YouTube, X, Facebook, or Instagram.

Extreme Networks and the Extreme Networks logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Extreme Networks, Inc. in the United States, and other countries. Other trademarks shown herein are the property of their respective owners.

Media Contact

Blair Donald

(603) 952-5662

Source: Extreme Networks, Inc.


What are the top IT priorities for CIOs according to Extreme Networks' survey?

According to the survey, CIOs ranked their top three IT priorities as 1) securing the enterprise network, 2) integrating network and security, and 3) evaluating and deploying AI across their organization.

What percentage of CIOs prefer a single integrated platform for networking, AI, and security?

88% of respondents said they desire a single integrated platform for networking, AI, and security, reflecting increased industry demand for platformization.

What are the main challenges CIOs face with AI implementation?

The main challenges CIOs face with AI implementation include network bandwidth issues (49% of respondents), lack of proper guidance and training for employees (30%), and concerns about keeping data secure (40%).

How many CIOs are planning network upgrades in the near future?

86% of respondents are planning network upgrades within the next 18 months, with a significant focus on adopting cloud-based solutions that are highly available, easy-to-use, and can support AI and other emerging technologies.

What role does sustainability play in IT departments according to the Extreme Networks (EXTR) survey?

The survey found that 88% of respondents agreed that the IT department has a responsibility to recommend technology that helps mitigate the company's carbon footprint, and 82% said their company has sustainability initiatives and goals tied to the IT department.

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