EXL to create enterprise-wide data and AI applications for insurance, healthcare, banking, retail and other industries using NVIDIA AI

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EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], a leading data analytics and digital operations company, has announced a collaboration with NVIDIA to develop and deploy AI applications across various industries using NVIDIA's full-stack AI platform. The initiative aims to revolutionize the provision of fast and scalable AI in complex enterprise environments.

EXL will leverage NVIDIA AI Enterprise software, including NeMo and NIM microservices, to compress model development time and embed client-specific data and tools into workflows more efficiently. Initial applications include a fine-tuned insurance LLM to improve claims adjudication and policy underwriting.

The collaboration is expected to drive significant improvements in large language model performance, resulting in more intuitive solutions for enterprise customers. EXL will train a substantial portion of its data engineering and data science team on NVIDIA's AI services to integrate them into its Gen AI platform and upgrade existing solutions.

EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], un'azienda leader nell'analisi dei dati e nelle operazioni digitali, ha annunciato una collaborazione con NVIDIA per sviluppare e implementare applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale in vari settori utilizzando la piattaforma AI full-stack di NVIDIA. L'iniziativa mira a rivoluzionare la fornitura di AI veloce e scalabile negli ambienti aziendali complessi.

EXL sfrutterà il software NVIDIA AI Enterprise, inclusi NeMo e i microservizi NIM, per ridurre il tempo di sviluppo dei modelli e integrare dati e strumenti specifici per i clienti nei flussi di lavoro in modo più efficiente. Le applicazioni iniziali includono un LLM assicurativo finemente sintonizzato per migliorare l'aggiudicazione delle richieste di risarcimento e la sottoscrizione delle polizze.

La collaborazione è destinata a portare miglioramenti significativi nelle prestazioni dei modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni, risultando in soluzioni più intuitive per i clienti aziendali. EXL formerà una parte sostanziale del suo team di ingegneria dei dati e data science sui servizi AI di NVIDIA per integrarli nella sua piattaforma Gen AI e aggiornare le soluzioni esistenti.

EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], una empresa líder en análisis de datos y operaciones digitales, ha anunciado una colaboración con NVIDIA para desarrollar e implementar aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial en diversas industrias utilizando la plataforma de inteligencia artificial de pila completa de NVIDIA. La iniciativa busca revolucionar la provisión de IA rápida y escalable en entornos empresariales complejos.

EXL aprovechará el software NVIDIA AI Enterprise, incluyendo NeMo y microservicios NIM, para comprimir el tiempo de desarrollo de modelos e integrar datos y herramientas específicos del cliente en los flujos de trabajo de manera más eficiente. Las aplicaciones iniciales incluyen un modelo de lenguaje (LLM) ajustado para seguros para mejorar la adjudicación de reclamaciones y la suscripción de pólizas.

Se espera que la colaboración impulse mejoras significativas en el rendimiento de los modelos de lenguaje grande, resultando en soluciones más intuitivas para los clientes empresariales. EXL capacitará una parte sustancial de su equipo de ingeniería de datos y ciencia de datos en los servicios de IA de NVIDIA para integrarlos en su plataforma Gen AI y actualizar las soluciones existentes.

EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], 데이터 분석 및 디지털 운영 분야의 선두 기업이자, NVIDIA와 협력하여 NVIDIA의 풀 스택 AI 플랫폼을 활용해 다양한 산업에 AI 애플리케이션을 개발 및 배포한다고 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 복잡한 기업 환경에서 빠르고 확장 가능한 AI 제공 방식을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

EXL은 NeMo 및 NIM 마이크로서비스를 포함한 NVIDIA AI Enterprise 소프트웨어를 활용하여 모델 개발 시간을 단축하고 고객 맞춤 데이터를 워크플로우에 더 효율적으로 통합할 것입니다. 초기 애플리케이션에는 클레임 판단 및 보험 인수 개선을 위한 세밀하게 조정된 보험 LLM이 포함됩니다.

이 협업은 대형 언어 모델의 성능을 크게 향상시킬 것으로 기대되며, 기업 고객을 위한 보다 직관적인 솔루션으로 이어질 것입니다. EXL은 NVIDIA의 AI 서비스를 내부에 통합하고 기존 솔루션을 업그레이드하기 위해 데이터 엔지니어링 및 데이터 과학 팀의 상당 부분을 교육할 것입니다.

EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], une entreprise leader dans l'analyse des données et les opérations numériques, a annoncé une collaboration avec NVIDIA pour développer et déployer des applications d'intelligence artificielle dans divers secteurs en utilisant la plateforme AI complète de NVIDIA. L'initiative vise à révolutionner la fourniture de IA rapide et évolutive dans des environnements d'entreprise complexes.

EXL utilisera le logiciel NVIDIA AI Enterprise, y compris NeMo et des microservices NIM, pour réduire le temps de développement des modèles et intégrer des données et outils spécifiques aux clients dans les flux de travail de manière plus efficace. Les applications initiales comprennent un modèle de langage LLM ajusté pour l'assurance afin d'améliorer la gestion des sinistres et la souscription des polices.

Cette collaboration devrait entraîner des améliorations significatives dans la performance des modèles linguistiques à grande échelle, résultant en des solutions plus intuitives pour les clients d'entreprise. EXL formera une partie substantielle de son équipe d'ingénierie des données et de science des données sur les services d'IA de NVIDIA pour les intégrer à sa plateforme Gen AI et mettre à jour les solutions existantes.

EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], ein führendes Unternehmen für Datenanalytik und digitale Betriebsabläufe, hat eine Zusammenarbeit mit NVIDIA angekündigt, um KI-Anwendungen in verschiedenen Branchen unter Verwendung der vollständigen KI-Plattform von NVIDIA zu entwickeln und bereitzustellen. Das Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, die Bereitstellung von schneller und skalierbarer KI in komplexen Unternehmensumgebungen zu revolutionieren.

EXL wird die NVIDIA AI Enterprise-Software, einschließlich NeMo und NIM-Mikrodienstleistungen, nutzen, um die Entwicklungszeit für Modelle zu verkürzen und kundenspezifische Daten und Tools effizienter in Arbeitsabläufe zu integrieren. Zu den ersten Anwendungen gehört ein fein abgestimmtes Versicherungs-LLM, das die Bearbeitung von Schadensfällen und die Risikoprüfung verbessert.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Zusammenarbeit erhebliche Verbesserungen der Leistungsfähigkeit von großen Sprachmodellen vorantreibt, was zu intuitiveren Lösungen für Unternehmenskunden führen wird. EXL wird einen beträchtlichen Teil seines Teams für Datenengineering und Data Science in den KI-Diensten von NVIDIA schulen, um diese in seine Gen AI-Plattform zu integrieren und bestehende Lösungen zu aktualisieren.

  • Collaboration with NVIDIA to develop and deploy AI applications across multiple industries
  • Potential to revolutionize fast and scalable AI in complex enterprise environments
  • Compressed model development time and more efficient embedding of client-specific data
  • Development of a fine-tuned insurance LLM for improved claims adjudication and policy underwriting
  • Expected improvements in large language model performance for more intuitive enterprise solutions
  • Training of EXL's data engineering and data science team on NVIDIA's AI services
  • None.

EXL's collaboration with NVIDIA to develop AI applications for various industries marks a significant leap in enterprise-level AI adoption. This partnership leverages NVIDIA's cutting-edge AI platform to create tailored solutions for complex business environments, potentially revolutionizing how industries like insurance, healthcare and banking operate.

The key aspects of this collaboration include:

  • Development of production-grade AI applications using NVIDIA's full-stack AI platform
  • Fine-tuning of large language models for specific industry use cases
  • Utilization of NVIDIA AI Enterprise software to accelerate model development and deployment
  • Training of EXL's data science team on NVIDIA's AI services

This initiative could significantly impact the competitive landscape, as EXL gains a potential edge in delivering advanced AI solutions. The focus on industry-specific applications, such as the insurance LLM for claims adjudication and policy underwriting, demonstrates a targeted approach to solving real-world business challenges.

For investors, this partnership signals EXL's commitment to staying at the forefront of AI technology, which could translate into increased market share and revenue growth. However, the success of this venture will depend on EXL's ability to effectively integrate NVIDIA's technology and deliver tangible benefits to clients.

While the potential is significant, investors should also consider the challenges of implementing advanced AI solutions in highly regulated industries and the ongoing investments required to maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

EXL's strategic move to collaborate with NVIDIA on AI applications development presents a compelling opportunity for the company to enhance its competitive position and potentially boost its financial performance. Here's a breakdown of the potential financial implications:

  • Revenue Growth: By offering advanced AI solutions across multiple industries, EXL could see a significant increase in its top-line growth. The company's ability to address complex, industry-specific challenges may lead to higher-value contracts and expanded client relationships.
  • Margin Expansion: Leveraging NVIDIA's AI platform could improve EXL's operational efficiency, potentially leading to higher profit margins. The accelerated model development and deployment capabilities may reduce costs associated with AI solution creation.
  • Market Share: This partnership could help EXL capture a larger share of the growing AI services market, particularly in key sectors like insurance, healthcare and banking.
  • Investment Requirements: Investors should note that significant investments in training and technology integration will be necessary, which may impact short-term profitability.
  • Long-term Value Creation: The focus on developing proprietary AI applications could create substantial long-term value for EXL, potentially leading to a higher valuation multiple.

While the financial impact is not immediately quantifiable, this strategic initiative positions EXL well for future growth in the high-margin AI solutions market. Investors should monitor key performance indicators in upcoming quarters to assess the success of this partnership and its impact on EXL's financial metrics.

EXL's collaboration with NVIDIA represents a significant shift in the competitive landscape of data analytics and digital operations. This partnership has far-reaching implications for several industries:

  • Insurance: The development of a fine-tuned insurance LLM could revolutionize claims processing and underwriting, potentially reducing costs and improving accuracy for insurers.
  • Healthcare: AI applications in healthcare could lead to more efficient patient care, improved diagnostics and streamlined operations for healthcare providers.
  • Banking and Financial Services: Real-time GenAI initiatives could enhance fraud detection, personalize customer experiences and optimize risk management processes.
  • Retail: AI-driven insights could help retailers better understand consumer behavior, optimize inventory management and create more targeted marketing strategies.
  • Media: GenAI applications could transform content creation, audience targeting and advertising effectiveness in the media industry.

This move by EXL could set a new standard for AI integration in these industries, potentially forcing competitors to accelerate their own AI adoption strategies. The focus on production-grade AI applications addresses a critical gap in the market, as many enterprises struggle with the transition from AI experimentation to full-scale implementation.

However, the success of this initiative will depend on EXL's ability to navigate regulatory challenges, especially in highly regulated industries like insurance and healthcare. Additionally, the company will need to demonstrate clear ROI to clients to drive adoption of these new AI-powered solutions.

Overall, this partnership positions EXL as a potential leader in enterprise AI applications, which could reshape industry dynamics and create new opportunities for innovation and efficiency gains across multiple sectors.

NEW YORK, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], a leading data analytics and digital operations and solutions company, today announced an initiative to develop and deploy production-grade AI applications in insurance, healthcare, banking, financial services, media and retail using the full-stack NVIDIA AI platform, which includes accelerated computing, networking and software.

EXL’s adoption of advanced AI technologies, powered by NVIDIA AI, aims to revolutionize the provision of fast and scalable AI in complex enterprise production environments. As a leader in helping clients redesign customer journeys and reinvent business models by integrating data, analytics and AI directly into critical workflows, EXL will play a key role in fine-tuning and applying the NVIDIA AI platform to highly specialized use cases. These include GenAI-driven insights engines and smart agent assist solutions, large insurance language models, claims assist tools and several real-time GenAI initiatives currently being used in banking and financial services, media, retail and other industries.

Initial EXL applications being developed in collaboration with NVIDIA include a fine-tuned insurance LLM, which helps to improve the speed and effectiveness of claims adjudication and policy underwriting. By leveraging NVIDIA AI Enterprise software including NVIDIA NeMo and NVIDIA NIM microservices, EXL can dramatically compress model development time and embed client-specific data, analytics and digital tools directly into client workflows more rapidly and cost-effectively than before. Through this collaboration, EXL will help drive significant improvements in the performance of the latest large language models, resulting in more intuitive and comprehensive solutions for enterprise customers.

“Our clients realize that business success hinges on their ability to effectively leverage data and AI to transform their operating model while always keeping their customers at the center of the design. To do this, they need access to world-class AI and data infrastructure, the best-in-class engineering and data science talent and the ability to manage change as their operating models and workflows transform,” said Anand “Andy” Logani, EXL’s executive vice president and chief digital officer. “The NVIDIA AI full stack platform will provide the foundation on which EXL’s large data science and data engineering teams build domain-specific solutions to help customers quickly scale their success in AI.”

“Industries such as insurance, healthcare and banking face challenges in adopting generative AI to enhance operations and customer experiences,” said Alvin DaCosta, vice president, global consulting partner organization, NVIDIA. “With the NVIDIA AI platform and EXL’s domain expertise, more customers can rapidly develop and deploy AI solutions that address industry-specific needs.”

EXL will train a significant portion of its data engineering and data science team on NVIDIA’s full-stack AI services to integrate NVIDIA AI into its Gen AI platform, upgrade its existing data and AI solutions and build new solutions in collaboration with NVIDIA and EXL’s clients.

About ExlService Holdings, Inc.

EXL (Nasdaq: EXLS) is a leading data analytics and digital operations and solutions company. We partner with clients using a data and AI-led approach to reinvent business models, drive better business outcomes and unlock growth with speed. EXL harnesses the power of data, analytics, AI, and deep industry knowledge to transform operations for the world’s leading corporations in industries including insurance, healthcare, banking and financial services, media and retail, among others. EXL was founded in 1999 with the core values of innovation, collaboration, excellence, integrity and respect. We are headquartered in New York and have more than 55,000 employees spanning six continents. For more information, visit

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should not place undue reliance on those statements because they are subject to numerous uncertainties and factors relating to EXL's operations and business environment, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond EXL’s control. Forward-looking statements include information concerning EXL’s possible or assumed future results of operations, including descriptions of its business strategy. These statements may include words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “estimate” or similar expressions. These statements are based on assumptions that we have made in light of management's experience in the industry as well as its perceptions of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate under the circumstances. You should understand that these statements are not guarantees of performance or results. They involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although EXL believes that these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, you should be aware that many factors could affect EXL’s actual financial results or results of operations and could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. These factors, which include our ability to maintain and grow client demand, our ability to hire and retain sufficiently trained employees, and our ability to accurately estimate and/or manage costs, rising interest rates, rising inflation, recessionary economic trends, and ability to successfully integrate strategic acquisitions, are discussed in more detail in EXL’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including EXL’s Annual Report on Form 10-K. You should keep in mind that any forward-looking statement made herein, or elsewhere, speaks only as of the date on which it is made. New risks and uncertainties come up from time to time, and it is impossible to predict these events or how they may affect EXL. EXL has no obligation to update any forward-looking statements after the date hereof, except as required by applicable law.

Keith Little
+1 703-598-0980

Investor Relations
John Kristoff
+1 212 209 4613


What is the purpose of EXL's collaboration with NVIDIA?

EXL is collaborating with NVIDIA to develop and deploy production-grade AI applications in industries such as insurance, healthcare, banking, and retail using NVIDIA's full-stack AI platform. The goal is to revolutionize the provision of fast and scalable AI in complex enterprise production environments.

How will EXL use NVIDIA's AI platform in its operations?

EXL will use NVIDIA AI Enterprise software, including NeMo and NIM microservices, to compress model development time and embed client-specific data, analytics, and digital tools directly into client workflows more rapidly and cost-effectively than before.

What specific AI application is EXL developing with NVIDIA for the insurance industry?

EXL is developing a fine-tuned insurance Large Language Model (LLM) that aims to improve the speed and effectiveness of claims adjudication and policy underwriting in the insurance industry.

How does this collaboration affect EXL's workforce?

EXL plans to train a significant portion of its data engineering and data science team on NVIDIA's full-stack AI services. This training will enable the team to integrate NVIDIA AI into EXL's Gen AI platform, upgrade existing data and AI solutions, and build new solutions in collaboration with NVIDIA and EXL's clients.

ExlService Holdings, Inc.


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