EXL launches specialized Insurance Large Language Model (LLM) leveraging NVIDIA AI Enterprise

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EXL has launched the EXL Insurance LLM, an industry-specific large language model designed to support critical claims and underwriting-related tasks in the insurance sector. Developed using NVIDIA AI Enterprise, this specialized LLM outperforms leading pre-trained models by 30% in accuracy on insurance tasks. It addresses challenges faced by insurance companies during claim adjudication, offering improved efficiency and reduced costs.

The EXL Insurance LLM leverages EXL's 25 years of expertise in processing medical records data for various insurance claims. It supports tasks such as structured and unstructured data ingestion, contextual classification and triaging, and generating conversations and insights from data. The model was built using NVIDIA's full-stack AI platform, including NeMo, Triton Inference Server, and NeMo Guardrails.

EXL ha lanciato il EXL Insurance LLM, un modello di linguaggio ampio specifico per il settore, progettato per supportare compiti critici legati ai sinistri e alla sottoscrizione nel settore assicurativo. Sviluppato utilizzando NVIDIA AI Enterprise, questo LLM specializzato supera i principali modelli pre-addestrati del 30% in accuratezza nei compiti assicurativi. Affronta le sfide che le compagnie assicurative devono affrontare durante l'aggiudicazione dei sinistri, offrendo una maggiore efficienza e costi ridotti.

Il EXL Insurance LLM sfrutta i 25 anni di esperienza di EXL nella gestione dei dati delle cartelle cliniche per vari sinistri assicurativi. Supporta compiti come l'acquisizione di dati strutturati e non strutturati, la classificazione contestuale e il triaging, e la generazione di conversazioni e approfondimenti dai dati. Il modello è stato costruito utilizzando la piattaforma AI full-stack di NVIDIA, inclusi NeMo, Triton Inference Server e NeMo Guardrails.

EXL ha lanzado el EXL Insurance LLM, un modelo de lenguaje grande específico para la industria, diseñado para apoyar tareas críticas relacionadas con reclamaciones y suscripción en el sector de seguros. Desarrollado con NVIDIA AI Enterprise, este LLM especializado supera a los principales modelos preentrenados en un 30% de precisión en tareas de seguros. Aborda los desafíos que enfrentan las compañías de seguros durante la adjudicación de reclamaciones, ofreciendo una mejor eficiencia y reducción de costos.

El EXL Insurance LLM aprovecha los 25 años de experiencia de EXL en el procesamiento de datos de registros médicos para varias reclamaciones de seguros. Soporta tareas como la ingestión de datos estructurados y no estructurados, clasificación contextual y triaging, y generación de conversaciones y perspectivas a partir de los datos. El modelo fue construido utilizando la plataforma de inteligencia artificial de pila completa de NVIDIA, que incluye NeMo, Triton Inference Server y NeMo Guardrails.

EXL은 보험 부문의 주요 청구 및 언더라이팅 관련 작업을 지원하기 위해 설계된 산업별 대형 언어 모델인 EXL Insurance LLM을 출시했습니다. NVIDIA AI Enterprise를 사용하여 개발된 이 전문 LLM은 보험 작업에서 선도적인 사전 훈련 모델에 비해 30% 높은 정확도를 자랑합니다. 이는 청구 adjudication 과정에서 보험 회사가 직면하는 문제를 해결하고 효율성을 개선하며 비용을 절감하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

EXL Insurance LLM은 다양한 보험 청구를 위한 의료 기록 데이터 처리에서 EXL의 25년 경력을 활용합니다. 이는 구조적 및 비구조적 데이터 수집, 맥락 분류 및 triaging, 데이터에서 대화 및 인사이트 생성과 같은 작업을 지원합니다. 이 모델은 NeMo, Triton Inference Server 및 NeMo Guardrails를 포함한 NVIDIA의 전체 스택 AI 플랫폼을 사용하여 구축되었습니다.

EXL a lancé le EXL Insurance LLM, un modèle de langage large spécifique à l'industrie conçu pour soutenir des tâches critiques liées aux sinistres et à la souscription dans le secteur de l'assurance. Développé avec NVIDIA AI Enterprise, ce LLM spécialisé surpasse les principaux modèles pré-entraînés de 30% en précision dans les tâches d'assurance. Il répond aux défis rencontrés par les compagnies d'assurance lors de l'adjudication des sinistres, offrant une efficacité améliorée et des coûts réduits.

Le EXL Insurance LLM tire parti des 25 ans d'expertise d'EXL dans le traitement des données de dossiers médicaux pour diverses réclamations d'assurance. Il prend en charge des tâches telles que l'ingestion de données structurées et non structurées, la classification contextuelle et le triage, ainsi que la génération de conversations et d'aperçus à partir des données. Le modèle a été construit en utilisant la plateforme d'IA full-stack de NVIDIA, y compris NeMo, Triton Inference Server et NeMo Guardrails.

EXL hat das EXL Insurance LLM eingeführt, ein branchenspezifisches großes Sprachmodell, das entwickelt wurde, um kritische Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit Schadensfällen und Underwriting im Versicherungssektor zu unterstützen. Entwickelt mit NVIDIA AI Enterprise übertrifft dieses spezialisierte LLM führende vortrainierte Modelle um 30% in der Genauigkeit bei Versicherungsaufgaben. Es geht auf die Herausforderungen ein, denen sich Versicherungsunternehmen bei der Schadensbearbeitung gegenübersehen, und bietet verbesserte Effizienz sowie reduzierte Kosten.

Das EXL Insurance LLM nutzt EXLs 25-jährige Expertise in der Verarbeitung medizinischer Datensätze für verschiedene Versicherungsansprüche. Es unterstützt Aufgaben wie strukturierte und unstrukturierte Datenaufnahme, kontextuelle Klassifizierung und Triaging sowie die Generierung von Gesprächen und Erkenntnissen aus Daten. Das Modell wurde mit NVIDIAs Full-Stack-AI-Plattform, einschließlich NeMo, Triton Inference Server und NeMo Guardrails, aufgebaut.

  • EXL Insurance LLM achieves 30% improvement in accuracy on insurance tasks compared to top pre-trained models
  • The specialized LLM offers 30% lower costs than generic LLMs while ensuring full regulatory compliance
  • Leverages EXL's 25 years of expertise in processing medical records data for insurance claims
  • Supports critical tasks such as data ingestion, classification, and insights generation for claims and underwriting
  • None.


The launch of EXL's specialized Insurance Large Language Model (LLM) represents a significant advancement in AI applications for the insurance industry. By leveraging NVIDIA's AI Enterprise platform, EXL has created a tailored solution that outperforms generic LLMs by 30% in accuracy for insurance-specific tasks.

This development addresses critical challenges in claims processing and underwriting, potentially leading to:

  • Reduced indemnity costs and claims leakage
  • Faster settlement timelines
  • Improved compliance
  • Enhanced data extraction and interpretation

The use of advanced techniques like low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) showcases EXL's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI in insurance. This aligns with Gartner's prediction that industry-specific AI models will become increasingly prevalent, rising from 1% in 2023 to over 50% by 2027.

For investors, this positions EXL as a frontrunner in the AI-driven transformation of the insurance sector, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth opportunities.

EXL's launch of a specialized Insurance LLM is a strategic move that could significantly impact its financial performance and market position. Key financial implications include:

  • Cost Reduction: The LLM's 30% lower costs compared to generic LLMs could translate into improved profit margins for EXL and its clients.
  • Revenue Growth: As the insurance industry increasingly adopts AI solutions, EXL's specialized offering could drive new business acquisition and expand existing client relationships.
  • Competitive Advantage: The 30% improvement in accuracy over leading pre-trained models positions EXL as a technology leader, potentially commanding premium pricing for its services.
  • Long-term Value: The planned expansion of use cases across the insurance value chain suggests a robust pipeline for future revenue streams.

With a market cap of $5.9 billion, this innovation could be a catalyst for EXL's stock performance, especially if it translates into tangible financial results in upcoming quarters. Investors should monitor adoption rates and the impact on EXL's revenue and profitability metrics closely.

EXL LLM for Insurance outperforms leading pre-trained models on accuracy across wide range of claims and underwriting related tasks

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EXL [NASDAQ: EXLS], a leading data analytics and digital operations and solutions company, announced the launch of the EXL Insurance LLM, an industry-specific LLM. Building on EXL’s recently announced initiative with NVIDIA AI Enterprise, the EXL Insurance LLM is the first industry-specific LLM created to support critical claims and underwriting-related tasks, such as claims reconciliation, data extraction and interpretation, question-answering, anomaly detection and chronology summarization.

The EXL Insurance LLM was developed to address the highly specialized needs of the insurance industry, which has struggled to leverage off-the-shelf, general LLMs that lack fine-tuning of private insurance data and domain-specific understanding of business process operations. Generic LLMs also fail to address the nuanced challenges faced by insurance companies during claim adjudication, leading to inefficiencies, high indemnity costs, claims leakage, longer settlement timelines, and increased compliance risks. By focusing exclusively on insurance-related tasks, EXL has incorporated its deep knowledge of the insurance industry and highly tailored proprietary data to create the industry’s most accurate LLM.

This level of specialization has become critical for ensuring accuracy, reducing cost and improving consistency in industry-specific AI applications. According to Gartner, more than 50% of the GenAI models that enterprises use will be specific to either an industry or business function by 2027 — up from approximately 1% in 2023. In internal studies, the EXL Insurance LLM achieved a 30% improvement in accuracy on insurance tasks, surpassing top pre-trained models, such as OpenAI GPT4, Claude and Gemini. It was built by EXL AI Labs using the full-stack NVIDIA AI platform.

EXL customized the LLM using the NVIDIA NeMo™ end-to-end platform, part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise Software Platform, for training, customization, and deployment, and to handle question-and-answer tasks and summarization. The training process involved special adapters and was done through low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and supervised fine-tuning (SFT). It was tested on single and multi-node setups to optimize performance, utilizing advanced parallel processing methods using the NeMo framework on H100 GPUs. This approach was crucial for handling this extensive dataset.

EXL used NVIDIA Triton Inference Server™ to maximize GPU power for single and multi-node setups. The system also includes retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) with NIVDIA NeMo Retriever microservices to handle long documents for questions and answers. The EXL Insurance LLM utilizes NVIDIA Nemo Guardrails to better manage input and output, creating a smoother user experience.

“With 25 years of expertise in processing medical records data for bodily injury, workers' compensation, and general liability claims, EXL has developed curated data sets with domain-specific tagging, labeling, and question and answer pair creation for claims adjudication to fine-tune our models,” said Anand “Andy” Logani, EXL’s executive vice president and chief digital officer. “The EXL Insurance LLM offers 30% greater accuracy and 30% lower costs than generic LLMs while ensuring full regulatory compliance.”

Specific tasks supported by the EXL Insurance LLM include the following:

  • Structured and Unstructured Data Ingestion: EXL Insurance LLM is able to aggregate and reconcile hundreds of thousands of de-identified medical records, claims histories, hand-written notes, call logs, and other claims and underwriting-related information.

  • Contextual Classification and Triaging: Data and insights extracted using the LLM are automatically categorized and fed into a wide range of core functions, ranging from claims adjudication to provider engagement to payment integrity to customer service functions.

  • Conversations and Insights from Data: Insights, question-answering and summary data drawn from the LLM empower faster, more accurate negotiations with providers, more robust assessment of anomalies and inaccurate payments and more personalized, real-time conversations with customers.

The EXL Insurance LLM was developed by the EXL AI Labs, a dedicated team of AI and engineering specialists working across EXL’s Analytics and Digital and industry business units to accelerate the development of enterprise AI solutions. The EXL Insurance LLM will continue to evolve, expanding use cases across the insurance value chain, including underwriting, premium audit, subrogation, and finance. The comprehensive domain expertise within the LLM will integrate insights from all value chain components, further enhancing its precision and applicability.

For more information about the EXL LLM for Insurance, please visit here. To learn more about EXL’s NVIDIA partnership, please visit here.

About EXL

EXL (Nasdaq: EXLS) is a leading data analytics and digital operations and solutions company. We partner with clients using a data and AI-led approach to reinvent business models, drive better business outcomes and unlock growth with speed. EXL harnesses the power of data, analytics, AI, and deep industry knowledge to transform operations for the world’s leading corporations in industries including insurance, healthcare, banking and financial services, media and retail, among others. EXL was founded in 1999 with the core values of innovation, collaboration, excellence, integrity and respect. We are headquartered in New York and have more than 55,000 employees spanning six continents. For more information, visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should not place undue reliance on those statements because they are subject to numerous uncertainties and factors relating to EXL's operations and business environment, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond EXL’s control. Forward-looking statements include information concerning EXL’s possible or assumed future results of operations, including descriptions of its business strategy. These statements may include words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “estimate” or similar expressions. These statements are based on assumptions that we have made in light of management's experience in the industry as well as its perceptions of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate under the circumstances. You should understand that these statements are not guarantees of performance or results. They involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although EXL believes that these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, you should be aware that many factors could affect EXL’s actual financial results or results of operations and could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. These factors, which include our ability to maintain and grow client demand, our ability to hire and retain sufficiently trained employees, and our ability to accurately estimate and/or manage costs, rising interest rates, rising inflation and recessionary economic trends, are discussed in more detail in EXL’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including EXL’s Annual Report on Form 10-K. You should keep in mind that any forward-looking statement made herein, or elsewhere, speaks only as of the date on which it is made. New risks and uncertainties come up from time to time, and it is impossible to predict these events or how they may affect EXL. EXL has no obligation to update any forward-looking statements after the date hereof, except as required by federal securities laws.

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Keith Little
+1 703-598-0980

Investor Relations
John Kristoff
+1 212 209 4613


What is the EXL Insurance LLM and how does it differ from generic LLMs?

The EXL Insurance LLM is an industry-specific large language model designed for insurance-related tasks. It outperforms generic LLMs by 30% in accuracy and offers 30% lower costs while being tailored to address specialized insurance industry needs and ensuring regulatory compliance.

What specific tasks can the EXL Insurance LLM perform for insurance companies?

The EXL Insurance LLM can perform tasks such as structured and unstructured data ingestion, contextual classification and triaging, and generating conversations and insights from data. It supports claims reconciliation, data extraction, question-answering, anomaly detection, and chronology summarization.

How was the EXL Insurance LLM developed and what technologies were used?

The EXL Insurance LLM was developed by EXL AI Labs using NVIDIA AI Enterprise. It utilizes technologies such as NVIDIA NeMo for training and customization, NVIDIA Triton Inference Server for deployment, and NVIDIA NeMo Guardrails for input/output management. The model was fine-tuned using low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and supervised fine-tuning (SFT).

What impact could the EXL Insurance LLM have on EXLS stock?

The launch of the EXL Insurance LLM could potentially have a positive impact on EXLS stock by demonstrating the company's innovation in AI technology for the insurance industry. The improved accuracy and cost-efficiency of the model may lead to increased adoption by insurance companies, potentially driving revenue growth for EXL.

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