Invenra Highlights Exelixis’ Announcement: Initiation of Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating XB010 in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors

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Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) has initiated the dose-escalation stage of the first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial of XB010 in patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors. XB010 is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) targeting the tumor antigen 5T4, developed through Exelixis' biotherapeutics collaboration network. The trial will evaluate XB010 as a single agent and in combination with pembrolizumab. The study includes a dose-escalation stage followed by expansion cohorts to assess tolerability and activity in specific indications. XB010 was constructed using Catalent's SMARTag site-specific bioconjugation platform, with its 5T4-targeting mAb discovered in collaboration with Invenra.

Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) ha iniziato la fase di escalation dosimetrica del primo studio clinico di fase 1 su XB010 in pazienti con tumori solidi localmente avanzati o metastatici. XB010 è un coniugato anticorpo-farmaco (ADC) che mira all'antigene tumorale 5T4, sviluppato attraverso la rete di collaborazione bioterapeutica di Exelixis. Lo studio valuterà XB010 come singolo agente e in combinazione con pembrolizumab. La ricerca include una fase di escalation dosimetrica seguita da coorti di espansione per valutare la tollerabilità e l'attività in indicazioni specifiche. XB010 è stato costruito utilizzando la piattaforma di bioconjugazione specifica per sito SMARTag di Catalent, con il suo mAb mirato a 5T4 scoperto in collaborazione con Invenra.

Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) ha iniciado la etapa de escalado de dosis del primer ensayo clínico en fase 1 de XB010 en pacientes con tumores sólidos localmente avanzados o metastásicos. XB010 es un conjugado anticuerpo-fármaco (ADC) que se dirige al antígeno tumoral 5T4, desarrollado a través de la red de colaboración en bioterapeutas de Exelixis. El estudio evaluará XB010 como monoagente y en combinación con pembrolizumab. La investigación incluye una etapa de escalado de dosis seguida de cohortes de expansión para evaluar la tolerabilidad y la actividad en indicaciones específicas. XB010 se construyó utilizando la plataforma de bioconjugación específica de sitio SMARTag de Catalent, con su mAb dirigido a 5T4 descubierto en colaboración con Invenra.

Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL)는 1상 임상 시험에서 XB010용량 증량 단계를 시작했습니다. 이 시험은 국소 진행성 또는 전이성 고형 종양 환자를 대상으로 진행됩니다. XB010은 종양 항원 5T4를 표적으로 하는 항체-약물 접합체 (ADC)로, Exelixis의 생물 의약품 협업 네트워크를 통해 개발되었습니다. 이 연구는 XB010을 단독 제제로 및 pembrolizumab과의 병용으로 평가할 것입니다. 이 연구는 내약성과 특정 적응증에서의 활성을 평가하기 위해 용량 증량 단계와 그 뒤를 잇는 확장 코호트를 포함합니다. XB010은 Catalent의 SMARTag 사이트 특이적 생물접합 플랫폼을 사용하여 구축되었으며, 5T4를 타겟으로 하는 mAb는 Invenra와의 협력을 통해 발견되었습니다.

Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) a initié la phase d'escalade de dose du premier essai clinique de phase 1 du XB010 chez des patients présentant des tumeurs solides localement avancées ou métastatiques. XB010 est un conjugué anticorps-médicament (ADC) ciblant l'antigène tumoral 5T4, développé à travers le réseau de collaboration biothérapeutique d'Exelixis. L'essai évaluera XB010 en tant que monothérapie et en combinaison avec le pembrolizumab. L'étude comprend une phase d'escalade de dose suivie de cohortes d'expansion pour évaluer la tolérance et l'activité dans des indications spécifiques. XB010 a été construit en utilisant la plateforme de bioconjugaison spécifique au site SMARTag de Catalent, avec son mAb ciblant 5T4 découvert en collaboration avec Invenra.

Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) hat die Dosissteigerungsphase der ersten Phase-1-Studie zu XB010 bei Patienten mit weit fortgeschrittenen oder metastatischen soliden Tumoren eingeleitet. XB010 ist ein Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugat (ADC), das das Tumorantigen 5T4 anvisiert und durch Exelixis' Netzwerk für biotherapeutische Kooperationen entwickelt wurde. Die Studie wird XB010 als Einzelmittel und in Kombination mit Pembrolizumab bewerten. Die Untersuchung umfasst eine Dosissteigerungsphase, gefolgt von Erweiterungs-Kohorten, um die Verträglichkeit und Wirksamkeit in spezifischen Indikationen zu beurteilen. XB010 wurde unter Verwendung der spezifischen biokonjugativen Plattform SMARTag von Catalent konstruiert, wobei das 5T4-zielgerichtete mAb in Zusammenarbeit mit Invenra entdeckt wurde.

  • Initiation of first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial for XB010
  • XB010 is the first custom ADC from Exelixis' biotherapeutics collaboration network
  • Trial design includes both single agent and combination therapy evaluations
  • Expansion cohorts planned to assess tolerability and activity in specific indications
  • None.

The initiation of the Phase 1 clinical trial for XB010 is a significant milestone in the development of this novel antibody-drug conjugate (ADC). As an oncology expert, I find several aspects particularly noteworthy:

  • XB010 targets the tumor antigen 5T4, which is expressed in various solid tumors, potentially offering a broad therapeutic application.
  • The use of Catalent's SMARTag bioconjugation platform suggests a potentially improved safety profile and more consistent drug-to-antibody ratio compared to traditional ADCs.
  • The trial's design, evaluating XB010 both as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab, is strategically sound. It allows for assessment of the ADC's efficacy alone and potential synergistic effects with immunotherapy.

While promising, it's important to remember that Phase 1 trials primarily assess safety and efficacy data will be preliminary. The true potential of XB010 will become clearer as the trial progresses to expansion cohorts.

This announcement carries significant implications for Exelixis and its collaborators:

  • It marks Exelixis' entry into the ADC space, a rapidly growing segment of oncology therapeutics with high market potential.
  • The successful progression of XB010 to clinical trials validates Exelixis' biotherapeutics collaboration strategy, potentially leading to more partnerships and pipeline expansion.
  • For Invenra, this milestone likely triggers a financial payment and enhances its credibility in antibody discovery.
  • The involvement of multiple partners (Invenra, Catalent) showcases a trend towards specialized collaborations in biotech drug development.

Investors should note that while this news is positive, ADC development is highly competitive. The long-term value will depend on XB010's performance in later-stage trials and its differentiation from other ADCs in development or on the market.

The design of this Phase 1 trial for XB010 is well-structured and forward-thinking:

  • The dose-escalation stage is important for determining the maximum tolerated dose and initial safety profile.
  • Including a combination arm with pembrolizumab early in development is strategic, as combination therapies are increasingly becoming standard of care in oncology.
  • The planned expansion cohorts will provide valuable indication-specific data, potentially accelerating the path to Phase 2 for promising indications.

However, it's important to note that the trial is in its early stages. Typical Phase 1 timelines suggest we might not see significant data for 12-18 months. The global nature of the study could accelerate recruitment but may also introduce variability in results. Investors and the medical community should temper expectations and await initial safety data before drawing conclusions about XB010's potential.

MADISON, Wisc.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Invenra’s collaboration partner, Exelixis, Inc. (NASDAQ: EXEL) has announced the initiation of the dose-escalation stage of the first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial of XB010 in patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors.

XB010, an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) consisting of a monomethyl auristatin E payload conjugated to a monoclonal antibody targeting the tumor antigen 5T4, is the first custom ADC generated through Exelixis’ biotherapeutics collaboration network. XB010 was constructed using Catalent’s SMARTag site-specific bioconjugation platform, and its 5T4-targeting mAb was discovered in collaboration with Invenra.

Exelixis further announced that the dose-escalation stage of their phase 1, global, open-label study will evaluate XB010 as a single agent and in combination with pembrolizumab to inform the cohort-expansion stage. The expansion cohorts are designed to further assess the tolerability and activity of monotherapy and of the combination in specific indications.

608-441-8319 or

Source: Invenra


What is XB010 and what is its target in Exelixis' (EXEL) new clinical trial?

XB010 is an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) targeting the tumor antigen 5T4. It's being evaluated in a phase 1 clinical trial for patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumors.

What stage of clinical development has XB010 (EXEL) entered?

XB010 has entered the dose-escalation stage of a first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial, as announced by Exelixis (EXEL).

How will XB010 be evaluated in Exelixis' (EXEL) phase 1 trial?

XB010 will be evaluated as a single agent and in combination with pembrolizumab in the dose-escalation stage, followed by expansion cohorts to assess tolerability and activity in specific indications.

Which companies collaborated in the development of XB010 for Exelixis (EXEL)?

XB010 was developed through collaborations with Catalent (using their SMARTag bioconjugation platform) and Invenra (who discovered the 5T4-targeting mAb).

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