Exelon Crews and Equipment Deployed to Florida for Power Restoration Efforts After Hurricane Milton

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Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) has deployed over 600 field and support personnel to aid in power restoration efforts in Florida following Hurricane Milton. This deployment comes shortly after sending hundreds of crews to assist with Hurricane Helene recovery. Crews from all six Exelon utilities - Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO, and Pepco - are participating in the restoration efforts.

Mike Innocenzo, executive VP and COO at Exelon, emphasized the industry's tradition of mutual assistance during severe weather events. Exelon is investing $35 billion over the next few years to modernize and strengthen the grid, aiming to improve resilience against future storms. The company, a member of the Edison Electric Institute, has a history of responding to calls for mutual assistance, including deployments for Hurricanes Ian (2022) and Idalia (2023).

Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) ha dispiegato oltre 600 persone tra personale operativo e di supporto per aiutare negli sforzi di ripristino dell'energia in Florida dopo l'Uragano Milton. Questo dispiegamento arriva poco dopo l'invio di centinaia di squadre per assistere nei lavori di recupero dopo l'Uragano Helene. Squadre da tutte e sei le utility di Exelon - Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO e Pepco - stanno partecipando agli sforzi di ripristino.

Mike Innocenzo, vicepresidente esecutivo e COO di Exelon, ha sottolineato la tradizione del settore di assistenza reciproca durante gli eventi meteorologici gravi. Exelon sta investendo 35 miliardi di dollari nei prossimi anni per modernizzare e rafforzare la rete, con l'obiettivo di migliorare la resilienza contro future tempeste. L'azienda, membro dell'Edison Electric Institute, ha una lunga storia di risposta alle richieste di assistenza reciproca, compresi i dispiegamenti per gli uragani Ian (2022) e Idalia (2023).

Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) ha desplegado más de 600 personas en el campo y personal de apoyo para ayudar en los esfuerzos de restauración de energía en Florida tras el Huracán Milton. Este despliegue llega poco después de enviar cientos de equipos para ayudar en la recuperación del Huracán Helene. Equipos de las seis utilities de Exelon - Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO y Pepco - están participando en los esfuerzos de restauración.

Mike Innocenzo, vicepresidente ejecutivo y COO de Exelon, enfatizó la tradición de asistencia mutua de la industria durante eventos climáticos severos. Exelon está invirtiendo 35 mil millones de dólares en los próximos años para modernizar y fortalecer la red, con el objetivo de mejorar la resiliencia ante futuras tormentas. La empresa, miembro del Edison Electric Institute, tiene un historial de respuesta a las solicitudes de asistencia mutua, incluidos los despliegues para los huracanes Ian (2022) e Idalia (2023).

엑셀론(나스닥: EXC)은 허리케인 밀턴 이후 플로리다에서 전력 복구 작업을 지원하기 위해 600명이 넘는 현장 및 지원 인력을 배치했습니다. 이번 배치는 허리케인 헬렌 복구를 지원하기 위해 수백 개의 팀을 파견한 직후 이루어진 것입니다. 엑셀론의 여섯 개 유틸리티(애틀랜틱 시티 전기, BGE, ComEd, 델마바 파워, PECO, 그리고 펩코)의 팀들이 복구 작업에 참여하고 있습니다.

엑셀론의 부회장 겸 COO인 마이크 이노첸조는 심각한 기상 사건 동안 업계의 상호 지원 전통을 강조했습니다. 엑셀론은 향후 몇 년 동안 전력망을 현대화하고 강화하기 위해 350억 달러를 투자할 계획이며, 이는 미래의 폭풍에 대한 회복력을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 에디슨 전기 연구소의 일원인 이 회사는 허리케인 이안(2022)과 이달리아(2023)에 대한 지원 요청에 대응한 역사를 가지고 있습니다.

Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) a déployé plus de 600 personnes sur le terrain et du personnel de soutien pour aider aux efforts de restauration de l'électricité en Floride suite à l'ouragan Milton. Ce déploiement intervient peu après l'envoi de centaines d'équipes pour assister à la récupération après l'ouragan Helene. Des équipes des six services publics d'Exelon - Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO et Pepco - participent aux efforts de restauration.

Mike Innocenzo, vice-président exécutif et COO d'Exelon, a souligné la tradition de soutien mutuel de l'industrie lors d'événements météorologiques sévères. Exelon investit 35 milliards de dollars au cours des prochaines années pour moderniser et renforcer le réseau, dans le but d'améliorer la résilience face aux tempêtes futures. L'entreprise, membre de l'Edison Electric Institute, a une longue histoire de réponse aux demandes d'assistance mutuelle, y compris des déploiements pour les ouragans Ian (2022) et Idalia (2023).

Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) hat über 600 Einsatzkräfte und Unterstützungspersonal bereitgestellt, um die Stromwiederherstellungsarbeiten in Florida nach dem Hurrikan Milton zu unterstützen. Diese Bereitstellung erfolgt kurz nach dem Einsatz von Hunderte von Teams zur Unterstützung der Bergungsarbeiten nach dem Hurrikan Helene. Teams aus allen sechs Exelon-Netzgesellschaften - Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO und Pepco - nehmen an den Wiederherstellungsarbeiten teil.

Mike Innocenzo, Executive VP und COO von Exelon, betonte die Tradition der gegenseitigen Unterstützung in der Branche während schwerer Wetterereignisse. Exelon investiert in den nächsten Jahren 35 Milliarden Dollar in die Modernisierung und Stärkung des Netzes, um die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen zukünftige Stürme zu verbessern. Das Unternehmen, Mitglied des Edison Electric Institute, hat eine Geschichte der Reaktion auf Anfragen um gegenseitige Hilfe, einschließlich Einsätze für die Hurrikane Ian (2022) und Idalia (2023).

  • Deployment of over 600 personnel demonstrates strong operational capacity and commitment to community support
  • Participation in mutual assistance programs enhances industry relationships and reputation
  • $35 billion investment planned for grid modernization and strengthening, potentially improving future resilience
  • None.

Crews and support teams from all six Exelon utilities will collaborate with utility workers from across the country to support critical restoration efforts.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In a unified effort to support communities impacted by Hurricane Milton, Exelon has deployed more than 600 field and support personnel to aid in power restoration after the storm’s landfall. Recognizing the urgency and potential devastation of the storm, Exelon’s utility companies swiftly mobilized resources to ensure local Florida utility companies have the support needed to address power outages safely and promptly. This follows Exelon’s recent dispatch of hundreds of crews to assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

Exelon/BGE employees prepare to depart for Florida from a service center in Maryland. (Photo: Business Wire)

Exelon/BGE employees prepare to depart for Florida from a service center in Maryland. (Photo: Business Wire)

"We’re fortunate to operate in an industry that values cooperation and helping each other in times of need is the norm. Our tradition of supporting communities after severe weather events continues with Hurricane Milton," said Mike Innocenzo, executive vice president and COO at Exelon. "Over the years, Exelon’s utilities have received crucial assistance following severe storms in our service areas, and now it's our turn to extend a helping hand to Americans in need, in this case, those suffering the impacts of a second major hurricane in less than two weeks. I’m appreciative of the service and sacrifices our employees are making—being away from home and their loved ones—to support those desperately in need of assistance."

The nature of two back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton, hitting Florida within a span of just 13 days highlights the increasing threat posed by a shifting climate. Exelon recognizes the need for long-term grid resilience, and by investing $35 billion over the next few years in the modernization and strengthening of the grid, will be positioned to better withstand future storms, ensuring communities can recover quickly and minimizing the disruptions that leave millions in the dark.

Crews and equipment from Exelon’s local energy companies — Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO, and Pepco — are en route to staging areas or are already working at impacted sites across Florida. Meanwhile, some of our teams completing Hurricane Helene restoration efforts in Georgia and North Carolina are now traveling to Florida to assist with recovery from Hurricane Milton.

Exelon is a member of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and frequently responds to calls for mutual assistance from fellow member companies. Over the years, Exelon utilities have deployed thousands of crews and support personnel to assist energy companies after severe weather events, including Hurricane Ian in 2022 and Hurricane Idalia in 2023.

About Exelon

Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) is a Fortune 200 company and the nation’s largest utility company, serving more than 10.5 million customers through six fully regulated transmission and distribution utilities — Atlantic City Electric (ACE), Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), Delmarva Power & Light (DPL), PECO Energy Company (PECO), and Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco). 20,000 Exelon employees dedicate their time and expertise to supporting our communities through reliable, affordable and efficient energy delivery, workforce development, equity, economic development and volunteerism. Follow Exelon on X, @Exelon

James Gherardi

312-394-7417 Media Hotline

Source: Exelon


How many personnel has Exelon (EXC) deployed to Florida for Hurricane Milton recovery?

Exelon has deployed more than 600 field and support personnel to aid in power restoration efforts in Florida following Hurricane Milton.

What investment is Exelon (EXC) making to improve grid resilience?

Exelon is investing $35 billion over the next few years to modernize and strengthen the grid, aiming to better withstand future storms and ensure quicker community recovery.

Which Exelon (EXC) utilities are participating in the Hurricane Milton restoration efforts?

Crews and equipment from all six Exelon utilities - Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO, and Pepco - are participating in the Hurricane Milton restoration efforts in Florida.

Has Exelon (EXC) provided assistance for other recent hurricanes?

Yes, Exelon recently dispatched hundreds of crews to assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, and has previously deployed crews for Hurricanes Ian in 2022 and Idalia in 2023.

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