Exelon Appoints David DeWalt to Board of Directors
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), the nation's largest utility company, has appointed David DeWalt to its Board of Directors, effective March 10, 2025. DeWalt, 60, is the founder and CEO of cybersecurity and venture capital firm NightDragon, and former leader of FireEye and McAfee.
As a global authority on technology, security and safety, DeWalt brings important cybersecurity expertise to Exelon, which serves 10.7 million customers through six regulated transmission and distribution utilities. His appointment aims to strengthen the company's technological infrastructure and security as it develops an intelligent grid system.
DeWalt has served on the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee for four administrations and currently serves on Delta Airlines' Board. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Ph.D from the University of Delaware.
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), la più grande compagnia di servizi pubblici del paese, ha nominato David DeWalt nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto dal 10 marzo 2025. DeWalt, 60 anni, è il fondatore e CEO della società di cybersicurezza e venture capital NightDragon, ed è stato leader di FireEye e McAfee.
In qualità di autorità globale in tecnologia, sicurezza e protezione, DeWalt porta un'importante esperienza in cybersicurezza a Exelon, che serve 10,7 milioni di clienti attraverso sei utility di trasmissione e distribuzione regolamentate. La sua nomina mira a rafforzare l'infrastruttura tecnologica e la sicurezza dell'azienda mentre sviluppa un sistema di rete intelligente.
DeWalt ha fatto parte del National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee per quattro amministrazioni e attualmente è membro del Consiglio di Delta Airlines. Ha conseguito una laurea in Informatica e un dottorato presso l'Università del Delaware.
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), la compañía de servicios públicos más grande del país, ha nombrado a David DeWalt en su Junta Directiva, con efecto a partir del 10 de marzo de 2025. DeWalt, de 60 años, es el fundador y CEO de la firma de ciberseguridad y capital de riesgo NightDragon, y exlíder de FireEye y McAfee.
Como autoridad global en tecnología, seguridad y protección, DeWalt aporta una importante experiencia en ciberseguridad a Exelon, que atiende a 10.7 millones de clientes a través de seis utilidades de transmisión y distribución reguladas. Su nombramiento tiene como objetivo fortalecer la infraestructura tecnológica y la seguridad de la empresa mientras desarrolla un sistema de red inteligente.
DeWalt ha servido en el Comité Asesor de Telecomunicaciones de Seguridad Nacional durante cuatro administraciones y actualmente forma parte de la Junta de Delta Airlines. Tiene una licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación y un doctorado de la Universidad de Delaware.
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), 미국 최대의 유틸리티 회사가 David DeWalt를 이사회의 일원으로 임명했습니다. 임기는 2025년 3월 10일부터 시작됩니다. 60세인 DeWalt는 사이버 보안 및 벤처 캐피탈 회사인 NightDragon의 창립자이자 CEO이며, FireEye와 McAfee의 전 CEO입니다.
기술, 보안 및 안전 분야의 세계적인 권위자인 DeWalt는 1,070만 고객에게 서비스를 제공하는 Exelon에 중요한 사이버 보안 전문 지식을 제공합니다. 그의 임명은 지능형 그리드 시스템을 개발하는 동안 회사의 기술 인프라와 보안을 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
DeWalt는 네 개의 행정부에서 국가안보통신자문위원회에서 활동했으며 현재 Delta Airlines의 이사로 재직 중입니다. 그는 델라웨어 대학교에서 컴퓨터 과학 학사와 박사 학위를 받았습니다.
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), la plus grande entreprise de services publics du pays, a nommé David DeWalt à son Conseil d'Administration, à compter du 10 mars 2025. DeWalt, âgé de 60 ans, est le fondateur et PDG de la société de cybersécurité et de capital-risque NightDragon, et ancien dirigeant de FireEye et McAfee.
En tant qu'autorité mondiale en technologie, sécurité et sûreté, DeWalt apporte une expertise importante en cybersécurité à Exelon, qui sert 10,7 millions de clients à travers six services de transmission et de distribution réglementés. Sa nomination vise à renforcer l'infrastructure technologique et la sécurité de l'entreprise alors qu'elle développe un système de réseau intelligent.
DeWalt a siégé au Comité consultatif sur les télécommunications de sécurité nationale pendant quatre administrations et est actuellement membre du Conseil de Delta Airlines. Il détient un Bachelor of Science en informatique et un doctorat de l'Université du Delaware.
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC), das größte Versorgungsunternehmen des Landes, hat David DeWalt mit Wirkung zum 10. März 2025 in seinen Vorstand berufen. DeWalt, 60 Jahre alt, ist der Gründer und CEO der Cybersecurity- und Risikokapitalfirma NightDragon sowie ehemaliger Leiter von FireEye und McAfee.
Als globale Autorität in Technologie, Sicherheit und Schutz bringt DeWalt wichtige Cybersecurity-Expertise zu Exelon, das 10,7 Millionen Kunden über sechs regulierte Übertragungs- und Verteilungsunternehmen bedient. Seine Ernennung zielt darauf ab, die technologische Infrastruktur und Sicherheit des Unternehmens zu stärken, während es ein intelligentes Netzsystem entwickelt.
DeWalt war in vier Verwaltungsperioden im National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee tätig und ist derzeit Mitglied des Vorstands von Delta Airlines. Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in Informatik und einen Doktortitel von der University of Delaware.
- Strategic addition of cybersecurity expert to board strengthens technological governance
- Appointment brings valuable experience from leading cybersecurity companies FireEye and McAfee
- DeWalt's expertise aligns with Exelon's intelligent grid development initiatives
- None.
DeWalt brings cybersecurity expertise to the nation’s largest utility company in a rapidly evolving technology landscape

David DeWalt, founder and chief executive officer of cybersecurity and venture capital firm NightDragon. (Photo: Business Wire)
DeWalt, 60, is a global authority on technology, security and safety, and he helmed cybersecurity industry leaders FireEye, Inc., and McAfee, Inc., before founding NightDragon in 2012. In his current role, he advises companies that help secure land, sea, air, space and cyber domains through satellite intelligence, naval defense, supply chain resilience, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity infrastructure.
“In addition to being an infrastructure company, Exelon is a technology company, focused on building an intelligent grid capable of executing the critical operations that deliver energy to 10.7 million customers,” said Exelon President and CEO Calvin Butler. “David’s expertise will be an extremely important complement to our board, to help ensure the safety of our operations and customer data as we upgrade our systems and navigate an increasingly complex technology landscape.”
DeWalt has served on the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC) for four administrations. He is also on the Board of Directors of Delta Airlines. DeWalt holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Ph.D in Computer and Information Science and Support Services from the University of
About Exelon
Exelon (Nasdaq: EXC) is a Fortune 200 company and the nation’s largest utility company, serving more than 10.7 million customers through six fully regulated transmission and distribution utilities — Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO and Pepco. More than 20,000 Exelon employees dedicate their time and expertise to supporting our communities through reliable, affordable and efficient energy delivery, workforce development, equity, economic development and volunteerism. Follow Exelon on X, formerly known as Twitter, and LinkedIn @Exelon.
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Tim Stokes
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Source: Exelon
When will David DeWalt join Exelon's (EXC) Board of Directors?
What is David DeWalt's background and expertise bringing to EXC?
How many customers does Exelon (EXC) currently serve?
What are the six utility companies owned by Exelon (EXC)?