ComEd Joins YMCA and Goodwill to Graduate 89 Local Teens from Summer Job Training Program

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ComEd, in partnership with the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago and Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago, celebrated the graduation of 89 teens from the CONSTRUCT Youth Academy summer job training program. This initiative, now in its second year, prepares local youth for careers in the clean energy and construction fields. The program expanded to five sites in Chicago, including a new location in Palatine, significantly increasing participation from 21 last year.

The three-week program offers high school juniors and seniors insights into various energy sector careers, from entry-level positions to STEM and engineering roles. Participants connect with industry leaders, visit ComEd facilities, and receive demonstrations on cutting-edge technologies. Over 95% of participants are people of color, and 25% are girls, reflecting the diversity of ComEd's service area.

ComEd, in collaborazione con la YMCA della Grande Chicago e il Goodwill di Milwaukee e Chicago, ha celebrato la laurea di 89 adolescenti dal programma di formazione estiva CONSTRUCT Youth Academy. Questa iniziativa, ora al suo secondo anno, prepara i giovani locali per carriere nei settori dell'energia pulita e delle costruzioni. Il programma si è ampliato a cinque sedi a Chicago, inclusa una nuova posizione a Palatine, aumentando notevolmente la partecipazione rispetto ai 21 partecipanti dell'anno scorso.

Il programma di tre settimane offre a studenti dell'ultimo anno e dei penultimi anni delle scuole superiori informazioni su diverse carriere nel settore energetico, dalle posizioni entry-level ai ruoli STEM e ingegneristici. I partecipanti hanno l'opportunità di connettersi con leader del settore, visitare impianti ComEd e ricevere dimostrazioni su tecnologie all'avanguardia. Oltre il 95% dei partecipanti sono persone di colore, e 25% sono ragazze, riflettendo la diversità dell'area di servizio di ComEd.

ComEd, en colaboración con la YMCA de la Metropolitana de Chicago y Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago, celebró la graduación de 89 adolescentes del programa de formación laboral estival CONSTRUCT Youth Academy. Esta iniciativa, ahora en su segundo año, prepara a los jóvenes locales para carreras en los sectores de energía limpia y construcción. El programa se expandió a cinco sitios en Chicago, incluyendo una nueva ubicación en Palatine, lo que aumentó considerablemente la participación desde los 21 participantes del año pasado.

El programa de tres semanas ofrece a estudiantes de penúltimo y último año de secundaria información sobre diversas carreras en el sector energético, desde posiciones de nivel inicial hasta roles en STEM e ingeniería. Los participantes se conectan con líderes de la industria, visitan instalaciones de ComEd y reciben demostraciones sobre tecnologías de vanguardia. Más del 95% de los participantes son personas de color, y 25% son chicas, reflejando la diversidad del área de servicio de ComEd.

ComEd는 시카고 대도시 YMCA 및 그레이터 밀워키 & 시카고 굿윌과 협력하여 89명의 청소년CONSTRUCT Youth Academy 여름 직업 훈련 프로그램을 졸업하는 것을 축하했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 두 번째 해에 접어들며, 지역 청소년들을 청정 에너지 및 건설 분야 경력에 준비시킵니다. 프로그램은 시카고 내 다섯 개의 장소로 확장되었으며, 팔라틴의 새로운 장소가 포함되어 지난해 21명에서 참여자가 크게 증가했습니다.

3주 프로그램은 고등학교 11학년 및 12학년 학생들에게 에너지 분야의 다양한 경력에 대한 통찰을 제공합니다. 입문 수준의 직무에서 STEM 및 엔지니어링 역할까지 다양하며, 참가자들은 업계 리더들과 연결되고, ComEd 시설을 방문하며 최신 기술에 대한 시연을 받습니다. 참가자의 95% 이상이 유색 인종이며, 25%가 여성으로, ComEd 서비스 지역의 다양성을 반영하고 있습니다.

ComEd, en partenariat avec la YMCA de la Métropole de Chicago et Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago, a célébré la graduation de 89 adolescents du programme de formation d'été CONSTRUCT Youth Academy. Cette initiative, qui en est à sa deuxième année, prépare les jeunes locaux à des carrières dans les secteurs de l'énergie propre et de la construction. Le programme a été élargi à cinq sites à Chicago, y compris un nouvel emplacement à Palatine, augmentant de manière significative la participation par rapport aux 21 participants de l'année dernière.

Le programme de trois semaines offre aux élèves de 11e et 12e année des aperçus sur diverses carrières dans le secteur de l'énergie, allant des postes de débutant aux rôles en STEM et en ingénierie. Les participants se connectent avec des leaders de l'industrie, visitent des installations ComEd et reçoivent des démonstrations sur des technologies de pointe. Plus de 95% des participants sont des personnes de couleur, et 25% sont des filles, reflétant la diversité de la zone de service de ComEd.

ComEd hat in Zusammenarbeit mit der YMCA der Metropolregion Chicago und Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago die Graduierung von 89 Jugendlichen aus dem Sommerjob-Trainingsprogramm CONSTRUCT Youth Academy gefeiert. Diese Initiative, die nun im zweiten Jahr läuft, bereitet lokale Jugendliche auf Karrieren in den Bereichen saubere Energie und Bauwesen vor. Das Programm wurde auf fünf Standorte in Chicago ausgeweitet, darunter ein neuer Standort in Palatine, was die Teilnahme im Vergleich zu 21 im letzten Jahr erheblich gesteigert hat.

Das dreiwöchige Programm bietet Schülern der 11. und 12. Klasse Einblicke in verschiedene Karrieren im Energiesektor, von Einstiegspositionen bis hin zu STEM- und Ingenieurrollen. Die Teilnehmer verbinden sich mit Branchenführern, besuchen ComEd-Einrichtungen und erhalten Vorführungen zu modernen Technologien. Über 95% der Teilnehmer sind People of Color, und 25% sind Mädchen, was die Vielfalt des Servicegebiets von ComEd widerspiegelt.

  • Expansion of the CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program from 21 to 89 participants
  • Preparation of local youth for expected job growth in clean energy sector
  • Diverse participation with over 95% people of color and 25% girls
  • Collaboration with YMCA and Goodwill to expand training opportunities
  • Potential for 150,000 new jobs in Illinois by 2050 due to clean energy transition
  • None.

ComEd’s CONSTRUCT Youth Academy expands in second year to prepare more area youth for roles in the growing clean energy field

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ComEd, the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago and Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago today hosted a graduation event for 89 teens who have completed summer job training that prepared them for emerging career opportunities in the clean energy and construction fields.

Through the CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program, ComEd and its partner agencies are expanding access to training for local teens interested in careers in the fast-growing energy sector. Expanding training for local youth and job seekers is critical to preparing communities for the expected future job growth, with a recent study finding that the clean energy transition could add as many as 150,000 jobs in Illinois by 2050.

"With the clean energy transition set to create thousands of jobs in the years ahead, programs like CONSTRUCT Youth Academy are essential to creating pathways for more diverse local youth to join the utility field and to prepare our communities for a cleaner energy future," said Melissa Washington, Senior Vice President Of Customer Operations and Strategic Initiatives at ComEd. “Through collaboration with incredible partners at the YMCA, Goodwill and numerous other agencies in the region, ComEd is expanding training programs to expose the next generation of leaders to knowledge and technology needed to unlock good-paying jobs in our fast-growing field."

During the three-week program, rising high school juniors and seniors learn about the wide range of careers in energy, from entry-level craft positions to roles in STEM, engineering and more. Students also have the chance to connect with industry leaders, visit ComEd training facilities, and receive demonstrations on the latest technologies used by the energy company, like drones and electric vehicles.

ComEd launched the CONSTRUCT Youth Academy last year as part of its plan to build a pipeline of skilled and diverse talent needed to meet the evolving demand for clean energy and strengthen our power infrastructure in the face of increasingly severe weather tied to climate change. In partnership with the local YMCA and Goodwill, ComEd expanded training to five sites in Chicago, including a new site in Palatine. This allowed for a significant expansion of the program this year, up from 21 participants last year. Reflecting the diversity of ComEd’s service territory, over 95 percent of program participants are people of color, and a quarter of them are girls.

"There is no greater privilege than to empower young people to envision a future that they otherwise may never envision for themselves," said Martina "Tina" Hone, Chief Economic Inclusion & Equity Officer, YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago. "The CONSTRUCT Youth Academy provided that opportunity to dozens of young people this summer, and our team is incredibly grateful to have been able to deliver this program at the YMCA again this year, alongside our phenomenal partners at ComEd and Goodwill."

This year, students participated in a community service event assembling dressers for people in need. Two participants from last year’s cohort also served as mentors throughout the program, providing the opportunity to develop their leadership skills while offering support to those who are now in their shoes. The CONSTRUCT Youth Academy is set to return next summer, with applications to open in the spring.

“At Goodwill, we are committed to joining partners like ComEd and the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago to open the door to opportunities for young Chicagoans,” said Clayton Pryor, Chief Mission Officer, Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago. “We are proud to be part of this effort by providing an additional program access point and skills training that empowers students to confidently enter a STEM or trade-focused career following graduation. We look forward to continuing helping this next generation of changemakers unlock their potential and build a foundation for continued success, career advancement and self-sufficiency.”

“This program opened my eyes to new possibilities,” said Gabriel Gaytan, Jr., CONSTRUCT Youth Academy graduate. “During the program, I decided I want a future job at ComEd, but every time we would learn about a new career I would change my mind about what I wanted to do. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited about the future.”

CONSTRUCT Youth Academy builds on the award-winning CONSTRUCT Infrastructure Academy, ComEd’s premier workforce development program for adults looking to gain the skills needed for entry-level roles in construction and the utilities. To date, the program has graduated nearly 900 residents, with a majority of participants from diverse communities, and a more than 70 percent job placement rate.

The CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program is one example of ComEd’s expanding STEM education and workforce development programs, which last year reached more than 2,000 local residents. In partnership with agencies and community organizations across the region, ComEd is expanding training opportunities for local youth and residents to help prepare for expected talent needs in the years ahead. For more on ComEd’s education and career training offerings, please visit

About ComEd

ComEd is a unit of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation (NASDAQ: EXC), a Fortune 250 energy company with approximately 10 million electricity and natural gas customers – the largest number of customers in the U.S. ComEd powers the lives of more than 4 million customers across northern Illinois, or 70 percent of the state’s population. For more information visit, and connect with the company on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

About the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago

The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago is the leader in accessible, inclusive programming for more than 300,000 individuals each year, strengthening community by connecting all people to their purpose, potential, and each other. The YMCA of Metro Chicago is evolving to become a 21st-century social enterprise for the region, through an association of 14 community hubs, 5 overnight camps, and 100 extension sites throughout Chicagoland and the Midwest. Learn more about the Y's locations and programming at

About Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago

Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago enhances dignity and quality of life for all by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and connecting people to valuable employment and community resources. Among a network of more than 150 Goodwill organizations in North America, the nonprofit organization serves a 23-county territory across two states – Illinois and Wisconsin. Learn more about Goodwill’s mission – Connecting people to work. Preparing people for life. – and find a Goodwill near you at Find Goodwill on Facebook (, YouTube (@GoodwillSEWMC), and X and Instagram (@AmazingGoodwill).

ComEd Media Relations


Source: ComEd


How many teens graduated from ComEd's CONSTRUCT Youth Academy in 2023?

89 teens graduated from ComEd's CONSTRUCT Youth Academy in 2023.

What is the purpose of ComEd's CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program?

The CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program prepares local teens for career opportunities in the clean energy and construction fields.

How long does the ComEd CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program last?

The ComEd CONSTRUCT Youth Academy program lasts for three weeks.

What percentage of ComEd's CONSTRUCT Youth Academy participants are people of color?

Over 95% of the CONSTRUCT Youth Academy participants are people of color.

How many jobs could the clean energy transition add in Illinois by 2050?

According to a recent study, the clean energy transition could add as many as 150,000 jobs in Illinois by 2050.

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