Building a Diverse Energy Workforce of the Future in Partnership With HBCUs

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Delmarva Power is highlighting its partnership with Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) during HBCU Week. The company works closely with University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) and Delaware State University (DSU) to provide programming, financial support, and career opportunities for students.

Key aspects of the partnership include:

  • Power Scholar programs offering scholarships, internships, and mentorship
  • Campus events to promote energy industry job opportunities
  • Summer internships to help students transition into the workforce
  • Funding for university improvements and program expansion
  • The Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic, which has raised over $100,000 annually for local universities in recent years

The partnership aims to build a diverse energy workforce of the future, providing students with access to careers in the energy sector while benefiting Delmarva Power with well-educated, diverse talent.

Delmarva Power sta evidenziando la sua collaborazione con i Colleges e Università Storicamente Neri (HBCUs) durante la settimana HBCU. L'azienda lavora a stretto contatto con l'Università del Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) e l'Università dello Stato del Delaware (DSU) per fornire programmazione, supporto finanziario e opportunità di carriera per gli studenti.

Gli aspetti principali della partnership includono:

  • Programmi Power Scholar che offrono borse di studio, tirocini e mentorship
  • Eventi universitari per promuovere le opportunità lavorative nel settore energetico
  • Tirocini estivi per aiutare gli studenti a entrare nel mercato del lavoro
  • Finanziamenti per miglioramenti universitari e espansione dei programmi
  • Il Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic, che ha raccolto oltre $100,000 all'anno per le università locali negli ultimi anni

La partnership mira a costruire una forza lavoro energetica diversificata per il futuro, fornendo agli studenti accesso a carriere nel settore energetico mentre Delmarva Power beneficia di talenti ben istruiti e diversificati.

Delmarva Power está destacando su asociación con los Colleges y Universidades Históricamente Negros (HBCUs) durante la semana HBCU. La empresa trabaja estrechamente con la Universidad de Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) y la Universidad del Estado de Delaware (DSU) para ofrecer programación, apoyo financiero y oportunidades de carrera para los estudiantes.

Los aspectos clave de la asociación incluyen:

  • Programas Power Scholar que ofrecen becas, pasantías y mentoría
  • Eventos en el campus para promover oportunidades laborales en la industria energética
  • Pasantías de verano para ayudar a los estudiantes a hacer la transición al mercado laboral
  • Financiación para mejoras universitarias y expansión de programas
  • El Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic, que ha recaudado más de $100,000 anuales para universidades locales en los últimos años

La asociación tiene como objetivo construir una fuerza laboral energética diversa para el futuro, proporcionando a los estudiantes acceso a carreras en el sector energético mientras beneficia a Delmarva Power con talento educado y diverso.

델마르바 파워는 HBCU 주간에 역사적인 흑인 대학 및 대학(HBCUs)과의 파트너십을 강조하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 메릴랜드 이스터니시어 대학 (UMES)델라웨어 주립대학 (DSU)와 긴밀히 협력하여 학생들에게 프로그램, 재정 지원 및 경력 기회를 제공합니다.

파트너십의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 장학금, 인턴십 및 멘토십을 제공하는 파워 스콜라 프로그램
  • 에너지 산업 직업 기회를 홍보하기 위한 캠퍼스 행사
  • 학생들이 노동시장으로 전환할 수 있도록 돕는 여름 인턴십
  • 대학 개선 및 프로그램 확장을 위한 자금 지원
  • 최근 몇 년 동안 지역 대학을 위해 연간 100,000달러 이상을 모금한 델마르바 파워 골프 장학금 클래식

이 파트너십은 학생들에게 에너지 분야의 경업에 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공하면서 델마르바 파워에 잘 교육받은 다양성을 갖춘 인재의 혜택을 제공하는 미래의 다양화된 에너지 인력을 구축하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Delmarva Power met en avant son partenariat avec les Collèges et Universités Historiquement Noirs (HBCUs) pendant la semaine HBCU. L'entreprise collabore étroitement avec l'Université du Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) et l'Université de l'État du Delaware (DSU) pour offrir des programmes, un soutien financier et des opportunités de carrière aux étudiants.

Les aspects clés du partenariat comprennent :

  • Des programmes Power Scholar offrant des bourses d'études, des stages et du mentorat
  • Des événements sur le campus pour promouvoir les opportunités d'emploi dans l'industrie de l'énergie
  • Des stages d'été pour aider les étudiants à entrer sur le marché du travail
  • Un financement pour des améliorations universitaires et l'expansion des programmes
  • Le Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic, qui a permis de collecter plus de 100 000 $ par an pour les universités locales ces dernières années

Le partenariat vise à bâtir une main-d'œuvre énergétique diversifiée pour l'avenir, en offrant aux étudiants un accès à des carrières dans le secteur de l'énergie tout en profitant à Delmarva Power de talents éduqués et diversifiés.

Delmarva Power hebt seine Partnerschaft mit den Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) während der HBCU-Woche hervor. Das Unternehmen arbeitet eng mit der University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) und der Delaware State University (DSU) zusammen, um Programme, finanzielle Unterstützung und Karrieremöglichkeiten für Studenten anzubieten.

Wichtige Aspekte der Partnerschaft umfassen:

  • Power Scholar-Programme, die Stipendien, Praktika und Mentoring anbieten
  • Campusveranstaltungen zur Förderung von Arbeitsmöglichkeiten in der Energiebranche
  • Sommerpraktika, um Studenten den Übergang in die Berufswelt zu erleichtern
  • Finanzierung für Universitätsverbesserungen und Programmausweitung
  • Die Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic, die in den letzten Jahren über 100.000 USD pro Jahr für lokale Universitäten gesammelt hat

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, eine vielfältige Energiefachkräfte der Zukunft aufzubauen, indem Studenten Zugang zu Karrieren im Energiesektor erhalten und Delmarva Power von gut ausgebildeten, vielfältigen Talenten profitiert.

  • Partnership with HBCUs helps build a diverse workforce for Delmarva Power
  • Provides scholarships, internships, and mentorship opportunities for HBCU students
  • Annual Golf Scholarship Classic raises over $100,000 for local universities
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Delmarva Power:

This HBCU Week, which took place September 15 - 21, we're shining a spotlight on our partnership with local Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), including University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) and Delaware State University (DSU).

We work closely with HBCU leaders to provide programming and financial support that expands educational opportunities for students along with curriculum, internship opportunities and mentorship that help to recruit students to work for Delmarva Power. You can see an example of our DSU Campus takeovers here.

We sat down with Delmarva Power Director of Governmental and External Affairs Marcus Beal and Vice President of Regulatory Strategy and Services Amber Perry, who is also on the UMES Board of Visitors, about how we partner with UMES and our commitment to HBCUs.

Tell us more about the partnership between Delmarva Power and UMES.

(Marcus Beal) Our partnerships are built on strong relationships with leaders at HBCUs so we can help best build the programming that will support the school and its students.

This includes our Power Scholar programs, through which we offer HBCU students scholarship, internship and mentor opportunities. We do a lot of speaking at events on campuses to describe the job opportunities in the energy industry. My career journey is one that resonates with the students I encounter. Being diverse myself it's helpful for students to see me, someone who looks like them, who started at Delmarva Power and has grown into a leader.

(Amber Perry) Our work with UMES is an important one that is focused on providing exposure and awareness on the various programs the University has to offer beyond the immediate Eastern Shore Community. The partnership has also been important to support students on their educational journey and ensure their success in all possible career routes. We also provide students with summer internship opportunities that help them in the transition from student into the work environment. We're uniquely positioned to meet the needs of the students given the strength of our workforce development programs, scholars programs, internship and co-op programs and various rotational programs throughout the company.

What are the benefits of UMES and its students?

(AP) As a graduate of an HBCU (Howard University in Washington, DC), I remember the companies who recruited from HBCUs to hire smart, diverse candidates. I believe when a student is looking for their next role, they want a company that is more than just a place of work. They want an environment where they can add value, feel appreciated and know the company is invested in their growth and development -in any field. Our partnership with UMES shows that we are committed and invested in developing future leaders, no matter what degree or career they may pursue.

(MB) We're offering access and information about careers in energy that some students wouldn't be seeing otherwise. We want students to realize there is a place for them at Delmarva Power - and we bring that to life through internship programs, through direct mentorship, and ultimately through bringing the students into the Delmarva Power family. Once they get here, we've built the training, culture, exposure, development and DEI support that will help them to grow into well-rounded professionals.

What are the benefits of Delmarva Power?

(MB) For us, we're getting the value of students who have received an incredible education, that will help us to build a diverse workforce of the future. And these diversities aren't always what you can see - it's diversity of thoughts, of experience, that will ultimately make our company a stronger place. We're also building relationships that help to support our DEI programming. For example, we recently had Delaware State University Foundation President Vita Pikrum join our DEI Council meeting to share her perspective.

What does the funding mean to UMES?

(AP) I am on the Board of Visitors at UMES and I see just how far funding can go at universities. I've seen it used for everything from improving the student enrollment process, to investing in physical infrastructure across the campus. The University has expanded many of their programs like their Agriculture, Aviation Science and their Doctor of Veterinary Medicine programs. They also have established innovative ways of learning such as their esports gaming area.

What are the benefits of an HBCU education?

(AP) My mother worked at Howard University, but I never anticipated I would go there. Until it came time to attend college, and I realized the cost savings of being the child of an employee. I knew it was a smart decision to take advantage of the tuition funding. The richness of the experience I received at Howard could never be replaced or replicated. At Howard I experienced a rich diversity of thought, established a greater sense of excellence and accomplishment and embraced the African Diaspora. I feel privileged and proud to have received the HBCU experience. The intellectual curiosity, agility and resilience that was encouraged by my professors at Howard are critical keys to the leader I am today.

You're celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic this year. How does that feel?

(MB) This is an initiative I've worked on for many years and am incredibly proud of how we've grown the event, and resulting benefit to schools, each year. Working with our community and business partners, we've raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for students in the region over the course of the event. For UMES, DSU, and other local universities and community colleges, we've raised more than $100,000 per year over the past three years.

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Spokesperson: Delmarva Power

SOURCE: Delmarva Power

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What HBCUs does Delmarva Power partner with?

Delmarva Power partners with University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) and Delaware State University (DSU).

What is the Power Scholar program offered by Delmarva Power?

The Power Scholar program offers HBCU students scholarship, internship, and mentor opportunities in the energy industry.

How much has the Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic raised for universities?

The Delmarva Power Golf Scholarship Classic has raised more than $100,000 per year over the past three years for local universities and community colleges.

What career opportunities does Delmarva Power offer to HBCU students?

Delmarva Power offers internships, mentorship, and various career opportunities in the energy industry to HBCU students.

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