New Modeling Data Show the Cologuard® Test Has Detected More Than 623,000 Cancers and Precancers Over Past Decade, Saving U.S. Health Care System $22 Billion

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Exact Sciences Corp. (Nasdaq: EXAS) has shared new modeling data on the impact of their Cologuard test for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening over the past decade. The data reveals that:

- Over 16 million Cologuard screenings have been completed
- 525,000 people with advanced precancerous lesions were detected
- 80% of cancers detected were early-stage
- An estimated $22 billion in healthcare costs have been saved

The Cologuard test has contributed significantly to increasing CRC screening rates from 63% in 2015 to 72% in 2021 among Americans ages 50-75. It has also tripled screening rates for ages 45-49 from 2021 to 2023. Exact Sciences is currently awaiting FDA review for their next-generation Cologuard test, aiming to further improve CRC screening accuracy and accessibility.

Exact Sciences Corp. (Nasdaq: EXAS) ha condiviso nuovi dati di modellazione sull'impatto del loro test Cologuard per lo screening del cancro colorettale (CRC) nell'ultimo decennio. I dati rivelano che:

- Oltre 16 milioni di screening Cologuard sono stati completati
- Sono state rilevate 525.000 persone con lesioni precancerose avanzate
- Il 80% dei tumori rilevati era in fase iniziale
- Circa 22 miliardi di dollari in costi sanitari sono stati risparmiati

Il test Cologuard ha contribuito in modo significativo a un aumento dei tassi di screening per CRC, passando dal 63% nel 2015 al 72% nel 2021 tra gli americani di età compresa tra 50 e 75 anni. Ha anche triplicato i tassi di screening per le fasce di età 45-49 dal 2021 al 2023. Exact Sciences è attualmente in attesa della revisione da parte della FDA per il loro test Cologuard di nuova generazione, con l'obiettivo di migliorare ulteriormente l'accuratezza e l'accessibilità dello screening per CRC.

Exact Sciences Corp. (Nasdaq: EXAS) ha compartido nuevos datos de modelado sobre el impacto de su prueba Cologuard para la detección de cáncer colorrectal (CRC) en la última década. Los datos revelan que:

- Más de 16 millones de pruebas Cologuard han sido completadas
- Se detectaron 525,000 personas con lesiones precoces avanzadas
- El 80% de los cánceres detectados eran en etapas tempranas
- Se estima que se han ahorrado 22 mil millones de dólares en costos de atención médica

La prueba Cologuard ha contribuido de manera significativa al aumento de las tasas de detección de CRC, que pasaron del 63% en 2015 al 72% en 2021 entre los estadounidenses de 50 a 75 años. También ha triplicado las tasas de detección para las edades de 45 a 49 años desde 2021 hasta 2023. Exact Sciences está esperando actualmente la revisión de la FDA para su prueba Cologuard de nueva generación, con el objetivo de mejorar aún más la precisión y accesibilidad de la detección de CRC.

엑자트 사이언스 주식회사 (Nasdaq: EXAS)는 지난 10년간 대장암(CRC) 검진을 위한 콜로가드 테스트의 영향에 대한 새로운 모델링 데이터를 공유했습니다. 데이터는 다음을 보여줍니다:

- 총 1,600만 건의 콜로가드 검사가 완료됐습니다.
- 525,000명의 고급 전암 병변이 발견됐습니다.
- 발견된 암의 80%가 초기 단계였습니다.
- 약 220억 달러의 의료비가 절감됐습니다.

콜로가드 테스트는 50세에서 75세 사이의 미국인들 사이에서 CRC 검진율을 2015년 63%에서 2021년 72%로 크게 늘리는 데 기여했습니다. 또한 2021년에서 2023년 사이에 45세에서 49세 사이의 검진률을 세 배로 증가시켰습니다. 엑자트 사이언스는 현재 FDA의 검토를 기다리고 있으며, 차세대 콜로가드 테스트로 CRC 검진의 정확성과 접근성을 더욱 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Exact Sciences Corp. (Nasdaq: EXAS) a partagé de nouvelles données de modélisation sur l'impact de leur test Cologuard pour le dépistage du cancer colorectal (CRC) au cours de la dernière décennie. Les données révèlent que :

- Plus de 16 millions de dépistages Cologuard ont été réalisés
- 525 000 personnes présentant des lésions précancéreuses avancées ont été détectées
- 80% des cancers détectés étaient à un stade précoce
- Environ 22 milliards de dollars de coûts de santé ont été économisés

Le test Cologuard a contribué de manière significative à l'augmentation des taux de dépistage du CRC, passant de 63 % en 2015 à 72 % en 2021 chez les Américains âgés de 50 à 75 ans. Il a également triplé les taux de dépistage pour les âges de 45 à 49 ans entre 2021 et 2023. Exact Sciences attend actuellement l'examen de la FDA pour son test Cologuard de nouvelle génération, visant à améliorer encore la précision et l'accessibilité du dépistage du CRC.

Exact Sciences Corp. (Nasdaq: EXAS) hat neue Modellierungsdaten zur Auswirkung ihres Cologuard-Tests zur Früherkennung von Dickdarmkrebs (CRC) im letzten Jahrzehnt veröffentlicht. Die Daten zeigen, dass:

- Über 16 Millionen Cologuard-Tests durchgeführt wurden
- 525.000 Menschen mit fortgeschrittenen, präkanzerösen Läsionen erkannt wurden
- 80% der erkannten Krebse sich im Frühstadium befanden
- Geschätzt wurden 22 Milliarden Dollar an Gesundheitskosten gespart

Der Cologuard-Test hat erheblich dazu beigetragen, die CRC-Früherkennungsraten von 63% im Jahr 2015 auf 72% im Jahr 2021 bei Amerikanern im Alter von 50 bis 75 Jahren zu erhöhen. Er hat auch die Screeningerate für die Altersgruppe 45-49 von 2021 bis 2023 verdreifacht. Exact Sciences wartet derzeit auf die Überprüfung durch die FDA für ihren nächsten Cologuard-Test der nächsten Generation, um die Genauigkeit und Zugänglichkeit der CRC-Früherkennung weiter zu verbessern.

  • Over 16 million Cologuard screenings completed in the past decade
  • Detected 525,000 people with advanced precancerous lesions
  • 80% of cancers detected by Cologuard were early-stage
  • Estimated $22 billion saved in healthcare costs
  • Contributed to increasing CRC screening rates from 63% in 2015 to 72% in 2021
  • Tripled screening rates for ages 45-49 from 2021 to 2023
  • Next-generation Cologuard test under FDA review
  • None.


The new modeling data for Exact Sciences' Cologuard test reveals significant financial implications. The projected $22 billion in healthcare cost savings over the past decade is substantial, potentially boosting the company's value proposition. With 16 million completed screenings, Cologuard has demonstrated strong market penetration, indicating robust revenue streams. The test's effectiveness in detecting early-stage cancers (80% of detected cancers) could lead to reduced treatment costs, further enhancing its economic appeal. The tripling of screenings in the 45-49 age group from 2021 to 2023 suggests an expanding market. However, investors should note that these are modeled projections, not actual financial results. The pending FDA review of the next-generation Cologuard test could be a catalyst for future growth if approved.

The Cologuard test's impact on colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is noteworthy. Detecting 525,000 people with advanced precancerous lesions and identifying 42,000 stage I cancers over a decade demonstrates its effectiveness in early detection and prevention. The test's contribution to increasing CRC screening rates from 63% to 72% among 50-75 year-olds is significant. Its ability to detect 90% of cancers and many pre-cancers makes it a powerful screening tool. The pending FDA review of the next-generation Cologuard test could potentially improve these metrics further. However, it's important to note that these are modeled projections and real-world performance may vary. The test's non-invasive nature and at-home usability address barriers to screening, potentially closing the gap of 60 million unscreened Americans.

Cologuard's impact on healthcare resource allocation is substantial. The projected savings of 2.1 million scheduling hours, 3.5 million nursing hours and 1.1 million provider hours indicate significant operational efficiencies. This allows healthcare staff to focus on high-risk patients and symptomatic cases, potentially improving overall care quality. The test's role in addressing the screening backlog is crucial, especially given that colonoscopy alone would take over 10 years to clear the backlog. However, it's important to consider potential challenges in integrating this test into existing healthcare workflows and ensuring proper follow-up for positive results. The test's contribution to 77% of the improvement in CRC screening rates between 2018 and 2021 suggests it's becoming a standard part of preventive care strategies, which could reshape healthcare delivery models for cancer screening.

Data demonstrate long-term impact of the Cologuard test, a powerful tool for preventing and detecting cancer

MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Exact Sciences Corp. (Nasdaq: EXAS), a leading provider of cancer screening and diagnostic tests, shared new modeling data today describing the projected impact of the Cologuard test on patients, health care professionals, and the U.S. health care system since its FDA approval 10 years ago.

The data assessed the far-reaching benefits of the first and only multi-target stool DNA test for patients, their families, and the health care system. Over the past 10 years, the Cologuard test has been used to screen for colorectal cancer (CRC) more than 16 million times.

The Cologuard test is the most effective noninvasive option for CRC screening1 and an important tool for closing the gap of 60 million Americans not up to date with screening.2 According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cologuard test use is the primary contributor to the increase in colon cancer screening rates from 63% in 2015 to 72% in 2021 among Americans ages 50-75.3 In addition, a new study from EPIC research showed the number of people ages 45-49 completing screening with the Cologuard test tripled from 2021 to 2023.4

“As Exact Sciences marks the 10th anniversary of Cologuard, we reflect on the vital role that it has played in the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer, making screening more accessible and effective for patients,” said Kevin Conroy, chairman and CEO of Exact Sciences. “We reached this milestone thanks to long-standing partnerships from health care professionals and advocacy organizations, as well as the support of our dedicated team. With our next-generation Cologuard test currently under FDA review, we look forward to bringing patients a new level of accuracy and innovation in at-home testing.”

10 years of patient impact

The modeled data projects that over the past 10 years5*:

  • There have been more than 16 million completed screenings with the Cologuard test, or approximately one every 20 seconds.
  • The Cologuard test detected 525,000 people with advanced precancerous lesions — growths most likely to advance to cancer. Removal of these growths can help prevent cancer.
  • 80% of cancers detected by the Cologuard test were early-stage cancers.
  • 42,000 people were identified to have stage I. By detecting cancer earlier, patients are less likely to need chemotherapy or radiation treatment, sparing them and their families that difficult experience.

“Colorectal cancer is the number two cancer killer6, but it doesn’t need to be this way. We have very effective tools to find the precursors to this cancer and also to detect these cancers at earlier, more curable stages,” said Dr. Folasade May, director of quality in digestive diseases at UCLA Health and co-founder and board member of the Association of Black Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists. “With the convenience of a noninvasive use-at-home test and ability to find more than 90% of cancers as well as many pre-cancers7, Cologuard is unique among non-invasive tests. That’s why I recommend it as an option to average-risk individuals who prefer to screen with a home-based option.”

Improvements in CRC screening participation, health care and the economy

The strong performance of the Cologuard test has also positively impacted CRC screening rates, the economy, health care access and costs. The modeled data projected that since the Cologuard test was introduced5*:

  • More than $22B has been saved in health care costs due to pre-cancer and early cancer detection as compared to no screening.5,8,9*
  • The Cologuard test contributed to 77% of the improvement in CRC screening rates between 2018 and 2021.9
  • Health care staff were able to reduce hours spent toward screening average risk and asymptomatic people, allowing them to focus on treating people with symptoms and those who are high risk with colonoscopies. The projections show use of the Cologuard test as an alternative to colonoscopy in eligible patients has helped save:
    • 2.1 million scheduling hours5,10*
    • 3.5 million nursing hours5,10*
    • 1.1 million provider hours5,10*

During a time when at-home health and wellness tests were relatively limited, the Cologuard test transformed CRC screening access. Within a decade, more people screened for colorectal cancer than ever before because of the Cologuard test — playing a critical role in addressing the screening gap for average-risk adults that colonoscopies and other tests cannot close alone. Data show that if colonoscopy were the only tool available, it would take more than 10 years to address the backlog.1,5,11

“I was 47 when I screened with Cologuard,” said Katie Hawbaker, a stage II CRC survivor. “Early detection is everything. Finding out I had a cancerous mass was a huge shock, but I have lots to be thankful for — I needed no chemo or radiation because my cancer was caught early.”

Exact Sciences continues to invest in innovation and improvements to the Cologuard test, emphasizing the company’s commitment to revolutionizing CRC screening and closing the screening gap. The next-generation Cologuard test is under review with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

*Estimates are based on modeling projections using performance data from the pivotal DeeP-C study
Dr. Folasade May has provided consulting services for Exact Sciences. She has not been compensated for any media work.

1. Fendrick AM, Fisher DA, Saoud L, Ozbay AB, Karlitz JJ, Limburg PJ. Impact of Patient Adherence to Stool-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening and Colonoscopy Following a Positive Test on Clinical Outcomes. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2021;14(9):845-850. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-21-0075
2. Ebner DW, Kisiel JB, Fendrick AM, et al. Estimated Average-Risk Colorectal Cancer Screening-Eligible Population in the US. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(3):e245537.
3. National Institutes of Health. The Cancer Trends Progress Report. Accessed July 29, 2024.
4. Epic Research. DNA Stool Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening Growing in Popularity, Especially for Patients Under Age 50. May 14, 2024. Accessed July 29, 2024.
5. Estes C, Dehghani M, Ozbay A, et al. Clinical, social and economic impacts of colorectal cancer screening with the multi-target stool-DNA test: 10-year experience – a simulated study.
6. ACS. Cancer facts & figures 2024. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2024.
7. Imperiale TF, Ransohoff DF, Itzkowitz SH, et al. Multitarget stool DNA testing for colorectal-cancer screening. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(14):1287-1297.
8. Fitch K, Pyenson B, Blumen H, et al. The value of colonoscopic colorectal cancer screening of adults aged 50 to 64. National Library of Medicine. 2015; 21(7):e430-8. Accessed June 27, 2024.
9. Ebner DW, Finney Rutten LJ, Miller-Wilson LA, et al. Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening from the National Health Interview Survey: Analysis of the Impact of Different Modalities on Overall Screening Rates. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2024;17(6):275-280.
10. Horejsi A, Roberts, C, Walter J, et al. Augmenting Intelligence & Amplifying Health: Proactive Outreach for Enhanced Preventive Screening. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 2024. Accessed June 27, 2024.
11. Joseph DA, Meester RG, Zauber AG, et al. Colorectal cancer screening: Estimated future colonoscopy need and current volume and capacity [published correction appears in Cancer. 2017 Oct 1;123(19):3857]. Cancer. 2016;122(16):2479-2486.

About the Cologuard test

The Cologuard test is a first-line colorectal cancer screening test for use in adults age 45 or older who are at average risk for the disease. It is included in national colorectal cancer screening guidelines by the American Cancer Society (2018)1 and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2021)2.

The Cologuard test revolutionized colorectal cancer screening by providing a best-in-class, noninvasive testing option for those at average risk. The test looks for certain DNA markers and blood in the stool that are associated with colorectal cancer and precancer and was shown to effectively detect colorectal cancer and precancer in the pivotal phase 3 DeeP-C study.3 The Cologuard test is easy to use. It can be completed at home and does not require any time off or special preparation. In the initial 10 years since launch, the Cologuard test was used more than 16 million times.

Important information about the Cologuard test

Do not use the Cologuard test if you have had precancer, have inflammatory bowel disease and certain hereditary syndromes, or have a personal or family history of colorectal cancer. The Cologuard test is not a replacement for colonoscopy in high-risk patients. The Cologuard test performance in adults ages 45-49 is estimated based on a large clinical study of patients 50 and older. The Cologuard test performance in repeat testing has not been evaluated.

The Cologuard test result should be interpreted with caution. A positive test result does not confirm the presence of cancer. Patients with a positive test result should be referred for colonoscopy. A negative test result does not confirm the absence of cancer. Patients with a negative test result should discuss with their doctor when they need to be tested again. Medicare and most major insurers cover the Cologuard test. For more information about the Cologuard test, visit Rx only.

About Exact Sciences Corp.

A leading provider of cancer screening and diagnostic tests, Exact Sciences gives patients and health care professionals the clarity needed to take life-changing action earlier. Building on the success of the Cologuard® and Oncotype® tests, Exact Sciences is investing in its pipeline to develop innovative solutions for use before, during, and after a cancer diagnosis. For more information, visit, follow Exact Sciences on X (formerly known as Twitter) @ExactSciences, or find Exact Sciences on LinkedIn and Facebook.

NOTE: Exact Sciences and Cologuard are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exact Sciences Corporation. Oncotype, Oncotype DX, Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score, RSClin, and Recurrence Score are trademarks or registered trademarks of Genomic Health, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Cologuard is not available outside of the U.S. Exact Sciences’ multi-cancer early detection test is still in development.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements concerning our expectations, anticipations, intentions, beliefs, or strategies regarding the future. These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions that we have made as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, conditions and events to differ materially from those anticipated. Therefore, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties that may affect our forward-looking statements are described in the Risk Factors sections of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and in our other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

Media Contact (U.S.):

Lindsey Dickinson

+1 608-690-0383

Investor Contact:

Erik Holznecht

+1 608-800-6605

Source: Exact Sciences Corp.


How many Cologuard tests have been completed since its FDA approval?

Over 16 million Cologuard tests have been completed in the past decade since its FDA approval.

What percentage of cancers detected by Cologuard were early-stage?

80% of cancers detected by the Cologuard test were early-stage cancers.

How much has Cologuard saved in healthcare costs according to the modeling data?

The modeling data projects that Cologuard has saved an estimated $22 billion in healthcare costs over the past decade.

How has Cologuard impacted colorectal cancer screening rates?

Cologuard has contributed to increasing CRC screening rates from 63% in 2015 to 72% in 2021 among Americans ages 50-75, and has tripled screening rates for ages 45-49 from 2021 to 2023.

What is the current status of Exact Sciences' next-generation Cologuard test?

Exact Sciences' next-generation Cologuard test is currently under review with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Exact Sciences Corp


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