Evergy Announces Two New 705 MW High-Efficiency Natural Gas Plants

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Evergy (NASDAQ: EVRG) has announced plans to invest in two new 705 megawatt (MW) combined-cycle natural gas plants in Kansas, set to begin operations in 2029 and 2030. These high-efficiency plants aim to meet growing energy needs, support reliability, and complement Evergy's planned investments in wind and solar resources. The plants, located in Sumner County and Reno County, are expected to create over 500 construction jobs each and 20-40 permanent skilled jobs paying over $90,000 annually.

The investment aligns with Kansas' economic growth and recent bipartisan legislation enhancing policies for electric infrastructure investment. Each plant is projected to provide more than $500 million in property tax revenues over its 40-year service life, following a 10-year exemption period. Evergy's CEO, David Campbell, emphasized the plants' role in meeting electricity needs for the region's growing economy while supporting the company's commitment to affordable, reliable, and sustainable electricity.

Evergy (NASDAQ: EVRG) ha annunciato piani per investire in due nuove centrali a ciclo combinato a gas naturale da 705 megawatt (MW) in Kansas, che inizieranno le operazioni nel 2029 e nel 2030. Queste centrali ad alta efficienza mirano a soddisfare le crescenti esigenze energetiche, supportare l'affidabilità e completare gli investimenti pianificati da Evergy in risorse eoliche e solari. Gli impianti, situati nella contea di Sumner e nella contea di Reno, si prevede creeranno oltre 500 posti di lavoro nella costruzione ciascuno e 20-40 posti di lavoro permanenti qualificati con stipendi superiori a 90.000 dollari all'anno.

L'investimento è in linea con la crescita economica del Kansas e la recente legislazione bipartisan che migliora le politiche per l'investimento nell'infrastruttura elettrica. Ogni impianto dovrebbe generare oltre 500 milioni di dollari in entrate fiscali sugli immobili nel corso della sua vita utile di 40 anni, dopo un periodo di esenzione di 10 anni. Il CEO di Evergy, David Campbell, ha sottolineato il ruolo degli impianti nel soddisfare le esigenze elettriche dell'economia in crescita della regione, sostenendo al contempo l'impegno dell'azienda per un'elettricità accessibile, affidabile e sostenibile.

Evergy (NASDAQ: EVRG) ha anunciado planes para invertir en dos nuevas plantas de gas natural de ciclo combinado de 705 megavatios (MW) en Kansas, que comenzarán a operar en 2029 y 2030. Estas plantas de alta eficiencia tienen como objetivo satisfacer las crecientes necesidades energéticas, apoyar la fiabilidad y complementar las inversiones planeadas de Evergy en recursos eólicos y solares. Se espera que las plantas, ubicadas en el condado de Sumner y el condado de Reno, creen más de 500 empleos de construcción cada una y de 20 a 40 empleos permanentes cualificados con salarios superiores a 90,000 dólares anuales.

La inversión se alinea con el crecimiento económico de Kansas y la reciente legislación bipartidista que mejora las políticas para la inversión en infraestructura eléctrica. Se proyecta que cada planta proporcionará más de 500 millones de dólares en ingresos fiscales sobre la propiedad durante su vida útil de 40 años, tras un periodo de exención de 10 años. El CEO de Evergy, David Campbell, enfatizó el papel de las plantas en satisfacer las necesidades eléctricas para la creciente economía de la región, al mismo tiempo que apoya el compromiso de la empresa con una electricidad asequible, fiable y sostenible.

Evergy(NASDAQ: EVRG)는 2029년과 2030년에 운영을 시작할 두 개의 705메가와트(MW) 결합 사이클 천연가스 발전소에 투자할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 고효율 발전소는 증가하는 에너지 수요를 충족하고 신뢰성을 지원하며 Evergy의 풍력 및 태양광 자원에 대한 계획된 투자를 보완하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 발전소는 Sumner 카운티와 Reno 카운티에 위치하며 각각 500개 이상의 건설 일자리를 창출하고 20-40명의 영구 숙련직 일자리를 만들어 연봉 $90,000 이상의 급여를 지급할 것으로 예상됩니다.

이번 투자는 Kansas의 경제 성장과 전기 인프라 투자 정책을 강화하는 최근의 초당적 법안과 일치합니다. 각 발전소는 10년의 면세 기간을 거쳐 40년의 서비스 수명 동안 5억 달러 이상의 재산세 수익을 제공할 것으로 예상됩니다. Evergy의 CEO인 David Campbell은 발전소의 역할이 지역의 성장하는 경제에 대한 전기 수요를 충족하는 동시에, 저렴하고 신뢰할 수 있으며 지속 가능한 전기 공급에 대한 회사의 약속을 지원하는 것이라고 강조했습니다.

Evergy (NASDAQ: EVRG) a annoncé des plans pour investir dans deux nouvelles centrales au gaz naturel à cycle combiné de 705 mégawatts (MW) au Kansas, devant commencer leurs activités en 2029 et 2030. Ces centrales à haute efficacité visent à répondre aux besoins énergétiques croissants, à soutenir la fiabilité et à compléter les investissements prévus par Evergy dans les ressources éoliennes et solaires. Les centrales, situées dans le comté de Sumner et le comté de Reno, devraient créer plus de 500 emplois dans la construction chacune et de 20 à 40 emplois permanents qualifiés payés plus de 90 000 dollars par an.

L'investissement s'inscrit dans la croissance économique du Kansas et la récente législation bipartite améliorant les politiques d'investissement dans les infrastructures électriques. Chaque centrale devrait générer plus de 500 millions de dollars de revenus fiscaux sur les biens immobiliers pendant sa durée de service de 40 ans, après une période d'exemption de 10 ans. Le PDG d'Evergy, David Campbell, a souligné le rôle des centrales dans la satisfaction des besoins électriques de l'économie en croissance de la région tout en soutenant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers une électricité abordable, fiable et durable.

Evergy (NASDAQ: EVRG) hat Pläne angekündigt, in zwei neue 705 Megawatt (MW) Kombikraftwerke mit Erdgas in Kansas zu investieren, die 2029 und 2030 in Betrieb genommen werden sollen. Diese hocheffizienten Kraftwerke zielen darauf ab, den wachsenden Energiebedarf zu decken, die Zuverlässigkeit zu unterstützen und Evergys geplante Investitionen in Wind- und Solarressourcen zu ergänzen. Die Kraftwerke, die sich im Sumner County und im Reno County befinden, werden voraussichtlich jeweils über 500 Baujobs und 20-40 dauerhafte qualifizierte Arbeitsplätze mit einem Gehalt von über 90.000 Dollar jährlich schaffen.

Die Investition steht im Einklang mit dem wirtschaftlichen Wachstum von Kansas und der jüngsten parteiübergreifenden Gesetzgebung, die die Richtlinien für Investitionen in die elektrische Infrastruktur verbessert. Es wird erwartet, dass jedes Kraftwerk über seine 40-jährige Betriebsdauer mehr als 500 Millionen Dollar an Grundstücksteuereinnahmen generiert, nachdem es einen Zeitraum von 10 Jahren der Steuerbefreiung durchlaufen hat. Der CEO von Evergy, David Campbell, betonte die Rolle der Kraftwerke bei der Deckung des Elektrizitätsbedarfs der wachsenden Wirtschaft der Region und unterstützte gleichzeitig das Engagement des Unternehmens für erschwingliche, zuverlässige und nachhaltige Elektrizität.

  • Investment in two new 705 MW high-efficiency natural gas plants
  • Plants expected to begin operations in 2029 and 2030
  • Creation of over 500 construction jobs per plant
  • 20-40 permanent skilled jobs paying over $90,000 annually per plant
  • Each plant to provide more than $500 million in property tax revenues over its service life
  • Aligns with Kansas' economic growth and recent supportive legislation
  • 10-year property tax exemption period for each plant


Evergy's announcement of two 705 MW natural gas plants is a significant development for the company and the region. These plants represent a substantial multi-billion dollar investment in Kansas' energy infrastructure, addressing growing electricity demand and supporting economic growth.

The plants' combined 1,410 MW capacity will provide flexible, dispatchable power to complement Evergy's renewable energy portfolio. This aligns with the industry trend of using natural gas as a bridge fuel in the transition to cleaner energy sources. The high-efficiency design suggests lower emissions compared to older gas plants, potentially mitigating some environmental concerns.

Financially, the plants offer long-term benefits, including $500+ million in property tax revenues per plant over their 40-year lifespan. This, coupled with job creation, could positively impact Evergy's relationship with local communities and regulators. However, investors should consider the long-term risks associated with natural gas investments, including potential future carbon regulations and price volatility.

This announcement signals a major capital expenditure for Evergy, likely to impact its financial outlook significantly. While specific investment figures aren't provided, projects of this scale typically run into billions of dollars. This substantial CAPEX will likely be financed through a combination of debt and equity, potentially affecting the company's balance sheet and capital structure.

The plants' expected operational dates (2029 and 2030) indicate a long-term growth strategy, aligning with projected increases in energy demand. This forward-looking approach could be viewed positively by investors focused on long-term value creation. However, it's important to monitor how this investment impacts Evergy's near-term financial metrics, such as free cash flow and dividend coverage.

The 10-year tax exemption followed by significant tax revenues presents an interesting financial dynamic. Initially, this could boost profitability, but investors should factor in the eventual tax impact on earnings. Overall, this investment appears to strengthen Evergy's market position, potentially leading to increased revenue and improved long-term financial stability.

Two plants to be built in Kansas will help meet growing energy needs, support reliability

KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Evergy, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVRG) today announced it will invest in two new 705 megawatt (MW) combined-cycle natural gas plants that will be built in Kansas. The plants are expected to begin operating in 2029 and 2030.

“High-efficiency modern natural gas plants will meet the electricity needs for our region’s growing economy. These plants also will bring good paying jobs and tax dollars to Kansas,” said David Campbell, Evergy Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Dispatchable natural gas is an important resource within Evergy’s growing and diverse energy portfolio, complementing our planned investment in wind and solar resources and supporting our commitment to affordable, reliable and sustainable electricity.”

The two new plants will provide flexible generation that pairs well with the abundant renewable resource potential in Evergy’s service area and will meet stringent emissions standards. The plant in Sumner County is expected to begin providing electricity in 2029, and the plant in Reno County is expected to be in service in 2030.

“Kansas is experiencing record economic growth, and Evergy is prepared to deliver the reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy needed,” Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said. “Evergy’s multi-billion dollar investment brings direct value to the Hutchinson and Sumner County areas in jobs and tax dollars. It also ensures Kansas can continue to invite business growth that benefits the entire state.”

The natural gas plants will represent a major investment in the state’s energy infrastructure that will serve customers for 40 years. During construction, more than 500 jobs are anticipated for each plant. After a 10-year exemption, each plant will provide more than $500 million in property tax revenues over its service life and will bring to the communities 20-40 skilled craft jobs that pay more than $90,000 annually.

“We’re pleased to make this investment in communities we serve,” Campbell said. “As Kansas and Missouri are seeing historic opportunities for attracting new businesses to our area, Evergy is committed to providing the affordable, reliable and sustainable energy our customers need. This growth benefits all customers by helping to hold down prices.”

Kansas’ success in drawing new and expanding businesses has driven the need for more electric generation. During the 2024 Kansas legislative session, a bipartisan effort resulted in legislation that enhances Kansas policies related to electric infrastructure investment, which will help Kansas compete with other states for investment and ultimately save customers money.

Dan Hawkins, Speaker of the House, said, “We are pleased that a legislative policy we championed is helping ensure a strong energy future for the state of Kansas. I look forward to seeing the benefits this brings in terms of jobs, economic growth and energy security for our state for years to come.”

Senate President Ty Masterson, added, “Kansans depend on reliable electricity each and every day to power their lives and their businesses. These investments by a long-time Kansas energy company will make our state even more attractive to those wanting to live, work and grow a business in our great state.”

Earlier this year, Evergy filed with the Kansas Corporation Commission and the Missouri Public Service Commission its 20-year plan for meeting customers’ energy needs, which included these generation plants. With strong economic growth expected in Kansas and Missouri over the next decade, The plan maps out a responsible generation transition as Evergy prepares for growing energy demand and for older plants to retire. It ensures customers’ needs are met today and in the future.

About Evergy

Evergy, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVRG), serves 1.7 million customers in Kansas and Missouri. Evergy’s mission is to empower a better future. Our focus remains on producing, transmitting and delivering reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy for the benefit of our stakeholders. Today, about half of Evergy’s power comes from carbon-free sources, creating more reliable energy with less impact to the environment. We value innovation and adaptability to give our customers better ways to manage their energy use, to create a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace for our employees, and to add value for our investors. Headquartered in Kansas City, our employees are active members of the communities we serve.

For more information about Evergy, visit us at

Media Contact:

Gina Penzig

Director, Corporate Communications

Phone: 785-508-2410

Media line: 888-613-0003

Courtney Lewis

Sr. Communications Manager, Media

Phone: 816-878-9650

Media line: 888-613-0003

Investor Contact:

Pete Flynn

Director, Investor Relations

Phone: 816-652-1060

Source: Evergy, Inc.


What is Evergy's (EVRG) plan for new natural gas plants in Kansas?

Evergy plans to invest in two new 705 megawatt combined-cycle natural gas plants in Kansas, with operations starting in 2029 and 2030 in Sumner County and Reno County, respectively.

How many jobs will Evergy's (EVRG) new natural gas plants create?

Each of Evergy's new natural gas plants is expected to create over 500 construction jobs and 20-40 permanent skilled jobs paying over $90,000 annually.

What is the expected tax revenue from Evergy's (EVRG) new natural gas plants?

After a 10-year exemption period, each of Evergy's new natural gas plants is projected to provide more than $500 million in property tax revenues over its 40-year service life.

How do Evergy's (EVRG) new natural gas plants fit into their energy strategy?

The new natural gas plants complement Evergy's planned investments in wind and solar resources, supporting their commitment to affordable, reliable, and sustainable electricity while meeting growing energy needs.

Evergy, Inc.


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