Evoke Pharma Reaffirms Its Commitment to Patients with Gastroparesis Amid Industry Developments

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Evoke Pharma reaffirms its commitment to patients with diabetic gastroparesis following the FDA's decision not to approve Vanda Pharmaceuticals' Tradipitant. Evoke's product, Gimoti (metoclopramide nasal spray), remains the sole FDA-approved non-oral outpatient treatment for acute and recurrent symptoms of diabetic gastroparesis in adults.

Real-world data presented at Digestive Disease Week 2023 showed that Gimoti users experienced significant reductions in emergency room visits (-60%) and hospitalizations (-68%) compared to oral metoclopramide over six months. A cost analysis revealed that Gimoti reduced total care costs by approximately $15,000 within the first six months compared to oral metoclopramide.

Evoke continues to focus on improving patient outcomes and expanding access to Gimoti, which has been provided to over 4,000 patients since launch. The company is also positioning itself to respond to new challenges, such as gastroparesis linked to GLP-1 receptor agonists.

Evoke Pharma ribadisce il suo impegno nei confronti dei pazienti affetti da gastroparesi diabetica a seguito della decisione della FDA di non approvare Tradipitant di Vanda Pharmaceuticals. Il prodotto di Evoke, Gimoti (spray nasale di metoclopramide), rimane l'unico trattamento ambulatoriale non orale approvato dalla FDA per i sintomi acuti e ricorrenti della gastroparesi diabetica negli adulti.

Dati del mondo reale presentati alla Digestive Disease Week 2023 hanno mostrato che gli utenti di Gimoti hanno registrato significative riduzioni delle visite al pronto soccorso (-60%) e dei ricoveri (-68%) rispetto al metoclopramide orale nell'arco di sei mesi. Un'analisi dei costi ha rivelato che Gimoti ha ridotto i costi totali di cura di circa $15,000 nei primi sei mesi rispetto al metoclopramide orale.

Evoke continua a concentrarsi sul miglioramento dei risultati per i pazienti e sull'espansione dell'accesso a Gimoti, che è stato fornito a oltre 4,000 pazienti dalla sua introduzione. L'azienda si sta anche posizionando per rispondere a nuove sfide, come la gastroparesi legata agli agonisti del recettore GLP-1.

Evoke Pharma reafirma su compromiso con los pacientes que padecen gastroparesis diabética tras la decisión de la FDA de no aprobar el Tradipitant de Vanda Pharmaceuticals. El producto de Evoke, Gimoti (spray nasal de metoclopramida), sigue siendo el único tratamiento ambulatorio no oral aprobado por la FDA para los síntomas agudos y recurrentes de la gastroparesis diabética en adultos.

Datos del mundo real presentados en la Digestive Disease Week 2023 mostraron que los usuarios de Gimoti experimentaron reducciones significativas en las visitas a urgencias (-60%) y hospitalizaciones (-68%) en comparación con el metoclopramida oral durante seis meses. Un análisis de costos reveló que Gimoti redujo los costos totales de atención en aproximadamente $15,000 en los primeros seis meses en comparación con el metoclopramida oral.

Evoke sigue enfocándose en mejorar los resultados para los pacientes y expandir el acceso a Gimoti, que se ha proporcionado a más de 4,000 pacientes desde su lanzamiento. La empresa también se está posicionando para responder a nuevos desafíos, como la gastroparesis relacionada con los agonistas del receptor GLP-1.

Evoke Pharma는 Vanda Pharmaceuticals의 Tradipitant 승인을 거부한 FDA의 결정에 따라 당뇨병성 위마비 환자에 대한 헌신을 재확인합니다. Evoke의 제품인 Gimoti (메토클로프라미드 비강 스프레이)는 성인 당뇨병성 위마비의 급성 및 반복 증상에 대한 FDA 승인 비경구 외래 치료법으로 단 하나입니다.

2023년 소화기 질환 주간에서 발표된 실제 데이터에 따르면, Gimoti 사용자는 6개월 동안 경구 메토클로프라미드에 비해 응급실 방문이 60%(-60%) 감소하고 입원율은 68%(-68%) 감소한 것으로 나타났습니다. 비용 분석 결과, Gimoti는 경구 메토클로프라미드 대비 처음 6개월 동안 총 치료 비용을 약 $15,000 절감한 것으로 나타났습니다.

Evoke는 환자 결과 개선과 Gimoti 접근성 확대에 계속 집중하고 있으며, 출시 이후 4,000명 이상의 환자에게 제공되었습니다. 이 회사는 또한 GLP-1 수용체 작용제와 관련된 위마비와 같은 새로운 도전에 대응할 준비를 하고 있습니다.

Evoke Pharma réaffirme son engagement envers les patients atteints de gastroparesie diabétique suite à la décision de la FDA de ne pas approuver le Tradipitant de Vanda Pharmaceuticals. Le produit d'Evoke, Gimoti (spray nasal de métoclopramide), demeure le seul traitement ambulatoire non oral approuvé par la FDA pour les symptômes aigus et récurrents de la gastroparesie diabétique chez les adultes.

Des données du monde réel présentées lors de la Digestive Disease Week 2023 ont montré que les utilisateurs de Gimoti ont connu des réductions significatives des visites aux urgences (-60%) et des hospitalisations (-68%) par rapport au métoclopramide oral sur une période de six mois. Une analyse des coûts a révélé que Gimoti a réduit les coûts de soins totaux d'environ 15 000 $ au cours des six premiers mois par rapport au métoclopramide oral.

Evoke continue de se concentrer sur l'amélioration des résultats pour les patients et l'expansion de l'accès à Gimoti, qui a été fourni à plus de 4 000 patients depuis son lancement. L'entreprise se positionne également pour faire face à de nouveaux défis, tels que la gastroparesie liée aux agonistes du récepteur GLP-1.

Evoke Pharma bekräftigt sein Engagement für Patienten mit diabetischer Gastroparese nach der Entscheidung der FDA, Tradipitant von Vanda Pharmaceuticals nicht zu genehmigen. Das Produkt von Evoke, Gimoti (Metoclopramid-Nasalspray), bleibt die einzige von der FDA genehmigte nicht orale Behandlung für akute und wiederkehrende Symptome der diabetischen Gastroparese bei Erwachsenen.

Echte Daten, die auf der Digestive Disease Week 2023 präsentiert wurden, zeigten, dass Nutzer von Gimoti signifikante Reduktionen bei den Notaufnahmebesuchen (-60%) und Krankenhausaufenthalten (-68%) im Vergleich zu oralem Metoclopramid über einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten erlebten. Eine Kostenanalyse ergab, dass Gimoti die Gesamtkosten der Behandlung innerhalb der ersten sechs Monate im Vergleich zu oralem Metoclopramid um etwa $15,000 reduzierte.

Evoke konzentriert sich weiterhin auf die Verbesserung der Patientenergebnisse und die Erweiterung des Zugangs zu Gimoti, das seit der Markteinführung über 4,000 Patienten zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Das Unternehmen positioniert sich auch, um auf neue Herausforderungen, wie Gastroparese, die mit GLP-1-Rezeptor-Agonisten verbunden ist, zu reagieren.

  • Gimoti remains the only FDA-approved nasal spray treatment for acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis in adults
  • Real-world data shows Gimoti users experienced 60% reduction in ER visits and 68% reduction in hospitalizations compared to oral metoclopramide
  • Cost analysis revealed Gimoti reduced total care costs by approximately $15,000 within first six months compared to oral metoclopramide
  • Over 4,000 patients have been provided with Gimoti since launch
  • Failure of competitor's drug (Tradipitant) to gain FDA approval may slow market expansion for gastroparesis treatments
  • treatment options for gastroparesis patients as 14 treatments in last 15 years have failed to gain regulatory clearance


The FDA's decision not to approve Tradipitant highlights the ongoing challenges in developing new treatments for gastroparesis. This reinforces Gimoti's position as the only FDA-approved nasal spray for diabetic gastroparesis. The real-world data presented at Digestive Disease Week 2023 is particularly noteworthy, showing significant reductions in ER visits (-60%) and hospitalizations (-68%) compared to oral metoclopramide. This demonstrates Gimoti's potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. The $15,000 reduction in total cost of care within six months is a substantial benefit for both patients and healthcare systems.

Evoke Pharma's reaffirmation of commitment amid industry setbacks positions it favorably in the gastroparesis market. With 14 failed treatments in the last 15 years, Gimoti's unique FDA approval status becomes a significant competitive advantage. The company's focus on real-world data and cost-effectiveness strengthens its market position. The potential expansion into gastroparesis linked to GLP-1 receptor agonists represents a new growth opportunity. However, investors should note that while Gimoti has treated over 4,000 patients since launch, the company hasn't provided specific revenue figures, which would be important for assessing financial performance.

Evoke Pharma's strategic positioning in the gastroparesis market is noteworthy. The lack of FDA-approved alternatives strengthens Gimoti's market position. The company's focus on educating patients and physicians about non-oral treatments is a smart move to drive adoption. The real-world data showing improved outcomes over oral metoclopramide provides a strong selling point. The potential market expansion due to gastroparesis linked to GLP-1 receptor agonists presents a significant growth opportunity. However, the challenge lies in effectively scaling up market penetration and convincing more healthcare providers to prescribe Gimoti over traditional oral medications.

Gimoti remains the sole proprietary FDA approved treatment for symptoms of diabetic gastroparesis

SOLANA BEACH, Calif., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evoke Pharma, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVOK), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused primarily on treatments for gastrointestinal (GI) diseases with an emphasis on Gimoti® (metoclopramide) nasal spray, reaffirms its commitment to improving the lives of patients suffering from diabetic gastroparesis in light of the recent decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to not approve Vanda Pharmaceuticals new drug application (NDA) for Tradipitant, an oral drug candidate for the treatment of symptoms in gastroparesis. Patients suffering from all forms of gastroparesis need additional agents to help treat this difficult disease, and we believe patients will be disappointed given the FDA’s decision. Evoke continues to serve as a trusted partner for healthcare professionals and patients alike with its proven product, Gimoti® (metoclopramide), the first and only FDA-approved nasal spray treatment for acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis in adults.

“While challenges in the regulatory landscape affect all of us in the industry, Evoke remains focused on improving patient outcomes and expanding access to GIMOTI, the only non-oral outpatient treatment for acute and recurrent symptoms of diabetic gastroparesis, which has already demonstrated significant benefits in real-world settings,” said Matt D’Onofrio, CEO of Evoke Pharma. “We have been able to provide Gimoti to over 4,000 patients since launch and continue to seek to inform patients and physicians about the benefits of non-oral treatments for this disease.”

Diabetic gastroparesis is a serious condition and remains complex to effectively treat with only one FDA approved active molecule (metoclopramide) available. Gimoti, the nasal formulation of metoclopramide, was developed by Evoke Pharma specifically as an oral treatment due to the complexities of gastroparesis.   Oral treatments are prone to faulty absorption due to the delayed gastric emptying blocking delivery or symptoms causing vomiting of pills, further complicating oral drug therapy.

Those suffering from diabetic gastroparesis, who often take several oral medications, know first-hand the problems ingesting and digesting pills or tablets with this disease. To confirm the impact of GIMOTI and the nasal route of administration, Evoke has provided the first ever comparative data in the gastroparesis field showing statistically significant improvement in patient outcomes between Gimoti and oral metoclopramide. This real-world data, presented at Digestive Disease Week 2023, showed that patients with diabetic gastroparesis using Gimoti experienced significant reductions in emergency room visits (-60%, p=0.007) and hospitalizations (-68%, p=0.005) compared to oral metoclopramide over a six-month period. Furthermore, 61.5% of patients in this study that were treated with Gimoti had previously taken oral metoclopramide, suggesting that some patients that did not experience relief of symptoms with oral metoclopramide gained relief with a new treatment of GIMOTI. A separate cost analysis revealed that GIMOTI reduced the total cost of care by approximately $15,000 within the first six months of initiation compared to oral metoclopramide.

Evoke Pharma’s commitment to quality and innovation continues to drive its mission to provide patients with reliable and effective treatments for gastroparesis. As the field evolves, particularly with the emergence of gastroparesis linked to GLP-1 receptor agonists, Evoke is positioning to respond to these new challenges with data to support clinical decision making.

“As we continue to explore the benefits of Gimoti in diabetic gastroparesis treatment, Evoke Pharma is striving to expand on our promise of providing innovative and accessible solutions for patients and healthcare providers,” said Chris Quesenberry, Chief Commercial Officer of Evoke. “While having additional therapies would be beneficial to patients and providers, it would also be supportive of Evoke’s goal to expanded diagnosis and treatment of patients, many of whom go years without a proper diagnosis or appropriate treatment. Gaining approval for a new treatment method has proven very difficult for gastroparesis. With this recent news, it brings the total to 14 treatments in last 15 years that have failed to gain regulatory clearance. We believe GIMOTI is an important new innovation for gastroparesis patients and we remain steadfastly committed to expanding our commercial reach to ensure more patients receive the clinical value and ability to return to normal daily activities,” he added.

About Evoke Pharma, Inc.

Evoke is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused primarily on the development of drugs to treat GI disorders and diseases. The company developed, commercialized and markets GIMOTI, a nasal spray formulation of metoclopramide, for the relief of symptoms associated with acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis in adults.

Diabetic gastroparesis is a GI disorder affecting millions of patients worldwide, in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents resulting in serious GI symptoms as well as other systemic complications. The gastric delay caused by gastroparesis can compromise absorption of orally administered medications. Prior to FDA approval to commercially market GIMOTI, metoclopramide was only available in oral and injectable formulations and remains the only drug currently approved in the United States to treat gastroparesis.

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Safe Harbor Statement

Evoke cautions you that statements included in this press release that are not a description of historical facts are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “intend,” “target,” “project,” “contemplates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential” or “continue” or the negatives of these terms or other similar expressions. These statements are based on the company’s current beliefs and expectations. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding: healthcare provider and patient reactions to recent industry developments; future developments in the treatment landscape for diabetic gastroparesis; and Evoke’s commercialization plans. The inclusion of forward-looking statements should not be regarded as a representation by Evoke that any of its plans will be achieved. Actual results may differ from those set forth in this press release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Evoke’s business, including, without limitation: Evoke and EVERSANA may not be able to successfully drive market demand for GIMOTI; alternative treatments for gastroparesis may be developed and may be shown to be superior to GIMOTI; Evoke’s ability to obtain additional financing as needed to support its operations; Evoke may use its capital resources sooner than expected; Evoke’s dependence on third parties for the manufacture of GIMOTI; Evoke is entirely dependent on the success of GIMOTI; inadequate efficacy or unexpected adverse side effects relating to GIMOTI that could result in recalls or product liability claims; Evoke’s ability to maintain intellectual property protection for GIMOTI; and other risks and uncertainties detailed in Evoke’s prior press releases and in the periodic reports it files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, and Evoke undertakes no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. This caution is made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Investor & Media Contact:

Daniel Kontoh-Boateng

DKB Partners

Tel: 862-213-1398


What is Evoke Pharma's main product for diabetic gastroparesis?

Evoke Pharma's main product for diabetic gastroparesis is Gimoti (metoclopramide) nasal spray, which is the first and only FDA-approved nasal spray treatment for acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis in adults.

How effective is Gimoti compared to oral metoclopramide for diabetic gastroparesis?

Real-world data presented at Digestive Disease Week 2023 showed that patients using Gimoti experienced a 60% reduction in emergency room visits and a 68% reduction in hospitalizations compared to oral metoclopramide over a six-month period.

What cost benefits does Gimoti offer compared to oral metoclopramide?

A cost analysis revealed that Gimoti reduced the total cost of care by approximately $15,000 within the first six months of initiation compared to oral metoclopramide for patients with diabetic gastroparesis.

How many patients have been treated with Gimoti (EVOK) since its launch?

According to Evoke Pharma, over 4,000 patients have been provided with Gimoti since its launch.

What recent FDA decision has impacted the gastroparesis treatment landscape for Evoke Pharma (EVOK)?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently decided not to approve Vanda Pharmaceuticals' new drug application (NDA) for Tradipitant, an oral drug candidate for the treatment of symptoms in gastroparesis, potentially affecting the competitive landscape for Evoke Pharma's Gimoti.

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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States