Evoke Pharma, Inc. Supports Gastroparesis Awareness Month
Evoke Pharma (NASDAQ: EVOK) is supporting Gastroparesis Awareness Month in August, collaborating with advocacy groups to raise awareness for millions of patients worldwide. Gastroparesis, affecting approximately 2% of the U.S. population, is a disorder where food moves slower than normal from the stomach to the intestines. Evoke's CEO, Matt D'Onofrio, emphasizes the company's dedication to ensuring diabetic gastroparesis patients receive treatment through their assistance programs.
Evoke's product, GIMOTI® (metoclopramide) nasal spray, launched in June 2020, is the only non-oral FDA-approved outpatient gastroparesis treatment in over 30 years. Over 4,000 patients have received GIMOTI, which has shown significant impact on reducing healthcare facility use and saving patients and insurers over $15,000 in expenses over a six-month period compared to oral metoclopramide.
Evoke Pharma (NASDAQ: EVOK) sostiene il Mese della Consapevolezza sulla Gastroparesi in agosto, collaborando con gruppi di advocacy per aumentare la consapevolezza per milioni di pazienti in tutto il mondo. La gastroparesi, che colpisce circa il 2% della popolazione degli Stati Uniti, è un disturbo in cui il cibo si muove più lentamente del normale dallo stomaco all'intestino. Il CEO di Evoke, Matt D'Onofrio, sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda per garantire che i pazienti affetti da gastroparesi diabetica ricevano trattamenti attraverso i loro programmi di assistenza.
Il prodotto di Evoke, GIMOTI® (spray nasale di metoclopramide), lanciato a giugno 2020, è il primo trattamento per la gastroparesi approvato dalla FDA non orale per pazienti ambulatoriali negli ultimi 30 anni. Oltre 4.000 pazienti hanno ricevuto GIMOTI, che ha mostrato un impatto significativo nella riduzione dell'uso delle strutture sanitarie e nel risparmio per pazienti e assicuratori di oltre 15.000 dollari in spese nell'arco di sei mesi rispetto al metoclopramide orale.
Evoke Pharma (NASDAQ: EVOK) apoya el Mes de Concienciación sobre la Gastroparesis en agosto, colaborando con grupos de defensa para aumentar la conciencia entre millones de pacientes en todo el mundo. La gastroparesis, que afecta aproximadamente al 2% de la población de EE. UU., es un trastorno en el que los alimentos se mueven más lentamente de lo normal del estómago a los intestinos. El CEO de Evoke, Matt D'Onofrio, enfatiza la dedicación de la empresa para asegurar que los pacientes con gastroparesis diabética reciban tratamiento a través de sus programas de asistencia.
El producto de Evoke, GIMOTI® (spray nasal de metoclopramida), lanzado en junio de 2020, es el único tratamiento ambulatorio para la gastroparesis aprobado por la FDA no oral en más de 30 años. Más de 4,000 pacientes han recibido GIMOTI, que ha mostrado un impacto significativo en la reducción del uso de instalaciones de salud y un ahorro de más de $15,000 en gastos para pacientes y aseguradoras en un período de seis meses en comparación con metoclopramida oral.
Evoke Pharma (NASDAQ: EVOK)는 8월에 있는 위마비 인식의 달을 지원하며, 전 세계 수백만 환자에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해 옹호 단체와 협력하고 있습니다. 위마비는 미국 인구의 약 2%에게 영향을 미치는 질환으로, 음식이 위에서 장으로 이동하는 속도가 정상보다 느린 장애입니다. Evoke의 CEO인 Matt D'Onofrio는 당뇨병성 위마비 환자가 자신들의 지원 프로그램을 통해 치료를 받을 수 있도록 하겠다는 회사의 헌신을 강조합니다.
Evoke의 제품인 GIMOTI® (메토클로프라미드) 비강 스프레이는 2020년 6월에 출시되었으며, 지난 30년 이상 비구강 형태로 FDA 승인을 받은 유일한 외래 위마비 치료제입니다. 만 4,000명 이상의 환자가 GIMOTI를 받았으며, GIMOTI는 의료 시설 사용을 줄이고 환자와 보험사에게 6개월 동안 구강 메토클로프라미드에 비해 15,000달러 이상의 비용 절감 효과를 보여주었습니다.
Evoke Pharma (NASDAQ: EVOK) soutient le Mois de Sensibilisation à la Gastroparesie en août, collaborant avec des groupes de défense pour sensibiliser des millions de patients à travers le monde. La gastroparesie, qui touche environ 2 % de la population américaine, est un trouble où la nourriture se déplace plus lentement que la normale de l'estomac à l'intestin. Le PDG d'Evoke, Matt D'Onofrio, souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise à s'assurer que les patients souffrant de gastroparesie diabétique reçoivent un traitement grâce à leurs programmes d'assistance.
Le produit d'Evoke, GIMOTI® (spray nasal de métoclopramide), lancé en juin 2020, est le seul traitement ambulatoire pour la gastroparesie approuvé par la FDA et non oral en plus de 30 ans. Plus de 4 000 patients ont reçu GIMOTI, qui a montré un impact significatif sur la réduction de l'utilisation des établissements de santé et un économisé pour les patients et les assureurs de plus de 15 000 $ en frais sur une période de six mois par rapport au métoclopramide oral.
Evoke Pharma (NASDAQ: EVOK) unterstützt den Monat der Bewusstseinsbildung für Gastroparese im August und arbeitet mit Interessenvertretungen zusammen, um das Bewusstsein für Millionen von Patienten weltweit zu schärfen. Gastroparese betrifft etwa 2% der US-Bevölkerung und ist eine Erkrankung, bei der sich die Nahrung langsamer als normal vom Magen in den Dünndarm bewegt. Der CEO von Evoke, Matt D'Onofrio, betont das Engagement des Unternehmens, sicherzustellen, dass diabetische Gastroparese-Patienten über ihre Unterstützungsprogramme Zugang zu Behandlungen erhalten.
Das Produkt von Evoke, GIMOTI® (Metoclopramid) Nasenspray, das im Juni 2020 auf den Markt kam, ist die einzige FDA-zugelassene ambulante Behandlung für Gastroparese in mehr als 30 Jahren, die nicht oral verabreicht wird. Über 4.000 Patienten haben GIMOTI erhalten, das einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Reduzierung der Nutzung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen hatte und sowohl Patienten als auch Versicherern über 15.000 USD an Kosten innerhalb von sechs Monaten im Vergleich zu oralem Metoclopramid einspart hat.
- GIMOTI is the only FDA-approved non-oral outpatient gastroparesis treatment in over 30 years
- Over 4,000 patients have received GIMOTI since its launch in June 2020
- GIMOTI has reduced healthcare facility use, saving patients and insurers over $15,000 in 6 months compared to oral metoclopramide
- Evoke offers assistance programs for patients when private insurance doesn't cover GIMOTI
- Gastroparesis affects approximately 2% of the U.S. population, indicating a market size
- 60% of patients were not satisfied with available gastroparesis treatments according to a 2019 survey
As a Medical Research Analyst, I find this news moderately impactful for Evoke Pharma. The company's support for Gastroparesis Awareness Month demonstrates its commitment to the patient community and could potentially increase brand recognition for GIMOTI. However, the direct financial impact is likely
Key insights:
- Gastroparesis affects
2% of the U.S. population, indicating a significant market opportunity. - GIMOTI has been prescribed to over 4,000 patients since its launch in 2020, showing steady adoption.
- Healthcare cost savings of
$15,000 per patient over six months compared to oral metoclopramide is a strong selling point for payers and could drive future growth.
While this awareness campaign may not immediately boost sales, it strengthens Evoke Pharma's position in the gastroparesis market and could contribute to long-term growth. Investors should monitor prescription trends and payer adoption in the coming quarters to gauge the impact of these awareness efforts.
From a market perspective, Evoke Pharma's participation in Gastroparesis Awareness Month is a strategic move to solidify its position in a niche market. The company is leveraging this opportunity to highlight GIMOTI's unique value proposition as the only non-oral FDA-approved treatment for diabetic gastroparesis in over 30 years.
Key market implications:
- The 4x higher prevalence in women suggests a targeted marketing opportunity.
- Collaboration with advocacy groups can enhance brand loyalty and patient trust.
- The call for improved payer access could potentially expand GIMOTI's market reach if successful.
However, investors should note that while awareness campaigns can boost brand recognition, they don't guarantee immediate sales growth. The real test will be in translating this awareness into increased prescriptions and market share. Keep an eye on future quarterly reports for tangible evidence of market penetration resulting from these efforts.
Collaborating with advocacy groups to amplify gastroparesis awareness for millions of patients worldwide
Call for action to improve health and access for patients
SOLANA BEACH, Calif., Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evoke Pharma, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVOK), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused primarily on treatments for gastrointestinal (GI) diseases with an emphasis on GIMOTI® (metoclopramide) nasal spray, together with EVERSANA™, a leading provider of global commercial services to the life science industry, joins the gastroparesis community in recognizing Gastroparesis Awareness Month throughout August and supporting the millions of people living with gastroparesis or suffering from associated symptoms of the condition. Established by the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) and recognized each year in August by IFFGD and other organizations, Gastroparesis Awareness Month is intended acknowledge the challenges of living with gastroparesis – symptom burdens, identifying right therapeutic options, and lifestyle modifications while helping to educate patients and their loved ones on managing the condition.
Matt D’Onofrio, CEO of Evoke Pharma commented, “In nearly two decades of working with the GI community and developing GIMOTI from a concept to a reality for gastroparesis patients, I have seen firsthand the dreadful impact gastroparesis has on patients and their families. I applaud the work of organizations like IFFGD, Gastroparesis Patient Association for Cures and Treatment, Inc (G-PACT), Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders (AGMD), and The Oley Foundation (OLEY) for their efforts in improving the understanding and awareness of this condition. At Evoke, we are dedicated to ensuring no patient suffering from diabetic gastroparesis goes untreated despite their economic background. This is made possible through our assistance programs when private insurance does not cover GIMOTI.”
A 2022 research study indicated that approximately
“Our organization is in constant communication with healthcare providers and patient advocates to understand the trajectory of the disease and patients' treatment experiences. According to a 2019 survey conducted by IFFGD, many patients (
After over a decade of development, Evoke Pharma launched GIMOTI in June 2020 as the only outpatient gastroparesis treatment approved by the FDA in over 30 years. It remains the only non-oral form of metoclopramide available for adult patients suffering from acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis. To date, over 4,000 patients have received GIMOTI. Supported by EVERSANA’s market research, GIMOTI has significantly impacted patients and the healthcare system in terms of treatment efficacy, healthcare resource burden, and cost. Surveys show that patients prescribed GIMOTI have significantly fewer doctor’s office visits, emergency room visits, or inpatient hospitalizations in the six months following therapy compared to patients taking oral metoclopramide. This reduction in healthcare facility use has saved diabetic gastroparesis patients and insurers over
More can be done to support patients and providers in managing this debilitating disease. Evoke Pharma calls on:
- People with gastroparesis continue seeking support and resources to advocate for your care. The way you feel today should not be the best you ever feel.
- Providers, caregivers and families take extra moments to genuinely seek to understand how people with gastroparesis are doing. Many are not “doing fine” and need our empathy and support. We need to hear them and include them in their care plan.
- Payers to open access to medicines to support patients in reducing their symptoms and reduce restrictions to care. Beneficiaries with gastroparesis have comorbidities and they use significant healthcare resources. Medicines may help.
To learn more about Gastroparesis disease advocacy and support communities and resources they provide, please visit the following websites:
International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) - https://iffgd.org/
Gastroparesis Patient Association for Cures and Treatments, Inc. (G-PACT) - https://www.g-pact.org/
Association of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders (AGMD) - https://agmdhope.org/
Gastroparesis Pie Face Challenge - https://www.facebook.com/gastroparesispiefacechallenge/
The Oley Foundation - https://oley.org/
About Evoke Pharma, Inc.
Evoke is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused primarily on the development of drugs to treat GI disorders and diseases. The company developed, commercialized and markets GIMOTI, a nasal spray formulation of metoclopramide, for the relief of symptoms associated with acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis in adults.
Diabetic gastroparesis is a GI disorder affecting millions of patients worldwide, in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents resulting in serious GI symptoms as well as other systemic complications. The gastric delay caused by gastroparesis can compromise absorption of orally administered medications. Prior to FDA approval to commercially market GIMOTI, metoclopramide was only available in oral and injectable formulations and remains the only drug currently approved in the United States to treat gastroparesis.
Visit www.EvokePharma.com for more information.
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About Gimoti® (metoclopramide) nasal spray
GIMOTI is indicated for the relief of symptoms in adults with acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis. Important Safety Information
- Metoclopramide can cause tardive dyskinesia (TD), a serious movement disorder that is often irreversible. The risk of developing TD increases with duration of treatment and total cumulative dosage.
- Discontinue GIMOTI in patients who develop signs or symptoms of TD. In some patients, symptoms may lessen or resolve after metoclopramide is stopped.
- Avoid treatment with metoclopramide (all dosage forms and routes of administration) for longer than 12 weeks because of the increased risk of developing TD with longer-term use.
GIMOTI is not recommended for use in:
- Pediatric patients due to the risk of developing tardive dyskinesia (TD) and other extrapyramidal symptoms as well as the risk of methemoglobinemia in neonates.
- Moderate or severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B or C), moderate or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 60 mL/minute), and patients concurrently using strong CYP2D6 inhibitors due to the risk of increased drug exposure and adverse reactions.
GIMOTI is contraindicated:
- In patients with a history of tardive dyskinesia (TD) or a dystonic reaction to metoclopramide.
- When stimulation of gastrointestinal motility might be dangerous (e.g., in the presence of gastrointestinal hemorrhage mechanical obstruction, or perforation).
- In patients with pheochromocytoma or other catecholamine-releasing paragangliomas. Metoclopramide may cause a hypertensive/pheochromocytoma crisis, probably due to release of catecholamines from the tumor.
- In patients with epilepsy. Metoclopramide may increase the frequency and severity of seizures.
- In patients with hypersensitivity to metoclopramide. Reactions have included laryngeal and glossal angioedema and bronchospasm.
Potential adverse reactions associated with metoclopramide include: Tardive dyskinesia (TD), other extrapyramidal effects (EPS), parkinsonism symptoms, motor restlessness, neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), depression, suicidal ideation and suicide, hypertension, fluid retention, hyperprolactinemia, effects on the ability to drive and operate machinery. Most common adverse reactions (≥
Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Safe Harbor Statement
Evoke cautions you that statements included in this press release that are not a description of historical facts are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “intend,” “target,” “project,” “contemplates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential” or “continue” or the negatives of these terms or other similar expressions. These statements are based on the company’s current beliefs and expectations. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding: guidance regarding 2024 net product sales; potential future prescribing trends for GIMOTI based on Evoke’s or EVERSANA’s marketing efforts; Evoke’s commercialization plans, including the potential that GIMOTI could become the standard of care for gastroparesis; the potential for additional funds from the exercise of outstanding warrants and Evoke’s expected cash runway. The inclusion of forward-looking statements should not be regarded as a representation by Evoke that any of its plans will be achieved. Actual results may differ from those set forth in this press release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Evoke’s business, including, without limitation: Evoke may not be able to achieve its guidance for 2024 including as a result of decreased demand for GIMOTI; Evoke’s and EVERSANA’s ability to successfully drive market demand for GIMOTI; Evoke’s ability to obtain additional financing as needed to support its operations; Evoke may use its capital resources sooner than expected; warrant holders may choose not to exercise any of the outstanding warrants; Evoke’s dependence on third parties for the manufacture of GIMOTI; Evoke is entirely dependent on the success of GIMOTI; inadequate efficacy or unexpected adverse side effects relating to GIMOTI that could result in recalls or product liability claims; Evoke’s ability to maintain intellectual property protection for GIMOTI; and other risks and uncertainties detailed in Evoke’s prior press releases and in the periodic reports it files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, and Evoke undertakes no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. This caution is made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
- Huang IH, Schol J, Khatun R, Carbone F, Van den Houte K, Colomier E, Balsiger LM, Törnblom H, Vanuytsel T, Sundelin E, Simrén M, Palsson OS, Bangdiwala SI, Sperber AD, Tack J. Worldwide prevalence and burden of gastroparesis-like symptoms as defined by the United European Gastroenterology (UEG) and European Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM) consensus on gastroparesis. United European Gastroenterol J. 2022 Oct;10(8):888-897. doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12289. Epub 2022 Aug 19. PMID: 35985672; PMCID: PMC9557951.
Investor & Media Contact:
Daniel Kontoh-Boateng
DKB Partners
Tel: 862-213-1398

What is Evoke Pharma's main product for gastroparesis treatment?
How many patients have received GIMOTI since its launch?
What cost savings does GIMOTI provide compared to oral metoclopramide?
When is Gastroparesis Awareness Month and who established it?