Evergold Initiates Follow-up Drilling at its Exciting DEM Precious & Strategic Metals Discovery, Central B.C.

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Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVGUF) has initiated follow-up drilling at its DEM prospect in central B.C., building on last year's discovery of precious and strategic metals. The program aims to drill up to 1,000 meters across multiple holes, targeting a north-south geochemical and geophysical trend within the larger 4 km² DEM target area. The company is particularly excited about two high-order CSAMT anomalies with associated high IP chargeability, which may have been narrowly missed in the previous drilling season.

The 2023 reconnaissance drilling intercepted a structurally-focused, epithermal-style system with broad envelopes of anomalous to low-grade mineralization, including high-grade intervals of both precious and strategic elements. Highlights include 135 meters of 0.12 g/t Au in DEM23-01, very high-grade molybdenum (0.82%) with gold and rhenium credits in DEM23-02, and 48.2 meters of 0.58 g/t Au and 11 g/t Ag in DEM23-03.

Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVGUF) ha avviato un programma di perforazione di follow-up presso il suo prospetto DEM nel centro della Columbia Britannica, sviluppando la scoperta di metalli preziosi e strategici dell'anno scorso. Il programma prevede di perforare fino a 1.000 metri attraverso diversi fori, mirando a una tendenza geochimica e geofisica nord-sud all'interno della più ampia area target DEM di 4 km². L'azienda è particolarmente entusiasta di due anomalie CSAMT di alta qualità con alta capacità di carica IP associata, che potrebbero essere state sfiorate nel precedente periodo di perforazione.

La perforazione di esplorazione del 2023 ha intercettato un sistema epithermale a struttura definita, con ampie enveloppe di mineralizzazione anomala a bassa gradazione, inclusi intervalli di alta gradazione sia di elementi preziosi che strategici. Tra i risultati annunciati ci sono 135 metri a 0,12 g/t Au in DEM23-01, molibdeno di altissima qualità (0,82%) con crediti di oro e renio in DEM23-02, e 48,2 metri a 0,58 g/t Au e 11 g/t Ag in DEM23-03.

Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVGUF) ha iniciado un programa de perforación de seguimiento en su prospecto DEM en el centro de Columbia Británica, construyendo sobre el descubrimiento del año pasado de metales preciosos y estratégicos. El programa tiene como objetivo perforar hasta 1,000 metros a través de múltiples agujeros, apuntando a una tendencia geoquímica y geofísica de norte a sur dentro del área objetivo más grande de 4 km² DEM. La empresa está particularmente emocionada por dos anomalías de alta calidad de CSAMT con alta capacidad de carga IP asociada, que podrían haber sido apenas esquivadas en la temporada de perforación anterior.

La perforación de reconocimiento de 2023 interceptó un sistema epithermal estructuralmente enfocado, con amplios envoltorios de mineralización anómala a baja ley, incluidos intervalos de alta ley tanto de elementos preciosos como estratégicos. Los aspectos destacados incluyen 135 metros de 0.12 g/t Au en DEM23-01, molibdeno de muy alta calidad (0.82%) con créditos de oro y renio en DEM23-02, y 48.2 metros de 0.58 g/t Au y 11 g/t Ag en DEM23-03.

Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVGUF)는 지난해 발견된 귀금속 및 전략 금속에 기반하여 중앙 브리티시컬럼비아에 위치한 DEM 프로스펙트에서 후속 물굴착 작업을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 4 km²의 광범위한 DEM 타겟 지역 내에서 북남 방향의 지구화학적 및 지구물리학적 트렌드를 목표로 하여 여러 구멍에 걸쳐 최대 1,000미터를 천공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 회사는 지난해 천공 시즌에서 놓쳤을 것으로 보이는 높은 전하 용량을 가진 두 개의 고급 CSAMT 이상에 대해 특히 기대하고 있습니다.

2023년 탐사 천공에서는 구조적으로 집중된 에피테르말 스타일 시스템을 가로막아 넓은 범위의 비정상적 저품위 광물화 영역을 관통하였으며, 귀금속 및 전략적 요소 모두에서 고품위 구간이 포함되어 있습니다. 주요 내용은 DEM23-01에서 135미터의 0.12 g/t Au, DEM23-02에서 금 및 레늄 크레딧을 가진 고품위 몰리브덴 (0.82%), 그리고 DEM23-03에서 48.2미터의 0.58 g/t Au와 11 g/t Ag를 포함합니다.

Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVGUF) a lancé des forages de suivi sur son prospect DEM dans le centre de la Colombie-Britannique, s'appuyant sur la découverte de métaux précieux et stratégiques de l'année dernière. Le programme vise à forer jusqu'à 1 000 mètres à travers plusieurs trous, ciblant une tendance géochimique et géophysique nord-sud dans la plus grande zone cible DEM de 4 km². L'entreprise est particulièrement enthousiasmée par deux anomalies CSAMT de haute qualité avec une capacité de charge IP élevée, qui pourraient avoir été à deux doigts d'être manquées lors de la saison de forage précédente.

Le forage de reconnaissance de 2023 a intercepté un système épithermal à structure définie, avec de larges enveloppes de minéralisation anormale à faible teneur, y compris des intervalles de haute teneur d'éléments précieux et stratégiques. Les moments forts incluent 135 mètres à 0,12 g/t Au dans DEM23-01, du molybdène de très haute qualité (0,82%) avec des crédits en or et en rhénium dans DEM23-02, et 48,2 mètres à 0,58 g/t Au et 11 g/t Ag dans DEM23-03.

Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVGUF) hat mit der Nachbohrung in ihrem DEM-Vorkommen im Zentrum von B.C. begonnen und baut auf den Entdeckungen des letzten Jahres von Edel- und strategischen Metallen auf. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, bis zu 1.000 Meter in mehreren Löchern zu bohren, dabei eine nord-südliche geochemische und geophysikalische Tendenz innerhalb des größeren 4 km² DEM-Zielgebiets anzusteuern. Das Unternehmen ist besonders begeistert von zwei hochrangigen CSAMT-Anomalien mit hoher IP-Wertbarkeit, die in der vorherigen Bohrkampagne möglicherweise verfehlt wurden.

Die Erkundungsbohrungen 2023 trafen auf ein strukturell fokussiertes, epithermales System mit breiten Einschlüssen anomal niedriger bis mittlerer Mineralisierung, einschließlich hochgradiger Intervalle sowohl für Edel- als auch für strategische Elemente. Zu den Highlights gehören 135 Meter mit 0,12 g/t Au in DEM23-01, sehr hochgradiges Molybdän (0,82%) mit Gold- und Rheniumgutschriften in DEM23-02 sowie 48,2 Meter mit 0,58 g/t Au und 11 g/t Ag in DEM23-03.

  • Follow-up drilling program of up to 1,000 meters initiated at the DEM prospect
  • Previous drilling intercepted high-grade intervals of precious and strategic metals
  • Potential for a larger mineralized system associated with an underlying intrusion
  • Identification of two high-order CSAMT anomalies with high IP chargeability as new targets
  • assaying of core in 2023 due to budget constraints (only 12-62% of drilled meters)
  • True width of some high-grade intercepts unknown, indicating uncertainty in mineralization extent

TORONTO, Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evergold Corp. (TSX-V: EVER, WKN: A2PTHZ) (“Evergold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced at the Company’s road-accessible DEM prospect, located in central B.C. near Fort St. James, in follow-up to last season’s precious (Au, Ag) and strategic metals (Co, Mo, Cu, W, Te, Re) discovery (see news, January 15, 2024, and highlights below). The program will encompass up to 1,000 metres of drilling in multiple holes targeting a prominent north-south geochemical and geophysical trend, part of the much larger 4 km2 geophysically and geochemically anomalous DEM target area, with completion anticipated in October.

The drilling will build upon the highly encouraging results of the Company’s DEM reconnaissance drilling (947 metres in 3 holes) carried out in fall 2023 on the same trend. As highlighted below, the three holes drilled in 2023 intercepted what is interpreted to be a roughly north-south oriented, structurally-focused, epithermal-style and locally sulphide-rich system, comprised of a broad envelope of anomalous to low-grade mineralization encompassing genuinely high-grade intervals of both precious and strategic elements. With better focused and better framed targets evident from recently completed geophysical surveys, the Company is excited at the prospects for this year’s drilling. Helping to generate that excitement is a large underlying sub-circular magnetic feature, akin in plan view to a doughnut, which extends well beyond the limits of the currently targeted core area geochemical-geophysical trend. The broad coverage area and unique character of this underlying magnetic response, together with a first intercept in last year’s drilling of a porphyritic dyke mineralized with very high-grade molybdenum plus significant credits of gold, silver and high-value rhenium, suggests the possibility that the epithermal assemblage may be associated with an underlying and/or nearby intrusion.

“Last year we tested the DEM prospect from two pads located a long way apart,” said Kevin Keough, President and CEO. “Intercepts in the holes drilled from those pads have given us an apparent trend to what we believe is essentially a high-grade system, possibly tapped into an underlying intrusion, which appears to trend subparallel to the best of the surface geochemically anomaly and almost certainly daylights within the DEM core area geochemical-geophysical trend. We’re especially interested in two high-order CSAMT (low resistivity) anomalies defined since last year – designated Features “A” & “B” - with associated high IP chargeability, located between and immediately to the south of, last year’s drill sites. The location of these anomalies suggest that we may have narrowly missed with last season’s drilling, which was the first on this generally poorly-exposed property. Therefore, with this year’s initial drill plan, available on our website at, we’ll initially target the Feature A anomaly from Pad A, drilling west down the high chargeability / low resistivity anomalies to a target depth of 250 metres. With success, more than one hole may be drilled from Pad A. A second drill pad – Pad B – has been sited 100 metres due west of Pad A along the same section 68000N. Additional holes will be sited depending upon visual and XRF analysis of core in the field.”

Previously released highlights of the 2023 drill program (for complete results and discussion see news, January 15, 2024):

DEM23-01*: Partially delineated system envelope: 135 metres of 0.12 g/t Au from 6 to 141 metres, true width unknown.

  • Including: high-grade strategic metal tungsten (0.32%) and silver (155 g/t) from 131 to 132 metres

DEM23-02*: First intercept of porphyritic intrusive: very high-grade strategic metal molybdenum (0.82%), with associated gold (1.2 g/t), silver (8 g/t), and high-value rhenium (3.7 g/t) from 299 to 300 metres, true width unknown

DEM23-03*: Partially delineated system envelope: 48.2 metres of 0.58 g/t Au and 11 g/t Ag from 303 to 351.2 metres, believed to approximate true width

  • Including: high-grade: 11.98 g/t Au, 24 g/t Ag from 339 to 340.5 metres
  • Including: high-grade: 29.5 g/t Au, 0.11% Co, 0.19% Cu from 340 to 340.5 metres

*Note: Due to 2023 budget constraints, only 62% of the metres drilled in DEM23-01 were assayed, 17% in DEM23-02, and 12% in DEM23-03, with the focus being on only those core intervals that showed the highest density of veining, sulphides, and metal values indicated by X-Ray Fluorescence (“XRF”). The Company intends to sample and assay 100% of the core drilled in 2024.

About the DEM Project

The 12,728-hectare DEM property is ideally located in moderate terrain only 40 kms northwest of Fort St. James in central B.C.. The project area lies toward the south end of the Nation Lakes porphyry camp and within the Quesnel terrane, the latter of which hosts large deposits and long-life mines including the Mount Milligan mine (50 kms to the northeast of DEM) and Lorraine deposit and, farther south, the Mt. Polley, Afton, Copper Mountain, and Brenda mines, in addition to the Highland Valley mines and deposits.

Located central to the DEM property is the DEM1 prospect, a roughly 4km2 target area defined by alteration and mineralogy suggestive of the presence of a porphyry system, by a multi-element soil geochemical signature, by compelling high-relief magnetic, IP-chargeability and CSAMT resistivity anomalies, and by the presence of nearby regional scale structures. Extensive logging in the area and associated forest service roads provide drive-on access directly to the DEM1 prospect. All of these factors, combined with the results of a reconnaissance drilling program last fall which returned narrow intercepts of high-grade gold, silver and strategic metals (molybdenum, cobalt, tungsten, tellurium, rhenium) within a broad low-grade envelope, underscore the strong exploration merits of the property. Further details on the DEM prospect may be found on the Company’s website at and in a NI 43-101 technical report dated August 30, 2023, posted thereon and on the Company’s issuer profile at SEDAR+.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Charles J. Greig, M.Sc. P.Geo., the Company’s Chief Exploration Officer and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

About Evergold

Evergold Corp. is a TSX-V listed mineral exploration company with projects in B.C. and Nevada. The Evergold team has a track record of success in the junior mining space, most recently the establishment of GT Gold Corp. in 2016 and the discovery of the Saddle South epithermal vein and Saddle North porphyry copper-gold deposits near Iskut B.C., sold to Newmont in 2021 for a fully diluted value of $456 million, representing a 1,136% (12.4 X) return on exploration outlays of $36.9 million.

For additional information, please contact:

Kevin M. Keough
President and CEO
Tel: (613) 622-1916

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This news release includes certain “forward-looking statements” which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward- looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company’s future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as “believes”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “may”, “could”, “would”, “will”, or “plan”. Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management’s expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to failure to identify mineral resources, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, political risks, inability to fulfill the duty to accommodate First Nations, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, and those risks set out in the Company’s public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


What are the key findings from Evergold's 2023 drilling program at the DEM prospect?

Evergold's 2023 drilling program at the DEM prospect revealed a structurally-focused, epithermal-style system with broad envelopes of mineralization. Key intercepts include 135 meters of 0.12 g/t Au in DEM23-01, high-grade molybdenum (0.82%) with gold and rhenium credits in DEM23-02, and 48.2 meters of 0.58 g/t Au and 11 g/t Ag in DEM23-03.

How many meters does Evergold plan to drill in its 2024 follow-up program at DEM?

Evergold plans to drill up to 1,000 meters across multiple holes in its 2024 follow-up drilling program at the DEM prospect.

What new targets has Evergold identified for its 2024 drilling at the DEM prospect?

Evergold has identified two high-order CSAMT anomalies with associated high IP chargeability, designated as Features 'A' & 'B', located between and immediately south of last year's drill sites. These anomalies are the primary targets for the 2024 drilling program.

When is Evergold (EVGUF) expected to complete its 2024 drilling program at DEM?

Evergold (EVGUF) anticipates completing its 2024 drilling program at the DEM prospect in October.



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