Lavie Bio Receives Grant from Israel Innovation Authority to Advance the Development of 'MicroFermentor', a Unique Technology that Can Change the Economics of Ag-Biologicals

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Lavie Bio, a subsidiary of Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN), has received a grant from the Israel Innovation Authority to advance its 'MicroFermentor' technology. This patented technology aims to revolutionize the delivery of ag-biologicals by enabling beneficial bacteria multiplication directly on plants. Key benefits include:

1. Reduced application costs
2. Extended shelf life
3. Prolonged bacterial viability after field application

The grant follows positive initial microbe encapsulation and greenhouse validation experiments. The global ag-biologicals market is growing at over 13% annually, expected to reach nearly $33 billion by 2030. 'MicroFermentor' presents an opportunity to bring new bacterial-based ag-biologicals to market, addressing current challenges in commercial production, application costs, and shelf life.

Lavie Bio, una filiale di Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN), ha ricevuto un finanziamento dall'Autorità per l'Innovazione di Israele per far progredire la sua tecnologia 'MicroFermentor'. Questa tecnologia brevettata mira a rivoluzionare la consegna degli ag-biologici consentendo la moltiplicazione di batteri benefici direttamente sulle piante. I principali vantaggi includono:

1. Riduzione dei costi di applicazione
2. Maggiore durata di conservazione
3. Prolungata vitalità batterica dopo l'applicazione sul campo

Il finanziamento arriva dopo esperimenti positivi di incapsulamento dei microbi e di validazione in serra. Il mercato globale degli ag-biologici cresce a oltre il 13% annualmente e si prevede che raggiunga quasi i 33 miliardi di dollari entro il 2030. 'MicroFermentor' rappresenta un'opportunità per portare sul mercato nuovi ag-biologici a base batterica, affrontando le attuali sfide nella produzione commerciale, nei costi di applicazione e nella durata di conservazione.

Lavie Bio, una subsidiaria de Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN), ha recibido una subvención de la Autoridad de Innovación de Israel para avanzar en su tecnología 'MicroFermentor'. Esta tecnología patentada tiene como objetivo revolucionar la entrega de ag-biológicos al permitir la multiplicación de bacterias beneficiosas directamente sobre las plantas. Los beneficios clave incluyen:

1. Reducción de los costos de aplicación
2. Mayor vida útil
3. Prolongada viabilidad bacteriana tras la aplicación en campo

La subvención se produce tras experimentos iniciales positivos de encapsulación de microbios y validación en invernaderos. El mercado global de ag-biológicos está creciendo a más del 13% anual, y se espera que alcance casi los 33 mil millones de dólares para 2030. 'MicroFermentor' presenta una oportunidad para llevar al mercado nuevos ag-biológicos basados en bacterias, abordando desafíos actuales en la producción comercial, costos de aplicación y vida útil.

Lavie BioEvogene (Nasdaq: EVGN)의 자회사로, 이스라엘 혁신청으로부터 'MicroFermentor' 기술을 발전시키기 위한 보조금을 받았습니다. 이 특허 기술은 유익한 박테리아를 식물에서 직접 배양할 수 있게 하여 농업 생물학 제품의 공급 방식을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 적용 비용 절감
2. 유통 기한 연장
3. 현장 적용 후 박테리아 생존율 증대

이번 보조금은 초기 미생물 캡슐화 및 온실 검증 실험에서 긍정적인 결과를 얻은 후 나왔습니다. 글로벌 농업 생물학 제품 시장은 매년 13% 이상 성장하고 있으며, 2030년까지 거의 330억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. 'MicroFermentor'는 상업 생산, 적용 비용 및 유통 기한의 현재 문제를 해결하여 새로운 박테리아 기반 농업 생물학 제품을 시장에 출시할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

Lavie Bio, une filiale de Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN), a reçu une subvention de la Autorité de l'Innovation d'Israël pour faire progresser sa technologie 'MicroFermentor'. Cette technologie brevetée vise à révolutionner la livraison des agrobiologiques en permettant la multiplication des bactéries bénéfiques directement sur les plantes. Les principaux avantages incluent :

1. Réduction des coûts d'application
2. Durée de conservation prolongée
3. Viabilité bactérienne prolongée après application sur le terrain

La subvention fait suite à des expériences initiales positives d'encapsulation de microbes et de validation en serre. Le marché mondial des agrobiologiques croît de plus de 13 % par an et devrait atteindre près de 33 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030. 'MicroFermentor' représente une opportunité de mettre sur le marché de nouveaux agrobiologiques à base de bactéries, en répondant aux défis actuels de la production commerciale, des coûts d'application et de la durée de conservation.

Lavie Bio, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN), hat einen Zuschuss von der Israelischen Innovationsbehörde erhalten, um ihre 'MicroFermentor'-Technologie voranzutreiben. Diese patentierte Technologie zielt darauf ab, die Lieferung von Agrobiologika zu revolutionieren, indem die Vermehrung von nützlichen Bakterien direkt auf Pflanzen ermöglicht wird. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören:

1. Reduzierte Anwendungskosten
2. Verlängerte Haltbarkeit
3. Verlängerte Bakterienlebensfähigkeit nach der Anwendung im Feld

Der Zuschuss folgt positiven ersten Ergebnissen bei der Mikrobeneinkapselung und Validierung im Gewächshaus. Der globale Markt für Agrobiologika wächst jährlich um über 13% und soll bis 2030 nahezu 33 Milliarden Dollar erreichen. 'MicroFermentor' bietet die Möglichkeit, neue bakterienbasierte Agrobiologika auf den Markt zu bringen und aktuelle Herausforderungen in der kommerziellen Produktion, den Anwendungskosten und der Haltbarkeit anzugehen.

  • Received grant from Israel Innovation Authority for 'MicroFermentor' technology development
  • Technology aims to reduce application costs and extend shelf life of ag-biologicals
  • Positive initial microbe encapsulation and greenhouse validation experiments
  • Global ag-biologicals market growing at over 13% annually, expected to reach $33 billion by 2030
  • Potential to increase the number and diversity of ag-biological products entering the market
  • None.


The development of the 'MicroFermentor' technology by Lavie Bio represents a significant advancement in ag-biologicals delivery. This innovation addresses key challenges in the industry, namely application costs, shelf life and bacterial viability. By enabling bacteria multiplication directly on plants, it could substantially reduce production and application expenses, potentially making biological solutions more economically viable for farmers.

The $33 billion projected market size by 2030 and the 13% annual growth rate indicate strong market potential. The technology aligns well with the EU's Green Deal program and North American environmental trends, positioning Lavie Bio favorably in regions pushing for reduced chemical pesticide use.

The grant from the Israel Innovation Authority adds credibility and financial support to the project, potentially accelerating its path to commercialization. If successful, the 'MicroFermentor' could expand the range of viable ag-biological products, potentially disrupting the industry and opening new market opportunities for Lavie Bio and its parent company, Evogene.

The technology aims to reduce application costs, extend shelf life, and prolong bacterial viability after field application

REHOVOT, Israel, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lavie Bio Ltd., a leading ag-biologicals company and a subsidiary of Evogene Ltd. (Nasdaq: EVGN) (TASE: EVGN), announced receiving a grant from the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) to advance its program to develop a breakthrough technology for the delivery of ag-biologicals to agriculture. This patented technology, named 'MicroFermentor', is based on an innovative microbe formulation that enables the multiplication of beneficial bacteria directly on the plant, reducing application costs, extending shelf life, and prolonging the bacteria's viability after field application. The grant was awarded following positive initial microbe encapsulation and greenhouse validation experiments and will support the program's next phase of development toward commercialization.

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The global ag-biologicals market is growing at a rate of over 13% annually, expected to reach nearly $33 billion by 20301. The European Union, which has set a target in its Green Deal program to reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 50%2, and concurrently, North America, which is characterized by high environmental awareness, along with a well-developed organic/biological market with increasing demand, strongly demonstrate consumer demand for the reduction in the use of chemical pesticides.

The 'MicroFermentor' technology presents a unique opportunity of significant economic value to bring a variety of new bacterial-based ag-biologicals to the market, which currently do not meet market requirements due to challenges in the costs of commercial production and application, and shelf life. This will enable an increase in the number and diversity of ag-biological products entering the market.

Lavie Bio will be implementing the 'MicroFermentor' technology on its own product pipeline and plans to continue with introducing it to its collaboration partners.

Amit Noam, Lavie Bio's CEO, stated: "We are very pleased with the advancement in the development of our 'MicroFermentor' technology, and appreciate the support of the IIA. Lavie Bio is a world leader in applying advanced computational technology for the discovery and optimization of novel ag-biological products through our BDD platform, powered by Evogene's MicroBoost AI tech-engine. The 'MicroFermentor' technology will further enhance our competitive advantage and our ability to introduce ground-breaking products to the agriculture market. Our technology has the potential to revolutionize the entire ag-biologicals industry".

About Lavie Bio Ltd.

Lavie Bio, a subsidiary of Evogene Ltd., aims to improve food quality, sustainability, and agriculture productivity through the introduction of microbiome-based ag-biological products. Lavie Bio utilizes a proprietary computational predictive platform, the BDD platform, powered by Evogene's proprietary MicroBoost AI tech-engine, harnessing the power of big data, artificial intelligence, and advanced informatics, for the discovery, optimization and development of bio-stimulant and bio-pesticide products.

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About Evogene Ltd.

Evogene (Nasdaq: EVGN) (TASE: EVGN) is a computational biology company aiming to revolutionize the development of life-science based products by utilizing cutting edge technologies to increase the probability of success while reducing development time and cost. Evogene established three unique tech-engines - MicroBoost AI, ChemPass AI and GeneRator AI – leveraging Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and incorporating deep multidisciplinary understanding in life sciences. Each tech-engine is focused on the discovery and development of products based on one of the following core components: microbes (MicroBoost AI), small molecules (ChemPass AI), and genetic elements (GeneRator AI).

Evogene uses its tech-engines to develop products through subsidiaries and strategic partnerships. Evogene's subsidiaries currently utilize the tech-engines to develop human microbiome-based therapeutics by Biomica, ag-biologicals by Lavie Bio, ag-chemicals by AgPlenus, medical cannabis products by Canonic and castor varieties, for the biofuel and other industries, by Casterra. 

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Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" relating to future events. These statements may be identified by words such as "may", "could", "expects", "hopes" "intends", "anticipates", "plans", "believes", "scheduled", "estimates", "demonstrates" or words of similar meaning. For example, Evogene and its subsidiaries are using forward-looking statement in this press release when it discusses the potential for significant economic value of the 'MicroFermentor' technology to bring a variety of new bacterial-based ag-biologicals to the market, the expected increase in the number and diversity of ag-biological products entering the market, the 'MicroFermentor' technology potential to revolutionize the ag-biologicals market, and solidifying Lavie Bio's position as a world leader in the ag-biologicals industry. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions, describe opinions about future events, involve certain risks and uncertainties which are difficult to predict and are not guarantees of future performance. Therefore, actual future results, performance or achievements of Evogene and its subsidiaries may differ materially from what is expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, many of which are beyond the control of Evogene and its subsidiaries, including, without limitation, the current war between Israel and Hamas and any worsening of the situation in Israel such as further mobilizations or escalation in the northern border of Israel and those risk factors contained in Evogene's reports filed with the applicable securities authority. In addition, Evogene and its subsidiaries rely, and expect to continue to rely, on third parties to conduct certain activities, such as their field-trials and pre-clinical studies, and if these third parties do not successfully carry out their contractual duties, comply with regulatory requirements or meet expected deadlines, Evogene and its subsidiaries may experience significant delays in the conduct of their activities. Evogene and its subsidiaries disclaim any obligation or commitment to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments or changes in expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions.

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1 Vantage Market Research, Agricultural Biological Market, 2022 – available at:

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SOURCE Lavie Bio


What is the 'MicroFermentor' technology developed by Lavie Bio (EVGN)?

'MicroFermentor' is a patented technology that enables the multiplication of beneficial bacteria directly on plants, reducing application costs, extending shelf life, and prolonging bacterial viability after field application for ag-biologicals.

How much is the global ag-biologicals market expected to grow by 2030?

The global ag-biologicals market is growing at over 13% annually and is expected to reach nearly $33 billion by 2030.

What grant did Lavie Bio (EVGN) receive for the 'MicroFermentor' technology?

Lavie Bio received a grant from the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) to advance the development of its 'MicroFermentor' technology for ag-biologicals delivery.

What are the main benefits of Lavie Bio's (EVGN) 'MicroFermentor' technology?

The main benefits of the 'MicroFermentor' technology include reducing application costs, extending shelf life, and prolonging bacterial viability after field application for ag-biologicals.



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